Have My Baby

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Have My Baby Page 9

by Stella Adeyemi

  When they finally pulled apart, the announcement was made.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Wells.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers and from that point until the reception came to an end, everything passed in a blur.

  They took a couple of pictures, had their first dance, she danced with her father and with Kane’s cousin, Chris, who had traveled down from California to be his best man. She danced with Justin and Jeanette, Chris’s daughter. She danced with her mother and Jordyn until her feet hurt.

  “So, how does it feel, being Mrs. Keisha Wells?” Jordyn asked as they sat by the pool, their feet in the water, while they enjoyed the calm of the night.

  The wedding had been held in Kane’s estate. They had both agreed that it was only reasonable to do it there since he had the space and all. The party was over now. Almost all the guest had left, except for Chris, Jordyn, her parents, and of course… the investors from Rickon’s.

  Yes, they had finally finalized the merger and the men were now on the patio, discussing business over drinks. Her parents and Evelyn were somewhere talking about God knew what. Jeanette and Justin were just a few feet away from herself and Jordyn, enjoying each other’s company, and the band was still in the field, performing classic R&B.

  She smiled, the thought still strange to her. Mrs. Keisha Wells. Herself. All of it was so surreal.

  “It still feels very unreal. I imagine it’s going to take a while to get used to. It’s a whole lot to wrap my head around.”

  “I can totally imagine. I mean, you just took the last available billionaire bachelor in the whole of Denver, and the one who earned the title playboy sweetheart for that matter. Girl, how unreal could that get? I can count probably a hundred girls who want to be you, right now. And those mushy vows? Damn! I was jealous. Oh my Goooddd, I’m so happy for you.”

  And that was how Keisha found herself being engulfed in her thousandth hug of the day. She welcomed it, nonetheless, appreciating her friend’s happiness.

  “One question though,” Jordyn said as they pulled apart. “When the minister asked if there were any objections, was you scared?”

  “Scared? Nah. I was just looking at Kane and everything else fell away. Nothing else mattered.”

  “Oh well, I tell you what, I was scared. I was half expecting one crazy ass bimbo to stand up in the crowd and start spitting thrash. I was ready to take her down too.”


  “What? It’s true. I know it was strictly by invitation and all, but these bitches can find their way into anywhere when they feel scorned. How do you feel about his past though?”

  She shrugged. “Indifferent.” And it was the truth. Everyone dated a handful of people before getting married these days. The past is the past. Besides, she knew more than anyone that Kane treated all of those women right and there was not one breakup that had turned ugly. How he managed it, she didn’t know. Anyway, all that was in the past now and she hoped it would stay that way.

  As if reading her thoughts, Jordyn asked. “You aren’t planning on letting him go are you?”

  “Not if I can help it. I’m in love with him, Jordyn.”

  “I know.”

  Keisha smiled. Of course, she would.

  “Are you gonna tell him?”

  “I don’t know. Feels like I’d be breaching some rules if I do. I also don’t want it to appear that I’m taking advantage or something.”

  “If he thinks that, he’s stupid. He asked you to marry him. And what would you be taking advantage of, his money? You got some of your own, a lot. And besides, you stand to gain more from a divorce since y’all didn’t sign a prenup. Not to mention you are already pregnant with my cute little godchild – his genius idea by the way, if I may point that out. The way I see it, you already got him tied if that was your intention. So, no need for the love game. He’s smart enough to figure that out, himself. There is no way he would think it’s all just a ruse.”

  “You know what, Jordyn?”


  “Sometimes, I wonder why I’m friends with your crazy ass, then you say these intelligent things and I’m like, yeah, that's why!”

  Keisha struggled to hold her laughter in as she saw Jordyn’s face swell with mock indignation.

  “Oh, now you want to laugh, eh? Go on. Laugh at me. You’re lucky your ass is pregnant, if not, I’d have you going for a swim in your wedding dress. And you are damn lucky I’m your friend. You know how many fake bitches we got out there? Some of them would probably be doing your guy behind your back or just steal the whole man away. Ain’t nobody gonna have your back like I do.”

  Keisha’s arms went around her friend in a bear hug. “Oh, shut up fool. I know that. You are the best, J.D. That’s why I love you.”

  “Good. Never forget that…” there was a pause before she finally gave in and hugged her back. “Aww, you mushy, pregnant, married woman. I love your silly ass too. You’re the sister I never had.”

  “Right back at ya.”

  It was the sound of a throat clearing that made them pull apart. The person was apparently behind Keisha, but she knew who it was the moment Jordyn started trying to smoothen out her appearance. Also, that twinge on her cheeks gave away everything. Her best friend had been acting funny whenever Chris was around, ever since he arrived three days ago. The best part, she didnt think Jordyn was the only one with the crush.

  “I’m sorry for ruining such a beautiful moment. I’m sorry to intrude, but I just wanted to let you know that the children fell asleep and I’ve taken them into the house.”

  Oh… to think they had not even realized that, caught up in their conversation.

  “You are spending the night, right?” He asked Jordyn.

  It was Keisha who answered.

  “Of course, there is more than enough room for everyone.”

