Shattered - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 5)

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Shattered - Anniversary Edition (Broken Trilogy Book 5) Page 6

by J. L. Drake

  “Move, move, move!” Cole shouts at the men as each one carries his teammate across a field three feet deep in snow.

  I see Roth carrying James like he is weightless, taking long strides well ahead of the rest of them.

  “If they fall,” Daniel says, handing me a coffee, “they have to go back to the start and do it all over again.”

  “Really?” I ask in disbelief as he takes a seat next to me on the bench.

  “Yes, they have to know they can’t fail. Most of these men can do it. It’s all mental.”

  We watch as two men fall and don’t get back up. Cole goes over and starts yelling at them. I can’t make out what he’s saying, but it doesn’t sound nice. I cringe, feeling bad for the guys.

  “He’ll ask them what’s wrong,” Daniel says, noticing I’m shifting uneasily. “See?” He points. “See how Cole nods at someone? That’s the medic. He’s letting them know that the men are all right, but to keep an eye on them. He’ll ask the men if they are VW, voluntary withdrawing. If they are, they will be asked to leave right away.” Daniel looks at me. “We are not here to break the men. We are here to make sure we let in America’s best. These are all great soldiers. They’re just not all great Green Berets.”

  I watch Cole reach in his pocket and take out his cell phone. He glances over at us and answers the call. After a few minutes, he motions for another man to take his place. He signals something to his father, who then excuses himself to follow Cole into the main building.

  “Excuse me,” I ask one of the men working a stopwatch a while later. “Could you tell me the time?”

  “Sure, it’s fifteen hundred.”

  “Three p.m.?”

  “Yes.” He smiles.

  Cole and Daniel have been gone for over an hour and a half, and Keith will be here to pick me up shortly. I decide to go over to the main building, where I run into Davie from the dining hall.

  “Hello again,” he says, coming up to me sporting a broken nose.

  “Oh, ouch!”

  “It’s fine. At least I got a breather.” He shrugs.

  “Have you seen Colonel Logan?”

  “I did. He’s in the main office,” he points down the hallway, “second door on your right.”

  “Thanks, and good luck to you.”

  “Thanks, I’m gonna need it.”

  I hear some shouting as I get closer, and I pause outside the door, not sure what I should do. I decide to take a seat next to the door. Ten minutes later, the door opens and out walks a woman holding a bunch of files. She’s turned away from me and doesn’t shut the door all the way as she hurries off in the opposite direction.

  “I don’t like that idea, son,” I hear Daniel say. “I see what you’re saying, but it’s suicide.”

  “I know, but if I can get back in under The American’s hold, if I can get them to think they’ve got me—”


  “Logan, if they find that wire, they’ll kill you on the spot,” Mark hisses.

  “They won’t,” Cole argues. “We need that information. We are so close. If we don’t do this, Savannah will never be free. Her father knows so much. We can get these fuckers!”

  Cole’s words echo in my head, as everything else around me goes quiet. I don’t even realize I am moving until I’m back up in his room gathering my bag, and I hear Keith’s voice.

  I slip out of the room and head down the stairs where Cole is quietly chatting with Keith in the corner. He stops and plasters on a smile when he sees me coming. I’m tired of all this whispering.

  “Hey, baby, sorry about leaving you right before you have to go.”

  “Is everything all right?” My voice sounds off, and I know he hears it too. His eyes narrow as he studies my face.

  “Yes, of course.” He leans in and gives me a kiss. I try to respond, but I am in too much shock with what I just heard to act normal. This is not the time to talk about it with him, though. “Hey, are you all right?”

  “Mmmhmm.” I glance at Keith, who appears stressed. “I’ll see you in a few days, right?”

  “Yes, of course.” He leans down once more and kisses me. I want to ask him to promise me, but I know he’d start asking more questions. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  The trip home is uneventful, and after everything is unpacked, I head for the kitchen where I run into Derek, who is in a foul mood.

