Grai's Game (First Wave)

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Grai's Game (First Wave) Page 25

by Mikayla Lane

  “Does someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Balduen asked, getting angry.

  “Watch your mouth around your mother. Come forward boys, you need to hear this too.” Ivint said motioning for the T’Alq brothers to come closer.

  When they finally joined the group, Balduen’s mother went to Grai. Taking his hand in her own, she tried to speak but broke down into tears. Balduen and Grai both reaching to comfort the sobbing woman who ended up in Grai’s arms.

  Ivint cleared his throat while Balduen’s mother tried to quiet her tears. “Long ago a woman disappeared into the mountains of the Rangroya on Valendra. Her body never found, and she was mourned as lost to the terrain or animals.”

  “When we ran Tristan’s scans and then your scans, we investigated further and found that a ship that had declared an engine emergency had been allowed on the planet for repairs. It was the only way to explain how she was taken off the planet without our knowledge.”

  “Our teams eventually tracked down the captain of the vessel, and he admitted that he had been well paid by Kalai to orchestrate the kidnapping of a Valendran woman.”

  “Her name was Granala Skardard. The sister of Balduen’s mother.” Ivint said watching the dawning comprehension on the faces of the four men.

  “What?” Traze asked, staring at Balduen and the two women who looked so much like the pictures of his own mother.

  Koda was speechless while Grai just stared at Balduen in open mouthed shock, the woman in his arms clutching him tightly and sobbing.

  “Oh my God! They’re cousins?” Dare asked looking to her father and Ivint for confirmation. Both men nodded their heads slowly.

  Balduen’s mind was a mess; he wasn’t quite sure how to process it all. He said the only thing he could think of at the moment. “Guess that explains why I couldn’t kill you. Even though I wanted to.”

  Dare smacked his arm and he turned to her, “What?”

  Grai just stared at him while he held the still crying woman, who was his mother’s sister. He searched his memory and finally remembered his mother saying her name.

  “Vilaria.” He choked out. The woman in his arms nodded her head vigorously and cried even harder.

  Balduen’s sister stepped forward and nodded her head. “Yes, that is our mother. Your aunt. Mother you must calm yourself. There are still Koda and Traze to meet.”

  Koda and Traze looked horrified at the thought of having the sobbing woman in their arms next.

  “I am Cassianna, Balduen’s sister. Your cousin. I am very glad to meet you and welcome you to the family.” The pretty young girl said, giving a shocked and speechless Koda and Traze a hug.

  Balduen looked to Ivint, unable to believe this was real. It just wasn’t possible. When Ivint just nodded his head, Balduen looked to Niklosi, who also shook his head. This wasn’t real; he thought.

  “This isn’t real is it? It can’t be. Is this a joke?” Grai asked Balduen through their private path.

  “I don’t know. It can’t be though. My mother wouldn’t do something like this as a joke. She isn’t cruel.” Balduen replied, trying to sort through it in his mind.

  “You look just like my mom did.” Traze said to the crying woman, who immediately left Grai’s arms and threw herself into Traze’s. Traze held the woman gently and looked helplessly at Koda, not knowing what to do with the woman.

  Koda just stared, afraid to speak lest the woman throw herself into his arms next. The hug from Cassianna had been confusing enough for him, and he still wasn’t sure how to process this.

  Grai just stared at the wet spot on his shirt where the woman’s tears had soaked through. While Balduen just stared at Grai like he’d grown several heads in the last few minutes.

  Ivint finally had enough of the most awkward family reunion he’d ever seen. He’d expected shock and surprise, but this was more like a painful hit that he hadn’t anticipated.

  “Let’s sit down. I’m sure you have questions.” Ivint said motioning to the couches and chairs in the seating area.

  Everyone moved woodenly, following his suggestion. Except Traze, who had no idea how to disconnect the woman from him without causing her more distress.