  “Oh, great. The band was packing up but they agreed to give me one last song. I realized I never got the chance to dance with you. I hope it isn’t too late.”

  Keisha turned to look at her friend, who was suddenly very quiet. If Keisha knew J.D, and she did, she knew that the girl was screaming soprano in her head.

  “That is, if you wouldn’t mind me stealing her away, Mrs. Wells…”

  “Mind? Oh please, take her away. In fact, I see the men from Rickon leaving. That means I can finally have my husband to myself. Please, take her away, Chris. She’s all yours.”

  Jordyn didn’t get a chance to say a word before Chris was whisking her away to the dance floor.

  They were already swaying to When A Man Loves A Woman when Keisha felt her husband by her side… her husband. It still felt strange to say that.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen stars in Chris’ eyes when he looks at a woman. The only girl who gets that from him is Jeanette. She brings out all the stars in him. Yet, look at my cousin, besotted by your crazy friend.”

  He sat down, taking the space Jordyn had just left. When he pulled her into his arms, she went happily, basking in the feeling of warmth that enveloped her.

  “I think he likes her,” she said

  “He does.”

  “She likes him, too.”

  “Then good for them.”

  “You said Jean’s mother is late?”

  “Three years now. Died in childbirth.”

  “That’s terrible. He must have been devastated.”

  “He was, but he’s long healed.”

  “Justin’s father is as good as dead.”

  “Then I hope they figure things out. Now, enough of playing matchmaker, dear wife. You are with my child and you have been up on your feet all day.”

  “I’m sitting down now.”

  “Doesn’t count, I want you out of those clothes and on your back.”

  Her stomach squirmed and her head was turning to look at Kane before she could stop it. The flush on his cheeks told her that the use of words had not been deliberate at all. He looked so adorab
le. Kane Wells, embarrassed about sexual innuendos. Who would have thought?

  “You know what that sounds like right? We agreed sex wasn’t in the mix.”

  “And we also agreed that it could happen since we are both full-blown adults who are obviously attracted to each other.”

  She felt hot instantly, as his gaze fell to her lips and darkened. Suddenly parched, she licked hers. Her body, forgetting its exhaustion was suddenly at alert, all her nerves shooting up. Oh, there was an attraction, alright. Electrifying chemistry.

  Kane’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. His voice was a little gruff when he said,

  “Don’t do that…”

  And because she was far too gone to care, she licked her lips again. Slowly, this time. “Don’t do what?”

  Her words were swallowed by his kiss. It was rough, hard, passionate, demanding. And it ended too soon.

  “Arrghhh…” he groaned as he pulled apart. “I have no plans of touching you tonight, woman.” He must have seen her face fall, for he quickly added

  “Not that I don’t want to, but you are obviously exhausted and you need rest. So, be an angel and don’t tempt me. Once again, I want you out of these clothes, bathed, dressed in something more liberating and asleep on your back. I’ll even rub your feet for you. You’ll love it, I promise. I do it for Mum all the time.”

  Before she could offer her thoughts on the matter, he was already lifting her into his arms and carrying her into the house.

  They passed by their parents in the living room and she had to hide her face in mortification. Of course, she knew the thought that would cross their minds. Nevertheless, Kane kept true to his word.

  He helped her out of her clothes, waited for her until she was done bathing, then, rubbed her feet and her back until she fell asleep.

  All in all, it was a great first day of marriage.

  Chapter 10


  Kane lit up instantly as he saw his wife step into the dining room. His wife. It’d been two weeks, yet, he still got filled with wonder every time he thought of her like that.

  She had moved in with him, two months ago after the insemination was pronounced successful and they announced their engagement to the press. But up until their wedding night, they had been sleeping in separate rooms. After he had woken up to her face caught in the beauty of the morning sun the next morning, he had known that he wanted to wake up to that face for the rest of his life.

  If he had not finally figured it out as he watched her walk down the aisle, radiant as the sun the day before, that thought would have scared him. Alas, he had figured it out.

  He was in love with Keisha Wells, and those words he had vowed, he meant them with all his heart. She didn’t know it yet. She didn’t know that he had no intention of letting her go, but she would soon.

  He would grow on her, wrap himself all over her until she couldn’t wiggle out anymore. Then, she would be too in love with him to want to leave. He had it all figured out.

  Living together had brought them closer, and yes, it had taken him a while to admit that what he felt for her went beyond mere feelings. He had been scared shitless as he started to fall. Scared that this would be another fail, and he would only get his heart broken once again. But he knew Keisha. And he knew she would never hurt anyone, not intentionally. So, yes, slowly but surely, he had let himself continue the falling process.

  Until that evening of the wedding. Gosh! She had looked perfect, and the thought that she was his had almost floored him. This wonderful, amazing woman was his, and God help him, for life. Waking up every day to her since that morning had been nothing but bliss. Pure bliss. She filled him up with all kinds of good, happy feelings. All kinds.

  And it was funny, because he had known love, felt it, but it had been nothing like this. This was pure, it was true and it came with a solid sense of rightness in his guts. This was where he was meant to be. Right here, with her. He figured love could be experienced a thousand times, but when it was right, as this love was, it felt new.

