The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus

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The Snowmaiden, A Bride for Krampus Page 7

by Jeanette Lynn

  Shit. My pussy reacted as if he was purring at it prettily. I did not claim responsibility for that she beast coochie. The reaction was not my own.

  As if the sudden squelch as my sex clenched was demanding attention, his tongue shot out to investigate. A soft cry rent the air as my panties were gripped, torn, jerking me along with them until they fell away. Then that fat, forked fiend not only tasted, it concurred. Sliding along my clit, slipping between my legs, right over my slit, it slammed home with a force that sent me jerking, pulling at my ties. And then it slid out slowly to slam back in again. Again I cried out and jerked. Again, my ties were tested. Pain from the position I was in, the cold, the ropes, the pleasure quickly grew to a fever pitch, until I was cresting that wave.

  Grunting as he screwed me useless with his mouth, his hips began to move as if my orgasm was his own.

  The fat tail at his back began to flick this way and that, coming all the way around to the sides of one of my thighs and then the other.

  Shooting to his feet as my hips began to tentatively move to the rhythm his mouth had offered, he crowded me in, until his body was flush to mine. I’d come once, quite intensely, but it wasn’t enough.

  His strange snarls and growls were filled with that weird clicking in his chest. Once he was flush against me, that clicking shifted to a garbled croon.

  Oh my god, was he...?

  His chest pressed, brushed, until the rough and smooth fur mixing on his towering frame felt like it was abrading my nipples. I was fucked. I wanted to wantonly rub myself back against him.

  My teeth began chattering loudly again, too loud. It could no longer be ignored or that clickety clack sound contained.

  The fur on his shoulders began to puff up as he went to jerk me to him roughly, a thick something, very pronounced and eager something between his legs, making its presence known, and a sharp cry left me as my arms were wrenched in their sockets.

  Releasing me immediately to watch me slam back into the bars, another cry leaving me, his hand clamped down over mine, feeling around my fisted fingers. My short digits were discolored and swollen, a hiss leaving me as his hot skin pressed over my ice cold flesh. Grunting, his hand moved higher, and then he was jerking at the rope that’d been holding me in place to be freely mauled. Two harsh tugs and a snap and the rope came crashing down, smacking me in the head. And as the only thing holding me up was snapped clean off the bars, my body went slinking to the floor in a gelatin-like wobble of limbs.

  My head smacked his chest, my hands still tied together to drag down him after. My face greeted a rather sizeable bit of penile property, the side of my mouth smacking into it in a what’s up Krampus’ guy, we doin’ this or what, accidental slobber along the side kind of sloppy hello.

  Before I could try to heft myself up, if that was even at all possible, he was snarling, a purr like rumble that echoed throughout the chamber issuing at my unmaiden-like greeting.

  My hair was gripped, long fingers burying in my long locks, to jerk my head back. A hiss left the beast as that one-eyed monster bobbed thickly. I knew what was coming, could have prepared myself for it if I wasn’t still stunned stupid from the fall. Thicker along the base, with strange protrusions, like flexible, spiked nubs, mimicking a succulent plant, starting at the base, flexed. The two largest flexible cock spikes at the base of his shaft stood cock hard straight out. The different sized nubs crowned, rimming his shining glory in a mockery of a smaller scale model of his not so little beast there.

  Deep purple with rings rimming it, almost exactly like the color his horns were turning, starting from the base up, I just automatically assumed, for reasons not quite clear to me to be honest, the skin gathered release at his groin, and the pale blue tip of his penis, were more Krampus than Elkfen. As his cock jerked I noticed the base spiny mock cocks flexing, flushed flat until his dick jerked a certain way. There were more but they weren’t as large, smaller nubs bulging along every third purple ring going up his length. The head had an almost shovel scooped end, the corona sporting a flare of thin skin along it that fluttered when his junk jerked. I was about to give oral to that? A mutant sea anemone peen?

  Quelling my panic, I told myself it could be worse. It could always be worse. Those spongy looking springy cock ring crown points could have been hard spikes with pointy, thorny looking ends…

  The blunt tip of a cockhead with too many slits, one main one with a wide slit right down the middle of that flared head that seeped a shimmering looking liquid, the other two smaller, along either side of the main one, and dribbling a thickness that bordered on white-blue frosting.

