Raw Future [Embrace the Future 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Raw Future [Embrace the Future 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Berengaria Brown

  Embrace the Future 3

  Raw Future

  Adena is determined to marry both Arthur and Ghedi. Not because Arthur will be leader one day, and he and Ghedi are friends with benefits, but because they’re the only men she could ever love. She’s also determined to go on a journey and find more food for their village. Arthur and Ghedi are hot to marry Adena, but agreeing to her going on the journey with them takes them longer to accept.

  With Koby, Pagan, and Ruby, plus Zuri, Tau, and Udo, they set off to find where the food manufacturing site is to provide for their village. They circumnavigate the city but find no fresh food stocks.

  Then they’re captured by the Prince of the South and his people. Left with almost no food, they have to decide whether to attempt to go home, or to remain with the prince. Oh, and stay alive, too.

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 22,182 words


  Embrace the Future 3

  Berengaria Brown


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Berengaria Brown

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-905-7

  First E-book Publication: July 2012

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  For AESK. Everything seems too hard right now, but there is a pathway forward. Come on. You can do it!


  Embrace the Future 3


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Adena stood with her hands on her hips, stretching her aching back and looking along the neat rows of corn. It was growing really well this year. Much better than it had grown the last three or four years, she was sure. “It’s all due to the chickens,” she said to Ghedi, who was watching her from the next row across.


  “The vegetables growing so much better than they have for years. It’s all because of the chickens. They eat the bugs, and their shit fertilizes the soil, makes it richer in nutrients.”

  “Oh, yes. Besides, it doesn’t take any longer to grab a bug and stick it in a can than it does to kill it, and people are more likely to catch bugs now. I reckon in the past many people just ignored them until the crops started to fail then suddenly realized why the crops weren’t doing as well.”

  Adena nodded. Life in the valley was full of hard work, and people may well have not considered killing bugs a big deal, until it was too late. Well, the chickens had solved that problem. The more bugs the people caught for the chickens to eat, the more eggs there were for the villagers to eat.

  She rested her eyes on Ghedi’s sweaty, tanned body. He was very good to look at, and she’d like to do a lot more than just look. He was much taller than her—but then most people were. She was decidedly short—with muscular arms and legs and a hard body toned by their daily chores. His hair was dark as were his eyes. But his gaze rested on her with what she knew was lust. Now there was more food, her breasts had grown and pushed at the front of her shirt, and Ghedi had definitely noticed. And she’d noticed that he’d noticed. She hid a grin. Now if she could just convince both him and Arthur to form a triad partnership with her, life would be perfect.

  She wondered sometimes if Arthur still considered her to be a girl, but she was an adult now with a woman’s needs. Needs only Ghedi and Arthur could fulfill.

  The past two years had flown by. The people kept animals now, their crops were better, and each summer Pagan, Koby, and Ruby came to visit with them, bringing extra grain and canned foods to supplement their diet.

  The first summer they’d also brought more chickens, two cows, and half a dozen sheep. Each winter, once the village was sure the new lambs were strong and healthy, they killed the oldest sheep and had plenty of meat for weeks.

  But once before, many years ago, the village had animals that had gradually stopped reproducing and died off, so Adena wasn’t complacent. No matter what some people thought, the village wasn’t totally self-sufficient. When they’d been forced to live with no outside help they’d been staring starvation in the face. The animals and improved crops were very important, but the extra food brought to them each year was equally vital to their survival.

  And that would run out. Already there was no new manufacturing happening near them. The cans their scavengers found were not new. When Pagan, Koby, and Ruby arrived, which would likely be very soon, the village needed to talk seriously about finding new sources of supplies. Adena wanted to go with them on the journey, and she wanted to be married to Ghedi and Arthur when that happened. All she needed to do was convince both men to join with her. That shouldn’t be hard. Maybe if she bedded them both together, it’d convince them.

  She looked over at Ghedi. Already he’d squatted down and was weeding his row of corn. Sighing, she gave her shoulders and back one last stretch
, and did the same. If she wanted to eat, the corn had to grow.