  Reven moved to Vilaria and gently pried her away from the young man and led her over to the couch where Balduen and Grai sat side by side. Both men scooted over as Reven sat the woman between them. Grai looked startled when she grabbed one of his hands and one of Balduen’s in each of her own.

  Ivint pulled a chair closer to the silent group and explained the situation to them again, hoping to help them understand and get over the shock. He knew how they felt. He’d been just as surprised to find out that their security on the home world had been compromised, that one of their own had been taken.

  He and Reven already instituted stricter protocols to ensure that nothing like it ever happened again. However, he couldn’t say that he was sorry about the outcome. Grai and his brothers being half Valendran would make things much easier for him.

  “Well it certainly explains why you guys get along so well.” Tricia said with a smile.

  “My sister… did she… was she…” Vilaria said, unable to ask what she wanted to know.

  Grai looked to his brothers, both of whom looked terrified of telling the woman the truth. He looked to Balduen, who just stared at him blankly.

  “She was a wonderful mother. We loved her dearly and miss her greatly. She was a fighter. She started the resistance that enabled us to save so many lives. She was and is a hero to many of our people.” Grai said honestly. He hoped the words would comfort the woman, and they seemed to since the woman looked to him with a watery smile.

  “She always was the stronger of the two of us. Always protecting me. She was only older by fifty years, but she took care of me like a second mother. Here, I’ve brought vids. So you can see what she was like when she was younger.” Vilaria said, her voice shaking from emotion.

  Grai took the small vid comm from the woman’s trembling hand. “Thank you. It would mean a lot to us to see this. We also have some vid’s that you might wish to see.” Grai offered, going through some of the ones in his head that the woman might enjoy viewing. He and his brothers had each one memorized.

  “That would be wonderful! Thank you… so much.” The tears slipped silently down Vilaria’s face as she squeezed Grai’s hand.

  Everyone looked up as a tall, slender, regal looking man strode into the seating area. The dark-green robes that he wore swirled around his sandal covered feet. Grai stood to his feet.

  “Ratoka?” Grai asked, unable to believe that the spiritual leader of the Zendarian people was here.

  “I do not mean to interrupt. I have missed you my friend, and I am glad to see you are well and have found those who had been lost to you.” Ratoka said, bowing slightly to the man who had saved his life and become a good friend.

  “I am glad to see you as well, my friend. What brings you here?” Grai said ignoring the man’s bow and pulling him in for a quick hug.

  “Dreadhawk of Tezaria, the High Councilor of Valendra and even a strange little creature who calls himself Gibly contacted me. I must say I was a little surprised at the sudden interest in you, my friend. But as it were, it is for good cause. As usual, you have left an impression.” Ratoka said with a chuckle while Grai looked confused. He had no idea why anyone would contact him.

  “We took the unprecedented step of bringing your aunt and cousin here so that your family would be as complete as possible for the Death Rite. Ratoka immediately agreed to come and assist to make sure that it would go properly.” Ivint said. Grai sat down, stunned while Koda and Traze trembled slightly with emotion.

  They would be able to keep their promise to their mother. And with the power of a spiritual leader like Ratoka helping them, it was more likely to work. It took a moment for Grai to get a handle on his emotions before he could speak.

  “I… we are very grateful for what you have done for us. Thank you. All of
you.” Grai said as Viper, Dread and Drago entered the room followed by Gibly.

  “Ah, you have come as well. That is good. The power that you will lend will help greatly.” Ratoka said greeting the men and cat.

  “We are honored to assist.” Dread said formally, bowing to the spiritual leader.

  “If you’ll come with me, I believe we have a few others that wish to help, and we can begin.” Ivint said cryptically while he motioned for everyone to follow Reven.

  Reven led them through the building and outside to a large garden area Grai had put in for people to relax. Someone had lit the traditional fire, but the circle of fire was not there. Grai looked around, knowing the main circle of fire was important. It was the one that held the soul pieces and guided them to the correct God Realm of their loved one.

