[Phantom Islanders 02.0] Storm Revealed

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[Phantom Islanders 02.0] Storm Revealed Page 3

by Ednah Walters

  Something in his voice said he was speaking from personal experience.

  “You think so?” I asked.

  “I know so.” That confirmed it.

  I let go of my preoccupation with my brother and his situation, leaned back, and studied Storm’s face. He wore a preoccupied expression as though pondering something.

  “How do you know about mothers and preferences?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “I just do.”

  “Can you tell me about your childhood? How did you escape Hy’Brasil, and why haven’t you just killed Tullius already?”

  Storm’s chest rumbled with laughter. “I don’t kill people indiscriminately.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, right. I was on the ship, remember?”

  “Two of my men died that night, lass, and I lost it.”

  “How often do you do that? Lose it?”

  He grinned. “A lot more than I like, but I’m working on it. Speaking of Hy’Brasil, we’ll be heading there tomorrow to find Deck. He’s been gone for too long.” Storm frowned. “If he’s in trouble, he’ll need our help.”

  My chest tightened. Hy’Brasil meant Tullius. What if Tullius caught Storm?

  “What happened to Kheelan and his crew? His ship didn’t come back with you guys.”

  “He didn’t raid with us. He’s taking care of some other business for me. He should be back in a few days.” I yawned, and Storm stood with me. “It’s bedtime for you. You’ve been yawning nonstop, and I need to discuss a few things with my brothers.”

  “I’m not sleepy. I want to hear about you.” I yawned again.

  He chuckled and lowered me to the bed. “Do you know why you are tired?”

  “No.” I hadn’t slept well last night and had woken up early to sneak onto the ship. The gleam in his eyes said he knew it, too. “Yes, I do. Don’t say it unless you’re going to say something nice.”

  “We’ll talk tomorrow.” He stroked my cheek and kissed me before stepping back. I was a little disappointed the kiss was sweet. I wanted passion, a reason to wrap myself around him and get a repeat of yesterday. Or I could just jump him.

  I watched him walk to the wardrobe and come out with a shirt. He was powerfully built, yet graceful. He glanced toward the bed as though he felt my lustful eyes on him, and I closed them. I knew when he left the room and sighed. I was becoming preoccupied with the man, which couldn’t be good or healthy.

  I was drifting off to sleep when he slipped under the covers, pulled me closer, and buried his nose in my hair. I settled into his arms and smiled.

  What had the nod meant?

  Chapter 2

  I was alone in bed when I woke up. Feeling energetic and optimistic, I ran to the window and threw back the curtains. The ships were gone, and the sun bathed the lush landscape of Vaarda. It was a perfect day to go for a ride.

  As though he’d heard me, the black stallion appeared outside the outer wall and looked up at my window. Smart horse. He lifted his front legs and neighed.

  “I’m coming down,” I yelled.

  “Someone woke up in a good mood,” Delia said, entering the room with a tray.

  “It’s a beautiful day.” I headed to the dressing room. “And I’m going for a ride.”

  “Which horse?”

  “The black stallion. We’ll be careful.”

  She chuckled but didn’t stop me. “I trust that one. Looks like the lads are going to be around for a few more days before they leave for Hy’Brasil,” she said. “They are preparing the ships now.”

  I didn’t like thinking about Hy’Brasil, Tullius, or Storm heading his way, but I liked the idea of Storm being around for a few more days. Maybe I’d get another orgasm. Or two. Last night had been a disappointment.

  “How does Storm know stuff?” I called out from behind the screen.

  “Like what?” Delia entered the room, and I could hear her move closer.

  “He said nothing happens on the island without his knowledge. So how does he know things?”

  “He has his way.”

  “And what way is that?” I stepped from behind the screen and studied my reflection as I adjusted the lacing on the bodice for a better fit. The outfit was another one of Nerissa’s, altered to my size.

  “I’ll let him explain. You look lovely, lass.”

  I felt amazing. I threw her a smile. “Thanks.”

  “The lad won’t wait forever.”

