Grai's Game (First Wave)

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Grai's Game (First Wave) Page 19

by Mikayla Lane

  Her swirling grey eyes flashed briefly before she used her leg to flip Baldy’s knee out from under him then pushed him onto his back. She quickly straddled his hips while leaning down and poking him in the chest with one sharp and angry fingernail.

  “How… dare… you! You spend all this time telling me it was MY decision, then when I make MY decision and take care of it, THEN you get mad at me? In case you have forgotten…” Dare said poking him again. “I know how to take care of myself! And our children and Thorn knows how to take care of us too!” Dare finished in a huff, pushing her falling hair out of her face in time to be flipped back over onto her back so fast she had no idea he’d even moved.

  “Damn it Thorn we need to learn to move that fast!” Dare said to her beast, jealous that the man would use his superior skill against her when she was so angry at him.

  “He’s got several hundred years of practice time on us. However, we’ll catch up.” Thorn assured her, bristling at the way they were being chastised by Balduen and Ibix.

  Dare was getting ready to try to flip him over again when he was lifted off of her.

  “This isn’t funny! Put Daddy down!” Balduen said, glaring at Dare who just giggled as he was lifted a good four feet over the bed.

  Dare quickly sat up and scooted to the top of the bed, grinning up at Balduen as he hovered belly down over her. “I’m guessing that the little ones are a little disappointed that Daddy is angry over their Mommy doing something without Daddy’s permission.”

  “I’m not angry that you did it without my permission! I’m angry you did it without me! I should have been there! If for no other reason than to hold your hand or talk to the little ones! What if something had gone wrong?”

  “How would you have expected me to feel if the little ones were hurt? Or you were? And I wasn’t there? It would have killed me! You heard him. You saw and felt the horror Grai went through thinking his son was dying. You would have wanted me to feel that pain thousands of miles from you?” Balduen said, his eyes showing the worry and fear he felt for them. Even now, when he knew they were fine.

  “Oh Baldy! Of course, I would never want you to feel that way! I discussed it with Amun; I knew that there was only a minor risk that anything would go wrong. I assumed we’d be in and out really quick, and we were.”

  “I’m sorry baby. I won’t do something like that again. I didn’t mean to scare you. We didn’t mean to scare you.” Dare said getting up on her knees and pulling his head down for a kiss.

  Moments later, Dare felt Baldy’s weight slowly begin to settle back onto the bed beside her. Breaking their kiss, she pulled him into her arms and just hugged him to her.

  “You did a beautiful thing. I couldn’t be more proud of you. I just want to be there for you.” Baldy said, glad the little ones decided to let him down. It was only funny when they did that shit to Dare’s father, not him.

  “You really think he’s for real?” Dare asked quietly.

  “If you are asking if I think Grai is sincere, then the answer is yes. There is no way that he was faking his feelings for his son.” Balduen said, a shudder running through him at the pain that had emanated from Grai earlier. No man could fake such pain.

  “I know that. I think everyone in the mine felt that too. I mean everything else. Could it really be such an elaborate scheme to cripple us?” Dare asked, cuddling closer to Balduen.

  Baldy laid down and pulled on Dare until she was laying across his chest, her leg thrown over his. He gently stroked her back while he thought about her question.

  “No, I don’t believe it is a scheme. I believe his intentions are exactly as they appear. But I think you already know that as well. I think you are looking for confirmation so that you won’t feel so badly about remaining friends with Tricia.” Balduen said gently.

  “Argh! How the hell do you know that?” Dare growled at him in frustration.

  “Because I could feel the guilt coming from you when you hugged her. There is no reason to feel guilty about being her friend. Everyone makes mistakes. I can think of mistakes I’ve made for far less noble reasons. Can’t you?” Balduen said, winking at her.

  Dare just burst out laughing. “I am not admitting to anything!”