  I was going to do this. This was happening. Whatever it takes…

  Who was I kidding? The way I was feeling right now, I’d hook my legs around that trim waist, lock onto those bony hips, and do him three ways to Christmas morning if given the chance. His dick looked like a weird, giant sex toy and it was like there was fire in my veins. I was wild with want. His bite—it was its own kind of poison. I wanted him with a sudden fierceness that made my soul ache.

  My sex was so wet with want the excess gathering at my entrance was starting to trail down my inner thighs, my thighs still sticky from his attentions of moments before.

  Slowly parting my lips, I’d barely tasted the tip of him when my head was jerked back. A sharp cry left me. The furry foreskin that had pulled back of its own accord to reveal just what a Krampus was packing began to move along his shaft as if to jerk him off. I watched, licking my lips as it began working that thing like a champ. His erection grew, the more he, erm, technically, played with himself, while I sat there shivering my ass off, horny as hell, until three streams of cream filling started to ooze free.

  More of that crooning occurred over my head, and he guided my mouth back to him. Taking him into my mouth, my lips sealed around the head and I gave an experimental lap at the openings.

  A groan left him as a strange mess of flavors flooded my mouth. Sweetness, cream, that mintiness of a candycane, and a vanilla like white chocolatey creaminess that had me forgetting I shouldn’t be enjoying this, to swallow and begin working that magic stick for more.

  Before I knew it my mouth was fighting his foreskin as it tried to work him. My belly filled as I milked him, my body warming along with it. By the time I slowly released him, my stomach was pleasantly full, body comfortably warm as if I was sitting in front of the fire in my favorite jammies. Dazed, I plopped to my ass the second his hand in my hair loosened.

  He was still crooning as he dropped down, until he was on all fours, hunched like Gollum taunting Bilbo, and moved until he was behind me, just out of my sight. Working the ties at my hands the rest of the way loose, I’d just divested myself of the thick rope when he came pressing in on me from behind. His clicking croon started up, sending my body thrumming in answer.

  Shit. I was Krampus fucked. Was this like their sickness? Was I going to get gnarled and furious now too? A bone deep sated feeling, washing over me like a warm hug, had me wondering if this was the worst that could have happened.

  Before another thought could be given to it, he was pressing my chest to the ground, his heavy weight easing over me pinning me. His breath was hot at my nape, nuzzling through my hair until it was out of his way.

  The beast worked fast, biting at my shoulder, tilting my ass up right where he needed it. Knobbed end notching at my entrance, he slammed home as his teeth sank deep.

  Those penile points along his shaft and the miniature dick-like stems crowning his cock began to move at the base, thickening with his shaft until there was nowhere else for his member to stuff itself inside me without threatening to split me in two. Those pronounced protuberances pressed onto other sensitive parts of my person. A grunt left him as one of those swollen points rubbed my clit, the other teasing along my back passage, and my cock-stuffed channel clenched. That monster impaling me shuddered and jerked. A groan left him. He panted into my shoulders as he held me there, hot breaths puffing the air.
I knew then he’d just come.

  My body shook as he slowly began to shift his hips, pulling back a little to thrust right back in. Those cock ornaments jerked, shivering all the way up his length, almost undulating like they were shivering along with him, and I was quivering from head to toe along with him.

  When he began to pull back and then slid back home, a gasp left me and my channel began to spasm. Faster and harder, more and more, pulling out farther to ram back home with every pussy clenching pass, realizing I squeezed him harder if he hit the right spot and picked up the pace, he began pummeling me like his little Krampus heart might burst if he didn’t come again now. Very...very soon.

