Fate Loves (Twist of Fate Book 3)

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Fate Loves (Twist of Fate Book 3) Page 24

by Tina Saxon

  Bryn twists her lips and then says, “Is it bad luck if you see him but he doesn’t see you? I’m fairly certain he couldn’t see you up here.”

  I start second-guessing. “I know he can’t see me, I guess I’m assuming I can’t see him either,” I say with uncertainty.

  Harper pulls out her phone and types something. “How did we live before Google?” she murmurs. “Oh, found it.” She waves her phone around before looking at it again. “It says here that it’s bad luck for him to see you before the wedding, not the other way around. So, I think you’re good.” My shoulders relax as I blow out a breath. I cannot have anything go wrong today. I look up and send out a silent plea for Fate to be on my side today.

  A loud pop grabs my attention. The girls cheer as Syd makes mimosas for everyone. She picks up four glasses and passes them around.

  “Alright, gir—”

  “Wait!” Katie says, darting into the room, interrupting Syd’s toast. “You can’t toast without us.” She drops her bags on the floor, and Macie comes waddling in after her.

  “I’m going to kill whoever decided we should be on the second floor,” Macie says, breathing heavily.

  I scream with excitement and run over to them. “I’m so glad y’all are here.” After giving them a hug, I place my hand on Macie’s belly. “Is he kicking much?” My eyes widen when I feel him move. “Oh, my gosh, that’s crazy feeling that!”

  “Yeah, just think how it feels from the inside.” She rolls her eyes. “He thinks he’s a Kung Fu champ. I swear he’s going to break a rib.”

  “Have you all been here long?” Katie asks. She takes the mimosa Syd hands her. Syd gives Macie a flute of just orange juice.

  “Nope,” Bryn says. “We’ve been here long enough to see the backyard and learn about superstitions on wedding days.” She giggles as Katie looks around the room.

  “Superstitions?” she says, glancing at me. “You don’t seem like the superstitious type.”

  “I’m not, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try everything I possibly can to make sure nothing goes wrong.”

  “Let’s get this toast out of the way so we can drink our mimosas,” Syd says, holding up her flute. We hold ours up, too. “To my best friend, may the day be as amazing as you are.” My lips curl into a smile and my eyes start to water.

  “My turn,” Katie says. “Here’s to you, because you now have to deal with my brother every day…and to me for gaining a wonderful sister.” The tears start flowing again. Shit, how am I going to get through today with all these emotions?

  By the time Bryn, Harper, and Macie toast to me, I’m a sobbing mess.

  “Thank you all for being here and celebrating this day with me,” I hiccup through my tears. “Each of you are so important to me, and I cherish our friendships more than you know.”

  We raise our glasses and clink as we say “Cheers.” Syd downs hers before I even bring mine to my lips. I take a drink as she says, “I think I’ll just drink the champagne.” A thought crosses my mind, and I immediately spit my drink back into my glass. Dammit!

  When I look up, five sets of eyes are staring at me. “Something wrong with your mimosa?” Syd asks slowly. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “No,” I squeak out.

  “You love mimosas.” I do. I love them. The tangy taste of orange juice with the sparkling crisp taste of champagne. They were meant to be had together. It’s one of my favorite alcoholic drinks. But I can’t drink it. Not now.

  “Um…” I pause for a beat and crack my knuckles. Sydney narrows her eyes at me. She knows when I’m nervous. “So…I’m pregnant.” My voice cracks. The foreign words coming out of my mouth surprise me. It’s the first time I’ve said it out loud.

  “Oh, my gosh!” Sydney places her drink down and grabs mine out of my hand, placing it on the coffee table then wrapping her arms around me. She pulls back and asks, “When? How?” She knows how neurotic I am about taking my birth control. I have never missed a day. Ever.

  I sigh. “Antibiotics.”

  “Oops,” Harper murmurs.

  Syd’s eyebrows rise and I nod. I don’t need to explain. Every woman on the pill should know antibiotics could make the pill ineffective. I should have known. It’s been forever since I’ve been sick though, and when I have been in the past, I guess I was never with anyone.

