The Throne of Hate: A mafia romance (The Romano's Book 2)

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The Throne of Hate: A mafia romance (The Romano's Book 2) Page 2

by Stella Andrews

  Shutting that memory away for another day when I’m stronger, I sigh inside and set about getting ready for the graduation ceremony.

  If I want to get my ultimate revenge and secure my inheritance, I need to think smart and fast. Yes, I need to get my hands on it and Miss. Taylor wasn’t far off the mark. I intend on disposing of it in every way my grandmother would hate as my ultimate revenge against a woman I couldn’t stand. I had plans for the millions residing in a trust fund with my name on it and only the thought of her turning in her grave has kept me going over the last three years. I will not let her win but I’ll do it on my own terms, so with a bravery that has built over time, I prepare to do something I’ve been planning ever since I decided to leave this school as a fucking legend.

  Grabbing my wash bag, I head to the shower before I can change my mind because Isabella Grey leaves Eden Manners as the girl she always wanted to be and they will never forget it.

  Luckily, by the time I return, my classmates have already left for the ceremony as I knew they would. I heard them planning on taking photos, meeting each other’s families, signing year books and all that stuff popular people do when they transition from one life to another.

  I’m not welcome, so I have the dorm to myself and as I see their piles of neatly packed clothes, the devil takes hold of my soul as I systematically work my way through their cases, spilling ink and nail varnish, cutting beautiful cashmere sweaters with scissors and ripping favorite books into shreds. I use marker pens to write rude words on the base of their packing cases and leave my mark where I never had the courage to do before. Then I arrange everything so it looks normal and laugh to myself as I picture their faces when they unpack back home.

  Yes, Isabella Grey is no longer taking the shit people like this throw at her. When she leaves Eden Manners, it will be as Isabella Grey, rock chick and bad-assed motherfucker because even though I will do my darndest to find a job, it will be on my terms. They can’t take that from me and the people they lined up in their ivory tower don’t interest me, anyway. I’m going to find a family I want to live with. People who need a nanny with decent kids and not these privileged assholes that walk these halls. I will get my inheritance so I can give it away to every cause my grandmother looked down her nose on, and I won’t take a penny for myself. No, I will earn my own way through life and who cares if I end up in a one bedroomed apartment overlooking an alley? Not me because it will be mine and nobody can look down on me for that.

  Once I’m sure everything looks as they left it, I shrug on my gown and place my mortar board on my head. My eyes shine at the reflection of the girl looking back at me and I laugh. I wonder what they will all make of the new Isabella Grey because I left the old one back in the shower when I emerged from my chrysalis as the butterfly I always knew I would be one day.

  Gone is the mousey brown hair that spent the last three years tied back in a ribbon. It now falls long and wavy around my shoulders in all its pink glory. Laughing, I admire my freshly dyed locks and love the way the pink catches the sunlight as I twirl in front of the camera. My uniform is no longer respectable as my shirt is tied at my waist and the skirt rolled up revealing rather a lot of leg, and the shoes that I slip on my feet have killer heels, all the better to gauge my bullies eyes out when I throw them at their heads for daring to think Isabella Grey was worth nothing.

  Well, I am now worth millions because I’ll find a family and have the last laugh before I hit the road and realize my dreams.

  Wrapping my gown around me, I head toward the great hall, hoping that no one sees me because the element of surprise is a delicious thought as I picture the shock on the faces of everyone here when I shake up their perfect ceremony and leave in a blaze of glory.

  Chapter 3


  It feels strange being here. My life has changed in the shortest time and the reason is sitting beside me, silent and wrapped in nightmares. My son, Luca. Rescued from a beginning of pain and torture from a mother who hid him away from me for close on three years. Now we’re together and I would do anything to protect him—in fact, I already have.

  The room fills with people I detest. Privileged, wealthy and corrupt as hell. What they don’t know is that I am the most corrupt one here—a devil walking on earth and any emotion I possess is reserved for my son.

  He sits straight-backed and unemotional, staring ahead with a blank expression. He is lost. The horrors of his life so far have affected him greatly, and he needs help. He is locked in his own melancholy world and none of us can reach him. That’s why I’m here—for him. He needs a woman’s love, a soft approach, but I must tread carefully because the one woman who should have loved him unconditionally betrayed him in the cruelest of ways.

  As the teachers line up on the stage, I sigh inside.

  Marcus sits beside me and scans the room. Three more guards are in the audience and four more stationed outside. I don’t travel alone—ever. Three black cars are lined up at the entrance waiting for our business to be concluded and I just hope we find what I’m looking for because there is only so much my grandmother can do. Luca needs help and I’m here to find it.

  The Principal of the pretentiously named Eden Manners School, stands and looks around her with an imperious stare. I’m sure she can smell the wealth from where she’s standing because it’s obvious she’s invited potential employers alongside the families of the graduates. She gets commission on any placements and I’m sure she will do her utmost to secure a job for every girl soon to receive their certificates.

  I lean down and whisper to Luca, “Take a look and tell me which one you want and I’ll get her for you.”