  “Ah!” A sharp cry left me as he pounded into me and began alternating grinding his groin into mine and mashing the base-crown points of his cock into my clit. It was the first cry to be dragged from me completely in ecstasy. My body was trembling so hard he was the only thing holding me up. I could feel him buried so deep, so thick his dick had a pounding heartbeat I could feel, I wondered if he was locked inside me. The lips of my sex strained to contain the swollen base of him. One short peek down between my legs, the odd knots visibly bulging along the underside of his shaft, one fat looking ring nub was left all to its lonesome on the Snowmaiden stuffing mission. I had a whole bag of dick marbles stuffed up inside me. My eyes slowly widened and I swallowed thickly. That wasn’t alarming, not in the least. Pleasure trumped my inner turmoil over my vagina gone dick knob marbles bag, and all but the euphoria still sweeping through me was forgotten. Could one die of pleasure?

  “I’m dead,” I blurted, slumping down, ass stuck up high in the air as I melted into a boneless heap. My body still gave little jerks, spasms of mini orgasms. “I died… I’m totally dead,” I mumbled, closing my eyes to just lay here and hope I didn’t wake up frozen to the ground. Bits of chewed up apple chunk weren’t necessarily comfy beneath my cheek, but I was so relieved to be alive, if by Krampus whorin’ myself out at the moment, I couldn’t muster up even a slight grimace. Huffing pants left me as I focused on catching my breath, easing the heaving in my chest. An unusual warmth had overtaken me. I could feel the cold of the ground but it no longer bit at me as it once had. It was the Christmas gone wrong jizz, the anti-Santa-beast bite, had to be why I wasn’t half dead from the icy ground right now.

  My eyes slowly drifted shut. I was falling asleep and we were still stuck. My body was finally at a point it was relaxed and it was having its way with me.

  A grunt left my beastly lover when my eyes closed and I yawned. A moment later a nose tickled my ear, the loud sniffs that followed making me shiver. Cracking an eyelid open, I turned my face and dared a peek at the beast I’d just let ravage me.

  The brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen met and held mine. Mouth working, I blinked, studying them. Krampus Shnikel had black eyes. Wanting to shift a little but unable to in my current condition, my eyes frantically searched the rest of him for any noticeable changes.

  “Shnikel?” I whispered questioningly.

  Working his mouth like it was hard to with his thin, hollowed out cheeks and those large chompers stretched over them, he let out a soft growling sound that led me to believe a bit of the Elkfen he’d once been was still lurking about in there, and dare I say surfacing a bit?

  When my gaze once more found his, I noted those glowing, cerulean pools had never left my face.

  “SSSShhhikkkkeeeeel,” he garbled out, making me smile, despite our disturbing circumstances. Leaning in, never ungluing his gaze from mine, he growled softly right in my face, slamming a hand down next to my head for emphasis, “Sssssnoowmaaaadnenn Shhh-nnnn-ah-kkkkel.”

  Staring at him, blinking, I let that one roll around in my noggin for a tick. “Me?” Pointing to myself, shifting just enough he only gave a grunt and leaned with me, I asked, “You mean me? I’m yours?”

  “Shhh-nnn-iick- Shhhh-nnnn-nick-el’s.”

  My skin pebbled like he’d just said something sweet, like my ass should be enamored by the fact, like I was feeling properly wooed and special and crap. I wasn’t...was I? Warmth filled my chest. My heart gave a weird flutter and a flip. I’d lost my damned mind.

  Of all the things I could have said in response, my mouth working as I tried to find the right answer, I blurted, “Lumi. I’m Lumi.”

  “Shhh-nick-el Lumi,” he garbled out gutturally, with some effort.

  Shifting behind me as the pinch of pressure riding me eased inside of me, he slowly slipped free from my depths. As if he’d just uncorked me, and I supposed he had, the floodgates opened and everything he’d just filled me with came rushing out. A loud purr of a rumble left him as he gave an appreciative sniff, that clicking chest thing starting up at the scent of his handiwork.

  “Proud of yourself, are we?” I joked, more so because I needed something to say than to him.

  Nudging me to my feet, hovering over me as he practically frog marched me to a corner and began shoving snow piling up there into me, washing us off, I realized. He then finished with himself, leaving me to it, to stalk straight to a far corner and relieve himself in it.

  Following suit because when held captive by a lunatic Elf and claimed by his caged Krampus... Grimacing at the odd heaviness in my breasts, slowly building aching pains overtaking them as I made my way to him and copied his bathroom usage, by the time I’d finished and he was herding me to a spot for either more sex, sleep, or perhaps a sacrificial organ removal ceremony—fingers crossed for anything but the latter—my nipples were swollen and tender, breasts engorged and hot to the touch. Cupping one, frowning, I gasped as it began to leak.

