Chapter 12: Coming Apart
346 Epigraph: Coppola, AI, 7/31/97.
346 “ ‘The Force be’” and following: Confidential source.
347 “Don’t come here”: Confidential source.
347 “In the movie”: Fred Forrest, AI, 11/23/97.
347 “You could go in there”: Sam Bottoms, AI, 4/20/96.
348 “I saw how” and following: Leonard Schrader, AI, 11/17/94.
349 “I broke the structure”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/13/95.
349 “Try this” and following: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/19/91.
349 “Richard was starting”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/11/97.
349 “After about three”: Paul Schrader, AI, n.d.
349 “I always thought Paul”: Janice Hampton, AI, 6/16/97.
349 “Ya know, I could”: Toback, AI, 12/12/94.
350 “is no different”: Pollock, Skywalking, p. 193.
350 “His personality had changed.”: Nancy Tonery, AI, 4/9/97.
350 “Francis didn’t pay”: Ruddy, AI, 3/12/97.
350 “It’s your plane”: Skager, AI, 3/4/97.
351 “how the film was”: Eleanor Coppola, Notes on the Making of Apocalypse Now, New York, 1991, p. 63.
351 “It was a state of seige”: Tonery, AI, 4/9/97.
352 “We had a couple”: Hellman, AI, 6/20/94.
352 “He found it”: Mireille, AI, 2/4/95.
353 “After Being There”: Bart, AI, 10/23/95.
353 “One of the reasons”: Wexler, AI, 8/18/95.
353 “When he showed up” and following: Hampton, AI, 6/16/97.
354 “I don’t remember”: Eva Gardos, AI, 12/6/97.
354 “I called him”: Jones, AI, 10/5/94.
354 “But Hal was so zonked”: Bart, AI, 10/23/95.
355 “More often than not”: Berg, AI, 10/20/95.
355 “When Marty came home”: Jean Vallely, “Martin Sheen: Heart of Darkness, Heart of Gold,” Rolling Stone, 11/1/79, p. 48.
355 “I started smoking”: Breskin, Inner Views, p. 47.
355 “tried to seduce” and following: Brooke Hayward, AI, 4/24/97.
355 “He fired shots”: Maria Hopper, AI, 1/4/98.
356 “You’ve got to get”: Brooke Hayward, AI, 4/24/97.
356 “She definitely”: Confidential source.
356 “It turned out”: Frederickson, AI, 5/10/95.
356 “Everybody was waiting”: Confidential source.
356 “Letting the movie”: Coppola, AI, 7/31/97.
357 “The palace was”: Mathison, AI, 12/17/97.
357 “She was quiet”: Confidential source.
357 “I never felt”: Breskin, Inner Views, pp. 46–47.
357 “like the girl who”: ibid., p. 48.
357 “Look, I have these”: Confidential source.
358 “She was a real”: Coppola, AI, 7/31/97.
358 “He was never”: Eleanor Coppola, Notes on the Making, pp. 173, 176.
358 “Warren, who was among”: Ashley, AI, 12/11/97.
358 “Do you want”: Confidential source.
359 “Barry had his pets”: Simpson, AI, 7/21/93.
359 “Warren is a master” and following: Henry, AI, 12/7/94.
360 “the very situation”: Eleanor Coppola, Notes on the Making, p. 177.
360 “We were in the jungle”: Heart of Darkness documentary.
361 “I was in, like”: Breskin, Inner Views, p. 46.
362 “The cutting was”: Confidential source.
362 “we’d come to work”: Richard Candib, AI, 10/2/97.
362 “I owe everything”: Jerry Ross, AI, 10/6/97.
362 “The emotion rose”: Eleanor Coppola, Notes on the Making, pp. 211–12, 229–30.
363 “You can have”: Tim Holland, AI, 11/3/97.
363 “I really wanted”: Hodenfield, “The Sky Is Full of Questions,” Rolling Stone, 1/26/78.
364 “Look, I just”: Cohen, AI, 5/12/95.
364 “Warren sees himself”: Aaron Lathem, “Warren Beatty Seriously,” Rolling Stone, 4/1/82.
365 “Even Barry [Diller]”: Simpson, AI, 7/21/93.
365 “Warren could dictate”: Evans, AI, 6/11/94.
365 “image-conscious” and following: Kael, “Fear of Movies,” 9/25/78.
365 “Ma Barker”: James Wolcott, Vanity Fair, 4/97.
365 “I thought he was” and following: Beatty, AI, n.d.
366 “After six weeks”: Toback, AI, n.d.
366 “Because of her power”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/3/91.
366 “We’re talking about”: Henry, AI, 12/7/94.
366 “they were really”: Kael, AI, 8/5/95.
