Caught in the Middle

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Caught in the Middle Page 28

by Desiree Holt

  Silence stopped her when she realised she’d quit moving and was no longer in Thom’s office. A male co-worker looked askance at her.

  Anneke glowered.

  The man stepped away quickly as if there were a threat.

  Which, there was.

  Leaving the elevator, Anneke picked up where she’d left off, heading towards the parking garage, a smile on her lips.

  Yeah, two men.

  She licked her lips at the thought—two men who would be solely focused on her pleasure, her experiences.

  The last time she was with a man had been awhile. Jones had been something to pass the time but one couldn’t call what they did sex. More like a blind grunting monkey trying to find the proper hole with a pencil. Of course, the reality with two men was that they’d have to compliment each other as well as her.

  Her head and heart were separate forces to reckon with. One man would balance out her emotional side. The other would be for her mentality. That’d be good. It was silly of her to think that she could get either of that shit from Jones.

  Sure Jones was good looking, tall and dark skinned. But he wasn’t a real man. He was more of a bitch. Mainly because he’d said he was straight, but the way he’d been with her in the sack had been less than okay.

  The two or three times a week they’d seen each other hadn’t sated her sexual desires. Nor was he there for her emotionally. The bastard was just like her mother, selfish and self-centred.

  Her heels clattered along a set of concrete steps that led to the main floor of the parking garage. She huffed and shrugged her shoulders at the thought of Thom, his confused scowl implanted firmly in her mind as the last thing she had seen before storming out of his office.

  But he was no more. After last night, she’d kicked him to the kerb just like she had her distant memories of bad parents. She’d worked fucking hard to get to where she was, and she was damn proud of it.

  Fuck them all.

  “You’re not even half as good as me!” Her scream made her feel slightly less angry, but Thom hadn’t heard it.

  She wanted him to, not that it’d do any good.

  Men like him were only interested in what women could do for him.

  Straightening her shoulders, Anneke inhaled, exhaled and then marched her ass down a flight of stairs into the parking garage. Retrieving the keys from her jeans pocket, she clicked off her car alarm and opened the door to her red convertible. A Mazda, with plenty of horses for one little girl, soon purred nicely beneath her, exciting her. Hell, it was almost enough power that she wished the engine could be shrunk down and fit into her vibrator. Revving the engine, she put the car in drive and pulled out of the garage, spinning the tires as she sped out onto the highway.

  Wind whipped through her hair as she hit the freeway, heading home. Her girlfriends would help her relax tonight with a bottle of whiskey and chick porn. That’d be an interesting night for sure.

  Ogling hard bodies while making fun of bad dialogue with a few close friends would certainly put a smile on her face. That was a ladies night in, all right.

  Amanda would have to come over with her latest stash. Anneke enjoyed how free Amanda seemed to be with her sexuality. The woman was full of stories. Who could blame her? Amanda was five-foot-four, curvy in all the right places and a fantastic kisser. Anneke had firsthand knowledge from a one night interlude that had involved too much whiskey and a lot of tears.

  She sighed. Shifting the car into a higher gear, Anneke picked up speed. It was definitely time to relax.

  The job had been stressful today. Clients had called from all over the country to bitch about rising prices on products they’d been ordering. Economic times were tough right now, but Anneke had reminded them that salesmen and women were the backbone of society and managed to calm quite a few fires. Still, it had stressed her out. She’d thought a few coffees during lunch had helped settle her nerves, until her boss pointed out that she looked high strung. She inhaled, exhaled and resumed her job with a modicum of tension.

  But seeing Thom earlier had irked her. It wasn’t the bisexuality she hated, it was the selfishness he’d blatantly displayed.

  Men like Thom were scum, she decided as she pulled onto the off-ramp and shifted into a lower gear while bringing the car to a slower speed.

  A few minutes later, she’d pulled into her driveway, managed to drag her tired ass inside the house and strip off her clothes before heading towards the shower.

  Turning the water on full blast, Anneke raised her chin towards the warming spray, letting water sluice off her body and run over her full curves. She reached for the soap and rubbed it together in her hands, inhaling the scent of lavender and roses as she lathered her body with the bar.

