The Virgin Pact

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The Virgin Pact Page 4

by Chloe Maddox

  He rubbed her over the top of her panties, and Alexa found herself struggling to keep her body from bucking against his fingers. She sucked in a huge gulp of air and shut her eyes tight.

  “Alexa,” he said softly. She refused to open her eyes.

  “Alexa,” he said more firmly this time. One eye flew open, and she looked up into a pair of concerned grey eyes. Once her gaze met his, he hastened to hide the concern. “I just wanted to see if you were capable of feeling turned on. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  Alexa shook her head. “You didn’t. This is just a new feeling to me.”

  A naughty grin spread out across Dean’s face. “That is very interesting for me to know. Thank you for that. I look forward to having you experience a lot of new things at my hand.”

  Doubt and confusion raced through Alexa’s mind. She had already asked him the same question multiple times, and he always gave the same answer. Although she was inclined to believe him since he seemed sincere enough.

  Alexa pursed her lips as she looked down and noticed that one of his hands still cupped her core, radiating heat through her panties. She tried to ignore the way his long, elegant fingers felt even as a flash of heat spread through her belly.

  Dean held very still, letting her get used to the idea of his hand there before he moved it back up and firmly enclosed it around one of her breasts. Alexa’s breathing grew shallow as he began rubbing her over her dress. Her eyes flew back up to meet his, and the flash of naked desire that lay in his twin pools of grey had her tightening her legs.

  “You respond based on instinct, Alexa. That’s quite amazing. It’s very rare to find someone who has instincts that are very much spot on. Especially with no experience to back that up.” His words came out sounding gruff, and Alexa recognized the underlying current of desire that lay beneath his casual words. It would probably be reflected in her own words if she allowed herself to speak more than three syllables.

  “Alexa, you may touch me too, if you want.”

  Blue eyes gazed into grey ones, assessing them before she hesitantly lifted her hands up and lay them atop his shoulders. She let one hand lay there while the other traveled over the expanse of his firm chest before moving to his solid arms.

  “You have very strong arms,” she said before she could stop herself.

  Dean choked back a laugh. “Thank you, although that’s not usually what women compliment me on.”

  Alexa gazed into his eyes. “What do they compliment you on?”

  “Usually it’s a bit father down south if you will.”

  She pushed his blazer slightly back until it fell on the ground, revealing long, smooth-looking arms, hidden behind a plain white shirt that accentuated his muscles.

  “Like what you see?”

  Alexa blushed as she looked away and fixed her gaze on a point on the wall, telling herself not to get carried away. Dean titled her chin up using this thumb and index finger until they were at eye level once more.

  “Most women who fake-blush really can’t pull it off. Yours, however, is not only genuine, but also sexy as hell. Don’t be afraid to explore just as I have explored you.”

  A million emotions ran across her face before she let herself touch him again, only this time, she splayed her hands across his chest, allowing herself to feel how taut he was. She was very surprised. She didn’t know much about how guys were supposed to feel, considering she’d only kissed a few guys here and there, and it had never gone beyond that.

  She never wanted to run her fingers over their bodies because she remembered what happened the last time that happened. The memory haunted her. It was the reason she wound up on the streets, and why she had to take the job Madame Teresa offered her. She vowed to herself that she’d never allow herself to get caught up ever again.

  Yet here she was, unable to refrain from touching him. It was as if some unseen force was drawing her to him, making her want to feel every curve, and run her hands over every inch of skin she could.

  “You don’t know much about the male body, do you?”

  “Not that much, no,” she admitted.

  “I shall have to make sure your education is quite extensive then,” he teased as he let his hands run over her back before resting on her rump and squeezing it. He took a step forward, causing Alexa to automatically take a step back. He kept doing that until Alexa’s back bumped into the front of Madame Teresa’s desk.

  Dean’s hands traveled down over her long legs before he kicked them open, and placed himself squarely in between them. Alexa’s legs automatically wrapped around his waist, and he reached behind and squeezed them before he smiled once more.

  His hands traveled down her back and lifted her up, so she was sitting on the edge of Madame Teresa’s desk. He then let his hands hoist her dress up once more. His eyes began to admire her legs as he let his fingers trace them, slowly causing ripples of pleasure to shudder throughout her body.

  Alexa allowed her gaze to slide to his, and somehow even though she barely knew him, even though Madame Teresa warned her of this exact same thing happening over and over again, she trusted that he wouldn’t compromise her. She knew this was a precarious position for her, even if nothing actually happened, because if someone walked in on them, the rumors alone would be enough to hurt her reputation. Enough to diminish her value, and she didn't want that to happen, but somehow the look of naked want written all over Dean’s face made her not care. Not even the slightest bit.

  Alexa laid her finger atop his chest and allowed herself to trace him over his shirt.

  Dean responded to her touch in a way that made Alexa feel surprised. She never imagined that a man would respond to her touch in that way. It was both intoxicating and empowering. Now, she understood why a lot of women liked to lead.

