Pretty and Pregnant

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Pretty and Pregnant Page 6

by Johns, Madison

  They approached a tiny window of the county clerk’s office and Jeremy took the clipboard, which was given to him by the cute blond who worked the counter. The clerk’s face fell when he told her he was getting married. Kimberly wondered if Jeremy knew her. No time to get jealous, she chastised herself. He’s marrying you not the cute girl at the counter.

  Jeremy filled out the form for the two of them as Kimberly recited her information. When he was done he turned it in, and was told he could pick it up in three days.

  How did Corrine think they could find a dress for the wedding within a week? Redwater didn’t have a maternity shop, and even if they did, Kimberly was sure they wouldn’t have a wedding dress. Who six months pregnant gets married? Sure she knew that she wasn’t the first to make haste for the alter, but in those cases, the woman in question was marrying the father of her baby.

  They left and went back to Jeremy’s chalet. The wind had picked up a bit and Kimberly stared toward the beach. “It looks like a storm is brewing.” She bit her finger. “Maybe I should go and get Weenie He gets scared all there by himself.”

  “Are you kidding me?” he said. “You could have told me on the way.”

  “How was I to know you’d come here?”

  “I was just hoping to talk to you about our living arrangement.”

  “Jumping the gun, aren’t you?”

  He sucked in his breath and let it out in a rush. “No, I just wanted to show you the rooms available is all. You made yourself quite clear that you won’t be sharing a room with me.”

  Why did that bother Kimberly so much? “I—”

  He held up a hand. “You don’t have to say anything. How about you relax here while I go back and get Weenie.”

  Kimberly grinned. “That sounds great, but he can be a handful,” she fretted.

  Jeremy led the way inside, and once he opened the door, he punched in a code disabling his alarm system.

  “You have an alarm?” Kimberly asked astonished.

  “Of course I do. It’s just a little added protection and now that you’re staying here, it will make me feel more comfortable when I’m away.”

  “You mean after the wedding, right?”

  “Why not start staying here tonight? I can’t see any harm in it.”

  “No thanks, Jeremy. I’d rather stay home until after the wedding. I don’t want people gossiping.”

  Jeremy laughed. “I think it’s a little too late for that,” he said as he eyed her belly. “But I’ll honor your request. “Let me show you around before I take you home.”

  Kimberly smiled. “Why not?”

  He led her into the kitchen that had an island countertop with drawers and a granite top, which matched the other kitchen counter tops. All appliances, including the double oven, were stainless steel. Kimberly controlled her astonishment when she spotted the double door refrigerator. It was huge.

  “Do you entertain often?” Kimberly asked dreading the answer.

  “Sometimes, but not as often as I’d like. I have a huge family and unfortunately they live out of state.” A grimace came over his face. “I miss my nieces and nephews.”

  “Have you ever thought about having children of your own?”

  “Sure I have. I know that sounds unbelievable coming from a man, right?” he laughed. “I just never met the right girl. I met plenty of the wrong ones though.”

  “Like Clare?”

  He stretched upward revealing tight abs. “She was okay in the beginning. It’s strange looking back now. It wasn’t until she started being nasty to you that it bothered me.”

  Kimberly had to ask. “You don’t think she’ll cause any problems for me do you?”

  “Well, Clive did give her a modeling gig and I think that’s all she ever wanted. I think I was more a means to an end for her.”

  “How’s that? I thought she had a wealthy family.”

  “She does, but I used to be an entertainment lawyer, that’s how I met Clive. He’s an old acquaintance. He primarily handles publicity or advertising. You might want to say that he discovered you. He has a good feel for the business. You have an‘it’ face Kimberly, with a killer last name.”

  Kimberly blushed. “Do you really think so?”

  “If I didn’t you wouldn’t be standing here. When I saw your application come across my desk it wowed me - Steele with an e. Very unique.”

  She glanced behind him. “I’d love to see the rest of the house before it gets too late.”

  “Sure, would you like a beverage?”

