A Lovely Lesbian Collection

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A Lovely Lesbian Collection Page 6

by Emily Vixen

  Wendy was everything Tanya looked for in a woman.

  “So, Julie said this will be your first date with another woman. Are you excited?” Wendy asked as she grabbed the menu and handed it to Tanya.

  “Yes, I am excited. A little nervous too actually. I haven't been on a date with anyone for a while and like Julie said this is my first time with a woman.” Tanya smiled weakly as she finally managed to tear her eyes away from Wendy.

  “I must admit that I was a little nervous this morning too.” Wendy grinned as she picked up a menu for herself and began to browse her options. “Julie said you were stunning so I was a little worried you wouldn't be interested in a woman like me.”

  “That's ridiculous!” Tanya blurted a little too loudly. She blushed and hid behind her menu as the nearby diners turned to look at her. She laughed slightly as she peered over the top of her menu at Wendy. “You're stunning yourself.”

  “I'm glad you think so.” Wendy laughed at the attention Tanya seemed to have brought on herself. “I was thinking after lunch that we could go shopping. If you want to of course.”

  “Sure, I'd love to.” Tanya agreed. “I've been meaning to buy some new jeans for a while.”

  “I know the perfect shop not too far from here for that. I'll take you after this,” Wendy promised.

  “Great.” Tanya grinned. She felt a little better now everyone had stopped staring and gone back to their own meals. She was also immensely grateful that she and her gorgeous date were getting on so well.

  The waiter soon turned up to take their orders and the two women began to talk about more interesting topics.

  “I don't want to presume anything but I'm guessing since this is your first date with a woman that you're not too experienced with one in bed either?” Wendy asked as gently as she could.

  “Oh, erm... no.” Tanya laughed. “I haven't been in bed with a woman before. I mean, I've had sex with a few men before working out...”

  “That you're a lesbian?” Wendy laughed softly. “Yeah, I did the same thing. I suppose you've heard from everyone that it's really different with a woman and they're right. Women tend to know better what kind of thing other women want.”

  “I still feel like I'm going to be terrible at it.” Tanya sighed. “I'm fine with myself but doing all that to another woman still seems daunting.”

  The waiter returned and gave them their drinks, giving a brief smile before leaving to deal with other customers while their food cooked.

  “It can be daunting at first I suppose. Anyone's first time can seem that way.” Wendy mused. “I'm not saying all this to pressure you into bed or anything I'm just trying to get a good idea of how slow to take things with you. I know we haven't been here long but I'd love a second date at least, and then who knows!”

  Tanya smiled as she relaxed back into her seat. She took a sip of her drink and nodded. “That seems like a good idea. I was already hoping for a second date myself but I didn't want to seem too eager and put you off.”

  Wendy laughed. “You don't have to worry about that. You'd have to do something really drastic to put me off you now.”

  “I shall do my best not to do anything too stupid then.” Tanya said happily. “I'd like to think that you can be the one to show me how it's done in the bedroom. I'm nervous but I feel like I've been waiting for that moment all my adult life. I was wondering this morning how long to wait before we do go to bed together.”

  “I think that's all a matter of personal opinion.” Wendy replied. “As long as everyone involved is happy to be there and participating then I don't think there is such a thing as too soon. Everyone needs to really think before they act but I feel that way about most big decisions so it just makes sense to me.”

  “Yeah. That seems right to me too.” Tanya agreed. “So you won't think badly of me if I say I'm already desperate to get you back to mine and get you naked?”

  “Think badly of you?” Wendy laughed loudly. “I've been trying to stop thinking about what it'd be like to fuck you since I walked through the door.”

  The waiter reappeared and served the women their food before rushing off to deal with more customers as the restaurant began to fill up.

  “More on that topic later then.” Wendy winked over at Tanya as she prepared to eat. “I think this place is getting a little too full to be talking so loudly about sex.”