367 “For months”: Confidential source.
367 “I’d ask Francis”: Confidential source.
367 “It was like”: Bottoms, AI, 4/20/96.
367 “Part of the”: Mathison, AI, 12/7/97.
368 “We didn’t know”: Steven Bach, Final Cut, New York, 1985, p. 101.
369 “Eisner was scared”: Simpson, AI, 6/3/92, 6/14/92.
369 “Princess Grace”: Altman, AI, 5/3/96.
369 “None of us”: Simpson, AI, 6/14/92.
370 “After the reel” and following: Altman, AI, 5/3/96.
370 “Don, Don.” Simpson, AI, 6/14/92.
370 “Deek, Deek”: Terri Minsky interview, n.d.
371 “There’s one scene”: Altman, AI, 5/3/96.
371 “After Scottie came”: Thompson, AI, 10/18/95.
371 “She was a real”: Tewkesbury, AI, 10/13/95.
371 “A lot of people” and following: Altman, AI, 5/3/96.
372 “Bob always had”: Allan Nicholls, AI, 5/1/96.
372 “racist, Pentagon”: Bach, Final Cut, p. 211.
372 “Francis, I have” and following: Robert Dalva, AI, 3/10/97.
373 “You know, Warren” and following: Coppola, AI, 6/27/96.
373 “I don’t want lead”: Skager, AI, 3/4/97.
373 “You’ll be depressed”: Breskin, Inner Views, p. 45.
373 “We will rule”: Baxter, Steven Spielberg, p. 191.
373 “I have wept”: Breskin, Inner Views, p. 48.
374 “only to see”: Goodwin and Wise, On the Edge, p. 270.
374 “It was”: Towne, AI, 11/6/97.
375 “thrilled about”: Bogdanovich, AI, 10/19/95.
375 “Filmmaking is like”: Coppola, AI, 9/14/90.
Chapter 13: The Eve of Destruction
376 Epigraph: Martin Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
376 “He never could”: Winkler, AI, 3/17/92.
376 “Marty was just”: Taplin, AI, 3/16/92.
376 “We were the odd”: Robbie Robertson, AI, n.d.
376 “It was a shame”: Sandy Weintraub, AI, 2/3/92.
377 “Marty ’s house was”: Robertson, AI, n.d.
377 “We were like”: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
377 “They would call”: Taplin, AI, 3/16/92.
377 “At first you felt”: Scorsese, AI, 2/91.
377 “The doctor would”: Robertson, AI, n.d.
377 “It was a matter”: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
377 “I’ve always felt”: Tanen, AI, 1/22/93.
378 “Whatsamatter with you?” and following: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
378 “I was making love”: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
378 “Marty sort of likes”: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
378 “I was always”: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
379 “No more coke”: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
379 “It hit me finally” and following: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
379 “Okay, whaddya got?” and following: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
380 “What’s going on?”: Kelly, Martin Scorsese, p. 123.
380 “One day, Marty”: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
381 “Once the corporations”: George Lucas, AI, 5/2/91.
381 “By the time George”: Marcia Lucas, AI, 3/3/97.
381 “I’m the only on
e”: Coppola, AI, 7/31/97.
382 “I would write stoned”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/19/91.
382 “This was a kind”: Rosenman, AI, 1/28/92.
382 “The arbiters of taste” and following: Milius, AI, 1/31/92.
383 “I started getting labeled”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/13/95.
383 “Steve just wouldn’t”: Milius, AI, 3/16/92.
384 “We would have been”: McBride, Steven Spielberg, p. 306.
384 “Power can go right”: Spielberg, AI, 12/9/96.
384 “I’ll be pregnant”: McBride, Steven Spielberg, p. 525.
384 “I fell in love”: Amy Irving, AI, 1/22/98.
384 “He was so relieved”: Robbins, AI, 5/9/97.
384 “It’s a lot easier”: Hirschberg, “Will Hollywood’s Mr. Perfect Ever Grow Up?” p. 38.
384 “Life has finally”: Janos, “Steven Spielberg.”
385 “They were both”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/13/95.
385 “De Niro saw this”: Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
385 “was a great place”: Simpson, AI, 12/19/91.
385 “We’d just done”: Mike Medavoy, AI, 5/9/95.
385 “We were in a” and following: Winkler, AI, 3/17/92.
386 “We have to give”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/13/95.
386 “Bob and I sort of”: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
386 “De Niro was balking” and following: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/13/95.
386 “I’ll do anything”: Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
386 “We didn’t have” and following: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
386 “Is this your blood?”: Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
387 “Finally, Marty got a doctor”: Robertson, AI, n.d.
