The Devil's Masquerade: The Poison

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The Devil's Masquerade: The Poison Page 22

by Jennifer Loren

  “What?” she says, jumping back through the hole and causing us both to fall backwards. “Idiots,” she says, shaking her head. “Come on. Stop fucking around.”

  Following Kayla, I slide through and come to a place where I can stand up and remove her from the front of the pack. She huffs but doesn’t put up a fight. She seems happy enough remaining in front of Elijah. This section of the dwelling is dark, unfinished, and gives new meaning to creepy as fuck. None of us speak. We barely breathe, it’s as if we are afraid to make a noise, to be heard by whatever monster may be creeping behind these walls. There is a sudden shuffle, and I hold back as someone ahead breathes out, and then… nothing. I know someone is there, but they are more silent than we are. Standing tall, I concentrate on listening until I hear the breath again. “Come out and …”

  “Come out? You locked me in here! Don’t fuck with me anymore Dennis!”

  I rush forward and come face to face with a man locked away in a cell. “Who are you?”

  “Who are you?” He steps closer and stares into my eyes. “You are a Savage but not one I know,” he sings out cocking his head to try and figure it out before he can be told.

  “My Father was Dante. I am a Jayzon, not a Savage,” I declare.

  He sighs, “And may I ask why you have come to visit me today, Mr. Jayzon?”

  “Our intention was not to visit you but to invade Savage’s stronghold.” I look him over as he laughs.

  “You mean to tell me you found this place all on your own? Not possible,” he laughs.

  “We might have had a little help,” I say, making sure not to give anything away not that he would believe it if we told him.

  “More than a little. Savage himself would have had to of led you here, and since I know that is not possible, then it would have to be someone as close to him as you can get. So who might that be?” He thinks hard. “Galena wouldn’t dare betray her father. No one else knows but his children. Saldean is long dead and so is Dante. I doubt Nicholas has been told yet. Hmm… I am curious who could possibly be so brave to betray Dennis this way?”

  “Our dog,” Elijah chimes in with a goofy smile.

  “Your dog?” The man asks.

  “Never mind how we found it. Who are you, and what are you doing here? You obviously are not someone he cares for which makes you interesting enough to us,” I say

  “My name is Gideon Stark. I was Lord of the Sixth. My role over the years has been one of peacekeeper and maintaining honor amongst the Lords. Dennis has been a friend of mine for a while, but now that I disapprove of his plans, he has decided to shut me up until he succeeds in overtaking every realm he can, or rather until he holds a majority and no longer has to listen to anyone. Once he is too powerful to be dealt with, I assume he will let me out, at which time I will be forced to abide by his rules or face execution. I have no idea if I will be able to return as a Lord or as a minion. Galena has taken over my realm, and I assume Dennis has intentions of taking over another realm for his newly found grandson.” He pauses, looking us over. “You don’t look like an army of any realm; I am still confused on how you found me?”

  “We found you by accident. We were hoping that this place would help give us more information about Savage.” I pause, wondering if I should tell him our full plans, but something tells me I can trust him. “We are specifically looking for a blade with the family crest on it. Do you know where that is?” I ask. Gideon laughs.

  “If it exists, I assure you, no one knows where it is but Dennis. Are we going to continue this tea party or are you going to let me out of here?”

  Kayla steps forward and asks, “Is Nick okay?”

  “Is he okay? In what way? He is strong and powerful and sure to provide Dennis with a prevailing dynasty. He is nearly unstoppable and one of the reasons I was hoping I could reason with Dennis rather than engage in this war he desires so much. Nicholas’s allegiance to his grandfather is unbreakable at this point, and the two will have no problem destroying everything in their path.”

  “Not possible. Nick would never align with Savage. He hates him,” Kayla says forcefully.

  The man leans forward and looks her over carefully before asking, “Now, who are you? You are much too desirable to be from the same family.”

  Elijah steps in front of Kayla and answers, “She is none of your business.”

  “Well, she is clearly the most powerful one here, and none of you even seem to realize it. My dear, I was instantly weakened by you, and considering your good faith gesture of telling me honestly why you are here, I will tell you that whatever she asks me I would be unable to tell you anything but the truth. I don’t know who you are or where you come from, my dear, but I am honored to meet you,” he says as Kayla peaks between Elijah and myself.

  “Yeah, well, nice try Romeo, but were not buying it,” Elijah says.

  “If I understand your purpose for being here, then I assure you we are after the same thing. My goal was to get Dennis to stand down against another Lord, but he refused and sent me here to keep me quiet about his plans. Now, I need to rise up against him, but the only way I can do that is to be released from my prison.” Elijah and I eye each other, trying to decide what to do. “You will not be able to hold onto this facility much longer. He will fight for it, and you alone will not be able to overpower him. I would think you only have a limited amount of time as it is, so if you please, make a decision quickly. I will sit over here with my reading until you do or until you are forced to join me in here.”

  “What is your name again?” Kayla asks from under Elijah’s arm.

  “I already told you, Gideon Stark. I was Lord of the Sixth, now I am simply Gideon, your humble prisoner.”

