Caught in the Middle

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Caught in the Middle Page 24

by Desiree Holt

  The ringing telephone drew her away from her thoughts.


  “Madison!” Angie’s excited voice came over the phone.

  Madison looked at her watch. It was only eight in the morning—the store didn’t open for another two hours. “Hey, Angie.”

  “The store was broken into!”


  “Mike next door just called and said the front door was busted. I told him to call the sheriff, and I’d call you. I’m headed over there, but I stayed at Chad’s last night.” Which meant she was farther away than Madison.

  Taking the cordless phone with her, Madison scrambled into the bedroom. She tore off her pyjama bottoms and yanked on a pair of jeans.

  “I’ll meet you there,” Madison told her friend before hanging up quickly and yanking an old Denver Broncos sweatshirt from her closet.

  With both dogs loaded in the front seat next to her, Madison drove carefully into town. Biting her bottom lip, she worried over the inventory that could be lost. She had insurance, so that would take care of most of her books, but Angie handmade all the candles they sold there, and they had a computer in the back with all their business information on it.

  Pulling onto Main Street, Madison could see Tom’s SUV parked in front of the store. Two deputies were outside the store when she parked. She left the truck running as she hurried towards the store to get a look at the damage.

  Deputies Kyle and Greg looked at her as she approached. They sent her small smiles, which she tried to return.

  Madison took a deep breath before walking through the door that had all the glass broken out. The lights inside were on and Tom knelt in front of a display case that had been smashed.

  He turned when he heard her walk inside. “Madison.”

  She took in the mess. Books were knocked off the shelves. The snow had ruined the ones by the door. Glass was everywhere, and it looked like every candle in the place had been smashed. All the display cases had been either opened or broken.

  Tears pricked at the back of her eyelids as she had the overwhelming feeling of being violated.

  Tom stood and walked towards her with long strides. His expression was fierce as he reached her and held her arm. “I’m sorry.”

  She nodded, still studying all the damage.

  “Maybe you should wait in your truck,” he offered.

  “No. No. I want to see.” Her voice was thick with unshed tears.

  Placing his arm around her shoulders, Tom gave her what comfort he could. “Can you tell if anything is missing?”

  Madison shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “Okay. It’s okay. We’ll find out.”

  “What about the office?” she asked, turning her face up to him.

  “Fared better than up here. It’s trashed, but I didn’t see anything broken.”

  “Okay. Okay,” Madison repeated in a low voice as she tried to convince herself that the store looked worse than it was. No one had been inside when the break in had happened. That was the most important thing. No one had gotten hurt.

  A sharp intake of breath brought their attention to the door where Angie stood. Madison watched her friend’s eyes take in all the broken glass and ruined work. She knew she would have to be strong to get them both through this.

  After getting the glass cleaned up, Madison let the dogs into the store. Angie sat on the floor, making a list of everything that was broken or ruined. After a couple of tears and choice words, Angie had rolled up her sleeves and declared that they’d make the store even better.

  Madison placed the ruined books in one box and the books that could be saved in another. The coffeepot had been smashed, but Tom had brought one over from Fred’s Grocery so they had hot coffee.

  The owner from the local hardware store had rushed over to help them also. Sam and his son were fixing the broken glass on the front door as Tom finished taking pictures.

  Madison felt an arm wrap around her from behind and leaned against the solid chest of support. “Who would do something like this?”

  “I don’t know, honey, but I’ll find out. I promise,” Tom assured her, placing a kiss against her temple.

  Madison sighed. “This is a mess.”

  “I know, but at least no one got hurt.” He kissed her cheek and pulled away.

  Taz and Belle both got up from their favourite spot and walked over to him, wanting some attention. Tom bent down and gave them both good rubbings before patting their heads. They wagged their tails at him.

  “Just keep these two with you when you can. They won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Madison smiled down at her dogs and remembered. “I almost forgot. I saw footprints in the woods in front of my house. I was wondering if you could send someone to check them out. If we have another illegal hunter out there setting traps, I might just shoot him.”

  Tom gave her a strange look before nodding. “I’ll send someone out. When did you see them?”

  “This morning. I was going to call you and then all of this happened.”

  He nodded again. “They seem fresh?”

  “Yeah, pretty fresh, I’d say.”

  “Okay. I’ll take care of it.” He leaned over and kissed her quickly on the lips. “Be careful. I’ll be in touch.”

  Madison watched him walk away, enjoying the view of him in his khaki uniform. After he’d gone through the door, she looked back at Angie sitting on the floor and smiling at her.

  “Shut up,” Madison mumbled walking towards the back.

  Angie’s soft laughter followed her.


  Madison was tired, and her back hurt from lifting boxes. She drove up to her house, grateful that, in her hurry this morning, she’d left the lights on. Getting out of the truck, she held the door open for the dogs.

  They bounced down and ran for the house. They stopped at the foot of the stairs growling. Madison looked up and watched Dante walk out of the shadows.