  Syd watches me for a moment before saying, “How do you feel about it?” Her voice is tinged with apprehension. I’m not good with surprises. And this is a big one.

  What haven’t I felt? Since taking the test last night, my emotions have gone from one extreme to the other. I look away from her inquisitive eyes. Tears pool in mine as I think about the baby growing in me.

  “It’ll be okay,” Bryn says, grabbing my hand. Her words come out soft and tender. I glance at my wedding dress hanging off the door and focus on it while blinking back my tears. A soft laugh escapes my lips when I look back to the girls.

  “No, I’m fine,” I whisper and squeeze Bryn’s hand. “I’m excited. I’m scared. I’m nervous. You name it, that’s me.” I take a couple deep breaths. “I know Aiden will be ecstatic. Hell, he wants ten kids.” I roll my eyes.

  “Oh, dear God,” Harper says, giggling.

  “I know, right?” I reply. Not going to happen. “I just took the test yesterday, so I’m still working my way through the shock.”

  “Have you told Aiden?” Katie asks.

  I shake my head. “I plan on telling him tonight,” I say, walking to my purse. I pull out a gift-wrapped box and show the girls. Syd claps excitedly.

  “Lulu will be a great big sister,” she says. I smile. She’ll be amazing.

  “And I’m going to be an aunt to two kids!” Katie says, jumping up and down.

  The happiness in the room is contagious. Excitement bubbles inside me. I’m having a baby. Aiden’s baby. Our baby. Sharing this wasn’t planned. I wanted to tell Aiden first, but I didn’t think about having to hide the fact that I can’t drink. I look around the room.

  “Y’all have to help me tonight. If I don’t drink, people will notice,” I say and pick up a flute holding it in the air. Syd snatches it out of my hand and downs my mimosa then she fills it with orange juice and hands it back to me.

  She swipes her hands twice and smiles wide. “We gotcha covered,” she says. “We’ll make sure to hand you either cider or water throughout the night so it’ll look like you’re drinking.”

  “Well, don’t make me look like a lush,” I say, laughing out loud.

  “I thought you wanted to make sure it wasn’t obvious.”

  “Ha, ha, funny girl.” I push her shoulder.

  “I’ve got some people who I think belong up here with you girls,” Jaxon says, tapping on the door and walking in. Katie does a little jig and runs into Jaxon’s arms. He lifts her up in his embrace and kisses her deeply. It makes my heart so happy to see them together. They have been flying back and forth this month, working on getting her moved.

  “Move, you two love birds. I have work to do,” Cherrie says, strutting around them in her five-inch heels. Her flaming red hair and brightly colored one-piece jumpsuit stands out against the white in the room. I have a feeling she stands out anywhere. I chuckle to myself. A couple more people file into the room behind her and start setting down their cases full of makeup and hair stuff. Cherrie has done my hair since I moved to New York, and she made me promise to use her and her people for my hair and makeup. I told her she didn’t have to when we moved the wedding here, but she insisted.

  “Addie, baby, you are glowing,” she beams.

  I gasp, wondering if she can tell I’m pregnant. My gaze darts to Jaxon, but he’s in his own little world with Katie right now. I look back and shrug. “It must be the wedding glow,” I say awkwardly.

  Her brows furrow and her head tilts to the side. “It sounds like you’re nervous, sweetie.”

  Syd comes to my side, wrapping her arm around my waist. “No, she’s just ready to get things moving. Cherrie
, do you want a mimosa before we start?”

  Her lips curl into to a smile and her eyes brighten. “I would love one, but just tell me where and I’ll get one. I like it heavy on the champagne side,” she says, winking.

  “Me, too, girl,” Syd chuckles. “It’s over there.” Syd points to the table, and Cherrie heads in that direction. “Calm down. Nobody can tell,” she whispers in my ear. I close my eyes briefly and exhale. She’s right. I need to relax. I look over at her and nod. “We got this. Now let’s get you married before you inadvertently end up telling everyone except Aiden.”

  “Someone tell me about the gorgeous man who lives here and is he single?” Cherrie’s voice radiates from across the room.