  “No, I’m fine thanks.”

  “You sure are. I mean just say the word. I can pour a glass of milk like nobody’s business.”

  She laughed and then suggested, “You should be running an ad for milk …does a pregnant woman good.”

  “It does a baby good or so I have read.”

  Kimberly followed Jeremy into another room that had a glass top table and china cabinets filled with blue etched china and crystal glassware. The walls were decorated with ornate leaf patterned wall hangings. The most amazing thing about this room, were the sliding glass windows that faced Lake Huron. It was quite dark now with rain coming down by the bucketfuls.

  “Yikes, we might be here longer than I thought. Unless you want to get soaked,” he added.

  She shook her head swatting him with her hair. “Ouch,” he said laughing. He took ahold of a strand of hair and wound it around a finger. “Do you want to see the bedroom now?”

  “Sure, but don’t get any ideas. I’m six months pregnant you know.”

  “Really,” he teased. “I hadn’t noticed.” He released Kimberly’s hair and sauntered into a bedroom that was located across from the living room.

  When they strode into the room she couldn’t contain her gasp. There was a white wire framed bed with a pink down comforter with white roses etched on the fabric. There was also a small dressing table with an oval mirror and an iron-cushioned chair in front of it. Four huge windows faced the beach and Kimberly had tears in her eyes when she finally choked out, “It’s so b-beautiful.”

  “On a clear day, yes,” he agreed. He motioned to the opposite wall. “There’s plenty of room here to set up a crib, and heck, anything else baby related you’d like.”

  Kimberly bit down on her lip to still the trembling. She felt like Cinderella and wondered when the bell would strike twelve. It was surreal. She pinched herself to see if she was dreaming. Nope, she felt the pinch and tasted blood as she had bitten too hard on her lip. “That’s a great idea, Jeremy.” She giggled and cried at the same time. “You’re being too kind to me and this room is amazing. I’d much prefer the baby to be in the same room as me than in a nursery down the hall.”

  He folded his arms. “There’s another bedroom downstairs that you can decorate and use for a nursery.” When she began to cry he added, “The master bedroom is upstairs and that’s where I’ll be sleeping.”

  She exited the room and gazed up the steep steps leading to the second floor. “Thanks. It would be too risky for me to be going up and down the stairs.” She batted at her tears. “I don’t mean to be so emotional. It’s hormones I guess.”

  He led her to the couch and she sat as Jeremy darted off and returned with a box of tissue. “Who could blame you? Things are moving so fast. I can’t imagine what it would be like to carry around all that extra weight.”

  “It doesn’t bother me, but I hate to rethink constantly about what I should or shouldn’t do. I mean, I need to think of the baby now. It’s no longer all about me anymore.”

  The sky outside flashed and a boom rattled the whole house causing Kimberly to leap into Jeremy’s arms. He held her against him and whispered into her ear, “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you or the baby.” His lips brushed against her temple and he eased her back onto the couch. “Take it easy. Are you thirsty now?”

  Kimberly was thirsty all right, for his kisses, but instead said, “I’d love a glass of milk. Do you have any cho
colate milk? It’s my favorite.”

  He rushed off and came back with two large glasses of chocolate milk. “I hope it tastes okay. I haven’t made any since I don’t know when.”

  She grinned. “Never short change yourself. I bet it’s tasty.”

  He passed her a straw and she slam-dunked it in the glass, dribbling some on her lap. “Is your family coming out for our wedding?”

  He paused and tousled his hair. “They’ll be there if you like. I didn’t want a whole crowd showing up and scaring you off. I don’t want a runaway bride on my hands.”

  “If I did that I’d be easy to catch.” She belched. “Oh my, sorry.”

  He leaned back in his chair and laughed. “If that’s the worse I have to worry about, we’ll have a happy marriage for sure.”

  Say something, Kimberly!“If this was a real marriage you mean,” she corrected him. “Unless you’re planning to tell me you love me, then it would be real all the way around.”