  Lad? Then I realized she meant the stallion. She was funny. She called everything male a lad and everything female a lass. I’d even heard her call a female seal “lass.”

  “Come on. I’ll brush your hair while you eat.” She picked up a hairbrush from the table. If my hands weren’t wrapped up like a mummy’s, I would have objected. Despite what Meris had said, I didn’t like them waiting on me.

  “Can I get one of those for the stallion? I promised to give him a thorough cleaning next time I rode him.”

  “He would love that, or a dunk in the Sidhe Necktan.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A pool by a waterfall. It is to the right of Moira’s lake. As for brushes, I’ll ask Yarrow to make one for your stallion. He’s supposed to make some for you, too.” She led the way back to the bedroom and picked up a piece of paper from the floor. “What’s this?”

  I made a face. “The list I made about what I could change around here. It’s not important. Just throw it away, Delia.” I’d been annoyed when Storm hadn’t joined me for lunch, so I’d deliberately been a bitch about it. If he saw the list, he’d assume I hated every piece of furniture in the bedroom. I didn’t. I wouldn’t mind adding a few things, but that was it.

  I ate breakfast while Delia brushed my hair. Then she checked my hands. The left one was almost healed. She added more gel on both and wrapped them up. When she was done, I took the utensils downstairs.

  Gráinne watched me without saying a word. I gave her a toothy grin. One day, I’d win over the cranky old bat. I waved to Meris.

  “Don’t go too far,” Delia warned. “The lad knows the way to this, uh, Sidhe Boann.”

  “And stay away from the cliffs,” Gráinne added.

  She and Storm had some weird connection to the island. I wondered where Storm was. Probably readying the ships with his crew.

  I used the back entrance and studied the sky. Not a single cloud to be seen. Not that lack of clouds would stop a storm from starting. The weather in this place was unpredictable and crazy.

  The stallion was waiting for me on the side of the building by a stump. I let him nuzzle my nape. I rubbed his neck and reached down to rub his chest. He liked that. He nickered. I stepped on the stump, gripped his mane, favoring my left hand, and swung my leg over his back.

  “Be back by lunchtime,” Delia yelled from the window above us. “We’ll go to Ryun’s for some fresh fruit.”

  Fresh fruit, after days of sauce from the pits of hell, sounded like a trip to the ice cream shop on a hot summer afternoon. I waved back.

  Patting the stallion’s neck, I added softly, “Let’s go to Sidhe Boann waterfalls then explore beyond that and see if I can find the port.”

  The stallion took off toward the forest. I studied the grounds for traps but didn’t see any. The horse saw them, though. It was the only explanation for the way he’d go down a beaten path, then veer off it, loop, and come back to the same path.

  “You are a smart lad, aren’t you? You know where all the traps are.”

  The stallion snorted, and I laughed.

  “Delia started it with lad this and lad that. You are too magnificent to be called a lad.”

  He lifted his head and nickered.

  “Now you’re showing off.”

  He tossed his head, and I laughed. Once we passed the trees, we entered a meadow. The stallion veered to the right and away from the lake. Soon we were riding along endless rows of sugar cane. The land became hilly when we reached the trees. Once again, we meandered and avoided certain paths. Sweat dripped bet
ween my shoulder blades, and my mouth tasted funny. I needed water.

  I was contemplating going back when I heard the sound of rushing water. I looked up and grinned. The waterfall wasn’t big, but it was beautiful. The water flowed over giant rocks and into a clear pool. The stallion stopped, and I slid off his back.

  “Stay here.”

  The pool was larger than I’d thought, the water so clear I could see the colorful fish swimming below and gems lining the bottom. The water was cool too, not cold. I tasted it and grinned. Fresh water. Rainwater must feed it.

  I removed my boots and socks, bunched up my skirts, and waded in the shallow end. The bottom was rocky, the stones so smooth I almost lost my balance. The stallion moved closer as though to rescue me.

  “I’m okay,” I called out.

  When he drank from the pool, I studied my hands and wondered whether to remove the bandages or not. No, I didn’t want the water to wash out the medication. I cupped my hands, scooped the water, and drank. I studied the area around the waterfall and then glanced at the stallion. The mountains were bigger, and there was less vegetation.

