Diamonds and Dragons: A High School NA Reverse Harem Dark Fantasy Bully Romance (Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy Book 1)

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Diamonds and Dragons: A High School NA Reverse Harem Dark Fantasy Bully Romance (Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy Book 1) Page 1

by Rachel Angel

  Diamonds and Dragons

  Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy #1

  Rachel Angel

  Diamonds and Dragons

  Published by Romance On The Go: an Imprint of Sparklesoup Inc.

  Copyright © 2019 Rachel Angel and Kailin Gow

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  All characters and storyline is an invention from Rachel Angel (aka Kailin Gow). Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidence.

  For information, please contact:

  1st Edition.


  This is dedicated to my daughter who loves dragons and is the cool girl who embodies the future as a female-friendlier world.


  This is for the Amazing Angels in Rachel Angel’s Royal Readers Group who are great with their enthusiasm, passion, and support for me, my books, and projects. Thank You!


  This book is the NA (New Adult) Version

  There is a Teen/YA Version suited for TV-14 Audiences as well

  Cruel Princes of Wyvern All-Boys Academy #1 is a Reverse Harem New Adult Bully Romance Academy Series.

  What does it mean to be Reverse Harem? It means there will be three or more love interests for the Female Main Character, she will end up with three or more. Although this takes place at a high school Academy, the characters are 17+ and there are consensual sex, some language, and mature situations.

  We are The Four Princes from The Four Kingdoms of Wyvern.

  Razor is the Red Prince from the Kingdom of RoseCliff.

  Jasper is the Green Prince from the Emerald Realms.

  Tar is the Black Prince from the Dark Forests.

  And Flint is the Silver Prince from the Metal Lands.

  We are princes one day who will rule our kingdoms in Wyvern. Right now, we are the Kings of Wyven School for Boys, a school known for the toughest training of rulers and heads of states to be in order to prepare them for the cruel, cruel world we know of, in the kingdoms of Wyvern.

  On a typical day at Wyvern School for Boys, one student or another gets beaten badly, pranked on so viciously, that they end up seriously injured or close to death. It is the way of Wyvern. It is how kingdoms determine the next heir and successors to thrones.

  It is a vicious game. One of survival. One of rules.

  So when they let in Allotrope Free from some nowhere kingdom, we felt affronted. Assaulted with disrespect.

  First of all, Allotrope is not a boy, but this girl, who is much too pretty and gorgeous to be in a school full of boys.

  Second, she is the last thing anyone would think could be a ruler or head of state. She is an orphan.

  Wyvern School for Boys is letting her in as a statement from one of our mothers, who is the ruling Queen of one of our kingdoms. Girls can grow up to become rulers too.

  Kingdoms are at sake. Real wars are being fought. The last thing we need is a girl like Allotrope to make everything we stand for, a whole big joke.

  So, when it comes time to eliminate a student at Wyvern School for Boys, Allotrope should be the first to go, and we Four Princes, will make sure she goes.


  Call me Allotrope...Ally for short. When I received a royal decree from Queen Jade of the Emerald Realms to attend school at Wyvern School for Boys, I thought it was a prank pulled by my friend William who apprentices with me at the Blacksmith. There was no way I could attend such an elite school just for kings-to-be.

  But it was a Royal Decree, and if I don't obey the Decree, there was a threat of death to me and to all I hold dear, which probably means William and his parents, Bilbo and Kate, the blacksmith and his wife, the alchemist, whom had let me stayed with them since I became an orphan.

  To keep them safe. To keep me from losing my head, I packed up what little belongings I had and enrolled at Wyvern School for Boys.

  Everything at Wyvern School for Boys was meant to intimidate. Being the only girl at a school of incredibly handsome boys, especially the Four Princes, was intimidating.

  Not to mention the cutthroat competition that literally cuts students from the school.

  I'm stuck in a hard place...either get killed by defying the Royal Decree and also get everyone I cared for, killed. Or stick it out at Wyvern School for Boys, despite all the bullying and cutthroat games Wyvern has in store for me.

  Of course, there is no choice...I must survive Wyvern School for Boys, or die trying.

  Did I mention this is a school for Dragons, too? I just have to watch out for the fire.

  ***Diamonds and Dragons is book 1 of the Cruel Princes of Wyvern Series for mature teens and up (17+) and is a paranormal dark fantasy bully romance reverse harem that will contain steamy and scorching scenes, dark fantasy elements, and consensual sex. This is a high school NA series.


  Four pairs of heavy soled boots echoed down the cold stoned hall that led to the grand salon. A sense of urgency sounded with every step; a foreboding sense of doom. At the tall wood door to the grand salon they stopped to look at one another, reluctant and apprehensive, but determined.

  “We have no choice,” one of them muttered as he raised the heavy iron knocker and let it fall to the wood.