  Dean cleared his throat and lowered his head, so that their lips were centimeters apart. Alexa’s eyes were as wide as saucers as she froze like a child caught with their hands in a cookie jar. She didn’t know what to do. It had been so long since she’d decided to kiss anyone, and she wasn’t even sure she knew how to anymore. She wanted to try though.

  He remained where he was, unmoving, and Alexa realized that he was waiting for her to make up her mind. He really was serious about the consent thing. Alexa moved her face closer, figuring that would be all the permission he needed. Dean moaned as he pressed his lips to hers firmly.

  It felt odd at first, having another man’s lips pressed against hers so firmly, but soon she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the kiss. She began to tilt her head, making it easier for the both of them, and she even inhaled and found that she liked his scent. It was this heady mix of mint and pinewood.

  Dean used one hand to pin both of her hands together and raise them above her head. Alexa tried to move her hands, but he had them in a vice-like grip. He was manhandling her, just like she was warned he would, but Alexa was kind of enjoying it. Not that she’d admit it to anyone.

  “Don’t move,” he growled against her lips as he released her hands, and began a thorough exploration of her neck with his mouth. His mouth tasted and lapped every inch of available skin until Alexa’s entire body was tingling and humming with suppressed energy.

  She tried to move her hands down to tangle them in his hair, but he gave her a stern look and shook his head. His mouth parted slightly against her neck, and he began to nip it. Alexa winced slightly as a flash of pain went through her, but then a bolt of pleasure shot through at the same time, causing Alexa to hiss.

  “See? You feel the pain and pleasure intermingle to form something far more potent,” Dean whispered, gutturally.

  He trailed off as his lips swooped down and captured her bottom lip between his teeth. He tugged on her lower lip and began to nibble on it until it felt tender, then he released it.

  Alexa’s entire mouth tingled with pleasure, and she began to wonder if he was incredibly good with his lips, or if he was just good
at everything.

  Dean raised an eyebrow as if he’d heard her thoughts. He lowered his mouth and captured her lips once more, but this time, he bit down on her bottom lip hard, and when her mouth opened to release a gasp, he didn’t wait before he plunged his tongue in and began to explore every inch of her mouth.

  Alexa couldn’t help herself this time. Her hands came down and rested on his shoulders. Her fingers slightly dug in, and Dean froze for a second before he relaxed. Alexa was expecting a rebuke, but she got none until she saw Dean pin her with a mischievous look.

  “Do you remember the punishment I told you about earlier?”

  Alexa nodded slowly.

  “You will be receiving proper punishment for those later, given our present lodgings. For the time being, this will have to do.”

  Dean leaned over her back, and he brought his hand up and slapped her on the bum. Alexa jumped more in surprise than in pain, and she stared at him wordlessly, wondering why he felt the need to do that.

  “I’m a man of my word, Alexa. You will soon learn that, entirely.”

  Alexa briefly grimaced, but said nothing.

  Dean gave her one last heated look before he gave her a quick peck on the lips and released her. Alexa fell forward in surprise, and Dean steadied her, making sure she had it under control before he stepped back and picked his blazer off the floor.

  He put his blazer back on and ran his hands over the creases of his shirt. In a minute, he was, once again, the handsome business man in a clean, pressed suit, whereas Alexa looked disheveled with her hair out of place and her dress up to her thighs.

  She flushed as she pushed the dress down, and ran her fingers over it to smooth out the wrinkles. She lifted her head up and met Dean’s gaze squarely.

  Madame Teresa walked into the office a few minutes later, and she let her gaze swing back and forth between the two like a pendulum before she smiled. “Everything is okay?”

  “Everything’s great, Madame Teresa. I think you and I can come up with a satisfying fruition to this deal. ”

  Dean shot Alexa a pleasant smile as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Ms. Ramon.”

  He inclined his head, and despite the desire coursing through her body, Alexa forced herself to wait a minute before she bowed her head ever so slightly.

  “I look forward to our three months together.” He said every syllable separately, as if he knew something she didn’t, and Alexa tried to ignore the feeling that washed over her in buckets.

  Chapter 6

  Alexa barely waited to be excused from the office before she let her feet carry her forward as fast as she could, eager to get away from the charming and dangerous Dean Withers, who was already proving to be too much to handle.

  She didn’t know how she’d be able to handle three months with him while maintaining a modicum of control. She barely lasted three minutes in there with him, his deft fingers, and his sensuous mouth. She was definitely going to have to find another way to keep a fragile hold of her self-control, lest the whole thing spiral out of control.

  Alexa rounded the corner and leaned against the wall, counting out her breaths in even measures, making sure she took huge gulps of air to steady her erratic heartbeat. Sweat had already formed on her back, and underneath her arms, making her feel like she’d run a marathon.

  The back of her dress clung to her, and she wasn’t even sure about the state of her hair.

  She blushed as the thought crossed her mind that it must be obvious what they were doing in there, so her hands flew up to her hair, and she patted it down, trying to tame any wayward hairs that might have escaped her notice. Her mouth turned down in concentration as she ran her hands over her dress once more, as if she was somehow trying to make her body forget the feeling of Dean’s hands on it.

  Pinching, pilling, biting, and all sorts of other deliciously sinful things that she shouldn’t be thinking about.