  Anneke let the soap slip between her thighs, inserting the slender bar between her lips. A sound escaped her open mouth. The bar slid in over her clit, and Anneke moaned louder.

  Her nipples hardened into tight little peaks while water trailed down her round breasts over her slender belly. Anneke caressed her stomach with a free hand, sliding upwards over her slick silky skin until she cupped one breast. She pinched the nipple into a harder point, moaning even louder.

  Pushing her hips forward, Anneke dropped the soap and let the spray hit her chest, tingles of excitement running through her. Her soapy fingers caressed her mons, parting her lips wider.

  Fingers replaced the slim bar of soap. Rubbing faster and faster over her clit, Anneke threw back her head, slamming a hand against the shower tile as her other palm slapped against her pussy. Panting, groaning, Anneke let sensation build up within her just a little longer.

  Slow strokes, then faster ones, over her swollen clit drove her higher and higher. Those fingers slid over her pussy and between her cheeks, teasing her asshole. A finger pushed past the tight ring of muscles into her warm hole while her other hand caressed a nipple then moved down towards her sweet pussy. Just a little bit more…inside both holes…

  “Oh God!” Water splashed against her face and down her neck, rivulets trailing through her thick auburn hair as it swung over the curve of her ass.

  Slumping over, looking down at the drain as she caught her breath, hair blanketed both sides of her view. She caught her breath, calming down just enough to finish her shower with a satisfied smile on her lips.

  An hour later, she was dressed in a black satin robe with red trim that belted at the hips and came just below her ass. She sat on her plush couch, her legs curled beneath her.

  Amanda sat next to Anneke with an arm slung over the back of the couch, beer in the other hand. “I told you that fool was crazy, Anneke. And fucking gay.”

  Jamie snickered from the other end of the couch.

  “I know. I finally told the bastard it was over today. He just irritated me to no end.” Anneke took a deep swig from her beer. Leave it to her two best friends to remind her of Thom’s shortcomings.

  Anneke smirked in Amanda’s direction. The pink satin nightie her friend wore covered most of her body but exposed the tops of very luscious thighs that were known to make many a man beg. A wine stain from earlier had soiled her jeans in an embarrassing place so Anneke had offered to wash them while they watched bad porn.

  The couple on the screen changed positions and the dialogue just got worse. All three women began laughing at the size of the actor’s cock.

  “I hate it when the main reason we watch porn is interrupted by a man who can’t even get it up when he’s being sucked off.” Anneke shifted against Amanda.

  Jamie, a brunette with a slender figure, sat on one end of the couch with a beer in one hand and popcorn in the other. “You know,” she took a pull from her beer, “you should really get out more, Anneke. Amanda and I were talking about going to shoot pool later tonight.”

  Bad moaning from the couple on the screen made all three girls giggle louder.

  The man wasn’t even well built or muscular. In fact, he was somewhat chubby with no muscle tone or anything. And he w
as kind of hairy, which was an immediate turnoff.

  Anneke lifted her beer. “I’d love to go out with you two tonight, but I’ve got this fucking presentation due tomorrow. It’s already written, thank goddess.”

  “What’s the presentation on?” This came from Jamie.

  “Something to do with diversity management in our company. I need my sleep. If I don’t show up fresh tomorrow, the speech I have to give will bore me as well as our management team.” Anneke yawned.

  “Come on, Anneke, one night out in an attempt to find a real man would do you some good after Jones.” Jamie tapped Anneke’s bare thigh with a foot.

  “Or maybe two men, since you’ve been talking about that lately.” Amanda made the words seem dirty with her sultry voice.

  The thought stirred Anneke’s desire. She did want to go home with two handsome hunks who looked much better than what was on the screen. But…

  “I don’t know, girls.” She hesitated.

  “Ah, that’s a yes!” Jamie clapped and stood. “I’ll go get your favourite pair of jeans.” She ran off into the bedroom before Anneke could stop her.