  “Enter,” a feminine yet strong voice called out.

  They filed in and lined up before the Queen.

  On a high-backed wrought iron throne with a golden cushion, she sat, her back straight, her lips in a solemn line, and her eyes inquisitive. “What brings you?”

  “It is the border,” one said.

  “There has been a breach,” the other added.

  “It is The Border,” the third muttered.

  She cocked a brow as her lips tightened. Nodding her understanding, she rose.

  “For centuries, we dragons have protected The Border. This land between the human lands and the dragon lands, has been the buffer from the deadly creatures that want to descend and destroy us. We’ve been fortunate; these wicked creatures are the natural enemy of both the dragons and humans. We’ve worked well with humans in controlling these creatures. For centuries The Border has been co-governed by the humans and the dragons.”

  “As you would imagine, this was highly unexpected. We’ve relied on our relations with humans for so long, we’ve never considered re-evaluating the situation.”

  “Clearly, we will need to reinforce the border. The threat to our kingdom, to our very way of life is at stake.”

  “I realize that,” she replied as she gazed off into the distance, her eyes focusing on nothing in particular.

  “Forgive me for saying so, but you don’t seem very surprised by the news we bring.”

  “I suppose not.”

  The four men looked down at their heavy boots.

  “Here is what we will need to do,” Queen Jade of Rose Cliff said calmly. “We will send our elite patrol. The best of the best from Wyvern Academy. But we will have a human on the team too. One who is strong enough to stand up to, fit in with, and challenge the boys. I propose something unprecedented.
” She turned to them, her chin high and her eyes shining with pride. “We will send in a female human; our first to Wyvern.”

  All eyes widened then quickly narrowed as they took in what she’d just said.

  “But…” one of the men muttered.

  “A female?” another one managed.

  “But, we can’t do that,” the third argued. “They are simply not strong enough.”

  “Really?” she said, stepping down to come face him. “Not strong enough?”

  Taking a step back, he said, “A million pardons, your Majesty, but…”

  “I stand here, a mere female, and yet you cower before me. What does that tell you?”

  “You are an exception. Few females could do what you do. Few females would want to.”

  “Nonsense. They are capable of anything they put their minds to.”


  “We cannot afford to allow more than half of the kingdom’s population to remain passive. Our increasing inability to defeat the darkness that continually presses down on us is that we don’t train our females to fight as we do our boys. We don’t allow them to learn the skills that we so readily teach the boys. Think about it; those creatures out there don’t care if they fight a male or female. They are ruthless and bloodthirsty and will kill regardless of the gender of their opponent.” She looked at them, her gaze going from one pair of eyes to the next.

  “It just seems like such a desperate move.”

  “Perhaps, but if we don’t make this desperate move, they will break down our barriers, tear down our walls and storm the border. Then where will we be? No. We need to take action now. I will prove to you all that training the females of Wyvern to be skilled fighters and strong warriors is the best way of strengthening our fighting forces and empower our entire species.”

  “But where, pray tell, will we find a suitable female for this experiment?”

  “Worry not your lovely head,” she said with a chuckle. “Out there is an extraordinary girl from The Borders who was born to carry this torch.”

  The fourth man who had not yet spoken cleared his throat. “Queen Jade, as the leader of the most powerful kingdom in Wyvern, you are a prime example of how extraordinary a strong woman can be, but you’ve set the bar extremely high. It will be hard, if not impossible to find a female who will prove to be so strong.”

  “You underestimate me,” Queen Jade said. She strolled the length of the salon and back, stopping pensively before them. “For weeks now I’ve heard whispers about the crumbling forces at The Border. My people have been walking around in fear and I’ve stayed awake night after night trying to find solutions to the obvious problems. And when I realized we needed to train our females, I knew who would be the first. I knew who had the biggest chance of succeeding.”

  A skeptical frown creased his brow.

  “And she is being summoned as we speak,” she said with finality.

  Chapter 1

  Ally pushed a huff of warm breath against the cold metal shield she’s just finished working on. With a soft rag she rubbed her breath off, leaving a shine.

  It was surely her best work yet. The magnificent shield, light and easy to carry, yet strong and impenetrable, was embellished with a crest featuring three dragons surrounding a jewel encrusted crown. An iridescent rainbow shined across the width of the shield.

  She pushed another huff a breath, but almost chocked on it as the door to the forge was suddenly flung open.

  “Oh, Ally,” her foster mother cried as she clutched her heart. “Thank heavens you’re here.” She rushed to Ally’s side and pulled her into her bosom.

  “Kate, what are you doing here?” Ally said when Kate released her tight hold. She smiled but it quickly faded when she saw her foster father behind her, his face set in an odd expression. “Bilbo? What’s going on?”

  “Ally,” he said solemnly. “You’ve received a royal decree from the dragons beyond The Border; from Wyvern.”