  “I would have thought it better to talk loudly about sex when it's full. Then people won't know exactly who spoke if we're overheard,” Tanya pointed out with a grin as she too began to eat.

  “You have a very good point there. It's like you're a pro at this already.” Wendy laughed happily. She was pleased the date was going so well.

  The two women ate quickly and after splitting the cost they headed over to the nearest shopping mall. They tried on a variety of clothes together, the outfits slowly getting more and more provocative as they went.

  Wendy tried on a small top covered in sequins and paraded happily in front of Tanya in the changing rooms.

  “What do you think?” Wendy asked as she twirled around on the spot. “Sexy or too much?”

  Tanya gave it some deep consideration as she smoothed out the dress she was trying on. “It's a bit tacky but I like it. I can totally imagine slipping my hand under and giving those amazing tits a good squeeze.”

  Wendy grinned. “I think that's the best compliment I've had all day. You're getting the hang of this now.”

  At first Tanya had been a little nervous of showing off the outfits she was trying on and her compliments had been polite but now that they'd been shopping for a while her nerves had died down and she was getting used to giving more sexually charged compliments.

  “I guess I just feel sexier in this dress.” Tanya pointed out as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

  “You do look amazing.” Wendy agreed as she came up behind Tanya and rested her hands on the other woman's hips. She leaned in and whispered in Tanya's ear. “You look so good I could fuck you right here.”

  Tanya let out a little gasp as Wendy squeezed her hips a little. Tanya could feel her cheeks getting warm at the thought of Wendy being unable to resist her.

  “Maybe we should go back to my place.” Tanya offered, her voice low with lust. “I know we haven't known each other long but it just feels right, doesn't it?”

  “Like I said earlier.” Wendy whispered as she lowered her head and began kissing Tanya's shoulder gently. “I think if it's right then it's right. As long as both people are feeling it and want it then I don't see why they should hold back. I don't care what other people might think of us fucking so soon, they won't be there anyway. It's just you and me that matter.”

  “Yeah, you're right.” Tanya agreed. She'd heard other people say similar things and thought the same thing herself but hearing Wendy put it so simply made her relax entirely. She was more than ready and Wendy clearly was too. They really had no reason to hold back. “Shall we get back into our clothes and pay for these?” she asked with a cheeky grin.

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Wendy said as she took a deep breath and a step away from Tanya. “If I can keep my hands off you for long enough, that is.”

  “Are you going to buy the sparkly top?” Tanya asked as she slipped out of the dress and began to change back into her clothes in what tiny space was available in the small cubicle.

  “I am.” Wendy nodded firmly as she took another look at herself in the mirror. “Even if you do think it's trashy,” she laughed.

  “I think it'd look alright with a nice jacket over the top.” Tanya amended her opinion as she looked again. “Besides, I can't stop thinking about how good your breasts would feel in my hands when I look at you in it, so it must be doing something right.”

  Wendy changed back into the clothes she'd come into the store wearing. “That settles it then. Oh and if you're up for it I have one more shop to visit before we head back to your place...”

  [My start]

>   “Oh? What did you have in mind?” Tanya asked eagerly. She was understandably curious as to what could possibly stand in the way of her getting Wendy naked and in bed as quickly as possible.

  “You'll see,” Wendy said with a smirk.

  Once they had paid for their clothes, the two of them made their way through town with Wendy taking the lead. Along the way, Tanya tried to take a few guesses at where they were going but not one of them turned out to be right. A few minutes later she finally got her answer when they stopped in front of a store. There were no displays in the windows, just blinds that stopped anyone from seeing inside, and there was no window built into the door either. Despite the secretive appearance however it was obvious what kind of store they'd ended up at.

  “A sex shop?” Tanya asked, raising her eyebrows sightly in surprise. It looked like she really had hit the jackpot in scoring a date with Wendy. She was stunning and fun to be around, and the fact that their first date involved a trip to a sex shop truly sealed the day as Tanya's greatest first date ever.