  But while her busy fingers tended the plants, her even busier mind was planning a scenario with her, Arthur, and Ghedi all in bed together, naked.

  Pagan, Koby, and Ruby weren’t the only bonded threesome who Adena knew. In her own village Zuri, Tau, and Udo had been married by Andy, their leader, after Zuri found a store of food when the village was very hungry.

  Adena really didn’t want to have to wait until she went on a journey and found something the village needed to be given the right to marry the two men she craved. She craved them both now. Besides, Arthur was the most likely person to succeed Andy as leader, and once that happened, every female in the village between the ages of sixteen and sixty would be trying to marry him. Adena didn’t desire him because he would be leader one day. She craved him because every time she looked at him her belly clenched and her cunt wept cream, lusting after having him inside her most secret place, filling and completing her.

  But one man wasn’t enough. She wanted Ghedi just as much as she wanted Arthur, and she knew the two men were very close friends. It wasn’t openly acknowledged, they didn’t share a home, but she was certain they were more than friends. Friends with benefits seemed closer to the truth in her opinion. Which was perfect. She could have both of them, and they’d still have each other.

  Ghedi was the perfect foil for Arthur. Where Arthur took everything seriously and worried about decisions, Ghedi treated life much more casually and was more relaxed. Oh, sure he worked hard and was damn good at what he did, but he didn’t agonize and stress over decisions, he made them and moved on.

  Adena shared a house with two other unmarried women, so she couldn’t invite them home. Ruby, Koby, and Pagan’s RV was available for anyone in the village to use when they weren’t living in it. I’ll go and clean it up a little, put clean sheets on the bed, and ask them to come and look at something. That’s what I’ll do.

  * * * *

  The mobile home was reasonably clean. Some dust had gotten in, which she swept away. The bed was on the floor, with the table and benches used as storage space, so she put fresh sheets and pillowcases on the bed from the small store in the RV. Adena remembered the first time she’d seen sheets and pillowcases. She’d been awestruck at their clean freshness and the ease of laundering them compared to blankets. Now everyone in the village had sheets and pillowcases. Ruby had seen them in a warehouse she and her men had visited, and they’d brought the entire stock with them to the village.

  Andy, the village leader, had been furious when he’d found out that Tom and George had been scavenging for the village for years while the people had been led to think they were self-sufficient. Adena thought it was just as well both men were dead, or Andy would surely have killed them himself.

  She would have liked to ask them why they only brought certain things back to the village. No milk for the babies, no woolen sox for winter. No underwear or sheets. Was it because they didn’t know where to get such things? Or was there a reason why they only brought back the things they did? And why didn’t they bring enough food? The truck Zuri had found was plenty big enough to hold a lot more things in it. Even if they’d used the bus, with only the two of them in it, they could have brought so much more than they did.

  Adena shrugged. Well, they were dead, and there was no answer to such puzzles. Besides, if Ruby hadn’t explained to the people about “best before” dates and the symbols manufacturers used on the packaging, the villagers would still believe everything had been brought by the original settlers over fifty years ago. But it was time, past time the village did its own scavenging again and found freshly canned goods, not just old ones. Likely they would have to travel much farther to do that though. Maybe even for weeks, rather than days.

  Adena took out her tiny hoard of chocolate powder, and her day’s allowance of milk, which she’d saved for this evening. She had little enough to offer Ghedi and Arthur, as all foodstuffs were stored centrally and all meals were cooked and eaten communally. But she hoped offering them a hot chocolate drink would tempt them. It wasn’t as though she could announce in public she planned to seduce them and ask them to marry her. Although she hoped once she was naked, they’d get the message fast enough.

  She’d also said she needed to talk to them, which was true. She’d let them think it was about the food resources though, which was important to her. But getting them to mate with her was more important right now. She knew they were interested in her, but the big question was, just how interested were they? A bit of fun for one night, or something longer lasting?

  Ghedi and Arthur arrived together, which told her they’d talked about her with each other. That was fine by her. She wanted this to be a three-way partnership, so sharing was fine by her.