  Ally set the shield down as she let out a nervous chuckle. “The dragons? Why would they be sending a royal decree here?”

  “Oh, Ally,” Kate cried, tears of uncertainty in her eyes. She put her arm around the foster child she’d grown so fond of.

  Ally reached out to take her other hand. Their connection had been so immediate after her biological parents’ death. She’d found a soft shoulder to cry on in Kate and a strong father figure in Bilbo. Theirs was an easy relationship of respect and love. Now it pained her to see them both so upset.

  “It doesn’t make sense,” Ally persisted. “Surely they can’t do this. They can’t send a royal decree all the way out here. It’s not within their kingdom.”

  “But they can.”

  Surprised by the strong, assertive voice, Ally turned to see William standing in the doorway.

  He made his way into the forge. “The peace pact Wyvern formed with our lands, The Borders, allows them to co-govern our land.”

  She tried to ignore how handsome he was and concentrate on his words. Though she’d known him forever, she still sighed whenever she saw him, but she managed to do it in silence.

  “What do they want with Ally?” he asked.

  Bilbo pulled the rolled piece of paper out of his back pocket. With shaky hands he unrolled the decree and cleared his throat. “Ally of The Borders is hereby summoned by Queen Jade of Emerald Realms to attend the Wyvern School for Boys. She will be the first female student to attend the prestigious Academy. It is a great honor and Ally of The Borders should be flattered. A refusal to attend the Academy, however, will be viewed as treason and the penalty will by the beheading of her legal guardians, Kate and Bilbo Blacksmith.”

  Kate let out a muffled cry as Bilbo rolled the decree back up.

  “That can’t be right,” Ally whispered as she looked at the couple she loved so much. Shaking, she melted into Kate’s hold. “Oh, my God. How can they do this to me? They leave me no choice.”

  Chapter 2

  Ally’s heart grew heavier and heavier as her horse brought her into the gated grounds of the Academy. Since learning of her forced attendance to the all boys school, she’d tried to find something encouraging about the situation; the chance for an adventure; the opportunity to better herself; the greatest test of her life. Yet, when she’d opened her eyes that morning, all she saw was imminent failure.

  In the distance, the main entrance came into view. A tall, thin figure stood flanked by four taller and more powerful figures. Each clop of her horse’s hooves was met with the pounding of her heart. Pulling on the reins, she stopped her horse in front of them and easily slid down off her saddle.

  While she didn’t need assistance, she noted how no one made a move to help her down.

  “Greetings, Miss Ally,” the tall older man said in a deep, raspy voice. His leathery skin spoke of years in the harsh sun and the three clearly defined scars across his face were no doubt testimony to dozens of battles won and lost. He held his hand out to her. “I am Headmaster Jerrod.”

  “Nice to meet you, Jerrod.” She shook his hand.

  She now saw that the four figures behind him were incredibly good-looking young men who remained absolutely motionless. Standing tall, their shoulders broad and their tunics tight against the breadth of their chests, they exuded a sexuality she’d never known before.

  One of them finally stepped forward when Jerrod tilted his head towards him. “Allow me to introduce myself,” he said. “I am Razor, the red prince of Rose Cliff Kingdom.”

  Ally nodded and tried to force a smile, but despite the warm copper hair and big amber eyes, his arrogant and cold glare kept her lips tight.

  “I am the crown prince and will one day rule Rose Cliff; the most powerful kingdom in Wyvern.” He turned to the green eyed, teal haired guy beside him. “And this is my cousin, Jasper, the green prince of Emerald Realms.”

  While gorgeous beyond belief, Ally quickly realized how off putting and untouchable he is. He didn’t even bother to step forward to g
reet her, but simply remained where he stood, barely looking at her.

  “I’m Tar,” the third young man called out with a curt wave. “Black prince of the dark forest. Second in line to the throne.”

  Ally had never seen eyes so black and void of any warmth. A shiver ran down her back.

  “Flint,” the last one said simply. “Silver prince. Metal Realms.”

  He was more rugged than the others and the silver tattoos that covered his arms added to that ruggedness. His silver hair and blue eyes made him look icy cool, while his tightly pressed lips did nothing to bring warmth to his face.

  Each young man was cooler, colder, frostier than the last. Great, she thought. What a welcome wagon. Not only did they not want her there, they seemed to be silently challenging her, but to what, she didn’t know.

  Headmaster Jerrod smiled. “You are, indeed, in great company, Miss Ally. Not only are these four princes the top students and leaders of the Academy, they are in their third year with us and we are infinitely proud as they will all, one day, be the kings of Wyvern Kingdoms.”

  Ally tried to look impressed but was too chilled to do so.

  “You find yourself in a very enviable position. No female has ever had the opportunity to study so close to these eligible princes.”


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