Wild Thing: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (Blueblood Vampires Book 2)

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Wild Thing: A Vampire Paranormal Romance (Blueblood Vampires Book 2) Page 6

by Michelle Hercules

  “No. It’s not bloodlust.” I glance away, embarrassed. “Solomon told me I’m mated to Aurora.”

  “What?” His voice rises.

  “Somehow, when I drank from her, I ended up mated to her.” I laugh without humor. “I thought Solomon was pulling my leg, trying to get back at me for all the headaches I’ve given him throughout the years.”

  “He’d never make a statement like that as punishment.”

  I snort. “He laughed his ass off, so I’m not sure I agree with you. Anyway, I didn’t believe him at first. But I’ve been getting physically ill by staying away from Aurora. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Sax, she’s promised to another. You have to find a way to break the bond.”

  “I know that! Do you think I want to be mated to her? She’s a witch, Ronan. A fucking witch. Only a crazy vampire would want to shack up with one.”

  “And she’s mortal too. Even if there were no fiancé in the mix and you got together, you’d have to watch her die.”

  A sharp pain in my chest robs me of breath. The idea of her dying on me is akin to a steely knife puncturing my lungs.

  “What am I supposed to do? Have you ever heard of anyone breaking a mating bond?”

  “No. But if there’s a way, the witches would know.”

  “I can’t tell Aurora I’m mated to her.”

  His eyebrows arch, almost meeting his hairline. “Why the hell not? She has as much skin in the game as you do. She needs to know.”

  I shake my head. “No. As far as I’m aware, this situation is one-sided. I’m going to deal with it on my own.”

  “Suit yourself. But maybe you’d better skip the ball.”

  He’s right. I shouldn’t go. But we both know I won’t be able to stay away.



  “These balls are such a bore. There’s rarely any human in sight.” Manu scans the crowd from the entry foyer of the Conservatorium Hotel, no doubt looking for her hookup for the night.

  “I see plenty of humans,” Ronan grumbles.

  “I meant non-magical humans,” she amends. “I’m not crazy enough to drink from a mage.”

  I wince, even though her remark is not aimed at me. She doesn’t know I’ve hooked up with Aurora. If she did, Manu would have mentioned it. She wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease me.

  Ronan fixes the lapels of his tuxedo, then glances at me briefly, probably to check if I’m about to take off in search of Aurora.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I say.

  I appreciate his concern, and I’m glad I told him the truth. He might have to drag me out of here tonight. I can already feel the yearning increasing by leaps and bounds. Aurora is inside the building, and the magic of the mating bond is pulling me toward her. But I hold my ground and follow Ronan in the opposite direction instead.

  Manu, with her pale skin and long white hair, draws the attention of every single person she passes. Her allure has not vanished despite the curse from the Nightingale queen. We owe the Nightingales our existence, but no one can make me like that bitch.

  The Conservatorium Hotel is a grandiose building, a landmark in Salem. It belongs to the Montenegros, a powerful family of witches and mages, and one of the first settlers here. The decoration is lavish, all whites, creams, and golds. It reminds me of the Palace of Versailles and I believe it was inspired by it, down to the corridor with mirrors encased by golden frames to the large chandelier hanging from the frescoed ceiling.

  King Raphael is already holding court, which is no surprise. He’d command the attention of anyone in any room. Tall and imposing, he’s a force to be reckoned with, and the most powerful vampire I’ve ever met. I don’t know how anyone can look at the male and not think he’s the rightful king. The thought brings me bitter memories that I’d sooner shove back to a dark corner in my mind.

  Manu reaches the king first. He ceases the conversation at once to greet his niece with a kiss on her cheek. Ronan and I are not that chummy with him, despite have known him our entire lives. We simply bow our heads.

  From the corner of my eye, I spot several of the king’s Red Guard soldiers. They’re not dressed in uniform, but their symbol—a red rose pin—is attached to the lapels of their jackets. Ronan, Lucca, and I have trained with them. They’re all badasses, even the regulars in their ranks.