  “Come on, hon. Just one or two drinks. It’ll do you some good. Besides, it’s still early. And this guy,” Amanda gestured with her thumb towards the TV, “isn’t going to get you off tonight.”

  “Hell,” Anneke laughed. “He can barely satisfy her. She looks like she’s faking it.”

  “They’re all faking it, hon.” Amanda clinked her bottle together with Anneke’s and took a sip. A moment later, Jamie returned, shuffling her feet across the hardwood floor, jeans and belt in hand.

  “I can’t go out just like this.” Anneke ran a hand through her hair, which she’d only run a brush through after her shower.

  “Sure you can. It’ll be fun. We’ll be the trio of trysts.” She grinned.

  “How does she know where your clothes are and which pair are your favourite ones?” Amanda asked.

  Jamie bubbled with laughter. “Who do you think picked out this pair of blue jeans? We needed something to put extra emphasis on Miss Thang’s hot ass.” She touched her own ass and made a hissing sound for emphasis.

  “Fine,” Amanda chuckled. “But how’d you know where her pants were?”

  “Jamie spent a few nights on my couch when her ex threw her out. I have plenty of space and offered it to her for as long as she needed.” Anneke took the pants from an overanxious Jamie.

  “Ah. And I suppose you’ll want her to wear the satin robe out, too?”

  Jamie licked her lips.

  “Relax,” Anneke waved a hand. “I’ll go fetch a top. And Jamie, stay here with Amanda.”

  Jamie pouted but did as she was asked. She reached for her beer and plopped down beside Amanda to see the TV just in time for a scene switch.

  Anneke sighed and rolled her eyes. Traipsing off to her bedroom, she untied the robe at her hips and let it fall open. Firm tummy and round breasts were exposed, nipples hardening from contact of the cool air conditioning.

  She quickly thumbed through her closet, picking out a low-cut, black top, matching bra and panties, and a pair of stockings. A girl who planned to get laid needed to look her sexiest and feel the same way, too.

  She looked in her dresser at the selection of garter belts and thought twice. No need to overdo it.

  Hell, she wasn’t sure she was even going to get laid. It was a Tuesday night, after all. Most bars the girls dragged her to, wouldn’t be packed until later in the week.

  Sighing and deciding to go along with the plan to forget that pinhead Jones, she slid on her clothes, ran a brush through her hair for good measure and appeared in the living room just in time to watch two men penetrating the overly buxom actress.

  One in her ass, one in her shaved pussy. Anneke licked her lips. But…did she really want a one-night stand? A few hot dates with the right pair of men could make her forget about gay-ass what’s his name pretty quickly. And keep the memories gone while they were at it.

  “Girls,” she coughed.

  Both women seemed mesmerised until Anneke coughed louder. “Are we ready?”

  At the same time, Jamie and Amanda turned their heads, eyes somewhat glossed over. “You want that?” Jamie was the one to ask.

  Heat crept up Anneke’s cheeks. She opened her mouth but paused. Shrugging, she decided to admit it aloud. “Who wouldn’t? Two men loving only me? Satisfying my every need and whim? What’s not to like?”

  Amanda raised a beer in salute. “You’re definitely approaching my level of living, hon.” She slid off the couch and brought Anneke’s beer with her. “Here.”

  Anneke snickered at Amanda’s statement. The woman was definitely brazen. She looked down and saw what was a new ice cold beer. “What’s this for?” Anneke cocked a brow.

  “For the three of us. We’re going out tonight to do it up right and find you two handsome studs.”

  Anneke swallowed hard. The beer down her throat helped, but she wasn’t sure she’d heard Amanda right.

  “This is all in fun, guys, but I don’t have time tonight.” She took a step backward.

  Jamie was suddenly at her side, leaving Anneke to wonder how the smaller woman seemed to move so quickly.

  “You’ll have to live for me. I haven’t the courage to do this, and Amanda’s shacking up with someone right now.” Jamie’s smile made her seem more like she was cajoling, rather than suggesting strongly.

  Anneke sighed.

  Amanda frowned. “Come on hon. It’ll be fun.” She winked.