  He nods with a serious expression, which breaks my heart all over again. My grandmother wanted to come with us to choose a nanny for him herself, but I refused. Riley also wanted to come but my brother’s fiancée is not who I need right now, this is our decision to make, mine and Luca’s and if he takes a liking to any of these women, she’s the one whether she agrees or not because Luca gets what Luca wants - period.

  I tune out the Principal’s speech because I’m not interested in anything she has to say. I’m only interested in one thing and am keen to conduct my business and leave.

  Marcus shifts on his seat beside me and I see many furtive looks thrown our way by women who have no business looking. None of them interest me unless they are on their knees bound and gagged so I don’t have to hear them whine. They are useful for only one thing, and I have a place I can go where there is an endless supply.

  I look up as the tedious ceremony starts and see the first student venture out on the stage looking smugly at the audience and I sigh inside. Typical stereotypical rich bitch. I can tell them a mile off and the last person I want caring for my son.

  One by one they head out on stage and I struggle to keep my eyes open. Blondes, brunettes, reds, every shade of brown and all the colors of the rainbow. All wrapped up in their tight little sweaters and practical shoes as they wear their gradation gowns with pride.

  Leaning down, I whisper, “Seen any you like?”

  With a brief shake of his head, Luca carries on watching and it breaks my heart. He’s just a little over three years old and is already an old head in a young body. Where is his happiness, the joy, the trouble? He’s a broken child and I will do anything to fix him.

  As the rows fill up with students taking their seats before the stage, I notice only a few remaining seats are left. Great, a wasted journey.

  Through this whole ceremony Luca hasn’t moved an inch. No expression, no interest.

  One more to go and I’m so bored I could eat my own fist.

  As the Principal calls the last name, I prepare to leave, but as she calls the name, Isabella Rose Grey, I hear a gasp of horror and look up with interest. The disapproval ripples through the auditorium as a girl strides confidently onto the stage. She looks at the crowd and smirks before strutting over to the Principal who looks as if she’s about to pass out a
nd I can see why.

  This girl is different. She has pale pink hair that contrasts with her graduation mortar board. Her make-up is wicked and provocative, and her eyes shine with pride. She wears her uniform like a whore and flashes a glimpse of full and rounded breasts as she leans forward to snatch the certificate from the horrified Principal’s hand and then turns and flips off the audience before grinning and turning the gesture on the teachers who are looking on angrily from the side lines. Then she turns and strides back where she came from to a horrified silence as the entire room stares after her with astonishment. I can tell Marcus found the whole thing amusing as his shoulders shake and then something happens that takes me by complete surprise. Luca starts to laugh.

  I can’t believe this is my son as he rolls in his chair holding his stomach as the tears fall down his face. His laughter is infectious, making me join in and I register the emotion on the faces of my guards as they witness something we thought we’d never see. He’s laughing.

  Quickly, I nudge Marcus. “Get her.”

  He nods and slips out of his seat and I know we have got what we came for.

  Isabella Rose Grey will be Luca’s nanny whether she likes it or not.

  Chapter 4


  I think I’m still laughing as I grab my case and go. The looks on their faces will stay with me to my dying day and it was so worth it. Three years of agony, pain and humiliation, rewarded with a public show of blatant rebellion. If I had any friends—any family, I wish they could have witnessed the moment when Isabella Grey was reinvented and she doesn’t give a fuck.

  As I drag my case to the door, I know there will be no one to wave me off with a cheery good luck and tears in their eyes. So, I’m surprised to see a man in a black suit lounging against the pillar outside watching me. He wears black shades over his eyes and I can sense him staring from here. His eyes burn through to my soul and immediately I feel uncomfortable.

  Is he a hit man? Did Mrs. Hastings signal him to end my life for daring sully the reputation of Eden Manners? I wouldn’t put it past her, so I just ignore him and try to pass until an arm shoots out and grasps my arm—hard.

  “Miss. Grey.”


  I stare at him defiantly as he nods toward a black car waiting at the entrance. In fact, there are three identical ones and I wonder if they’re some new type of cab service which is a bizarre thought because why would they be? This man has menace written all over him and his suit is obviously expensive and those shades look costly—who is he?

  In fact, who are they because suddenly I see there are several of them. Men in black—Aliens. Is this what this is?

  Laughing at my own stupidity, I raise a cocky eyebrow in his direction and say cheekily, “Let go of my fucking arm unless you want me to break it.”

  His mouth twitches which annoys me and I glare at him as he nods toward the car. “Get in.”

  What the hell? I blink and then glance behind me wondering if this some kind of joke and then as one of the men step forward and seize my case, I shout, “What the fuck, leave my things alone, I didn’t call for a cab.”

  I may as well not have spoken as I watch in horror as he slings it into the trunk of the third car and slams down the lid before taking up his station, watching, guarding, menacing.

  I shiver as I sense something happening that is out of my control as the man beside me says darkly, “I said get in the car, all will be explained later.”

  Fear strikes my heart for the very first time as I sense I don’t have a choice. The way the man said it was in words with no room to argue. Unsure how to play this, I whisper, “Did my grandmother send you?”