  Ronan and Manu are talking to the king now, but my attention is diverted elsewhere. I sense Aurora getting nearer. My neck strains as I try to see over the crowd of people mingling in the grand saloon. When I finally spot her, my heart somersaults to my throat, getting stuck there. She’s a vision in a formfitting sparkling gold dress that accentuates her tanned skin. Her long hair is pulled back in a complicated style, which leaves her neck exposed.

  I move in the blink of an eye, using supersonic vampire speed in a room full of people. I’m breaking etiquette, but the bond is too strong to resist. I only stop moving when I’m standing right in front of her. She gasps, widening her eyes in fright. Oops, I guess I did appear out of nowhere.

  “Saxon, what the hell!” she snaps, but then looks sheepishly at the two guests standing nearby.


  “What are you doing here?” she asks in a much lower tone.

  “I was invited.” I step closer, taking a deep breath of her sweet scent.

  She glances around in a cagey manner. “You shouldn’t have come.”

  A dark feeling unfurls in my chest. It’s dangerous and aggressive, not quite jealousy, but a hundred times worse. “Because of your fiancé?”

  She looks straight into my eyes. “Yes.”

  “Are you afraid he’s going to find out you have the hots for me?” I joke, a terrible attempt to distract me from the need to kill the bastard.

  She doesn’t answer for a couple of beats, but she also doesn’t break eye contact. “I don’t think he would care about that. This is a political alliance.”

  “You seem resigned to your fate.”

  With a shake of her head, she glances away. “I’m not sure I am.”

  Like an idiot, I touch her naked arm, and once again, our contact causes an electroshock. But I don’t move my hand away. I can’t.

  “Just say the word and I will rip his throat out. I mean it.”

  Her plump lips part, sending a zing of libido down my cock. I’m about to make a scene and crush my mouth to hers when someone with a mic interrupts.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our little soiree,” a woman with bright red hair and more cosmetic surgeries than Cher says.

  Aurora turns toward the stage, her body now super tense. Her heartbeat changed too; it’s pounding a little slower, almost as if it’s suddenly heavier. The crazy need to pull her to my side and soothe whatever is distressing her is almost too much to bear. But she will push me away if I try anything, and mating bond or not, my ego won’t take the rejection well.

  “Who is she?” I ask.

  “One of the members of the witch council,” she replies.

  The lady is still talking, but I’m busy observing Aurora. It’s only when she mentions Aurora’s name that my attention diverts to her.

  “It’s showtime,” she murmurs.

  With squared shoulders, she walks toward the stage. I’m about to follow her, but a strong hand clasps around my arm.

  “Don’t,” Ronan warns.

  There’s an angry retort on the tip of my tongue. I’m fucking pissed that Ronan is keeping me from going after Aurora. I know he’s right. But my savage instinct is clouding everything.

  “Let me go,” I grit out.

  “Your eyes are glowing red. If you don’t control yourself, you’ll be hexed faster than you can blink.”

  He’s not wrong, but damn, it hurts so much. I look at the stage, and that’s when everything and everyone fade into the background. My pulse is now pounding in my ears and my body is infused with pure red-hot rage. There’s a man standing next to Aurora, looking smug a
nd shit. Their hands are linked together. That must be her fiancé.

  Not even Ronan with all his muscles will be able to keep me in place. A roar is in my throat, ready for the battle cry as I launch myself at the enemy. But suddenly, a pair of dark eyes appear in front of me, and with a few whispered words, I black out.


  It’s official. I’m engaged. My mother warned me they would announce it tonight. But no matter how hard I worked to accept my fate, to not let the news crush me, I can’t pretend I’m not screaming inside. How can I marry this jerk? A unworthy man who I loathe.

  If the union was only on paper, a true political alliance, it’d be easier to stomach. But I have to have sex with him, bear his children. I’m beginning to doubt if being the High Witch is worth the sacrifice.