  Dare let her mind wander along that path for a moment before bringing herself back to the present. “Everyone either looks at me like I’m going to beat her up at any minute or like I’m an idiot for even breathing the same air with her. I don’t know what to think.”

  “Was she a good friend before you knew who her mate was?” Baldy asked, keeping his tone even.

  Dare didn’t even have to think about the answer. “Yeah, she was one of the best. It didn’t matter what was going on she was always there if you needed to talk.” Dare said sadly.

  She really missed that since she’d been back. She’d felt so awkward over the situation that she hadn’t really talked to anyone since she, and Baldy had returned. It didn’t help that she had no clue who had really been Grai’s people and not her own as she’d first thought. His, hers, theirs, ours… hell she didn’t know who was who anymore.

  Dare knew she’d spoken aloud when Balduen responded.

  “What does it matter, when from what I can see they are all ours? And we’re all theirs. Even our child is bound to them as surely as they are bound to him. As we are to Tristan. That no longer makes it theirs, or ours, it makes it family. A very strange and weird one… but a family nonetheless.”

  “Somehow I doubt you are as unfamiliar with the strange and weird as you pretend.” Balduen said with a grin, laughing when Dare gave him the pinch he knew she would give him because of that comment.

  “Yeah like you don’t find this weird and strange too? You tried to kill him.” Dare said, settling back into his arms, still unsure what to think.

  “Yes, I did. Sometimes I still want to when I think about his beast living inside of my son. But then I remember the way he is with Tristan, what he’s done for his people. A lot of whom are the hope for the survival of my people. He knew that when he saved them. I see the man he is, not the man; I assume him to be because of who his father is.”

  “When I see that man, I see a good one. One that I would have proudly called a friend under different circumstances. I may not have fully released my anger, but I will fight it until I do. I will give him a chance. And if that means bearing the stares of my own people until they see that man I see, then I will do it. Because he’s earned it. All of his people have.”

  “Whether you called them your girls or found out they were his; they always had your back. They are still your people. And they probably miss you as much as you miss them.” Balduen said, giving her a little squeeze of encouragement.

  Dare huffed out a dramatic sigh, “I’ll think about it later. Tell me what you thought of the town? Did you see that little cabin we passed on the way down to the town from the offices? Traze said it was one of the houses that was still vacant. He got me the info on it.” Dare jumped up excitedly and ran to the dresser to grab her comm.

  Hopping back on the bed, she sat cross legged next to Baldy who had used her pillow to prop himself up on his side. Pulling up the information, she laid the comm on the bed where Baldy could look at it with her.

  “It has three bedrooms and two full baths. The back yard is fenced so we wouldn’t have to worry about our little guy wandering off. When he’s older, of course. And we could even be a surrogate family for one of the Sibiox. Gibly said that his people would be honored to live and work with us.”

  “Plus it’ll make it a little less suspicious if all of us people from ‘Sweden’ bring our pets with us, instead of a bunch of them just popping up…” Dare’s words were cut off by the passionate kiss Balduen laid on her.

  “For someone so unsure, you have thought about it an awful lot.” Baldy teased when he gently broke the kiss. He laughed when Dare huffed for a moment.

  “I’m just making sure to thoroughly consider all of our options!” Dare sai
d, glaring at her far too observant mate.

  “Which include this particular home and a Sibiox? That’s some thorough options there. Besides, there is no room in that little place for the man cave that I am required to have. David said the apartments were big enough for a man cave, so we may have to consider those.” Balduen said so seriously that Dare burst out laughing.

  “You do realize that a man cave is not a requirement right?” Dare asked with a snicker that turned into a full roar of laughter when Baldy just looked at her strangely.

  “David said that Earth men have man caves, and that he would teach us how to make ours so that we wouldn’t look out of place with the human men in town.” Balduen said, completely confused as to why Dare wouldn’t know of this human custom. Maybe it was only something spoken of among the men; he wondered while Dare continued to laugh beside him.