  “Savi, could you ask Mike to meet me in the garage? He’s in Cole’s office.”

  “Sure, Derek.” I smile, not wanting to know what is pissing him off right now.

  I knock on the door and see Mike on the phone. “Derek needs you in the garage.”

  “Okay, thanks.” He rushes past me. “Shit, could you give that file on the desk to Keith?”

  “Sure, no problem.”


  I move over to Cole’s desk and pick up the file. As I do, some papers fall out and land on the other side of the desk. I start picking them up when I glance at the computer and see a forwarded email to Cole from Frank with my father’s name as the subject.

  I have never invaded someone’s privacy before, but this e-mail involves me, and I’m tired of not knowing anything.

  I strain to listen for any voices, but all is quiet. I shift and click on the email but stay on my knees, hidden in case anyone comes in. I don’t want to run the risk having anyone catch me, so I press print and wait until the two pages came out. I fold and tuck the papers into my back pocket. I collect the file for Keith and click out of the e-mail back to the inbox.

  Once I finally get a moment alone in my room, I pull out the papers. I take a deep breath and scan the email.

  Logan, how would you like us to deal with this?

  Holy shit!

  My father is reaching out to Frank about knowing I am alive and being protected by the U.S. Army in a safe house somewhere in the States. He’s not angry they’ve had me for so long without telling him. He just wants to see me. Wants to hold his daughter he thought was dead. Tears slip down my face as I read. My father pours his heart out to Frank, begging him to let him see me.

  I read Cole’s reply.

  Frank, I just did. See below.

  My eyes scan his words back to my father. I’m confused. Why is Cole telling him that he doesn’t deserve to see me? There are answers to be had before he will ever let him see me.

  My back hits the wall then my butt sinks to the ground, hard. Things don’t make sense. Why would my father reach out to Frank? How did he find out I was here? Why hasn’t Cole told me about the email? And why would Cole want to risk his life to get answers from The American?

  After a long time on the floor, I finally stand. I know what I need to do.

  Later, I try to act normal with everyone up on the hill, but I can feel Keith watching me. I know he knows something is bothering me. He tried to pry it out of me on the drive home, but I was too blown away by Cole’s idea about letting himself be taken by The American again to let him get it out of me.

  Derek is my target tonight. He has a weak spot for me, and I intend to use it. I wait for the meteor shower to start, then slowly make my way over to where Derek is standing.

  “Pretty neat, huh?” Derek whispers as little bursts of light travel across the sky. “Amazing to think they’re two million years old.”

  Here it goes.

  “Derek, I have a problem.” His gaze drops to mine. “And I think only you can help me.”


  “Can we speak privately?”

  He studies my face, seeing I am indeed struggling with something, then glances over at Keith. “Savi needs to go back to the house.”

  “I can take her,” Keith says, rising out of his chair.

  “It’s cool. I’ll take her. I need to use the bathroom anyway.” Keith’s eyes narrow on me again, so I muster up a smile and shrug.

  Derek leads the way down the path as I follow, sorting what I want to ask in my mind. I stop him at
the stairs, not wanting to go inside. I don’t trust anyone overhearing, and knowing the guys can lip-read off the cameras, I am even more cautious.

  Derek leans against the railing and tucks his gloved hands into his coat pockets. “What’s going on, Savannah?”

  I rub my mitts together more out of nerves than the cold. “I know you and Cole have a stressful past, but I also know that when it comes down to it, you would be there to help him out, right?”

  He shrugs. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “What if I told you I know something bad is going to happen to Cole, and only I could stop it? Would you help me?”

  He rubs his chin, sensing he’s not going to like what I have to say. “I’m listening.”

  “I came across something that wasn’t intended for my eyes, but…whatever, I read it.”

  “Ah, shit,” he sighs, “what was it?”

  “An email from my father to Frank. He wants to see me.” Derek stops moving. “Cole emailed him back, saying that the only way he’d let my father see me again is if he got some answers.” I pause and glance up at him. “Derek, I can get these answers. I think my father is being blackmailed by the people who kidnapped me. I need to see him and help him. We haven’t always had the greatest relationship, but he’s still my father. I need you to fly me to New York and get me to him.”