387 “What’s the matter”: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
387 “that garage mechanic”: Hillary Johnson, “Cybill Shepherd: Breaking the Ice,” p. 54.
388 “She was not in love”: Confidential source.
388 “She was totally” and following: Colleen Camp, AI, 10/29/97.
388 “Look, somebody’s making”: Henry, AI, 12/7/94.
388 “Where’s Peter” and following: Camp, AI, 10/29/97.
389 “I dropped the phone”: Bogdanovich, AI, 10/19/95.
389 “I thought I could”: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
389 “We better have”: Kelly, Martin Scorsese, p. 125.
389 “This picture is written” and following: Bach, Final Cut, pp. 164–66.
390 “The key thing”: Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
391 “It had become”: Tanen, AI, 1/22/93.
391 “It looks like”: Bach, Final Cut, p. 256.
391 “They were so”: Mankiewicz, AI, 6/23/94.
391 “I was dead serious”: Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
391 “After New York” and following: Scorsese, AI, 7/18/97.
392 “It’s more than one side”: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
392 “He stuffed himself”: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
392 “A lot of what”: Towne, AI, 10/28/97.
393 “So whaddya think” and following: Anthea Sylbert, AI, 7/22/93.
394 “I’ve never seen”: Payne, AI, 1/10/95.
394 “He abandoned everything”: Payne, AI, 2/24/95.
394 “He was overwhelmed”: Patty James, AI, 4/27/96.
394 “He couldn’t make”: Chapman, AI, 3/28/97.
394 “If he really”: James, AI, 4/27/96.
395 “I’ve made a mess”: Payne, AI, 6/20/97.
395 “Let me be very”: Confidential source.
395 “It’s an absolute”: Geffen, AI, 1/6/98.
395 “ol’ write a line”: James, AI, 5/7/96.
395 “If you were close”: Smith, AI, 12/13/96.
395 “In one of”: James, AI, 11/14/96.
396 “A lot of terrible”: Geffen, AI, 4/18/96.
396 “Bob would go”: Smith, AI, 12/13/96.
396 “I remember Geffen”: Chapman, AI, 3/28/97.
396 “It went wildly”: Geffen, AI, 4/18/96.
396 “Robert had become”: Payne, AI, 1/10/95.
397 “I’m a rich’n”: Towne, AI, 11/6/97.
397 “Diller said no”: Confidential source.
397 “Bert was competitive”: Monte Hellman, AI, 3/15/95.
397 “How could you”: Blauner, AI, 6/7/94.
398 “I wanted experienced” and following: Michie Gleason, AI, 5/13/95.
399 “I didn’t achieve”: Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
399 “The lights came up”: Bach, Final Cut, p. 347.
399 “The poster with”: Scorsese, AI, 8/1/91.
399 “one of the most”: Ehrenstein, The Scorsese Picture, p. 68.
400 “Heaven’s Gate fails”: Bach, Final Cut, p. 363.
400 “Yes, the director”: Hellman, AI, 6/20/94.
401 “Suddenly there was” and following: Altman, AI, 5/3/96.
401 “Heaven’s Gate undercut”: Scorsese, AI, 5/8/96.
401 “There was a kind”: Coppola, AI, 12/19/94.
401 “I went to see”: Boorman, AI, 2/22/95.
401 “The stuff that”: Milius, AI, 1/9/92.
401 “If a person”: Justin Wyatt, High Concept, Austin, Texas, 1994, p. 13.
402 “Don redesigned”: Craig Baumgarten, AI, 2/2/96.
402 “Don would dictate”: Cohen, AI, n.d.
402 “Diller would always”: Yablans, AI, 6/3/96.
402 “never really cared”: Simpson, AI, 7/21/93.
402 “The cinema of”: Bogdanovich, AI, 10/19/95.
403 “I had a film”: Art Linson, AI, 3/10/92.
403 “Realizing his life”: Gay Talese, “Francis Coppola,” Esquire, 7/81, p. 80.
403 “It used to be”: Spielberg, AI, 12/9/96.
403 “In the ’70s if”: Friedkin, AI, 4/19/96.
404 “It’s really about”: Mike Bygrave, “Inside the Studio,” Sight and Sound, Winter 83, p. 20.
404 “Testing changed”: Bart, AI, 4/17/92.
404 “In the ’70s”: Michael Phillips, AI, 3/14/92.
404 “to be kidnapped”: Sontag, “The Decay of Cinema.”
405 “So much of the ’70s”: Towne, AI, 11/6/97.
405 “Marty wanted the kind”: Sandy Weintraub, AI, 7/30/91.
405 “When I lost”: Scorsese, AI, 8/1/91.