  Grai heard Ivint call through the Shengari’ one command. “Begin” Everyone turned in a circle and watched in amazement as fires sprang up around the mountains surrounding the town. Thirty or forty small fires in total, making the mountain look like it was burning.

  “We told the townspeople it was a tradition from our village and not to worry.” Reven said with a sly grin.

  “Who is watching the fires?” Grai asked, concerned for their people.

  “Our people. All of our people. When we asked for volunteers to lend their energy, they all volunteered. The portals have been non-stop all day. Those who could not be here have set the circle fires where they are and will attempt to assist.” Ivint explained as Grai and his brothers looked around the fiery mountain in surprise.

  “Let us begin. Those who wish to soul journey to Granala Skardard step forward and join hands.” Ratoka said, his voice compelling them to listen.

  Balduen’s mother didn’t hesitate to step forward, turning she held her hands out to Grai and Balduen, who each took one of her hands. Cassianna took Grai’s other hand and held the other out to Koda and Traze. Koda took her hand, and Traze completed the circle with Balduen.

  Grai heard the low chanting all around them and wondered where the voices were coming from until Ratoka began to speak.

  Ratoka’s voice was low, but strong as he began the ritual words that would allow a part of their soul to travel to their mother. Each one in the circle joining in with their own energy to seek out her soul.

  Twenty minutes later, even with the combined energy of everyone helping them, hope was diminishing that they would be able to complete the Rite. Too much time had passed since her death as Grai had feared.

  Grai raised pain filled eyes to Ratoka, getting ready to make the call to end this when he saw Tristan push away from Tricia and run-up to Ratoka.

  Tristan placed one hand in Ratoka’s, his other moving so quickly in the air that it was almost difficult to see. Ratoka looked stunned for a moment, his spine stiffening visibly, the hand not in Tristan’s raising beside him as if against his will until he was also drawing the same complicated patterns in the air as Tristan.

  The rush of energy was immediate and slammed into those in the circle so quickly that if they hadn’t been holding hands, the two women would not have been able to stay standing. Their bodies went rigid, spines straightening like Ratoka’s, as if being pulled into the center of the circle.

  Vilaria let out a gasp; a small circle of light was pulled from her throat and began to spin around the circle. The air around them began to swirl in a riot of wind that whipped Cassianna’s unbound hair around her and Koda and Traze, who were beside her.

  Like her mother, she let out a small gasp as the small light emerged and joined her mother’s in spinning around them with the wind.

  Tristan and Ratoka continued to gesture wildly in the air, the energy sparking and crackling around them. Each one in the circle falling under the strength until the air was filled with the six small circles.

  The chanting grew around them as if drawn from the participants by the power of the energy swirling around them. There was a huge boom as the wind and soul pieces dropped to the ground before bursting out of the circle and skyward. The light shot through the sky like a shooting star until it blinked out of sight.

  Balduen caught his mother before she hit the ground as Koda and Traze helped Cassianna to sit. Grai knew how they felt; his knees were weak, and his body trembled. Looking around he saw that the energy had put out all the fires, the mountain was now eerily dark, the air unmoving.

  “What the hell just happened?” Dare asked while Tricia ran to Tristan, who was slumped on the ground with Ratoka.

  “He is fine. Just tired. Grai, we must speak of your son later.” Ratoka said in a way that Grai took as an order, and he nodded his head.

  Amun and a few med techs came from inside the building and starting checking Vilaria and Cassianna. The men all refused to be looked at, their strength returning much faster than the women.

  “Thank you. All of you.” Grai said, his voice breaking from emotion. Somehow, moments after the light had blinked out in the sky; he had felt his mother’s joy and love as she welcomed their soul pieces. He knew the others in the circle had felt it as well and were just as stunned by the experience.