  “That’s my cue to go back to the guys,” Jaxon says and leans down to give Katie a quick kiss. We laugh at how fast he exits the room.

  A second later he pokes his head back into the room. “Oh, Addison, you are definitely glowing.” He smiles and winks then disappears.


  “Addie!” Lexi comes running into the room, straight to my arms. I hold her and take in a deep breath. She doesn’t know this day is about her, too. The love in my heart for her spreads warmth throughout my body.

  “Hi, sweet girl. Are you ready for hair and makeup?” I run my hands through her caramel-colored hair. Her eyes go wide, and she shakes her head up and down quickly.

  “Can I get pretty blue on my eyes and red lipstick?” she asks, sweeping her finger over her eyelids and lips. I laugh at the thought.

  “Oh,” Cherrie says excitedly, “a girl after my own heart.” Oh, dear.

  Chapter twenty-six

  “You look stunning, Addison,” my aunt says from behind me.

  I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and I almost don’t recognize myself. The woman looking back is radiant and mature. It’s you, my brain reminds me. I run my hand down my stomach. The delicate lace from my dress is soft to the touch. I wonder about the baby growing inside of me. Are you a boy or a girl? Will your eyes be emerald green or turquoise blue?

  I glance at Amy in the mirror and guilt rushes through me because I wish my mom were here to see me. My vision blurs as my emotions get the best of me. Again. I blink repeatedly to dry up the tears. Cherrie will kill me if I ruin my makeup before the wedding even starts. Blotting the corner of my eyes with my fingertips, I laugh.

  “I wish she was here,” I admit.

  “Addie, I do, too.” She stands beside me and links her fingers through mine, hanging our hands at my side. “You look so much like her. I was going through some old photographs and came across this.” She pulls out a photo from her dress pocket. I carefully take the photo in my hand. It’s a picture of my mom and Amy in front of a building that looks like a dorm.

  “Were y’all in college?”

  “Mmm-hmm. That was our graduation day. We left for Mexico the day after.”

  I look over at her and she flashes a knowing smile. “When she met Travis?” She nods. I look back to the picture. Two beautiful women in short shorts and crop tops. I tilt my head, studying it. Running my finger over my mom’s image, I certainly see our similarities. I glance at myself in the mirror and then look down again. I inhale deeply and blow it out slowly.

  “Thank you,” I say handing the picture back to Amy.

  She pushes my hand back. “No, you keep it to remind you that she’s with you today.”

  I hold it over my heart. “I’m so glad you’re here with me. I don’t want you to ever think because I miss her that I don’t appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me.”

  “Addie, I don’t ever question the love you have for me.”

  “And I don’t think I could have taken in Lexi without the devotion you have shown me most of my life,” I say, looking at her in the mirror.

  “I don’t believe that.” She places her hand over mine as I hold the picture against my heart. “You have a huge heart, guarded a little, but when you finally let people in, you keep them in your heart and hold on tight.”

  The love between us reflects in the mirror. The love of a mother and daughter on her wedding day. Someday this will be Lexi and me, and I can only hope that our connection is this strong.

  “I love you, Amy,” I whisper.

  “I love you, Addie.” We stay silent for a few more moments. She stands tall and squeezes my hand before releasing it. “It’s almost time. You are marrying a wonderful man. And he’s getting quite anxious, so take a few minutes and then come downstairs.” She kisses me on the cheek and walks out of the room.

  I stare at the picture in my hand. “You gave me the perfect person,” I say to my mom.

  “I agree.” I jump at the sound of a man’s voice behind me.

  Spinning around, I pick my dress up so it comes with me. Turquoise blue eyes meet mine. “Travis.” He’s leaning in the doorway and his smile reaches his eyes.

  “Wow. You look…gorgeous,” he says, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

  “Thank you,” I say, looking away, feeling shy suddenly.

  “I didn’t know if I should come,” he says, his voice hushed. “I’m not staying, though.” I look up to him, and he pushes off the doorframe, walking toward me. “Aiden knows I’m here.”

  My brows crease and I nod. “It’s okay. I’m happy you’re here.” Seeing him here causes guilt to build inside me because I didn’t ask him to walk me down the aisle. He didn’t expect that, did he? While Ted hasn’t been in my life except the last nine years, he’s still been more of a father than any other man. Including the one standing in front of me right now.