  “Human men do not all have man caves. I think David has misinformed you. Do you even know what a man cave is?” Dare asked, trying not to start laughing again at Baldy’s blank look.

  “I assumed it was like a warrior training room… what is it?” Baldy asked suspiciously. He really needed to pay more attention to Earth slang and customs; he thought as Dare began laughing again.

  “Baby a man cave is a room with comfy furniture, a really big TV, and lots of other entertainment devices and games to keep a man and his friends from boredom. It’s a place where all you do is sit around watching human sports games or playing them on the TV, not a place where you physically participate.” Dare explained with a grin.

  Baldy looked confused for a minute before asking, “We don’t participate? Just watch?”

  “No, you can also play games like the ones Traze and Risk play.” Dare said, laughing at the displeased look on Baldy’s face.

  “And this is how human men relax? They do not practice their fighting skills? Or compete in physical competitions with one another? They sit and… play?” Baldy asked with a look of distaste, thinking of the games, he’d seen Risk playing with Traze over the last few days.

  Using a controller to kill imaginary villains on a TV screen were not his idea of relaxing. Now a sparring room where he and Niklosi could train, now that would be relaxing; Baldy thought.

  “Yeah, that’s how they relax. Some of them anyway. But a man cave can be anything you want it to be. This particular cabin has a large unfinished basement that could easily be turned into a place for you to train…” Dare teased with a sly grin.

  There was no way in hell, she was letting him turn a perfectly good office into a man cave! Just the thought had her suppressing a shudder. Since she was already outnumbered by the men in her life between Baldy, their son and all the beasts, she was not going to have her home overrun with testosterone as well, she thought with determination.

  “That sounds much more acceptable to me than a man cave. So, I’m assuming you have already made up your mind about moving there then? Do I have a say?” Baldy teased with a grin.

  Dare just smiled and blushed. “I knew you had already made up your mind as well, so I just figured since we both thought it was a good idea that we might as well pick the house we wanted now, before someone else grabbed it.”

  “So you’ve already asked to take it?” Baldy asked. He wouldn’t be the least surprised if they weren’t moving in soon.

  “No… I did ask Cristali to make sure no one else took it before we could go look at it…” Dare admitted, not the least bit sorry that she did it without asking him first. She knew he loved the idea, he just hadn’t admitted it to her. Yet…, she thought.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Grai awakened quickly, sitting up; he scanned the area for danger. Finding none, he slipped out of bed quietly so he wouldn’t disturb Tricia, who had fallen into an exhausted sleep only hours ago.

  Grai moved without a sound to Tristan’s bed and seeing he was awake; he sat down beside him. Grai pulled him into a quick hug and kissed his head before letting him go. He knew Tristan didn’t like long displays of affection, preferring the quick hugs and kisses from those he loved instead.

  “What do you think little warrior?” Grai asked scooting his back against the wall, so he could watch as Tristan stared off to the right, away from Grai, his fingers dancing in the air as if playing an invisible instrument that only he could see.

  Grai never expected a verbal answer from Tristan; his son had only been able utter grunts and groans since birth, but he knew Tristan loved to be talked to, and he knew that he could understand the words, even if he couldn’t speak them.

  By human standards, Tristan’s autism made him disabled; by Relian standards, he was defective and should have been put to death the moment; he drew breath. To Grai, he was the most perfect thing that existed, and he loved him more than life.

  “I think we’ll be able to move to the town soon. With the Tezarian’s and the Sibiox, we will have enough forces to secure it. Make it safe. Would you like to have a real house of our own?” Grai asked his son, gently stroking his bangs back from his forehead.

  Tristan gave him a beautiful smile before turning his attention back to the imaginary instrument in the air.

  Grai chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes! Let’s get you dressed and to the potty. I’ll bet you’re starving for some pancakes by now. I know I am and they always taste better when you’re eating them with me. Let’s go little warrior.” Grai stood and held out his hand to Tristan, who took it without hesitation.