  “That's right,” Wendy grinned as she stepped through the door, leading Tanya inside. “I figured that if it's going to be your first time with a woman then we may as well do this properly, hadn't we? I don't want to go and put you off women because you didn't have enough fun, after all. That would be a crime to women everywhere if I took you off the market!”

  “I don't think I'm going to be convinced away from women that easily,” Tanya assured her with a chuckle. Now they were inside she took a moment to look around at the various different toys and outfits that were on offer. “You know, I don't think I've ever been somewhere like this before.”

  “Really?” Wendy asked, sounding surprised. “Well I guess today will be a day full of firsts for you, won't it? Let's see...anything in particular you like the look of?” she asked as she browsed. “If you're not used to using toys then something like a whip or a full outfit might be a little much, but I bet we can still have plenty of fun starting smaller.”

  “So something like this? These are pretty standard, aren't they?” Tanya was holding up a pair of handcuffs, with thick fuzzy lining to ensure they were gentle on the wrists after they were put on.

  “Ooh, very nice choice,” Wendy complimented her as she looked the handcuffs over. “You want me to use those on you?” she asked.

  “Actually,” said Tanya, “I was kind of thinking I might take charge if that's alright with you. If I'm going to learn how to do it properly with another woman then I think I'm going to learn a lot better if I throw myself in at the deep end.”

  “You want to take the dominant role?” Wendy grinned. “Wow, and here I thought I was lucky just because you're beautiful. I didn't expect you'd be willing to take the lead in the bedroom too. Perhaps I ought to put the lottery on or something if my luck's going to continue like this,” she laughed.

  “If you win you'll have to make sure to take me somewhere nice,” Tanya joked, the two of them sharing a laugh. “So anyway, if I'm going to be the one taking the lead, then how about you pick something out for yourself? Handcuffing you will be fun enough but I think it will be even better if I have something to use on you.”

  “I like the way you think.” Wendy took a moment to look around and consider her options before grabbing a feather duster. “I think this will do nicely.”

  “A feather duster?” Tanya asked, pulling a face. “I...what exactly do I do with that? Do I turn it around and put the handle up you, or...?”

  “What?” Wendy couldn't help laughing. “N-no, no, nothing like that! It's just supposed to be for tickling – here, like this.” She reached out with the duster and gently brushed it against Tanya's neck, making her laugh and squirm slightly. “Though obviously it's a lot more pleasurable on your naked body rather than on the side of your neck in the middle of the store.”

  “I suppose that makes sense,” Tanya conceded. “Maybe a blindfold would be a good addition too, then? If you can't see then it'll heighten your senses so you'll enjoy it even more.” Despite having never slept with a woman, Tanya still understood the basics of what would be fun and knew what she would enjoy in Wendy's position.

  “You sure you haven't done this before?” Wendy laughed.

  The two of them spent a little longer browsing the store in case anything else caught their attention, but in the end they finally settled on just the three items: handcuffs, a feather duster and a blindfold.

  “Well, that should be enough for the first night at least,” said Tanya as they left the store and returned outside.

  “The first night?” Wendy asked with a smirk. “Are you suggesting there's going to be more than one night together then?”

  “I can hope, can't I?” Tanya countered with a grin. “Assuming everything goes well anyway.”

  “I'm sure it will,” Wendy assured her. “Now then, how about we get somewhere a little more private so we can actually put our new toys to use?”

  “Sounds perfect. I don't live too far from here, so why don't we head there now?” Tanya suggested.

  “Great. That'll be a lot better than going to my place too. It's important for you to be somewhere comfortable so you can be confident during your first time with a woman, especially if you're going to be taking the lead.”

  “Don't worry, I'm fairly confident I can fill the role.” The two of them continued chatting as they made their way through town and to Tanya's apartment.

  Once they were inside, Wendy suddenly seized Tanya by the hips and leaned over, kissing her firmly. Tanya was caught off-guard at first but quickly surrendered to the kiss, eagerly returning it as she slipped her arms around Wendy's shoulders. The kiss went on for a few minutes before their lips finally parted, both of them panting for breath.