  To make matters worse, Saxon is here. I couldn’t believe my eyes or how my entire being was craving him like he’s the air I breathe. It isn’t only because he looks like sex on a stick wearing a tuxedo. The need goes deeper. It’s raw, primal.

  Calvin is gripping my hand in a tight hold, but all I feel is disgust at the contact. Unlike the actual sparks that seem to fly every time Saxon touches me. I seek his face in the crowd, noticing immediately something is terribly wrong with him. His eyes are bright red, trained on Calvin, and his fangs are exposed. Oh my God. He’s going to murder Calvin in front of all these people.

  Suddenly, King Raphael appears in front of him. I’m not sure what he does, but a moment later, he and Ronan drag a stunned Saxon out.

  “Earth to Aurora,” Calvin says next to my ear, making my skin crawl. Yeah, that will bode well for our honeymoon.

  On instinct, I pull away. “Back off, perv. We’re not married yet.”

  Calvin’s expression turns dark. “You’d better start treating me with more respect, darling. I won’t tolerate this kind of behavior once we’re married.”

  “That’s a long time away and many things can happen before then.” I storm off the stage, not caring that I’m blowing the charade this is a happy union.

  I know that as soon as I leave, the gossip will start. My mother will be mortified that I behaved in such a disrespectful manner, but she can’t have her cake and eat it too. I agreed to this alliance, but I’m not going to pretend I don’t hate Calvin.

  Back in the La Morte mansion, I could sense Saxon—as crazy as it sounds—but as I search for the connection now, I find nothing. Unsure where Ronan and the king took him, I have to cast a quick location spell. He just touched me, so it’s easy to do it without the help of a magical stone or crystal. They’re outside, probably about to leave. Shit. I need to know if Saxon is okay. As soon as I walk out of the ballroom, I lift my skirt and break into a run.

  A black SUV has just pulled over when I burst through the hotel’s entrance. Ronan is helping Saxon into the car, but the king is nowhere to be seen.

  “Wait,” I say, breaking the final distance.

  Ronan turns around. “What are you doing out here? Go back inside.”

  “What happened to Saxon? He was about to go berserk.”

  I try to peer over Ronan, who is blocking my way. I can only see Saxon’s feet sticking out of the car.

  “Don’t worry about Saxon. He’ll be fine tomorrow.” Ronan closes the back door, then circles around the vehicle to get behind the steering wheel.

  Damn it. He’s really not going to tell me anything. The car peels off with a loud screech of tires burning rubber, making me suspect that whatever happened to Saxon is not over yet.

  A chilly wind comes out of nowhere, reminding me I’m not wearing a jacket. I knew this party was going to be a bust, but I didn’t imagine it would suck in such a monumental fashion. When I turn toward the building to go back inside, I find Elena Montenegro, the matriarch of the family, staring at me from the top of the stairs.

  She must be nearing ninety years old, but she still has the energy to participate in council meetings and attend parties like this. She’s a freaky lady, intimidating as fuck, but if I’m to be the High Witch someday, I can’t show weakness in front of anyone, especially her.

  “You should be more careful, child,” she warns when I reach the top of the stairs.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “You’ll catch a cold. Come inside and keep me company, will you?” She turns around, using her cane for support.

  She doesn’t return to the party; instead, she veers in the opposite direction, toward the lobby. When she stops in front of the elevators, I ask her where she’s going.

  “I can’t handle grand balls anymore. I get weary easily these days. But I’d like to get to know the future High Witch better. So we’re going back to my penthouse for tea.”

  That’s a development I didn’t expect. I’ve never exchanged more than a few words with the woman, but on every occasion, she made me super uncomfortable. Her gaze is so penetrating that it feels like she can see into my soul. But I can’t refuse her invitation.

  She doesn’t engage in small talk during the ride all the way to the top floor. Once we’re in her cozy apartment, she begins to prattle on about a myriad of things. Where some of her furniture and artwork came from, what kind of tea she likes best, who I think will win the next Bachelor. Maybe she’s lonely and really only wants company. I begin to relax.

