Hijacked (A Retribution Novel)

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Hijacked (A Retribution Novel) Page 7

by Stark, Cindy

  He nodded thoughtfully. “I’ve always wanted to be that stranger who anonymously helps someone. I think it’s important to look out for each other, you know?”

  His words touched her deeply. She’d obviously underestimated the kind of man she’d thought him to be. Fit, self-centered, incredible lover, the perfect man to know for only one night. She’d been completely off the mark with the self-centered and, unfortunately, the only-good-for-one-night part. “Is that why you’re trying to make amends with your brother?”

  An uncomfortable look crossed his face. “Something like that.”

  She waited for him to expound, but he drank his coffee instead.

  She sighed and glanced around.

  “Ready to go?” His dark eyes seemed darker, and she couldn’t read the expression buried in them.

  “I don’t know. Yes. No.” She exhaled, dreading the familiar agitation building inside her. She wanted to like this man, but she couldn’t. She shouldn’t. Damn. “I can’t sit here—”

  “Let’s go then,” he interrupted, sliding to the edge of the booth.

  “But, I can’t go home. Not yet.”

  He met her gaze. “We could always go back to my place.”

  A thrill zinged through her, starting a battle between her common sense and the darkness that lived inside her.

  “Just kidding.” He smiled, obviously taking her silence for a refusal. “How about a walk? When I’m feeling really edgy, I find moving my body helps.”

  Immediately thoughts of them moving their bodies in unison popped into her mind, and she wished she had agreed to his offer before he’d rescinded it. “You get that way, too?”

  “All the time.” He stood and held out a hand to her. “We’ll drive back to the waterfront and walk there. That way, you can leave any time you’re ready.”

  A few minutes later, Christian parked before helping her from the car. It would have been enough, the way he took her hand like she was someone to be treasured. But the sensation of him running his thumb up and down her forefinger while they walked muddied her brain and ignited her senses. She’d been with men before, but none that seemed to take such pleasure in just touching her.

  “Do you ever walk down here?” she asked, trying to keep the conversation going and distract her from the myriad of delightful sensations assaulting her. “It’s becoming more of a high crime area, you know?”

  He squeezed her hand. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Her topic of conversation backfired in a big way. The idea that someone might care enough to protect her was a hollow-point bullet through her armor. She wanted to beg him to stop being so thoughtful and tender, but her need was strong, leaving her powerless. She mentally cursed for allowing herself to become so vulnerable to others. But the rational side of her spoke up, defending her feelings. It wasn’t her fault she hadn’t been raised with a solid foundation of love. It wasn’t her fault God made her crave the touch of others only to be refused such luxury. How in the hell was she supposed to push away something she obviously needed as much as air?

  It killed her that she felt that way, but what could she do? Pretend she didn’t need it? She’d done that for years, and look how well that had turned out for her.

  She released his hand and wrapped her fingers around his bicep, using the excuse of a potentially unsafe situation to allow her to get closer to him.

  His short shirtsleeves gave her direct contact with his skin, and she couldn’t resist the subtle search and discovery this opportunity provided her. The hairs on his muscled forearms led to smooth skin covering hardened biceps. She tried to keep her movements slow and unnoticeable, but she desperately needed to feel him.

  Damn it. What she really needed was to keep her wits about her and stop thinking about how his bare skin had felt against hers and the way it seemed as though he’d stolen her soul when he’d slid inside her before.

  Stop. She just needed to stop.

  “Unfortunately, I’ve spent more time along the waterfront than I ever expected,” she said. “However, it does give a person a better perspective on life.”

  Christian placed his hand over hers, trapping her against his skin. “I can only imagine. It might even show you what’s truly important.”

  It certainly had for her. “Did you hear about the guy knifed here a few weeks ago?” The thought of Howard was a cold blast to her lust, and she grasped it like a lifeline. A reminder of her intentions.

  “I did.” He squeezed her hand. “A homeless man. I think they’re having trouble locating eyewitnesses.”

  With the exception of her. She bit her tongue, using the pain to chase away her grief. “I’m sure someone somewhere loved him even though he lived on the streets.”

  “Like your brother,” he said, coming to a halt. He turned to her and placed both hands on her lower forearms. “I’m sure when something like that happens, you can’t help but think of him.”

  His kindness triggered her tears, and she blinked furiously to keep them from showing. Her actions were futile.

  He traced a gentle thumb beneath her eyelids, erasing evidence of the breach of her emotions. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you. There are many days when I wish my brother would disappear, but that’s easy for me to say when he’s always around. I might feel differently if he wasn’t.”

  She nodded, unable to speak without losing control of her emotions.

  “Ah, damn. I’m making this worse.” He cupped her face. “I shouldn’t touch you like this or hold you, but I can’t help myself.”

  “Why not?” She shouldn’t have asked.

  “Because it makes me want you, love.” A nearby streetlight illuminated the hunger burning in his eyes. It was the same that seared her inside.

  “You want me?” she asked softly. She knew where her question would lead, but she couldn’t help herself.

  The side of his thumb trailing across her bottom lip nearly undid her. “I want a kiss…your kiss.”