405 “We had explored” and following: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
405 “he wanted me”: Cathleen Young, Isabella Rossellini, New York, 1989, p. 96.
406 “Big people in”: Scorsese, AI, 8/1/91.
406 “At the beginning”: Bart, AI, 4/17/92.
406 “They explained that”: Scorsese, AI, 5/7/96.
407 “I had to make up” and following: Scorsese, AI, 8/1/91.
Chapter 14: “We Blew It”
408 Epigraph: Coppola, AI, 12/19/94.
408 “I felt that”: Bogdanovich, AI, 10/19/95.
409 “None of us were”: Kidder, AI, 4/17/93.
409 “The trick, for me”: Scorsese, AI, 8/1/91.
409 “It isn’t any fun”: Richard Schickel, AI, 1/18/96.
410 “When you could” and following: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/19/91.
411 “He would call”: Smith, AI, 12/13/96.
411 “When the movie”: Milius, AI, 1/9/92.
411 “Nastassja Kinski is” and following: Tanen, AI, 1/22/93.
412 “Jerry Hellman asked” and following: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/19/91.
412 “The game was up”: Paul Schrader, AI, 12/13/95.
413 “Suddenly this pain”: Friedkin, AI, 4/19/96; Segaloff, Hurricane Billy.
413 “The way it works is”: Coppola, AI, 6/27/96.
413 “They hated Billy”: Green, AI, 12/3/96.
414 “I burned a lot” and following: Friedkin, AI, 4/19/96.
414 “Even the great”: Coppola, AI, 6/27/96.
415 “The directors still”: Yablans, AI, 6/3/96.
415 “Francis has only”: Spielberg, AI, 12/9/96.
415 “Arrogance and pussy”: Friedkin, 4/
415 “We all thought”: Friedkin, AI, 4/19/96.
415 “We didn’t know”: Bogdanovich, AI, 10/19/95.
415 “The auteur theory”: Martin, AI, 10/14/95.
415 “I fell apart” and following: Bogdanovich, AI, 10/19/95.
416 “When Dorothy got”: Michael Ventura, “Peter Bogdanovich: ‘What Is the Point of Making Pictures?,’” LA Weekly, 5/28–6/3/82.
416 “The day Dorothy”: Geoff Andrew, “Mourning Has Broken,” Time Out, 12/5–12/12/90.
416 “My excuse is”: Bogdanovich, AI, 6/29/94.
416 “Remember me?”: Confidential source.
417 “I don’t do”: Coppola, AI, 7/31/97.
417 “It’s like your”: Pollock, Skywalking, p. 245.
417 “Some people have”: Ibid.
417 “Francis helped me”: Ibid., p. 80.
417 “I thought Francis”: Ibid., p. 244.
417 “It’s going to be”: Goodwin and Wise, “On the Edge,” p. 278.
417 “I was excited”: Robbins, AI, 5/2/97.
418 “Francis’s voice was”: Dalva, AI, 3/10/97.
418 “Francis never wanted”: Skager, AI, 3/4/97.
418 “Francis was a man”: Dalva, AI, 3/10/97.
418 “One from the Heart started”: Skager, AI, 3/4/97.
418 “One from the Heart sank”: Robbins, AI, 5/2/97.
418 “Spiotta was in”: Coppola, AI, 7/31/97.
419 “George couldn’t understand”: Huyck, AI, 6/28/94.
419 “Every Friday I”: Skager, AI, 3/4/97.
419 “With the collapse”: David Thomson and Lucy Cray, “Idols of the King,” Film Comment, 10/83, p. 72.
419 “I’m broke”: Confidential source.
419 “Apocalypse Now was”: Coppola, AI, 6/27/96.
420 “Before The Godfather”: Ruddy, AI, 3/12/97.
420 “Steve, if you’re” and following: Confidential source.
420 “I don’t know”: Confidential source.
420 “When Steven decided”: Steven Schiff, “Seriously Spielberg,” New Yorker, 3/21/94.
421 “I had a baby”: Baxter, Steven Spielberg, p. 330.
421 “I started my career”: Ibid., p. 321.
421 “Kate outmanipulated”: Katz, AI, 6/28/94.
421 “It started out”: Milius, AI, 1/9/92.
421 “I said, ‘What’ “: Robbins, AI, 5/2/97.
422 “So John, you”: Gottlieb, AI, 6/13/97.
422 “For me, the bottom line” and following: Marcia Lucas, AI, 3/3/97.
423 “It violated all”: Robbins, AI, 5/2/97.
423 “He just didn’t”: Gomez, AI, 6/15/94.
423 “I think what Marcia”: Murch, AI, 4/20/97.
423 “He was very bitter”: Marcia Lucas, 3/3/97.
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