  “Dante.” She whispered it but was sure he heard as his gaze met hers.

  Taz snapped towards him, and Belle hunched down, giving a furious growl.

  “Taz. Belle. Down. Friend.” She gave the command automatically and without thought.

  Walking up the stairs, Madison took in the sight in front of her. As exhausted as she was, nothing could curb the thrill of seeing him here at her house.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to check on you. Chad called me and told me about your store.” He cupped her cheek in a loving gesture.

  Madison laid her hand over his before taking his colder one in her grasp. “Come inside. You’re cold.”

  Dante followed her inside, taking his coat off as he stepped inside. The dogs, now sure he was a friend, walked past him to the fireplace. Taking the time to calm herself, Madison lit a fire, aware Dante’s eyes never left her.

  “There’s nothing to be nervous about,” Dante said from behind her.

  Madison turned and faced him. “I think there is.”

  Closing the distance between them, Dante moved to her and cupped her face in his hands. “I would never hurt you.”

  Madison sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. “I don’t play games, Dante. I never have. I respond to you, hell, I’ll admit I want you.”

  The last statement brought a smile to his face. One that was rarely seen.

  “But…there is someone else.”

  Dante nodded, but before he could respond, he lifted his head.

  Madison looked over her shoulder as the back door slammed shut.

  “Madison. Dante.” Tom addressed them politely, but Madison could see the anger radiating off of him.

  “Wolf,” Dante greeted, using the respectful name for a shifter.

  “Tom!” Madison moved away from Dante, but she knew he’d seen the other man’s hands on her.

  “I stopped by to check on the tracks in the woods like I told you I would.” Tom spoke without raising his voice, bu
t his eyes flashed.

  Madison found herself standing between the two men.

  “Umm…did you see anything?”

  Tom never took his eyes from her, and Madison shifted uneasily.

  “Someone was there. I don’t know who it was. The scent was gone, but it looked like they were watching the cabin.”

  Madison’s breath caught in surprise. Who would watch her?

  “Is she in danger?” Dante asked the question Madison didn’t want to.

  Running his gaze over her one last time, Tom looked over to the other man. “With the break in at the store, I’m concerned.”

  Dante nodded as if something passed between the two that they understood but she didn’t.

  “You think someone is watching me, and they broke into my store?” Madison had to have him clarify.

  She watched Tom’s features soften. “I’m concerned, that’s all. I don’t want you staying here alone.”

  Madison blinked at him then looked around her home. Her home where she had moved after the accident that had burned half of her grandparents’ house. This place was her haven.

  “I’m sure I’ll be safe here,” she said out loud but even she heard the doubt in her voice.

  “Your back door was unlocked,” Tom pointed out.

  “I left in a hurry,” she excused herself.

  “That’s no reason not to lock your house, Madison.”

  She frowned at him and looked over at Dante, who was still silent. He caught her eye and shook his head.

  “He’s right. You shouldn’t stay alone.”

  Madison wrinkled her nose at him, pissed he hadn’t taken her side. “I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself.” She finished the statement by crossing her arms over her chest.

  Tom laughed. “I would normally agree with you, but until I know for sure, I’m staying here…with you.”

  Madison looked at Dante, who smiled. “I don’t think that will be necessary. I’ll stay with Madison.”

  Both men looked at her.

  Chapter Three

  Madison looked between them before backing away. “No really. I don’t need anyone to stay with me.”

  Neither made a move to leave.

  “I’m serious. I have Taz and Belle. I’ll be fine.”

  Hearing their names, both dogs’ ears perked up.

  Dante took a step towards her but stopped when Tom growled. Dante raised his eyes over to the wolf and shrugged before looking back at her.

  “You need to decide, Madison, because one of us is staying,” Dante told her, his voice soft and caressing.

  “I…” Madison shifted her gaze from one to the other. She had told the truth. She didn’t play games. If she could have, she would have already. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  “Madison.” Tom’s voice echoed through the cabin.

  Tears pricked the back of her eyes, but she refused to cry. Her heart broke, and she felt like her soul was being torn in two. “I’m sorry, I can’t. Now I have had a very hard day and really need a shower. I’m sure you two can show yourselves out.”

  Madison walked towards the hall.

  “Oh, and lock up when you go.” She threw over her shoulder at Tom.

  Once in the bathroom, Madison leaned against the closed door and took a deep breath. Being around both men had been a wake up call for Madison. She couldn’t keep lying to herself and them. She wanted each of them, for different reasons, and had been stringing them along.

  Madison moved from the door and looked at herself in the mirror. She had been waiting for one of them to make the decision for her. For one of them to take advantage and choose for her. They hadn’t. They’d only demanded that she pick one over the other. As much as she wanted to, it wasn’t possible. Giving up on it for the night, Madison started the shower and undressed.

  Once inside, she let the pounding spray relax her tight muscles. It hadn’t been fun cleaning up the store. Someone had done a lot of damage. That was what she should be thinking about. Who would break into the store and cause that destruction? She couldn’t think of anyone in town who would do such a thing.