  She felt her cheeks growing hotter, so she attempted to halt that train of thought in its tracks by straightening up and walking down the hallway. She made idle chit chat with anyone she came across in an effort to keep her thoughts from going down that road.

  After what seemed like an eternity walking the dimly lit hallways that led to their dorms, Alexa finally reached their room, and she heaved a sigh of relief as she turned the lock and stepped in. She shut the door behind her, and leaned against it. She briefly touched her lips and smiled at the memory of his kiss.

  “Are you alright?”

  Alexa wheeled around in surprise, her hand coming up to her chest as she took in the sight of Brandy lounging on her bed, staring at Alexa with concern. She was in a pair of sweatpants, and a hoodie, and her brown hair was done up in a messy ponytail.

  “Bran, I didn’t think you’d be back so early.”

  Brandy raised her eyebrows as she gave Alexa a curious look. “Well, yeah. We finished pretty early today, so I figured I’d chill in here for a bit, maybe get some reading done or something.”

  “That’s a good idea, actually, I want to try to finish Wuthering Heights by tonight if I can.”

  Brandy groaned as she rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re still reading that.”

  Alexa began to step out of her shoes. “I can’t believe you don’t even want to try.”

  “I did try.” Brandy corrected. “But I didn’t like it. It’s so sad.”

  Alexa allowed her feet to curl into the carpet for a second before she reached up and undid her hair, letting it fall in cascades over her back.

  “That’s the point. It’s so tragically beautiful, it just breaks every single piece of your heart then puts it back together. It makes you know the real agony, and potency, of love.”

  “Why would I want to know about the real agony of love?”

  Alexa sighed as she plopped onto her bed and began to run her fingers through her hair. “Why wouldn’t you want to know that? Don’t you ever wonder what it’s like?”

  Brandy titled her head and gave Alexa a confused look. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m talking about love. The kind of love people write epic romance novels about, the kind of love they write cheesy love songs about.”

  “Everybody wonders about that when they’re little, but in our profession, we can’t afford to think like that, Lexie. You know that.”

  Alexa sighed as she moved her hair to the side, so that Brandy could help her unzip the dress. “I know, but I still can’t help but wonder, you know. What is it that makes logical people do crazy things? What is it about this euphoric feeling that leaves people weak in the knees?”

  Alexa let the dress fall into a pool at her feet before she kicked it away and stood in her matching bra and panties. She walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of loose sweat pants, and a t-shirt. She slipped them on quietly then tied her hair up in a loose ponytail.

  “Maybe it would be amazing,” Brandy said, after a while.

  Alexa looked at her over her shoulder. “I think it would be. I mean, obviously you won’t know unless you actually try it. Still, from what I’ve seen, it seems like a pretty amazing feeling.”

  Brandy made a noncommittal noise in the back of her throat that could’ve either been dissent or agreement. Alexa couldn’t tell, and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know.

  Alexa fell face-first onto her bed, and buried her face in her pillow, reveling in its smooth softness. The entire bed smelled like it had just been washed that day because the smell of lavender permeated everything. Alexa took a deep breath and inhaled the calming scent, allowing it to enter through her nostrils, and fill her entire being.

  “Bran?” Alexa asked quietly, her voice slightly muffled by the pillow. When a minute went by, and Brandy didn’t answer, Alexa was kind of relieved because she wasn’t sure what she would say even if she did want to talk.

  Alexa cursed quietly in her head before she took a deep breath and decided to just
go ahead and ask. “Have you ever liked a patron?”

  A beat went by before Brandy answered. “You mean physically? Or personality-wise? Or did you mean what they could offer me?”

  Alexa lifted her head up from the pillow and stared in Brandy’s general direction, too embarrassed to meet her gaze head on. “The first two.”

  Brandy thought about it for a moment. “I can’t say that I have.” Her head spun around, and she pinned Alexa with a look before her face broke out into a grin. “You like someone, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know if I do,” Alexa confessed. “But there’s this feeling that I get when I’m around him. I think it’s just attraction though.”

  Brandy sat up in her bed and crossed her legs Indian style. “Well, I honestly don’t know what to tell you, Lexie. It isn’t a bad thing though. I love Madame Teresa, but if we’re in this, we might as well enjoy it too. We’re only human, after all. So my advice to you would be to not overthink it, okay?”

  Alexa was quiet for a moment before she nodded and gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Bran. I’m just nervous.”

  “I know, but it’ll be okay. I think we should turn in now. Tomorrow is going to be a big day.”


  Alexa zoomed around the room like a headless chicken trying to make sure that she packed all her stuff. She didn’t own much to begin with, but she did have a few sentimental things she would love to have with her. There was a framed photograph of her family that was taken a few months before things took a turn, a snow globe that her father had given her, a necklace that belonged to her mother, and a small tennis ball her brothers signed one time as a joke.

  She glanced around the room with a bittersweet sort of feeling knowing that if things worked out according to plan, this would be the last time she’d ever be here. With a heavy feeling in her heart, she zipped up her suitcase and walked towards the door. She threw her arms around Brandy. “I’m going to miss you so much, Bran.”


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