  The next day

  Ivint stood on the raised platform in the auditorium of the converted mill. The large screens around the room were direct vid links to the Tezarian, Zendarian and Valendran home worlds, where their people gathered in large groups to view the live vid from Earth.

  The auditorium was filled to capacity, with people standing several deep behind the packed chairs. He’d never admit it, but he was nervous. Wrapped in his own thoughts as he waited for the time to begin, he was surprised when Ratoka came up to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  Ivint could feel the calming energy that the man was sending and nodded his thanks. Ratoka looked closely at Ivint before speaking softly. “Be at ease. The decision you make is the right one.”

  Ivint looked at Ratoka with surprise before grinning and nodding his head. He watched as the man took his seat behind Ivint along with Grai, Banatar, Reven, Dread and Gibly.

  Turning back to the crowd, Ivint began.

  “As you all have heard, things on the planet have changed drastically. It is no longer just a fight to save our own species from extinction but a fight for the lives of the humans as well.”

  “Through the efforts of our lost brethren and the assistance of our friends,” Ivint nodded to those behind him. “We are going to begin a planetary offensive to chip away at their numbers and awaken more humans to begin resisting their enslavement.”

  “Each person behind me represents their respective people that have agreed to join our fight. Since I cannot adequately be there for Valendra as needed, I am stepping down as High Councilor, effective immediately. And have agreed to represent Valendra here on Earth as part of the newly formed Earth Alliance.” Ivint waited as the gasps and chatter calmed down. His announcement causing ripples of shock throughout the four worlds.

  “We are in unprecedented times. Times that call for extreme measures to protect our own and the innocent lives of the humans. Due to the success of the beast bonding’s of our warriors and hybrids on the planet, the council has agreed to accept volunteers on Valendra to begin the bonding process and prepare to begin rotations to the planet.” Again the noise erupted on the home world and Ivint had to wait until the clapping calmed down before he could continue.

  “Representatives from Zendar and Tezaria will arrive on Valendra within days to assist the bonding’s and answer any questions. Those who choose to bond will be rotated to the planet and posted around the world to work with our combined forces once you become acclimated.” Ivint said, gesturing to those behind him again.

  “Our goals are complex. We need to continue to find our lost ones and the children who represent our future. Expose the traitors in the governments and religious organizations and allow their people a chance to remove them from power and retake control. Most importantly we need to defeat the Relian’
s and remove them from the planet.”

  “This will be a prolonged battle. But one that we are confident we can win together. I thank you for the hundreds of years that you supported me and my decisions as I had the privilege of being your High Councilor. I again ask for your support in my position here on Earth and the decisions we will make together.” Ivint stepped back, a sign that he was done speaking and bowed to the different audiences that watched him from the four planets.

  The noise was deafening as people stood, clapping their hands and stomping their feet in support. Ivint couldn’t help but smile as he looked at his comm and saw that his people had already begun volunteering in the thousands. Dread walked up and clapped him on the shoulder, a huge grin on his handsome face. “We have a ship in orbit with six hundred warriors awaiting your orders.”

  When Ivint looked at him curiously, Dread just chuckled. “After what happened trying to get those kids, we figured we needed to help even the odds. More are waiting to see if they are needed before coming.”

  Ivint grinned and clutched his forearm, “I am very glad you did, my friend. Very glad.”

  Balduen walked onto the platform as the crowds began to disperse, talking among themselves. Traze and Risk cut the live vid feed to the other planets.

  “It’s about time we’re going outright war!” Balduen said with a menacing grin.

  “Hell yeah! Let’s get this par-tay started! Uh huh!” Traze said starting a crotch grabbing dance that had everyone shaking their heads at the boy. David walked up behind Traze and smacked him in the back of the head.

  “Damn it man! I thought that shit was behind us!” Traze snapped at the grinning man.

  “You needed it that time. You were scaring the women and children.” David said with a chuckle.

  “You sure you want to stay and deal with that?” Reven asked with a half-smile, already knowing Ivint’s answer.


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