  It’s not until I’m comfortable sitting on her couch with a steaming cup of tea in my hand that the lady pounces.

  “You need to end whatever it is you have going on with that blond Blueblood.”

  I choke on my tea. “Excuse me?”

  “Don’t waste your breath denying it. If anyone in that room had a brain, they’d have noticed too.”

  “There’s nothing there. You don’t need to worry.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried. But you should be. You can’t jeopardize this union, Aurora. Surely your mother explained to you how crucial this alliance is.”

  “You don’t need to give me the spiel about honor and sacrifice. My mother covered that ad nauseum.”

  Elena squints. “I’m sensing here she has not told you everything.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do you know about the Belmont family?”

  “They’re one of the oldest magical families in Salem. Uber powerful and rich.”

  “There are other equally prestigious families with sons of age that would make a good match for you, maybe even one you could grow to love.”

  “I haven’t thought about that. I suppose this is leading to your revelation why the council picked Calvin for me.”

  “Oh, the council didn’t vote for Calvin. He wasn’t even a contender. I was the one who had the final say in it.”

  Fuck. Now I’m getting pissed.

  “You’re the reason I have to marry that asshole?” My voice rises to a shrill.

  “That’s right. It was me. Do you want to know why?” She smiles in a wicked way.

  My warmth toward her has vanished. So has my patience. “No. I don’t want to know why you decided to shackle me to that hateful man. What do you think?”

  She chuckles. “I like your spunk. I was right about you.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “The Belmont family is in possession of the oldest grimoire in history. It belonged to the first witch and it contains spells that you can’t even begin to imagine.”

  Okay, now she has my attention.

  “How do you know they have it?”

  “Calvin’s great-grandfather showed it to me once when we were betrothed. The grimoire is protected by a spell; only a member of the family can open it. I only know of its existence because I was about to become part of the family. But poor Ludwick died a week before our wedding.” The lady sighs. “I never got the chance to look inside the grimoire. Such a pity.”

  Wow. She seems more upset about that than the loss of her fiancé. Maybe she cared about him as much as I care about Calvin.

  “That’s why you want me to marry Calvin—so I can have access to the grimoire.�

  “Oh no, my dear. That’s too shortsighted. You’re going to steal it.”

  “I may not like Calvin, but that’s wrong. The Belmonts have done nothing wrong.”

  “Are you sure?” She raises an eyebrow. “Who do you think taught Tatiana’s son to forge a sword using vampire’s bane?”

  Fuck. I thought that was just a story. It was rumored that a wound inflicted by Boone had sent Lucca into early hibernation.

  “If that’s true, then the Belmonts are traitors!”

  “Yes, but there’s no proof of that.”

  “How do you know then?” I narrow my eyes.

  “Ludwick was only too eager to share all his family’s dirty secrets with me in return for a little bit of affection.” She smiles slyly.

  Elena Montenegro is as shady as it gets. We’re members of the same coven, but damn, I’m not going to trust her with anything from now on.

  “I’m not going to let you use me and destroy my future so you can steal from them. And what’s the point? You wouldn’t be able to read the grimoire anyway.”

  She waves her hand in a dismissive way. “I don’t need to read it, child. I just want our coven to own it, keep it safe.”

  Yeah, like I’m buying all her bullshit. I wasn’t born yesterday, lady.

  I place my teacup back on the table and stand up. “I’m not doing it. As a matter of fact, I’m going back to the party and announcing the engagement is over.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” She makes a circular motion with her index finger, conjuring a magical gale that sends my butt back on the couch.

  “What the hell!”

  “Be quiet, child. And don’t even try to counter-spell me. Whatever nifty tricks you think you have, they’re child’s play compared to my arsenal.”

  I’m seething now, breathing through my nose and mouth as I glare at the woman. And to think, for a second, I considered her a harmless old lady who only wanted company.

  “You’re evil.”


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