  “Where will you go if we let you go?” Kayla asks.

  “Good question. I have nowhere that has not been taken over, and I think it would be a good idea if Dennis is not aware of how I escaped, or who released me. If he thinks another Lord, one in particular rescued me, then he will be on edge and it will give me, us, some time to plan. If you will let me come home with you, then I can contact said Lord, and we can band together for our common goal.”

  Kayla rushes forward, “Our goal is not simply to defeat Savage but kill him and enable my husband to return home.”

  “Nicholas is your husband?” he asks, and she nods. Suddenly, Gideon’s desperation beams back at us with his bright eyes swirling. “You will need my help! And I need yours for sure,” he says staring straight at Kayla.

  “Release him, and let’s get the hell out of here,” Kayla demands before walking away.

  “Kayla? Kayla, shouldn’t we discuss this?” She waves her hand at me and keeps walking.” I look to Elijah for some sort of support.

  “Don’t look at me, no one listens to me, apparently I am only here to be the handsome one.” He says honestly.

  “What?” I look back at the old man as he smiles at me. I find a way to open the cell and let him out. He graciously walks in front of Elijah and I and seems to be okay for now. “You are not hotter than me.” I say to Elijah as we walk back.

  “Are you serious, have you seen you and now look at me. Not saying you don’t have good points, but me, Son, I got it all.” Elijah says nodding happily.

  “Shut up Eli.” I say, shaking my head when I hear him laugh. I don’t know why I encourage him.

  Chapter 37


  I decide not to take Gideon and all of our findings home where he can be seen, by Franky in particular. Instead I take advantage of the expansion we are in the midst of doing on Pagelle. Exie won’t be happy, but I think the place is perfect to keep our new friend entertained and occupied, not to mention the club can only be accessed from one way right now making it easy for me to put guards on him.

  It is prime time right now and Exie is less than thrilled to be a part of another one of my plans. Her perfect Exie expression of disapproval awaits me at the door. “You know I am seriously considering being best friends wit
h someone else. Someone with less drama, possibly a soccer Mom of some sort, someone who drives a minivan and whose biggest worries are whether or not they will have a Fruit Tea or a Frappuccino, not will I break in to this facility to get the information I want, or will I simply torture these people over here until they tell me what I want to know. Hmmm, I think it will be a Frappuccino tonight.” Laughing I kiss her cheek with a smile and notice her brief smile before she huffs and walks away.

  I motion back behind me and lead the way to the back and around our dancers as they prepare for their next show. “Hello Ryan.” Melanie says with a swooning smile as we pass by. She has always had a crush on him. He smiles back but seems to be more interested in Elijah’s reaction.

  I grab them both by the collars and force them forward. Gideon’s wide smile as he bounces his way through is humorous but not needed right now. “Gideon, please.”

  “What is this place? I like it.” He says continuing to dance his way into the back.

  “This is where you are going to be staying for a while. I can’t imagine anyone looking for you here.” I say.

  “I’m not staying with you?” Gideon asks.

  “I don’t think that is a good idea, we are surely being watched by Savage and you will be spotted there pretty quickly. I have made arrangements for you to have a decent setup to sleep and live in for as long as we need. I have security for you and of course there is always entertainment if you like but please keep a low profile and the girls are not to be touched … ever.” I emphasize clearly in his face.

  “I understand perfectly.” He says stepping back on his heels. “She is scary.” Gideon says as Elijah nods theatrically until he catches my raging eyes.

  “So what now Gideon, how can you help us?” I ask.

  “Well I need to first make a call to a friend, a Lord, Lord of the Fifth, his name is Amery Luvis.” Gideon says.

  Chapter 38


  I woke up from a terrible dream and am too afraid to go back to asleep. When I go downstairs to force myself away from these nightmares, Franky comes in the house after being gone all night.

  “Where have you been?” I ask her.

  “Out, I do have a life outside of this house you know.” She smiles mockingly. She steps away from me dropping something from her bag. I pick it up as she turns to try and take it from me. “That’s not yours, Kayla.”

  “No but it is my husbands. What are you doing with Nick’s wallet?”

  She sighs looking away from me, “He left it in my car.” I stiffen and face her straight up. “We both told you that we are old friends and he trusts me. He has been very conflicted about what has been happening.”

  “Happening? What’s happening?” I snap.

  “You know he is … well he finally feels like he is at home now. He is too afraid to tell you. I told him that you and Eli are becoming quite close and although he is not happy about it he does feel that maybe it is for the best.” She pauses with a deep sigh. “Nick and I were each other’s first loves, and that is just something that can’t be broken easily, Kayla.” She inhales deeply stiffening her back in front of me. “I hate to tell you this but Nick is meeting with lawyers to divorce you so he can marry me. I am sorry to tell you this way but maybe it is much better than hearing it from some attorney. He still cares for you deeply but you have to know that you two are just not right for each other. You are not right for him.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I say shaking my head.

  “You don’t have to, Nick is arranging for me to move in with him and Dennis is making arrangements to announce our engagement at the Masquerade. I would encourage you to embrace your relationship with Elijah, I know Nick does not fault either of you for what you have done.”