  “Well that came out of nowhere,” Tanya gasped, “not that I'm complaining.”

  “Didn't want you thinking I was the sort of slut who'd sleep with someone without kissing them first, so figured I'd get that out of the way while I remembered,” Wendy pointed out. “Didn't mean for it to get so intense though. Not that I'm complaining either, of course.”

  “If I wasn't in the mood before then I definitely am now,” Tanya chuckled. “So, how do we go about doing this?”

  “I suppose that's down to you,” Wendy said with a shrug, “after all, you're the one taking charge, aren't you? Though if I do get to give one little piece of input, I'd like to you keep those heels on. Ideally without much else though.”

  “Oh?” Tanya smirked. “I'll take your suggestion into account. Alright then, let's see now...” She took a moment to look around her apartment and decide what to do next. “Ah, perfect!” She quickly moved to the other side of the room and grabbed a chair, positioning it against the wall. Next she drew the blinds and turned on the light, because despite being a few floors up she didn't want to risk somebody somehow catching sight of them and interrupting their fun.

  Wendy clearly understood the plan and didn't need instructions. She made her way over to the chair and sat down.

  “Not quite yet,” Tanya interrupted her just before her ass could hit the seat. “I can't really strip you down while you're sat in the chair, can I?”

  “Ah, good point.” Wendy stood up again. “So, want me to get naked, or would you rather do it for me?”

  “I think it would be more fun to strip each other,” Tanya decided.

  “If that's what my mistress wants,” Wendy said teasingly. The word from her lips gave Tanya a little shudder of exhilaration. Ooh, that was nice. She would have to get Wendy to call her that more often.

  The two of them quickly got to work, kissing again as their hands roamed over the other's body. Bit by bit their clothes were discarded, and before long they were both wearing nothing but their underwear.

  “Mm, you look good like that,” Tanya moaned, leaning in to kiss Wendy's neck while reaching around to undo the clasp on her bra.

  “Ah!” Wendy gasped softly as her neck was kissed. “I could say
the same. I do hope you're going to let me finish stripping you before you put the blindfold on me, at least.”

  “As long as you call me by the right name,” Tanya teased her.

  “Whatever you wish...mistress.” Wendy purposefully emphasised the word and could see the pleasure on Tanya's face when she spoke.

  “Mm, perfect. Alright, I think you earned this.” Tanya pulled back and removed her own bra, revealing her sizeable breasts to Wendy, and quickly dropped her panties moments later so the other woman could get a good look at her pussy as well. She was already clearly wet, her thighs glistening slightly with excitement.

  “Perfect.” There was no other word that Wendy could find to describe the sight.

  “Well, keep it in mind, because that's all your seeing for now.” Tanya ushered Wendy into the seat before handcuffing her hands behind her back. Next she grabbed the blindfold and slipped it onto Wendy, leaving her stuck in place and unable to see anything.

  “Don't forget my underwear,” Wendy reminded her, lifting her hips to indicate the single piece of clothing she was still wearing.

  “Oops, guess I was a little too eager there,” Tanya admitted with a laugh. She was more than happy to fix her mistake however, leaning down and gently peeling away the other woman's panties, getting a good look at her wet, open pussy as she did so.

  “Mm, you're not even doing anything yet and I'm already this horny,” Wendy moaned, wriggling slightly where she sat.

  “Guess that means you'll be good and ready when I'm through with you then, doesn't it?” Tanya teased. She grabbed the feather duster and set to work, gently tickling it here and there across Wendy's body. She started wriggling it around her neck and face first,earning a little laugh in response before Wendy began leaning into it, rather liking the soft, delicate touch against her skin. Then she started trailing the feather duster steadily lower, across her chest and to her breasts. The reaction was very different when it started tenderly brushing over Wendy's nipples, which quickly hardened to aroused peaks at the gentle sensation.


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