  A little nervously, she brought out the thermos of hot chocolate she’d made and three of the cups from the RV’s shelf. They had to sit on the mattress on the floor as the table and benches were used for storage, but the floor was very comfortable. Much nicer than in the hut she shared, which had a floor of hard-packed dirt. Besides, being on the mattress was a good start to the seduction she planned.

  “Thank you, Adena. But hot chocolate, although absolutely delicious, wasn’t why you asked us to come here, was it?” said Ghedi.

  “When Ruby and her two men arrive, we need to plan a journey to find a new source of food. Foods produced more recently. Basically we need to find where the source is so we can go there,” she replied.

  “Andy and I know this. Andy is already planning it, but we need to wait for Koby and Pagan to get here because they may have more information to share with us,” said Arthur.

  “Koby, and Pagan, and Ruby. Ruby is a part of that team. Just as Zuri is part of the group with Tau and Udo. It was Zuri who found the food. Women think differently from men,” Adena said firmly.

  Ghedi nodded soberly. Arthur looked torn. “I know that women think differently, which is why Zuri found the food supply, not a man. But the danger is extreme. Gangs roam the world looking to rape and murder people, and steal anything we may find.”

  “And possibly it’s also why Tom and George never told Andy what they were doing. And never brought back the milk powder our children needed so desperately,” she added tartly.

  Ghedi nodded again. This time Arthur nodded, too. “So maybe just a few women who can be well protected, like Ruby and Zuri, to remind the men of women and children’s needs,” he said slowly.

  “I’m going, too. I can drive as well as any man—better than most of them. I went last time, so I’m experienced.”

  “But the danger. How can we protect you?” argued Arthur.

  “The answer’s obvious. You and Ghedi will marry me. As a triad, there are two of you to protect me if I need help. Not that I needed you last time, and I may not need you this time either. But with two of you I’d be amply protected.”

  Adena kept her gaze on the men’s faces. Neither of them looked very surprised. She wondered if they’d been thinking along similar lines to her all along.

  Carefully, Ghedi placed his empty cup on the bench. “That’d work,” he said.

  “If we married you, it wouldn’t be just for the trip. It’d be a permanent, life-long union. You’d belong to us forever,” said Arthur.

  “You would belong to me, too. We’d be three equal partners,” Adena replied.

  “Yes,” said Ghedi.

  “I agree, too.”

  As soon as they spoke, Adena stood up and pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor, then stepped out of her shoes and her skirt. Years of never having underwear sure had its advantages, she thought, trying not to grin.

  Ghedi’s gaze was on her breasts, just as it had been in the vegetable garden earlier. Quickly he stood, too, and dropped his pants. His fingers fumbled as he unbuttoned his shirt, but he managed to pull it off quite quickly.

  “I hope this means we’re going to seal the bargain. I’m going to be
a mighty frustrated man if you’re leading me on,” said Arthur, stepping out of his pants.

  She grinned. Arthur’s cock was peeking out from the waistband of his underpants. He was the only one among them wearing underwear. His cock was long and thick, and she was certain he’d use it to give her great pleasure. She turned her gaze below Ghedi’s waist and smiled. His cock wasn’t quite as long, but it was very thick, with a broad, flat head. She just bet that would feel excellent inside her.

  Back before Zuri found the food, the village leaders had banned sex, trying to prevent pregnancies. Of course most people had simply ignored the rule, but Adena, and her boyfriend at the time, had become adept at oral sex. Looking at those two cocks, she was more than ready to suck either or both of them. Or maybe one of them would fuck her while the other one fucked the one fucking her. That could be quite exciting.

  Ghedi lay down on the mattress with his hands under his head, spread his legs, and said, “Adena, do you want to fuck me or suck me? I’m good with either plan.”

  “First, let’s verbalize this properly. You’ll both marry me. We’ll be a group of three equal partners. Right?”

  “Yes,” said Ghedi, raising his gaze from her breasts to her eyes as he spoke. His eyes were dark pools of lust, but his voice was sincere.

  “We’ll be equal inside our marriage. When—if—Andy appoints me to succeed him as leader, I can make no promises about leadership issues, except that I will always consider the needs of women and children. Letting Cara almost die for lack of milk will never be repeated here,” Arthur said solemnly.


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