  “Should we continue to climb and see the port, or swim? It’s a long, rocky climb.”

  He gave me an annoyed look, nose flaring, and went back to drinking.

  “Don’t give me that look. You’d think I’d insulted you. I was actually asking for your opinion.”

  He dunked his head and lifted it quickly, spraying me with water. I screeched, then laughed when he went back to drinking.

  “Fine. You’re thirsty, and I’m sweaty. I’ll swim while you keep watch.” The islanders might swim with their horses, but I wasn’t taking chances with the stallion. One kick and he could crack my ribs. “You can come in when I’m on the other side of the pool.”

  I stepped out of the water, checked my surroundings to make sure no one was nearby, and stripped to my new satin bloomers and sports bra. The horse moved farther away from the pond and looked around as though actually keeping watch. Maybe it understood human language.

  Apart from birds chirping, there were no other sounds. I removed the rest of my clothing, rolled them inside the skirts, and wedged them between two rocks. The horse studied me, shook his head, and whinnied.

  “I hope that’s approval. If you tell anyone I was swimming in the nude, I’ll never forgive you. Warn me if you see anyone.” I waded until the water reached my knees, then dove in.

  It was deeper toward the rocks, the water pristine and clear. I shot to the surface and treaded the water. The stallion watched me from the edge of the pond.

  “Don’t panic if you don’t see me. I’m going to the bottom to gather some of the colorful gems.” I dove under. I picked a few, shot to the surface, and placed them on a flat rock by the stallion.

  “You should join me,” I called out after a few more trips. The stallion turned his head, his ears twitching. Then he took off. “Damn it. I said join me, not run away.” Now I’d have to walk to the ridge alone, or go back to the castle. One more dip, then I was getting out.

  This time, I found a bed of bivalves. Pearls could be found inside some bivalves. While inspecting them, a loud thump came from above, and the water rocked.

  I looked up and saw legs treading the water. Human legs, not a horse’s. Crap!

  It was a man. And he was naked since I could see his ass. All he had to do was look down, and he’d see me. I hid behind a rock even though I knew I couldn’t stay down here forever. I took another look at the ass and saw the tattoo snaking over one cheek.

  I knew that ass.


  I should have known. He always turned up when I least expected him. He dived and shot toward me, a broad grin on his face. Then I remembered I didn’t have a stitch on and groaned. I couldn’t cover myself and swim at the same time. He stepped on the floor of the pond and stayed there. How could he do that?

  Stupid question. Magic. And he was shameless in his nudity. He caught my waist and pulled me to him. When our naked bodies touched, it took all my energy not to gasp, which could have been disastrous. I pointed at my nose and then up.

  He nodded and let me go. I shot up. He was right beside me when I surfaced. I gulped in much needed air.

  “You okay?” he asked, cupping my face.

  I nodded. “Delia suggested a dip in the pool, and the black stallion brought me here. What are you doing here?”

  At least he was staring at my face, not my naked body parts. I was trying to hide by doing a new tread, a horizontal one.

  “Shouldn’t you be fixing your ship?”

  “That’s what bos’ns and carpenters are for.” He stroked my cheek. “Besides, I knew you were having fun without me. Sorry, I missed you this morning. You were fast asleep when I woke up.”

  “I overslept.”

  “Do you want to dive to the bottom for more colorful gems?”

  “No. I think I have enough.”

  “Chicken.” He planted a slow kiss on my lips, until I forgot I was in the water. I was clinging to him when he lifted his head. Then he was gone. I tried to get my bearings.

  When my head stopped swimming, I gunned for the edge of the pool. By the time he resurfaced, I was dressed. The only thing I didn’t wear was the bodice. I also removed the bandages and placed them on a nearby rock to dry. He didn’t tease me as he came to sit on the rock next to mine, where I was trying to dry off my blouse.

  “For you.” He dropped about two dozen black, smooth rocks on my lap, making my skirt wet, too. “Black pearls.”