  She couldn’t take her gaze from his intense eyes, as she lifted her hand and gripped the bottom of his t-shirt. “I wouldn’t mind it if you did.”

  He closed his eyes for a prolonged second as though battling some kind of war, and then he lowered his head to hers. His lips met hers in a soft kiss. Though she wanted to claim a deeper kiss, she allowed him to set the pace.

  He moved his lips slowly across her mouth leaving a trail of molten lava in his wake. He kissed next to her mouth and then down her throat, stroking her face with his fingers, barraging her with tender, powerful sensations that did far more than excite her emotionally.

  She arched her neck and sucked in the cool evening air, staring at the alluring sky above them, wishing she could lose herself forever in his touch.

  He ended his sensual battle back at her lips and then pulled away. With strong arms, he tucked her against his chest. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” she whispered breathlessly. She could never be sorry for the beautiful way he’d loved her.

  He held her hand as they strolled along the sidewalk, an orange glow from the streetlights making it seem as though they walked in an alternate universe. Only a few days ago, Howard would have been here, and she could have introduced them to each other. The thought that she’d never be able to left her profoundly saddened.

  Perhaps it was for the best. Neither Christian nor Howard would be a part of her future. No sense pretending otherwise.

  When all was said and done and she’d gained her vengeance, she hoped there would be something left of her to salvage.

  Then again…maybe not.

  Christian left her at her car, waiting for her to climb inside and start the engine. He didn’t ask for her number or ask to see her again.

  Both of them seemed to be stuck in some kind of emotional limbo. But he had left her with a sizzling kiss on her lips that still burned as she pulled away.

  She’d driven two blocks and fought with
herself the entire time before she turned around and headed for Caora Dubh. She didn’t want to rationalize her actions. She didn’t want to think at all.

  Christian’s sexy Mustang already sat vacant in the lot when she pulled up next to it. Blocking out any sort of common sense, she climbed out of her car and ascended the metal stairs. At the top, she lifted her hand and knocked, refusing to entertain any ideas that this wasn’t the right thing to do.

  She’d allowed Christian to make love to her once, and she needed to feed that beast again. God forgive her.

  She knocked softly and waited.

  It took him a moment before he opened the door. Her heart thudded in her chest as panicked fear ripped through her. What if he denied what she so desperately needed?

  He stared down at her with his cell phone to his ear. His eyes were dark and stormy, his expression unreadable.

  “Give me a call back,” he said into the phone and hung up.

  Then he held out a hand to her without speaking. She grasped it, letting him fold his larger one around hers, and he tugged her inside. He kicked the door shut behind them as he pulled her into his arms.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked with a husky voice.

  She bit her lip, cursing the powerful need that waged a war inside her. “I don’t know. I just…didn’t want to be alone.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Eliana,” Christian whispered as he lowered his mouth to hers.

  Hunger colored his kiss this time, his hands and his lips greedy. Eliana tried to keep up, but in the end, she let him devour her.

  He stripped her of her clothes within seconds and quickly lost his as well.

  “Fuck,” he hissed as he pushed her against the door, scooping her breasts from beneath and capturing a nipple in his demanding mouth. He sucked hard, leaving her toes tingling and forcing a gasp from her lips.

  She buried her fingers in his soft hair and held on.

  Sweet Jesus. This was exactly what she needed. This addicting, blinding lust that stole her away from her life.

  Fierce need balled inside. She panted in an effort to gain air.

  He slipped one hand between her legs while he continued to suck, and she fought to keep control of her overwhelmed senses. The sensation of his hot mouth on her breast battled for attention over the incredibly sweet feel of his fingers stroking her wetness.

  “Shit,” she whispered. Too much, too strong, too fast. A low tremble started deep inside her, and she scrambled to slow it. For whatever reason, she didn’t want him to have this much power over her body or her mind.

  She needed to keep a small part of her sectioned away for protection.

  He blew through that desire like a raging thunderstorm, and she cried out as her body throbbed against his fingers.

  “Yes,” he hissed. “I love how easily I can make you come.”

  She trembled around him, trying to regain some sense of herself, but his touch left her no purchase on a slippery slope. She put her hand over his in an attempt to slow him, but he took her fingers and slipped them into her wetness.

  “No,” she said softly, trying to give some meaning to her word, but it sounded like a plea for more.

  “Feel yourself. I love how much you want me.”

  Another low rumble started deep inside her, and she shook her head, trying to stave off the orgasm.

  “Let it come, love.” His command was her undoing. She pulled her hand free and gripped his shoulders as his touch ripped a cry from her throat. Her legs threatened to fail her, but he held her tightly against him, a deep moan of pleasure vibrating in his chest.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He hitched her legs around his waist as he pressed her against the door. With a quick thrust, he buried himself inside her. The feel of him owning her space was enough to make her want to cry out again. “Christian,” she whispered, knowing where he’d take her.

  “Say it again, love. Say my name.” He thrust into her over and over again.

  Each time he pumped into her, he tattooed his touch onto her soul. “Christian,” she said between gasps. “Christian.”

  God, she was lost to him. At that moment, he owned her completely.