  “Okay.” Anneke joined the other two girls in a toast, clinking their beer bottles together before taking a long sip.

  She’d realised she’d settled into a routine just like her parents had. How boring. Her father had always come home from work tired. Every other night, he’d have a new case of beer and maybe some weed. Mother would complain about the dope, they’d fight, get stupid drunk and pass out. This was during her teenage years.

  Anneke couldn’t figure out what had gone wrong with her parents’ marriage, but at around age forty-three, something came over her mother. Money was suddenly tight, and her father quit smoking pot, which was nice. But the routine they’d settled into after that was just…droll.

  Looking at her two best friends, she knew she should be grateful for them dragging her out on a work night.

  She had to admit, the images on TV screen did arouse more than just her interest.

  Chapter Two

  The moon hung bright in a cloudless sky. The weather was cool with a light breeze blowing autumn scents through the air along with dead leaves that littered the sidewalk leading towards the steps of the bar. The parking lot hadn’t been all that full, just a couple of cars.

  Anneke’s boots clicked against the wooden floor. She led the other two girls inside the bar and scanned the area. There was a table to their left, the bar to their right and a large room directly ahead with a few pool tables and some overly skinny bitches wearing too few clothes. A guy dried a glass at the bar before turning to the three ladies.

  “You three want a drink?” His handlebar moustache moved over thick lips. Dressed in black slacks and a white T-shirt, he reminded Anneke of an old fashioned bar keeper, the guy you told your sorrows to while he poured beer or shots of hard liquor. His dark hair was thinning on top, but he kept it neat.

  Amanda slid up to the bar and took a stool. “Sure. “ She leaned forward. “We’d like a few frosty mugs of ice cold beer.” She whipped out a twenty and slapped it down on the bar.

  The bartender offered her a smile before pouring three beers. Setting them down, he took the money then handed Amanda her change.

  Anneke sat on one side of Amanda, flanked by Jamie on the other. Lifting her mug to her lips, she raised it in salute of their girls’ night out before taking a long sip. The cold liquid slid down her throat and tasted refreshing.

  She set down her mug and looked at her companions. “Nothing’s going on. Chances are that I’m not get
ting what I want tonight.”

  Amanda took a sip of her beer before turning to Anneke. “It’s early. It’s what,” she checked her watch, “barely 8:30. A few guys should be coming in soon.”

  “You act as though you know.” Anneke smirked. Something was up. She had a feeling in her gut that told her she’d just been set up.

  Jamie snorted. “She couldn’t. We’ve never been here.”

  “Hmm.” Anneke ran a hand through her hair. The door behind them opened, and two men in cowboy hats, blue shirts and jeans that hugged firm legs sauntered into the bar. They didn’t waste time looking around. One headed straight for the bar, his steady stride showing a modicum of confidence with each step he took.

  Anneke’s heart thumped against her chest. He was not only built, but clean shaven with a rugged jaw, deep blue eyes and a killer smile that made more than just her mouth water.

  “Hey,” he slapped down a bill on the bar.

  The bartender poured two beers and slid them down the length of the wooden bar before returning to his previous task.

  “Thanks.” Cowboy turned to look directly at all three ladies. “Ya’ll new here?”

  Anneke nodded, strands of hair falling in her face. She offered the man a smile before licking her lips. “Yup. First timers.”

  “Cool. We don’t get many women in here on a Tuesday night. It’s entertaining to see three lovely ladies here at the bar.” He leaned in close to Amanda, resting his elbow on the bar. “Name’s Troy. My partner Bill is setting up a table for pool. Do you play?”

  Jamie raised her hand and giggled. “Yeah, all three of us.”

  Anneke remembered Jamie wasn’t a bad pool player at all. In fact, she was quite the shark in college.

  “Care to join us?” Troy offered a seemingly genuine smile, but his stare seemed to laser in on Anneke.

  “Why not? We’re just out having a drink. It’ll be fun, right Amanda?” She noted the little bit of annoyance that slipped into her tone.

  Amanda slid off the bar. “Good idea, Anneke. I haven’t shot in awhile. I’m a little rusty.”


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