Hijacked (A Retribution Novel)

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Hijacked (A Retribution Novel) Page 2

by Stark, Cindy

  His dark eyes sizzled with interest, suggesting he could read her mind. Or maybe she hadn’t properly schooled her features like she’d trained herself to do.

  When the connection overheated, she blinked and looked away. He had escapism written all over him, tempting her beyond measure. Just once, she’d like to lose herself in a man with no strings attached. Just sleep with him, release her emotions, and leave. It wasn’t like guys didn’t do that all the time.

  She caught his gaze again and sent him a weak smile, one that said, “Thanks, you’re cute, but no thanks”. Determined to ignore him, she turned to the television above the bar and tried to focus on the game.

  Seconds ticked passed, but the overwhelming sense of him watching her crept over her, leaving a dangerous thrill in its wake. She took another drink. Waited. Then drank again.

  Ah, God. She had to look.

  When she did, he was gone.

  A sense of loss washed over her. She hadn’t intended to talk to, let alone do anything else with the man. It couldn’t matter that he’d left.

  She lifted her tankard and drank deeply. She was obviously in a dangerous mood, and the best place for her was at home. She could meditate, take a bath, and crank up the tunes, all the things that helped her to move from one moment to the next.

  Her heavy glass made a sound as she set it on the bar in front of her. Still half a beer left, but she was finished. She grasped her purse and swiveled on her seat, prepared to stand.


  Her breath whooshed from her lungs as the attractive man she’d thought had left approached her from the opposite side.

  “Ah, God. You startled me.” His sudden appearance and the resulting intense current that raced through her as she gazed into his dark, expressive eyes wrung a breathless laugh from her.

  “Sorry,” he said.

  But he didn’t look sorry. He grinned, his white teeth showing bright against tanned skin, his black shirt only adding to the contrast. A devastating distraction for sure.

  “May I join you? I’d love to buy you another drink.” The slightest accent colored his words. Irish, perhaps.

  “Thanks, but one is my limit.”

  “No?” He gave her a sexy look that stole her will. “How about some company then? I’m tired of all the bullshit these guys have to offer. I could use some real conversation.”

  She bit her bottom lip as she considered what stood before her. He had trouble written all over him. Sexy, potent, tantalizing trouble. God help her. “I shouldn’t stay.”

  “Why not?”

  Every excuse in her brain evaporated. A few awkward seconds scattered between them, and then she laughed, embarrassed over her lack of an answer. “I don’t know.”

  He held out a hand. “My name is Christian.”

  She slid her hand into his, enjoying the friction of his palm against hers. Already, the miserable day faded. “Eliana.”

  He narrowed his gaze as he claimed the seat next to her. “Sounds familiar, love. Have we met?”

  An easy laugh slipped from her lips. “Isn’t that the oldest pickup line in the book?”

  “Probably. But if it works...” His midnight eyes lit with amused interest, setting a fire low in her belly.

  Yes, he was exactly what she needed to make her forget.

  Chapter Two

  Christian drew a lazy gaze over the striking redhead, liking the beautiful vision in front of him. Intelligence with a touch of humor burned in Eliana’s alluring green eyes, and her rosebud pink lips roused an unexpected thirst deep inside him. She’d piled her hair on top of her head, and he was sorely tempted to reach out and tug it free.

  His ass had grown tired of sitting on that barstool for hours, waiting for his estranged brother to appear. Gideon was lucky he had good people to watch over his business while he was out fucking around.

  He and his brother had hardly seen each other during the past several years. Christian’s choice. The sight of Gideon, the sound of his voice, dredged painful memories he preferred not to remember. In addition, Christian had paid dearly for their mistake while Gideon had escaped punishment.

  Christian had nearly chalked up the night as a complete waste until the redhead had walked in. Now, he might need to reevaluate that assessment.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before,” he said, his gaze snagging on the small cross that nestled between her breasts.

  “Don’t think I’ve been in here before,” she replied.

  He liked the way she studied him without reserve or shyness, the way her gaze stumbled across his mouth, and then raised to his eyes, leaving him to wonder what churned inside her mind. “Are you new to town?”

  She shook her head, studying him.

  He laughed. “Are you going to make me keep guessing, or are you going to tell me what brought you down to the waterfront?”

  She’d dropped her gaze to his lips, but he’d caught the hungry look in her eyes that made his heart beat faster. She slowly shook her head. With a blink, she looked him in the eye again. “Where do you live?”

  Was she coming on to him? Need crashed into him with the force of a muscle car hitting a brick wall. “A couple of blocks from here.”

  “Could we go there?”

  “Of course.” He could hardly believe the words spilling from her luscious lips. “We could take my car. I’m parked out back.”

  “Give me your address. I’ll meet you there.”

  He hesitated, wondering if she’d really show. Then again, she’d been the one to come on to him before he’d had a chance to say much. He had nothing to lose.

  He scribbled his address on a cocktail napkin and quickly rattled off verbal directions to Caora Dubh, explaining he’d meet her in the parking lot behind the pub and that he kept an apartment up top.