  Derek’s face is unreadable. His gaze drops to the ground then he leans back, rests against the railing, and lets out a long breath.

  I hold my breath and wait, but he takes too long, so I decide to try my other concern, one thing Agent York and I did agree on.

  “I’m scared that if we don’t fix this soon, they might come after the house. Cole is planning on getting himself taken by The American again.” I step closer to Derek. “You of all people saw what happened to me while he was gone. I can’t let that happen again, so you either help me, or I’ll figure it out my way.”

  He shakes his head. “Why haven’t you gone to Cole about this?”

  “Seriously?” I roll my eyes. “Have you met Cole?”

  A tiny smirk graces his face. “Point taken. I’m sure if he could wrap you in bubble wrap, he would.”

  “I’m thinking more a foam-padded room.”

  Derek starts to pace in front of me. I can picture the wheels turning in his head.

  “You know he will have me fired for helping you.”

  “I won’t let that happen. You have my word.” I try to hide my smile. “Are you saying you’ll help me?”

  “You haven’t left me a choice, have you? I say yes and get you there and back safely, or I say no and you leave and get yourself in a shit load of trouble. Either way, I’m fucked.”

  I sag with relief. “Thank you, truly, Derek.”

  “Fuck,” he hisses under his breath, “why couldn’t you have asked Keith?”

  “He would have said no and tied me to the chair until Cole comes home.”

  “Smart man.” He starts walking down the porch stairs. “Come on, we should get back. I’ll make some calls tonight. Be ready to leave for ‘town’ tomorrow morning. Leave your bag packed inside your bedroom. I’ll grab it on my way downstairs, and we’ll head out from there.”

  “All right.” I nod. “Thank you again, Derek. I knew I could count on you,” I say, feeling my stomach twist into a painful knot. I don’t want to lie to Cole, and I certainly don’t want to leave him, but I will not stand by while he gives himself over to The American. This ends now.

  I fold the letter and place it on Cole’s pillow, knowing I’ll get a few days’ head start before he sees it. Hopefully, Keith will not want to tag along today. Poor Keith. I know he’ll be upset, but I hope in time he’ll understand too.

  I fling my purse over my arm and head downstairs.

  “Good morning,” Abigail says, handing me a cup of coffee. “I never got to ask you, how was your visit with Cole at Camp Green Water?”

  I slide onto the stool, wondering where Derek is. “It was really nice to see him. After seeing what he does there, you can bet I’ll never cut it as a Green Beret.”

  “Ha! Me either, dear.” She laughs, cracking two eggs into the frying pan.

  She starts talking as I hear a hissing sound off to my left and see Derek, waving for me to follow.

  He mouths, “Time to go.”

  I feel uneasy as I get to my feet. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified about leaving the grounds…leaving this town without Cole. Wrapping my arms around Abigail from behind, I give her a big hug.

  “I love you, Abigail.”

  “Oh, sweetie,” she coos, covering my hands with hers, “I love you too.”

  I don’t let go and hold on an extra minute. “Please know I wouldn’t be who and where I am today if it wasn’t for you.”

  She turns to look at me, but I back away, ducking my head. “I’ll be back later.”

  I think she thinks I don’t want her to see I’m emotional, because she lets me leave without another word.

  I’m almost to the door before Keith calls out my name. Damn, almost made it! I suck in a sharp breath and turn to look at him as he trots up to me.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me to pick up Cole later on in the week. He’d love it.”

  I feel my friggin’ eyes betray me as they go glossy. “Yeah, sure…that sounds, um, like a good plan.”

  “Hey.” He comes closer, tilting his head to the side. I feel his eyes penetrating my defenses. This guy is good. “Everything all right?”