  The beast looming over me shoved at my shoulder until I stumbled to my ass. “Ow.” Rubbing my smarting bottom, wanting to give him a dirty look but honestly too afraid to, I sat there in sullen silence.

  “Looo-me,” he rumbled out, a husky purr that had me glancing up at him as he slammed down to the ground beside me and then shoved me backward.

  “I- Whoa!” A squeal left me as I tumbled backwards.

  A hand the size of a dinner plate, long, curling fingers closing over a breast, began kneading my pliant flesh. His head dipped, shaggy head fur dropping forward with the motion as his mouth closed over a nipple. That second set of thin lips was visible as he used them to help him work at the sudden magical lactation I’d acquired fuck knew where.

  Weird as this sounded, he was a clean eater, my dumb ass noted offhandedly. It wasn't painful, the way he was working my tit. The guy was a pro. There was nothing sexual to it. He just seemed... starving.

  Once he was finished with the right breast, he went to town on the left one. When the right one didn’t immediately fill, my head fell back in relief. Maybe this was a one-time Snowmaiden miracle making occurrence? A one and done? Part of the deKrampus-ing process? Snowmaiden milk does a Krampus good? What the fuck did I know.

  A hand clamped down on my hip and he began kneading it, working lower until he was massaging the spot my ass had kissed mountain prison cell floor.

  Absently, my hand reached out experimentally and brushed across the fluff sticking out near his ear. It flicked as my hands tickled across it but he remained otherwise unperturbed. Again and again, growing bolder with each pass, I ran the tips of the fingers of one hand over the top of his head.

  A grunt left him and he grabbed my free hand, slapping it to his chest, to continue with his booby prize harvesting.

  I shouldn’t find the whole thing oddly soothing, yet I began yawning, one long, drawn out crack of my jaw after another.

  A heavy hum started up in his chest as he released my nipple to lave his tongue over it after in some weird Krampus beastly thanks.

  Shoving me to my side, grabbing my hands to force them to my chest, then curl his long claws around them, then his large frame around me until I was surrounded in him, his purring hum grew louder. Soon I was gone, lost in some sugar plum dreamland where an Elkfen two times thicker and wider than Ded, just bigger all around, chased me ar
ound fruitcake brambles and, once he’d caught me, kissed me in a river of hot cocoa near a forest of licorice. It was all fucking weird, but if I could have seen my face as I ran around in dreamland, I’d have taken note of the stupid, goofy grin I sported half the night.

  Chapter 11

  The snuffling woke me. Not thinking anything of it, Dad’s labs Curly and Shemp were right boogers after they came in from their early morning pee break, my hand lifted to search them out. Chuckling, I absently petted at the one lapping at my shoulder. But then a clicking sound and a crackling purr that shouldn’t belong to a dog cranked up, vibrating at my back. It was the rooting around, nibbling at my nape, my skin starting to prickle as sharp teeth slowly sank deep and the cold starting to trickle in on my sense of warmth and seep into my bones, combined, that had me glancing up sleepily.

  To say that I balked was an understatement. My hands buried in a thick shoulder pelt, not a doggy head. He shivered at my touch. The face staring down at me, belonging to the being I’d been brought here to “help”, was not one I could blame his own mother for grimacing at. Krampus were not anything fun to look at.

  Granted, he was looking much better today, his hollow cheeks filled out a bit more, maybe a bit of color to his ashen greyish blue skin beneath all that fur, even a hint of some tan in that white face if my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me, but he was still very much the nightmare I’d conked out with curled around me.

  “Uhm… hi?” I blurted, as he just stared and blinked down at me, then stared and blinked some more. His eyes were a lighter blue now, almost frosted, a rim of white silver encircling ocean blue irises.

  Shifting, pulling back a little, ignoring the warmth starting to caress its way down my shoulder bite, shooting into my spine, and quickly spreading to other extremities to warm me right up, the pain fading as fast as it had come on, I eyed the beast a little better.


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