  She drank the rest of her beer, gave him a smile, before she slid off her stool. “I’ll see you in a minute.”

  Her hips swayed like a siren’s call as she headed for the door.

  “Goddamn,” he whispered. Like when did a beautiful woman ever come on to him like that? Once in a lifetime. Twice if a guy was lucky. He had surreptitiously hoped to gain information on drug lord Angel Hardy’s latest movements from Gideon, but that obviously wasn’t happening tonight.

  Christian and his vigilante friends had feared Hardy’s trail had gone dry, until they’d heard recent whisperings on the street. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the rumors led to Gideon, a fact that didn’t surprise Christian in the least. He wished he could say he came from an upstanding family, but he’d come to terms with the fact a person couldn’t pick his relatives. Didn’t mean he had to stick with them, either.

  He slammed his hand on the bar, gaining the bartender’s attention. “If my loser brother ever shows, tell him I got tired of waiting.”

  “I’ll pass along the info,” Floyd said.

  “Thanks, man.” Christian slapped a fifty on the bar and headed outside, a smile on his face despite the failure of his original mission that night.

  * * *

  Eliana considered her actions as she drove the few blocks and parked her car in the lot behind Caora Dubh. She considered turning and heading for home, but she ached for two strong arms to hold her. Sometimes a person could only fight for so long before she craved companionship and the need to feel alive.

  She would dare those who’d walked in her shoes to throw the first stone.

  Satisfied with her decision, she slid from behind the wheel as Christian pulled into a nearby spot. He unfolded his frame from a gorgeous, classic black Mustang, and something dark and hungry in her soul growled.

  A soft, damp breeze caressed her skin, igniting sinful sensations inside her. Any remaining indecision evaporated. No point in resisting or questioning now. This was going to happen.

  Christian closed the door and leaned against his car. It was as though he needed affirmation that this was what she wanted. Her mouth grew dry at the sight of him, tall,
dark and attractive. The perfect distraction from her wearisome life.

  Heat from his intense gaze burned through her blouse to her skin, and she welcomed the feeling. She took a step toward him, looking forward to what the night would bring. The corners of his mouth turned up in a sexy, come-and-get-me smile.

  Ah, God. She quivered inside.

  She took her time walking toward him, savoring the sweet anticipation, enjoying the look of knowing in his eyes. He raked his gaze over her, the electrical currents running between them so hot she could feel his touch already. She didn’t hesitate as she drew near. Instead, she locked her gaze with his, walked straight up to him until her body melted against his. She took his face in her hands and stood on tiptoe as she claimed his mouth with all the angst and passion brewing inside her.

  A deep, satisfied groan rumbled from his chest as he wrapped her in his embrace and crushed her against him. He turned her, pinning her against his car, and kissed her senseless. He tasted of sweet seduction and smelled like heaven, and she couldn’t get enough.

  When he’d finished ravishing her with his mouth, he took her hand and silently led her up a flight of metal stairs to the second floor of the old brick building.

  She didn’t question anything as he pulled keys from his pocket, unlocked the door and tugged her inside. Stronger scents of his cologne and the clean smell of pine greeted her.

  He had barely closed the door when he reclaimed her body, his mouth covering hers in a possessive kiss. He fumbled with the light switch next to the door, finally illuminating the small apartment decorated with dark woods and forest green. She noted he liked his place in order, before his kisses stole her attention again.

  “My God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered against her throat as he pushed her jacket from her shoulders. She let it fall to the floor behind her.

  “Shh…” she said, placing her fingertips on his lips as her heart thundered in her chest. “I don’t want to talk. I just need to feel.”

  “Oh, yeah,” he murmured. He fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, taking much too long.

  “Here. Let me.”

  He stood back as barely-restrained patience sparked in his eyes and watched her as though someone else opened a present meant for him. She bit her bottom lip as she undid the first button and then looked up to check his reaction.

  “You’re killing me,” he said softly.

  The knowledge that she had such a profound effect on him fueled her pulse. She swallowed as she popped open the next button and then one more. White silk gaped, giving him a glimpse of her white lace bra beneath. Her nipples puckered into deliciously painful points, begging for release.

  He lifted his hands, but she caught them, giving him a wicked smile. “Patience.”

  He shook his head, but grinned. “I can’t wait much longer, love.”

  She lifted a challenging brow and finished unbuttoning her blouse. He drew in a sharp breath as she slipped it off. “Do you like what you see?” she whispered.

  “Oh, yeah.” He didn’t make another move toward her, but glanced at her skirt in a suggestive manner.

  A delighted grin tickled her lips, and she found she enjoyed their impromptu game of strip tease. “Shall I take this off next?” She ran her hands over her tight, black skirt.

  He gave her a slow nod as desire burned in his eyes.

  She popped the button on the side and slid down the zipper. With a soft tug, she shimmied out of her skirt, leaving her standing in her bra, panties, and heels.

  She licked her lips and swallowed in an effort to gain control of her thundering heart. “What next?”

  “This.” He reached her in two quick strides and hauled her against him. Greedy hands touched her everywhere, owned her, and she gasped as so many sensations rained down on her. He gripped her hair and tugged her head back until her throat arched. “I’ll make this a night you’ll never forget, love.”