  “You first.”

  “Me first what?”

  “If for arguments sake I told you that I loved you and couldn’t live without you. That the whole charade of a stipulation for an advertising deal was just that, a well orchestrated charade by me so that you’d marry me. What would you think?”

  “I-I—” Her breath caught in her throat. “That would be cruel.”

  “Cruel how?” he pressed.

  “You can’t do things like that to people. You can’t use trickery to get your way. What if the other person doesn’t feel the same way about you?”

  He moved in and reached out and took her hand in his. “I have loved you from the first moment that you clomped into my office with those sky high heels of yours.” His lips curved up. “I hadn’t known at the time you were pregnant, and when I did find out, it never mattered. If anything, it made me love you even more. You opted to carry the baby of a man who left you high and dry.”

  Kimberly tried to pull her hand away, but he held it steadfast in his grip. “There’s something you need to know about the baby’s father—”

  He cleared his throat and said, “I respect you more than you’ll ever know. I was adopted and I always wondered who my real mom was. I had my fantasies about it too. That she was some movie star and I was a love child. I think that’s why I originally went into entertainment law. I never did meet anyone that looked like me though, but I still look every where I go.”

  Tears gathered in Kimberly’s eyes at his story. Her heart ached, yet she was so confused. Do I tell this man and my boss that I love him too or what? She was miffed that he had lied to her, but yet...

  “Earth to Kimberly,” he waved a hand in her face. “I know this is so much to lay on you girl, but I can make you happy. I can make you both happy, and if the father of your baby ever shows up, I’ll show him the door.”

  “Can I get a word in edgewise?” She put a finger to her lips silencing him. “About the baby’s dad. Do you remember when I told Clive, Corrine, and you, that I could say the baby’s father died in a hunting accident?”

  A look of confusion came over his face. “Yes.”

  “Well, I said that because it’s the truth. He really did die in a hunting accident last fall in the Upper Peninsula.” She frowned. “David never knew I was pregnant. We were high school sweethearts and had dated on and off for years. Obviously we were on when I got pregnant.”

  His eyes darkened for a moment. “How awful. No wonder you wanted to keep the baby, but what about his family? They might try and come into the picture.”

  “David Hines was an only child and his parents both died in an automobile accident when he was just eighteen.”

  “I’m sorry, Kimberly. I’m sure it was rough for you finding out you were pregnant after he died. I’m sure you must still be mourning his death and I understand if you don’t want to marry me. I’m sure you still love him.”

  She expelled a long breath. “Listen, I had feelings for David, but nothing like I have for you. You are the kindest man I have ever known. What man would trick a pregnant woman to marry him and not care a fig that the baby isn’t even his?” She struggled to her feet. “That’s better,” Kimberly said. She moved in and gave Jeremy a hug as close as her tummy would allow and whispered into his ear. “I love you, too.”

  As she pulled away his eyes widened when the baby thumped from deep within Kimberly. “Wait, I’ll be right back.” He raced up the stairs and returned with a hand hidden behind his back. He bent down on one knee and asked, “Will you marry me?” He placed a hand against her stomach. “Will you both?” They both paused and then Kimberly gasped as the baby kicked her.

  “The baby says yes. What about you, Kimberly? He opened a velvet ring box that held a sparkling pink diamond.”

  “Oh my,” she exclaimed. “Yes, oh God, yes!” She cried and Jeremy wiggled the ring onto her ring finger. “I’ll marry you, but you ever try and lie to me about anything ever again, I’ll sick Weenie on you.” She pulled her hand from his grasp and held it slightly away marveling at the rock on her finger. “It’s so pretty and pink,” she said.

  “Well, you are pretty and pregnant.”

  Chapter Ten

  The next day Kimberly was standing in her living room while Corrine measured her. “It’s a good thing you’re getting married tomorrow otherwise these measurements won’t be right.”

  “Tell me again how I’m going to have a wedding dress by tomorrow?”