  “We haven’t done anything!” I yell at her.

  “Calm down, your children are nearby. I will start packing my things but if there is something you would like to share with Nick, let me know and I will be happy to pass it on to him.”

  “You will pass it on to him? I want to see him, you tell him I want to see him.”

  “I don’t …”

  “You tell him I want to see him or else.” I demand.

  “Okay, I will tell him.” She shrugs with a mocking expression.

  I leave her and run to my room, our room and release the frustration I could not let her see.

  It is only a few days later that I get divorce papers from Nick, along with a letter telling me how sorry he is. How much he appreciates the time we have spent together but wishes me the best in my new journey without him. I destroy the papers and refuse to believe it. They come again with a more forceful letter and again I destroy them. I finally get a call from Savage asking to meet with me and though Ryan has forbid me to go anywhere near him, I have to go.

  Savage awaits me at fancy café in the city, his bright smile shining in the afternoon sun. I was hoping Nick would be with him, but I am still hopeful for some kind of explanation of what is happening. I walk up with a scowl and have a hard time sitting down next to him. He breathes deeply looking over me with accomplishment. I hate him.

  “Kayla, you are being too stubborn for no good reason. Nicholas has moved on, and he would very much like for you to do the same.” Savage says as if I should have no problem doing this.

  “I am not moving on until I talk to Nick.” I say to him.

  “He doesn’t want to talk to you, you have disgraced him by having another man in your bed. You are lucky that he is forgiving enough to allow you to stay in his house, that he isn’t forcing you to give up your children.”

  “I am not sleeping with Eli, he has been nothing but a friend to me.”

  “So you say, however, it really doesn’t matter. I have made arrangements for him to be happy with another woman. She is more suitable for him, you understand.”

  “No!” I demand slamming my fists onto the table.

  He leans in towards me growling his anger, his swirling eyes sit me back on the edge of my seat in fear. “I don’t care what you want, or what you believe, I am giving you one chance and one chance only.” He concentrates hard telling me of all the horror he wants to inflict on me “Leave.” He says with a fiery breath. “Leave and never come back. Never come near my grandson. If you do not listen and follow this warning then I will not only torture you to death, but I will kill your son Brayden, take young Nicky for my own use and make Ryan my prisoner until he is transformed into a loyal follower.” I try to speak but he hushes me quickly, “Choose your words carefully, my dear. You have a lot to lose, and I have no problem taking it from you. Nicholas is now mine, and he has no desire for you any longer. Be happy with the man you have before I take him, too.” He finishes his drink and waves his hand to a man who nods in his direction. His car pulls up across the street. “You have a choice. You can go home now and rescue the man you have or you can chase after the one you had. I assure you, Mr. Stevens only has minutes before he succumbs to his untimely death.” Confused, I stand, watching him go towards his car. The door opens, and Nick steps out and allows Savage to step in before getting in himself. My mind begins to spin out of control. Nick glances my way but seems to look right past me before he gets into the car and leaves.

  “Nick,” I say, not even having the energy to scream for him. “Eli?” I rush out of the restaurant and home.

  When I arrive home, Elijah’s car is there. I run into the house, searching and calling out his name.

  “Kayla?” Ryan yells at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “Where is Eli?” I ask him.

  “Upstairs taking a shower I think. Why?”

  I run upstairs and bang on his door, screaming for him, but there is no answer. Ryan takes it upon himself to beat down the door, and we both rush into his bathroom where he lies in the shower, bleeding profusely.

  “I’ll get the doctor,” Ryan says.

  “Oh Eli, I’m so sorry.” I drag him to me and hold his head out of the water. “What happened?�
� I ask him, but he is too dazed to respond to anything. We get him to a hospital and wait as they repair the deep stab wounds he endured. He never saw it coming. He never had a chance to defend himself. To make matters worse, I find Brayden with a bloody blade lying on his chest and a note predicting that he would be next. He was sound asleep, and I would have thought dead if I hadn’t scared him awake with my cries. I hold him and Nicky close, afraid to let them wander more than a few inches away from me.

  I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go. I am lost, lost and alone. The ragged breaths escaping my lungs give me no reassurance or strength. Once Elijah is strong enough to come home, I make a decision that we have to run. I have to protect my sons, and I can’t allow anyone else to be harmed by that man. I can no longer be stubborn for my own good when it effects so many others.

  Chapter 39


  Nicholas is coming along quite well. He remembers nothing of his past except what we tell him. “Good Nicholas!” I yell as he fights off another attacker with ease. “He’s getting stronger by the day, Rabbie.” Rabbie nods, enjoying the show along with me. When Galena comes in with a sour face, I instantly groan. “What is it now?”

  “The bunker has been attacked.” I turn towards her, forcing her to step back in fear.

  “When?” I yell at her.

  “A couple of weeks ago,” she says, cowering in front of me.

  “Weeks ago? Weeks ago! Why am I just now being told?” I scream at her.

  “I was hoping to have answers for you. I was hoping to have the culprit in hand before I told you. I knew you would be upset, so I decided …”


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