  The look in his eye, the promise he spoke with such confidence tightened her inner muscles until she thought she might orgasm right then. She couldn’t speak.

  Her breath caught in little gasps as she searched for the hem of his shirt. He held her like that, vulnerable to him, his gaze locked with hers until she found her way beneath it.

  Warm, hard flesh met her fingertips, and she closed her eyes, focusing on the feel of his skin beneath hers.

  “Fuck,” he whispered, pulling away from her. “Come with me.”

  Chapter Three

  Christian held Eliana’s hand as he led her down a darkened hall. Then, he let go and began discarding his clothes as they walked. Her heart thudded with excitement. She wanted this.

  Needed this.

  He dropped his shirt to the side and then hopped as he removed a shoe. She stared with a greedy gaze, tracing the lines of his hard body, longing to touch him.

  He took two more steps and then lost the other shoe. As he straightened, he caught her again, threading his fingers through her hair, loosening the strands until they tumbled down her back.

  “God, you’re sexy,” he whispered and kissed her neck.

  She laughed. “No, you’re sexy.”

  “Mmm…” He captured her lips in a heated kiss, giving her the chance to run her fingers up the strong, firm flesh of his chest.

  Yes, she could lose herself in this.

  He broke away. “If you don’t stop, we’ll never make it to the bed.” He unzipped his pants and was out of them by the time they entered the bedroom.

  She wished the room had more light so she could see him, but even in the dim ambiance from the streetlight below, she could follow the contours of his body, and damn if she didn’t like what she saw. Damn if she didn’t want more. A soft sound of need slipped from her lips as he pulled off his boxer briefs.

  Oh, God. She was really doing this. She was crazy to consider it. Idiotic, even. In all the best ways, she decided as he caught her gaze and grinned. “You have a condom, right?” She might be crazy, but she wasn’t stupid.

  “I’ve got it covered.” He urged her forward with a crook of his finger, closer to the bed, and she couldn’t resist.

  She walked into his embrace, his enticing scent surrounding her, working its magic. He took her in his arms and turned her so her back was to him and she faced the bed.

  She shivered as he worked the hooks on her bra and set her free. Needing more contact with him, she tilted her head back to his shoulder as he removed the white lace and then cupped her with both hands.

  “Shit,” she hissed as moisture pooled at her core. This was more heated, more intense than she’d expected. She’d never imagined naughty could feel so good. She’d focused on her career, on finding her brother, totally forgetting she needed to take care of herself, too. She gripped his hands, following his movements as he massaged her.

  A hard bulge pressed against her bottom, and she moved against him, mimicking what she wanted him to do to her.

  “Yeah,” he whispered, need evident in his voice. He slid rough hands down her ribcage, owning her curves, and she closed her eyes, enjoying his touch.

  When he reached the edge of her panties, she inhaled, ready to beg if he stopped.

  He didn’t.

  Yes, echoed through her mind as he dipped his fingers beneath the lace, and he tugged them downward, over her shoes.

  “So fucking beautiful.” He trailed fingers up her calves and thighs as he stood. “I have a fantasy,” he said softly, his voice graveled as he donned a condom.

  “What’s that?” Just asking made her insides clench.

  “Someone like you. Something like this.” He pushed her forward in a take-charge kind of way that bent her over the mattress, leaving her ass in the air.


  The smell of fresh cotton attacked her senses as her cheek met the soft bed coverings. She gripped them, lost in a sea of fantasy. He ran rough hands over her ass and spread her legs higher.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered. She loved a man who wasn’t
afraid to take control of a situation. All day long, she was in control. For once, she was happy to let someone else take over. Especially someone who made her feel like this.

  She cried out as he impaled her, filling her with hot steel that pleased and tormented her soul. “Jesus,” she whispered as she dug her nails into the cotton and held on. The man knew exactly how to push her to the edge. She couldn’t recall ever experiencing anything so powerfully erotic.

  He held her hips as he pumped into her, his thighs slapping her as he exploited the raging hot need burning through her. A few more thrusts and everything suddenly tightened, locking passion into a tight ball that then exploded through her in fiery, pulsing waves.

  She cried out, trying to capture the deliciously sweet moment before it disappeared.

  He slowed his pace, giving her a chance to catch her breath. Smaller spasms encompassed her, and it took her a minute to find her sanity again.

  Sweet Jesus.

  “Good?” He followed his question with a sexy, confident laugh.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. He’d given her the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced. “I want more.” So much more.

  “Ah, yeah.” He pulled from her, then lifted her and followed her down to the mattress. He assumed missionary position and slid once again inside her.

  She instinctively arched her back, claiming more of him as she ran her hands over his biceps and shoulders. He filled every space, and the sensation of him buried in her depths left her nothing more than an extension of him. She didn’t care. At this moment, that’s all she wanted to be.

  By the time he’d finished with her, she’d lost track of the number of times he’d sent her reeling from this world. Her thighs ached from holding him, and he’d wrung every bit of troubled emotion from her.

  She was sleepy, satiated, and filled with content.


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