  “Oh, yeah.” I hate to use this, and I’m sure as shit going to go to hell for saying it. “Just having a down day.” I shrug, alluding to my miscarriage, but to be truthful, there hasn’t been a day I don’t think about our little something who could have been. Ahh…not now, Savannah!

  Keith’s face drops as he studies my face carefully. “Cole warned me, but I truly didn’t see it until now.”

  “What? What are you talking about?” I’m thrown by his comment.

  His lips press together as he once again studies my face long and hard. I can almost feel his eyes burning into my brain, probing the part that’s holding my lie at bay.

  “Anything you want to tell me, Savannah?” His voice is low.

  I swallow hard, feeling my forehead break out in a line of sweat. “No.”

  Yeah, that was convincing…

  Feeling terribly guilty, I slowly walk away from him, but I stop and turn to look back, chewing on the inside of my lip while my brain struggles to find the right words.



  “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  I shrug, attempting to play it cool. “Just—for everything.”

  He takes a step toward me as I take one back. “Savannah—”

  “Savi, you ready?” Derek asks, coming into the entryway. “I need to be at Christine’s in an hour, so I gotta go.” He nods at Keith. “Hey, man, we’re heading to town. You need anything?”

  “No,” he shakes his head, his eyes still on me, “I’m good.”

  “Talk to you later, Keith,” I mumble.

  “I hope so,” I hear him say as I close the door.

  Chapter Five

  The drive to town is painful. My hands are twisted on my lap as we come to the town’s outer limits. My legs are jittery, my heart’s trying to escape the growing anxiety, and all the while I’m blinking away tears for Cole.

  “We’ll park and transfer into Agent Stall’s car. He’ll drive us to the airport,” Derek announces while we wait at a stoplight. He glances at me. “Now is the time if you’re having second thoughts, Savannah.”

  “No,” I squeeze out and watch as the stoplight turns to green. Little snowflakes dust the windshield, making me shiver. I hope I’m doing the right thing. I’m past changing my mind now, as I know I must prevent Cole from putting himself in danger in order to help me again.

  Agent Stall is not overly friendly. He barely says two words the whole th
ree-hour drive to the airport. I am handed an ID with the name Nicole Johnson and a printout of my airline ticket. We quickly board, taking our seats toward the front of the plane. It isn’t first class, but executive…not bad. I notice Derek needs the extra leg space. He stretches out, then pushes the call button and asks the flight attendant for an orange juice. He seems relaxed.

  I, on the other hand, am having an internal anxiety attack. So many things are blowing through my brain. I’m terrified of the answers I’m headed toward.

  Once we are up in the air and the seatbelt sign is turned off, I hop up, nearly plowing over Derek to get to the bathroom. Inside the tiny room, I lean over the sink and splash cold water over my face. “I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.” I close the lid to the toilet, take a seat, and run my hands through my hair. “Calm down, Savi.” I try to remember Dr. Roberts and his relaxing techniques…in through the nose, out through the mouth, count to thirty, breathe slowly again…then rubbing my sweaty hands over my jeans, I take a moment to think.

  A loud knock makes me jump to my feet. Opening the door, I’m faced with an annoyed woman who eyes me with obvious hostility.

  “Only two bathrooms for sixty passengers,” she mumbles as she shoves her son in ahead of her.

  “Sorry,” I whisper, although I’m not. I’m sure she’d prefer me to freak out in the bathroom than in front of everyone, including her child. Rude woman.

  “You okay?” Derek asks once I return to my seat and fumble with the belt.

  “Sure.” I lean my head back and close my eyes.

  Luckily, the layover in Salt Lake City is only thirty minutes, just enough time to find our gate and grab a coffee.

  Four hours into the flight, I feel the plane start its descent. I clench the armrests until my fingers turn white. Derek takes pity on me and attempts to distract me.

  “Okay, so, once we land, a friend of mine will meet us at baggage. From there, we’ll go right to your father’s office. I have eyes on him currently, so if he leaves, we will find where he is and change route.”

  “We’re going there today?” The words fall off my tongue.


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