  With a shudder, she collapsed around him again. He drove into her a couple more times, and then he buried his head in the hair near her shoulder as he trembled and emptied himself inside her.

  They stood that way, her pressed against the door, him holding her weight for a few more moments. The frenzy of their lovemaking disappeared and slowly the sounds of heavy breaths replaced it.


  He left her name hanging in the air between them.

  “What?” she finally asked.

  “You’re too damn good for me.” He lowered her to the ground. Her legs wobbled as she tried to steady herself.

  “No.” She caught his chin in her hand and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

  He placed his hand over hers and folded his fingers around her. “You’re not leaving me tonight.”

  He didn’t ask. Only commanded.

  She wouldn’t argue. She couldn’t leave him at this moment if she’d wanted to.

  He took her hand and led her into the bedroom, leaving their clothes by the door to his apartment.

  In the darkness of his room, he pulled back the covers and tugged her onto the bed with him as though he was afraid to let her go. Once she’d settled beside his strong, warm body, he pulled the sheets and comforter up over them and snuggled her in his embrace.

  She sighed as the feeling of coming home washed over her. It was a dangerous emotion to experience, but for now, before the light of day shed truth on her situation, she wanted to have a man hold her, to love her even if it was only for a while.

  * * *

  Eliana woke with a start, gasping for air as a heavy weight held her down. She pushed and fought to be free. Panicked seconds passed before she realized she was still in Christian’s bed, buried halfway beneath his large, slumbering body. He mumbled as she slid from beneath him and sat. Cool air caressed her skin, giving her a sense of space and freedom. Her breaths came easier.

  “Shit,” she whispered in the predawn light. She hadn’t meant to actually sleep with the man. If she wasn’t careful, this situation could bite her damn hard. She’d done well to ignore the need to have someone love her and focus solely on how good it felt to physically be with someone.

  She leaned close to his ear. “I need to go. I have an early morning meeting.”

  “Uh-huh,” he muttered and then rolled over, pulling her pillow with him.

  A frown settled over her. Just a groan? No goodbye? She was tempted to punch him in the arm. Then again, what could she expect? They’d had no conversations about love, loyalty, or any kind of commitment. If she treated him like a good-time fuck, then she couldn’t complain when that was what she got.

  She diligently worked to push all thoughts and questions regarding Christian out of her mind as she gathered her underwear and shoes, promising no more shallow hookups. The aftereffects weren’t worth the quick tumble.

  Except they were. Dammit.

  But she wouldn’t do it again. She deserved better.

  Except how would she find better. Except—

  Ah, God.

  With frustrated and conflicting emotions leaving her confused, she dressed and slipped out into the cool morning darkness, keeping the Duke close at hand. One could never be certain who she might encounter downtown before the sun chased the hoodlums back into hiding.

  * * *

  Christian woke feeling more rested than he had in a damn, long time. He inhaled a deep breath and stretched before he rolled to reach for Eliana.

  “Goddammit.” His complaint echoed off his lonely bedroom walls. She’d left him again.

  Why couldn’t the woman stick around for breakfast? Did she think he appreciated waking up to a cold, empty bed without a thank you very much, I’ll talk to you soon? No one liked to be used.

  Then again, this was his f
ault. The fact that she worked for his brother highlighted her character. She was too smart to not understand what kind of organization now employed her. The fact was she couldn’t be trusted.

  If he viewed her as anything other than a piece of ass, he was a fool.

  He lifted his phone from the bedside table, glanced at the screen, and then cursed again as a sick feeling washed over him.

  Six missed calls. All from Hunter during various times throughout the night. “Fuck.” He’d been so tangled up in Eliana’s sweetness, he’d completely forgotten about the drug bust his buddies had arranged. And he’d placed his phone on silent before he’d gone into the bar so nothing would disturb him.

  Another string of curse words filtered through his mind as he dialed Hunter’s number. He prayed nothing had gone wrong the previous night.

  “What the fuck, man?” Hunter said when he answered. “You leave me a cryptic message and then don’t answer for hours?”

  “Sorry, dude. Something came up. I found myself in a situation that kept me tied up for a while.” He shook his head, reprimanding himself. He needed to steer clear of Eliana before he completely fucked up everything.

  “All night?”

  “Pretty much…” He shook his head to clear thoughts of Eliana straddling him, riding him all the way to the stars. Damn. “But, I may have discovered a way to break the case. I stopped by my brother’s bar last night, and I got more than I bargained for. He might be cracking under pressure.”

  “Tell me.” The irritation in Hunter’s voice settled into curiosity.

  Christian focused on the stream of sun coming in through the slats in his bedroom blinds. “When we went into the backroom, a group of his distributors were gearing up to hit the streets. Normally, he hides that shit from me, but he was pretty open with what was going on. He even admitted he’s not making the sales Hardy expects.”

  “Just like you thought.”

  “Well, we knew he was involved.” His family had always maintained ties with criminals. Hell, growing up, he’d just as likely find lines of cocaine on the kitchen table as leftover pizza. “But he’s confirmed a direct connection with Angel Hardy.”


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