  No way. I picked up one, the light catching the luster on the surface. Storm leaned back against the rock and got comfortable as though he hadn’t dumped a fortune on my lap. Just a single one of these would be worth hundreds of dollars. I wouldn’t need Mr. Sinclair’s money if I could get these home and sell them.

  “How did you get them?”

  “I talked to the creatures, and they spit out the pearls. I didn’t have to kill a single one of them.”

  I scoffed at the idea. He was so silly.

  “We also get some from the ocean and use them to trade for goods on the other islands, but freshwater pearls are worth more. You should have one of the jewelers make a bracelet and earrings for you with those. I’ll get more so you can have a necklace, too.”

  “Thank you.” I didn’t dare look at him, though I was very much aware of him. Naked. Staring at me.

  “Aren’t you getting dressed?” I asked.

  “Nope. I’m giving my body time to adjust while sunbathing. You got dressed too soon, lass.” He reached out and tugged at my skirt. I turned to slap his hand, but my eyes landed on his ripped abs. Naturally, they drifted lower. I forgot about slapping him. I wanted to touch him. Caress him. His body reacted to my scrutiny.

  Face flaming, I looked away while he chuckled.

  The man was shameless. “I better get started back.”

  “No, stay with me a little longer, she’lahn.” He rolled onto his stomach. “Talk to me.”


  “Anything. Ask me any question about me or the island.”

  I studied the scars covering his back. Two identical ones were along his shoulder blades. They looked deeper. I traced one. He tensed and glanced over his shoulder at me. I put my hand on my lap.

  “Don’t stop,” he begged, so I went back to tracing his scars, some deeper than others.

  “How did you get the scars?” I asked, imagining how his back must have looked before the wounds healed.

  “From public flogging,” he said calmly as though it was nothing. “Tullius.”

  I really hated that name. Every time I heard it, ugly things were associated with it.

  “Even the deeper ones?”

  “Yep. He chopped off my wings.”

  Wings? I slapped his back. “Very funny. If you don’t want to answer my questions just say so.”

  “It is the truth.” He studied my skeptical expression. “Okay, don’t believe me. What happened
between you and my carpenter a few days ago?”

  The man who’d looked up my skirt? “Nothing. He was the perfect gentleman. He took me to the ship, I got my sports bra and shorts, and he brought me back. Why do you ask?”

  “He’s acting shifty, and that bothers me. I can’t trust someone who can’t look me in the eye.”

  “I teased him about looking up my skirt when I climbed the ladder, but he was really the perfect gentleman.” There was no need to cause problems for the poor man. “Tell him to relax. I was just screwing with him.”

  “So my poor men are not safe from that mouth of yours?”

  “No, they’re safe. My mouth belongs to you.” He chuckled, and I realized what I’d said. “It’s your fault I was mean to him anyway. You stole my panties, and I hate walking around without them.”

  “I love it.”

  “I can see that.” He was still sunbathing naked. I was tempted to trace the tattoos covering his back, but I might follow it to his ass. From the lack of tan lines, he often sunbathed naked.

  “No, lass. I love the idea of you walking around without panties. After you claim me, it will make things easier between us. We could mate anytime, anywhere.”

  Images flashed through my head, and I swallowed. How the hell was I supposed to respond to that? There ought to be a law against some of the things he said.

  “Although, the satin pair you are wearing right now looks sexy on you.”

  It took a moment for his words to register because I was still on mate anytime, anywhere. “What? How do you know? Wait. You saw me get dressed from the bottom of the pool?”

  “I saw you undress. You should never wear clothes, Lexi.” He caressed my back. The chemise was no barrier to the heat from his hand. “You have a beautiful body. On the other hand, watching you undress is even better.”

  Watching me? When? “You spied on me?”

  “No. I kept an eye on you.” He turned around suddenly, and I averted my eyes. “Pass me my clothes, lass. I want to take you to see the port.”

  I grabbed his clothes and threw them at his head.

  “Now what did I do?” he asked, sounding both hurt and confused. “I just offered to take you to see the port.”


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