  But he is my father.

  I peek down at the picture in my hand. “God, she was beautiful,” he rasps. “May I?” I look at him and he sticks his hand out. I place the picture in his hand gingerly, like it’s going to break if I’m not careful. He takes a deep breath and exhales as he stares at the picture. His eyes gloss over when he hands the picture back to me, which makes mine tear up. I look up to the ceiling. I’m going to need to stuff my bra with a freaking box of Kleenex if I can’t get my emotions in check.

  “I have something for you,” he says, bringing my attention back to him.

  “Is it going to make me cry?” I blot my eyes with my fingers, drying the tears. His eyes dart around the room, not knowing how to answer. I shake my head. “I was kidding, Travis. Everything seems to be making me cry today.”

  “I can’t promise it won’t, then,” he says, his lips lifting into a half smile, shrugging. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out something. “I don’t know if this is considered something old or something new, but…” He holds his hand out. I place my mom’s picture on the table and hold out my hand. He places a small black jewelry box in my palm. “I bought these for your mom. She left before I could give them to her. I’ve kept them all these years because they represent the love that I had for her.” I slowly open the black velvet box. “I want you to have them.”

  I let out an audible gasp. The most exquisite earrings catch the sun’s light making it dance around the room. Each earring has a round diamond encased in platinum and a teardrop diamond hanging from it. By the size of the diamonds, I can tell these earrings were very expensive.

  “They’re flawless, just like your mom.”

  “Travis…” I pause because it’s hard to stop gazing at them. I manage to look away and up to Travis. “They’re beautiful. I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t need to say anything. Just cherish them as much as I did your mom.”

  “I will.” I sniffle. The tears that I’ve tried to keep at bay finally spill over. Travis sweeps them away softly with his thumb. The fatherly touch that I’ve craved my whole life churns inside of me, and I lean into his hand. I close my eyes and revel in the feeling momentarily until I catch myself. It’s Travis. We can’t have the father-daughter relationship. I sigh and straighten my back. He softly smiles and returns his hands to his pockets. I turn toward the mirror and take out the earrings.
When I stick them in my ears, I look at myself quickly before turning back to Travis, smiling sincerely at him.

  “Addison, since the day I found out about you, I had hoped that someday you would be wearing those. They’re perfect. You’re perfect…” He chokes back his emotions, clearing his throat. “God, how I wish things were different.”

  “Me, too.” I cry as a flood of emotions runs through me. I wrap my arm around my stomach and think of the child growing in there. I can’t allow his world to affect my children. This is why we can’t have a relationship.

  “Addison, what are you doing in here, woman,” Syd says walking into the room. She freezes when she sees Travis. “Oh, sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Sydney,” Travis says as his eyes remained pinned on me. “I was just leaving. Congratulations, Addison.”

  My heart moves my body before my brain catches up, and I jump into Travis’s arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist. “Thank you,” I murmur into his shoulder.

  “No, thank you.” He squeezes me a little tighter. He releases me and leans down to kiss me on my forehead. “I’ll see you around. Oh, Frankie said to tell his Add Cat congrats, too.” I chuckle while wiping the tears off my face.

  I watch him walk out of the room as Syd scoots over to let him pass. She walks in with a sympathetic smile on her face. “You okay?”

  I sigh and softly nod. She grabs some Kleenex and blots my face. “Let’s touch up your makeup. If Cherrie sees you…” I laugh, knowing exactly how Cherrie would react. She leans down and picks up some powder off the table of makeup, sweeps the brush through it, and glides it across my face. “The earrings are gorgeous. I’m assuming Travis gave them to you?” she asks quietly.

  “Yes. He bought them for my mom. Just never got the chance to give them to her.” Syd smiles and continues to touch up my makeup. I blow out a heavy breath. “When he’s around, I always think maybe we could have a relationship. But that’s stupid,” I say, throwing my arms up in the air. “We can’t. Especially now with Lexi and...” My voice trails off as I look down at my stomach.


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