  Grai stood there for a moment and marveled at the feel of Tristan’s little hand in his own, until Tristan began pulling him towards the bathroom door.

  “I’m coming.” Grai said laughing softly as he pretended to let Tristan drag him into the bathroom, a big grin on the little boy’s face.

  Grai helped him go potty, gave him a bath and redressed him before leaving a note for Tricia that he had taken Tristan down to the dining hall for breakfast.

  “Let’s be quiet so mommy can sleep… shhhhh.” Grai said quietly to Tristan as they pretended to tip toe out of the door. Tristan giggled softly the whole way. Grai closed the door behind them, then holding out his hand; he waited until Tristan took it before heading down the hall.

  Normally, it would have taken Grai only minutes to get to the dining hall, but Tristan didn’t like to be held for too long and Grai didn’t mind walking slow enough for Tristan’s small steps. After so many months of Tristan being unable to respond, every little thing he did was like seeing the world again for the first time and Grai loved every moment.

  It was early, Tristan’s usual wake-up time when he had been well, and most of the hallways on the way to breakfast were empty. The few times they had encountered someone they had all gone out of their way to talk to Tristan and make him smile.

  “So this is the little warrior!” Ivint’s booming voice sounded behind Grai, and he stopped to greet the High Councilor.

  Ivint went to his knees on the floor and looked at the handsome little boy. “Tristan, I am Ivint and I am very happy to meet you.”

  To Grai’s amazement, his little boy who didn’t like to be held for long, and especially not by strangers, put his arms around the High Councilor’s neck and hugged him.

  Ivint gave him a gentle hug back. “You are quite an amazing young warrior.” Ivint said with a smile, pulling back from the hug when Tristan did, so he wouldn’t upset the child.

  Cristali had spent a little time explaining what autism was to him the previous evening, and he was glad that she had. Ivint had no desire to distress the little boy. His prolonged illness had been terrible enough for him.

  Ivint stood and looked at a shocked Grai. “Don’t look so surprised. My great daughters think I’m awesome.” Ivint said, with a smirk.

  Grai burst out laughing at the Councilor’s use of human slang. “I’ll bet they do. We were heading to get some pancakes, would you like to join us?” Grai asked politely.

  “Thank you, but I will have to decline this morning. I have a lot of work to do.
If you have time in say…” Ivint looked at his comm. “Five hours I’d like to discuss a few security issues for the town and other things that came up.”

  “Of course. Control center on this floor?” Grai asked. Ivint nodded before heading back down the hallway.

  “Looks like Daddy has a meeting later. But right now, it’s pancake time!” Grai said as he picked up Tristan and ran the rest of the way down the hallway to the dining room door, twirling Tristan around at the last minute. Grai could have sworn his heart melted every time he heard the sound of Tristan’s giggles.

  Grai opened the door, and Tristan walked into the boisterous cheers and welcome from everyone in the room. To Grai’s surprise even the Valendrans were helping to make a big deal of Tristan’s return to health.

  Grai had started walking him to the table when Dare stood up and whistled loudly. “Hey! Ivint said you were after pancakes, so we grabbed them already.”

  Grai was shocked to see two full plates sitting on the long table near Dare, Balduen, Dread and Viper. He didn’t realize he was still not moving until Tristan pulled away from him and went right to Dare.

  The room got quiet as Tristan stood inches from her, his face at her stomach level. Tristan rested a small hand and his cheek against Dare’s stomach, his other hand weaving through the air wildly.

  Dare’s smile began to fall as Tristan continued to hold her stomach. Thinking Tristan was upsetting her, Grai moved to get him and redirect his attention to breakfast.

  “Do not! Do not move! Do not disturb him!” Dread screamed through the Shengari’ as he stood, arms in the air, stopping the entire room in their tracks.

  “What’s going on?” Balduen asked Dread privately, hoping the child was not putting Dare in danger somehow.


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