  Neither she nor Angie had made enemies that she knew of. Nothing of value in the store had been taken. And why would anyone want to watch her cabin? That thought scared her more than she would have admitted. In all honestly, she didn’t want to stay alone but what could she do?

  Madison searched her mind as she washed the shampoo from her hair. Not being able to come up with anything on that subject, her mind drifted back to Dante and Tom.

  She wondered if Tom hadn’t shown up would she have given herself to Dante? The answer was yes. But what if it had been Tom waiting on her to return home? Would she have given herself to him? Yes again.

  Madison felt so conflicted with her feelings for them. Picking up the bar of soap, she washed her body. Her breasts felt heavy and full as she washed them. When she took her hand lower, she brushed against her swollen pussy. It had been throbbing since she laid eyes on Dante. With Tom in the room with them she could feel the wetness between her legs pool inside her panties. God, she wanted them.

  As her finger dipped inside her centre, she thought about them. About what kind of lovers they would be. Madison added a second as she rocked her hips. It didn’t matter which one she imagined inside her, either man, as long as it was one of them. She lifted her leg to the shower wall and added a third finger. She cried out in pleasure as her release came, swiftly shaking her body.

  The bathroom door swung open and slammed against the wall before she even had time to drop her leg or remove her fingers. The glass door hid nothing.

  Tom growled as he stalked towards her. Madison shrieked as he reached for the door. He swung it open with so much force she was afraid it might shatter. He turned off the water as he yanked her out of the shower.

  “Hey!” Madison complained as he dragged her from the bathroom soaking wet.

  In her bedroom, she saw Dante standing next to the bed.

  “I thought you two left,” she said defiantly.

  Dante nodded his head, not taking his eyes from her naked body. “That is quite apparent.”

  Madison couldn’t cover herself with Tom still gripping her wrist so she glared at him. “Could you let me go so I can put something on?”

  Tom didn’t answer but looked at Dante. The two men stared at each other for a long time before Dante finally nodded again.

  Madison didn’t know what was happening, but it couldn’t be good. She tried to yank her arm from Tom, but he only tightened his grip as he turned to look at her.

  “I can’t believe that you would rather pleasure yourself than allow one of us,” he told her, his voice turning huskier than usual.

  Madison could feel a blush work up her neck to her face. It wasn’t like she had planned on getting caught. Tom lips quirked as if he knew what she was thinking. He stepped in front of her, and Madison let him fill her entire vision.

  “Is that what it is? You would rather think about us than really be with us?” Tom continued.

  “Or is it that you truly can’t choose one of us over the other?” Dante asked from directly behind her.

  Madison jumped. She hadn’t heard him move. She looked over her shoulder and almost lost her breath. He was so handsome with his high cheekbones and dark eyes. Without realising it, she started to lean towards him. .

  But Tom started talking again.

  “So which is it, Madison?” he asked, stepping closer until he was pressed against her front.

  Dante pressed his hard body against her back.

  Madison looked into Tom’s eyes before once again she glanced behind her. “I…”

  She didn’t get any further before Tom’s mouth covered hers. Madison was taken by surprise, her mouth opening before she realised it.

  Tom’s tongue invaded her mouth, massaging her tongue and drawing her deeply into pleasure. Her hands went to his shoulders as she used him as an anchor.

  When he pulled aw
ay, Madison only had a second before a hand under her chin turned her head, and she tasted Dante. Madison shook with need by the time Dante withdrew from her. With confusion and lust clouding her mind, she looked from one man to the other.

  “What are you doing?” She whispered the question.

  “Taking the decision away from you,” Tom told her before kissing her again.

  Madison couldn’t fight the desire. Not standing there naked, pressed between them. It didn’t matter who had possession of her mouth, whose hands cupped her breasts, and whose erection was teasing her where.

  She lost the ability to tell the difference between their touch as she felt herself drift. Her body overly sensitive as lips covered one hard plump nipple, Madison moaned into the mouth that covered hers. Somehow she found herself being pushed onto her bed. Opening her eyes, she saw Tom kneeling on the mattress, spreading her legs.

  He pulled his shirt over his head, and Madison wanted to pinch herself to make sure this wasn’t just another dream. Looking to the side, she watched as Dante also had his shirt removed and had his hands on his belt.

  He smiled at her, and Madison forgot all of her worries. In that moment, she didn’t care about what she should feel. This just felt right.

  Dante winked at her and pulled the belt from his pants. Madison couldn’t hold back a sigh as he dropped it to the ground. She turned her head in time to see Tom slide his pants down.

  His cock stood out from his body. Madison licked her lips in appreciation. He was long and hard, and Madison wanted it inside her. Tom bent and placed a soft kiss against her lips. Madison nipped at him, and he chuckled before moving his lips lower. His tongue trailed down her chin to her neck.

  She felt him breathe in against her and knew he was scenting her. No matter how much man he was at this moment, he was still a wolf shifter. And the wolf was never buried too deep.


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