  As soon as the words leave my lips, I burst into hysterical laughter. What a stupid thing to say, of course not, she’s dead, but then again, I wouldn’t put it past her, the manipulating bitch can still control my life from the grave as Miss. Taylor demonstrated just a few hours ago.

  Another man in black opens the car door and the one looking at me with interest points toward it and growls, “Now!”

  Fleetingly, I wonder if I could run. Take my chance and head off into the vast grounds that I know so well. Perhaps I could head back the way I came and take my chance on facing the wrath of Mrs. Hastings. Something inside me tells me this would be the lesser of the two evils and I start backing up, instinctively protecting myself from something that is sure to land me in a whole heap of trouble.

  “Um, if you’ll excuse me, I need to pee. In fact, I can barely hold on, you’ll have to wait.”

  The words tumble from my mouth like the garbage they are as I frantically try to think of a way out of this strange situation.

  However, as I back up, I don’t realize that a wall has formed behind me and I step back into something hard, unyielding and hostile.

  Is it my imagination or have the men in front of me just stood a little taller? They seem more on edge and the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention and prickle with danger.

  I almost daren’t turn around but something compels me to and as I do, I take a step back in fear.

  Now I know I’m in trouble.

  A man, at least I think he is, stands before me with a hard expression and eyes as black as hell. He is cold, aloof and dangerous and just breathing the same air as him is choking my soul, surrounding it in danger, oppression and desire.

  I have never met the like of him before. If I thought these men were dangerous and cold, they are puppy dogs in comparison to this man, as his cold, angry eyes appear to look right through me, stripping me bare and leaving me panting at his feet.

  Who is he?

  “Miss. Grey, get in the car.”

  He regards me with a blank stare and my mouth falls open. I can’t help it because it’s his eyes, there’s nothing there. They look, they see, they understand, but they don’t feel. It’s like staring at the walking dead, and once again I shiver as ice creeps through my veins when I realize I’m in even more trouble than I thought.

  Then I notice he’s not alone and stare in surprise at his large hand holding tightly onto a much smaller one.

  A little boy, his mirror image, his son. It’s obvious and I wonder what brave woman took this man on because I couldn’t imagine for one moment how he had the capability to father a child with an actual living being because this man is a god. He is untouchable and as I stare, the little boy looks at me through those same soulless eyes and it breaks my heart. He’s lost, they are lost, and even though I’ve just met them, I can see it like a painting before me of an artist that’s lost control. It’s messy, violent, all over the place but so god damned beautiful it takes my breath away—a masterpiece, father & son, I could stare all day.

  Then he speaks with a tone that shows he’s in control and says evenly, “Now, Miss. Grey.”

  I open my mouth to speak and look back to the boy, weighing up my options and trying desperately to think of how to play this.

  I suppose it’s the expression in the little boys’ eyes that makes my decision for me. He looks so sad, and something in his expression makes me weep inside. He needs me.

  Ignoring his father, which let me tell you is not easy to do, I drop to my knees and smile. “Hi, what’s your name?”

  He just stares and his father tenses up. In fact, they all tense up and I sense that one false move and my life would be over.

  The little boy blinks and looks out from under the longest lashes I’ve ever seen in my life and says softly, “Luca.”

  “I’m Bella, I’m pleased to meet you.”

  He stares and I smile, not rushing him and not saying anything more, just giving him time to look at me and assess me as only a three-year-old can. To my surprise, he reaches out and his small fingers close around my hair and he says in a sweet voice, “Pink.”

  “Do you like it?”

  He nods and I whisper. “Then maybe I’ll keep it this way.”

  He smiles again and I swear the world stops spinning becaus
e this little boy has captured my heart in a way I never thought possible. There’s something about him that calls to my soul. I feel his pain and understand his shyness. He has retreated into a shell it would take a lot to break and I know that because I have lived in one myself ever since my parents died.

  Then I look up into eyes that are devoid of anything as his father growls, “We’ll talk at the house. I’ll explain there.”

  He nods toward the man by the pillar and I feel a hand on my shoulder before he lifts me to my feet and turns me toward the car, whispering so the boy can’t hear him, “I’d come quietly if I were you.”

  Resisting the urge to punch him in the balls, I find myself propelled toward the car and shoved inside. Before I know what’s happening, the door slams and locks and I watch in horror as the man gets into the passenger seat up front and turns around, saying in a hard voice, “Seatbelt on.”



  Then he slides a glass partition closed and I’m left on my own, scared, confused and so damned angry I feel like screaming like a child. What just happened?

  Chapter 5


  The cars move off as one unit and I settle back in my seat, my son in his car seat beside me, looking out of the window with his usual emotionless stare. He’s lost, I’m lost, and Isabella Grey, she’s lost.

  Thinking of the woman who is sitting in the car behind, no doubt plotting ways to escape, piques my interest. As soon as Luca made his choice, I issued orders. Get her. Yes, she doesn’t have a choice in this because my son has chosen her, she’s fucked because now she’ll never get away all the time he still wants her.

  As soon as she left, the ceremony ended and I was quick to find the Principal and find out what I needed to know. As I thought, Miss. Grey is perfect because as soon as I heard the conditions of her grandmother’s will, I had her.


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