  “Hey, you!” he chimed and returned the kiss she had placed on his cheeks. He knew his mother, who had joined him for breakfast, was watching them. Her eyes twinkling, calculating, her mind wondering. But she had a very big smile for Keisha as she got to her side to give her kisses.

  It was the question on everybody’s mind. Even Chris’s, before he left just yesterday. The answer was no. They weren’t sleeping together, yet, and he was absolutely fine with that. He was happy to wait. Besides, he was enjoying the buildup. It was honestly, very interesting.

  When they were alone, and sometimes, even in the midst of people, they made seemingly innocent sexual innuendos that got both of them hot and bothered. Not to mention that they had been stealing one too many kisses around the house, like teenagers in a secret relationship.

  It was childish, but it was fun. And easing into the whole romance thing this way, felt better. It was taking away any awkwardness that would have come from suddenly having sex. Not just that, taking their time to get closer and comfortable with sharing a room was wonderful.

  They could lay up in bed all night and talk about everything. Childhood memories, future dreams, vacation spots. They were keeping their honeymoon off until the Miami saga was sorted out. Besides, he wasn’t too keen on her traveling while pregnant. So, it was usually nice to talk about all the places they would love to visit together, and how much fun they would have, all the things they would do.

  He was happy. And he knew she was too. And that was the greatest gift he could ever ask for. He wanted things to go on this way. Happiness, always.

  “You’re all dressed up. It’s Saturday. Going somewhere?”

  “I told you about the girls’ day out with Jordyn. We are going to get our hair done, spa, manicure, pedicure. Christ, I can’t wait. Being pregnant makes everything feel heavier and more stressful. I need to relax and feel good about myself.”

  “You look beautiful just the way you are, babe. But yeah, I remember. Aren’t you gonna have breakfast?”

  “I would, but guess who let me sleep in? You. Jordyn would kill me if I’m late. She hates being kept waiting. I’ll just have tea and maybe two slices of bread.”

  Thankfully, the morning sickness wave seemed to have only lasted for a week in her second month. She was completely over the terrible days now, and he hoped they wouldn’t have to relive them. She was also beginning to show. Although, the bump could still be missed unless one looked very closely. The pregnancy cravings, like ditching coffee for tea, and stuffing on carrots dipped in jam all night, were something else.

  Except for that, all was well. She was glowing. Their baby looked good on her.

  He was carried away with watching her and he didn’t even realize it. The way she chewed, drank, all of it was like art to him. Christ, he had it bad.

  “What? Do I have something on my face?” she asked as she finished her meal.

  Not the least bit embarrassed, he flashed her that boyish grin he knew she liked so much.

  “Not at all. I was just admiring my beautiful wife, is all. Can’t take my eyes off you, dear.”

  Utterly satisfied with himself as she blushed, he got up, took her face in his hands and gave her a long kiss.

  “Don’t stay too long. I’ll miss you.”

  She could only grin in return and the grin remained on her face as he saw her to the car. His mother was waiting for him when he returned.

  “When are you going to tell her?”

  “Tell her what?”

  “That you are in love with her.”

  He shrugged. “Soon. I don’t know.”

  Evelyn smiled knowingly at him as she put her plates away.

  “I’ll be moving to the condo today. Since Chris has already left, I think it’s high time I gave the new couple some privacy.”

  They had wanted to leave before the wedding, but he had insisted that they all could stay in the main house since there were e
nough rooms. He wanted Chris and Jeanette closed by, since Keisha had enjoyed having them around.

  “This is your house too, mum. I don’t want to chase you away.”

  “The condo is my house too. Even though the entire estate is in your name. Besides, the condo’s still in the estate. Just five minutes walk from the main house. I don’t want to get in the way and it’s my decision. No one is chasing me out.”

  “There’s no convincing you, is there?”

  “Nope. I already packed the things I’ll be needing. I can always come here for meals or have mine sent to me. Carlos will be helping me move out before the end of the day. The condo has already been cleaned.”

  The condo was one of the many two-bedroom flats in the estate. Most of them were occupied by the live-in staff.

  “Alright then. Let me know when you’re ready to leave. I’ll accompany you and see you settled.”

  “Aww. Look at you, all grown up, married and still looking after your momma. Aren’t I lucky? God might have given me one, but he sure gave me a great one.”

  “He gave me a great mother too,” he said just as affectionately in return.


  “I told you I didn’t want you working yourself so hard. But you wouldn’t listen, would you?”

  “Oh, stop scolding me like a child, Kane. I’m pregnant, not a minor.”

  “You sure have me thinking differently. I mean, look at your feet. Stay home a few more weeks, you could still work from home.”

  “There was no point staying home when you already resumed work. The plan was to take two weeks off, stay away from the media and keep them guessing. Two weeks was over a week ago.”


  “Stop it, Kane, just rub my feet for me. It’s those damn high heels. I’ll have to get comfortable flats.”

  Exasperated but not wanting to make this issue any bigger, he let it go.

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  She giggled and began to tickle his sides with the feet he had just finished rubbing. Tried as hard as he did to fight against it, he ended up chuckling.


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