  “I got it. Don’t worry. I had a few designs lying around. I was thinking about doing a whole maternity line. I have a seamstress working her fingers to the bone and she’s not even from China,” she winked.

  I grimaced. “Is she over eighteen at least?”

  She feigned outrage. “Like I’d trust some kid to sew your dress. It would seem your senior aged neighbors are quite handy at sewing. There’s a sewing club at the local church, too.”

  Kimberly’s mouth opened, but no words formed. “Hopefully not Mrs. Barry,” she rasped out.

  Corrine waved a hand, “Aw, she’s not so bad once she has a few beers in her. Plus, she’s not the one sewing. Mrs. Peacock is and closely supervised by her sister, Mrs. Canary.”

  Kimberly paused. She didn’t know if it was a good thing or bad thing that her neighbors were sewing her dress. Not that it mattered as long as it was done on time. Her nerves were bad enough with the upcoming nuptials. She just hoped that everything went off without any issues.

  Corrine broke through Kimberly’s thoughts. “Are your parents coming to the wedding?”

  “They said they were, but I haven’t heard from them since I called my mother and gave her the details.” She patted her belly. “I’m a little nervous about the wedding. Jeremy professed his love, but is he really ready for a ready made family?”

  Corrine led Kimberly to the kitchen table that was next to her standing iron furnace. The table was round and old as were most of the furnishings.

  After a few minutes of silence Corrine offered, “Don’t be nervous. I knew you were in love with Jeremy when I met you. No pregnant woman that I know of looks at a man like that.”

  Kimberly gazed into Corrine’s eyes. “I have been hiding it for so long now, but this marriage thing is going at warp speed. Here Jeremy and I expressed our love for each other and then, wham.” She slapped her hands together. “He lied to me about the conditions of the advertising deal. What if he lies to me again?”

  Corrine moved restlessly in her seat. “I told him to tell you the truth when I found out and he did. He told you the truth. What more do you want, a blood oath?”

  Kimberly sniffled. “No, but we don’t have to get married now.” She frowned, “We have all the time in the world.”

  Corrine glanced toward Kimberly’s stomach. “Oh no you don’t. That bun in the oven says otherwise.”

  “Maybe I should talk Jeremy out of this. I mean, what if I’m not the woman for him?”

  Corrine rocked back on her chair. “If a man wants to make an h
onest woman of you, then you should let him.”

  “But it’s not his responsibility!”

  Jumping to her feet Corrine stated, “If you let this man go, I’m going to cry. I’d do anything to have a man tell me that he loved me from the first moment he met me. That only happens in books. Embrace this moment and live the dream.”

  “My dreams died when the double pink lines came into play,” Kimberly patted her belly.

  “That’s ridiculous, Kimberly!” Corrine spat. “Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you’re dead, or that you can’t still fall in love.” She grinned. “Jeremy loves you and that’s all that should matter.”

  “I know, but his whole family is going to be at the wedding.” She bit her lip. “What if they don’t like me or thesituation?”

  “A baby isn’t a situation. It’s just a baby.”

  “Yeah, one that doesn’t belong to the man I’m marrying.”

  Corrine gave Kimberly a sharp look. “If it doesn’t bother him, why does it bother you so much?”

  Kimberly drummed her fingernails on the table. “In fairy tales, the prince doesn’t haul a pregnant woman off into the sunset.” She stood and yawned. She knew Corrine was right, but was it wrong to be bothered about Jeremy not being the baby’s father?

  “This isn’t a fairy tale, book or movie here. This is real life. A unique modern romance where two people simply fell in love.” She paused and gazed out the patio windows.

  Kimberly wrung her hands. “I know you’re right, but—”

  Corrine cut in with, “Quit with the ‘buts’ already. You’re getting married tomorrow and Jeremy’s family will love you too. You did say he was adopted, right? And they accepted him with open arms, treating him like one of their own.”


  “Okay then, they’ll welcome this baby the same way. It’s not like you have to worry about the baby’s dad showing up and causing trouble.”


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