Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon - Vol. 03

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Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon - Vol. 03 Page 13

by Hirukuma,

  Are they holding a lantern in their hand? The closer the source gets, the bigger the light becomes, but I realize there’s something strange about it.

  The light should be illuminating a person, but there’s nothing. The light is floating on its own. It sways back and forth, maintaining about the height of a human waist as it comes nearer.

  I’ve got a bad feeling about this. If I had feet, I’d flee into the inn this second, but unfortunately, a vending machine has no escape methods.

  I’d thought that after turning into this, my mind had gotten stronger, but obviously I was wrong. I can hear an odd noise come from inside me. Telling me, a vending machine, that I’m a little scared…

  Caught between my fear and my curiosity, I focus attentively on it.

  It’s a skull wrapped in flames. Wait, it’s a flame scoll! Geez, I don’t know why I was so scared. Normally it would fit right in with the horror aesthetic, but I know its weak point, and I’ve beaten many of them in the past. I don’t need to be scared now.

  Now that I know what it is, I have more room to think. My fear is gone, but the issue is that a monster has appeared inside the settlement. If monsters normally roam the streets after dark, then we can’t walk around carelessly at night.

  As I’m thinking, other skulls covered with flames appear. I count eight, and those are just the ones in sight. For some reason, they don’t try to go into the buildings. Instead, they just wander around, giving no hint whatsoever as to their objective.

  Wait, this time a skeleton appeared along with the flame scoll. This is just a regular skeleton. And it’s moving in a normal way, isn’t it? Oh, and there’s a half-transparent human, too. Is that what ghosts are like in this world…? This is quite the outdoor haunted house.

  With so many of them brazenly moving around, they’re not scary. Or rather, they’re weak on the horror aspect. The ghostly, half-transparent person is walking around with regular clothes on. If they wanted to scare people, I would have liked to see a little more work put into it. Like a person with their bottom half cut off, trailing their guts behind them as they crawl and moan hatefully. Something like that. They’ve got a lot to learn from Japan’s ghosts.

  The reason I can observe them without concern is because none of the monsters is trying to get inside the buildings. Maybe the settlement residents have some countermeasure for them.

  I have my Force Field up just to be safe, but the monsters don’t even come close to me. They don’t seem to have any interest in this vending machine.

  We’ll be exploring this stratum in the future, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try out a few things. Did I have any items that could be used against the undead?

  Hmm. If it’s your average malevolent spirit we’re talking about, then salt would do the trick, wouldn’t it? Salt, eh…? You’d think I’d have it, but regular salt is one of the products that is, oddly enough, not usually found in vending machines. I have bought rock salt before, though, so let’s try that out.

  I drop some rock salt in a clear, cylindrical case into my compartment, then try erasing just the case and flinging the rock salt. I was aiming for a skeleton, but I miss, and it hits a ghost—and passes right through. I should have known physical attacks would never work against a ghost.

  The monsters spare a cursory look at the rock salt rolling across the ground but don’t give any other real reaction. As if to say it had no effect whatsoever.

  What else looks like it would work… Wh-what about these? I bought these in a town in Kyoto known for its movies, at a Buddha statue vending machine: a Buddha statue and Buddhist prayer beads.

  As far as I know, these are in my top-ten list of out-there products. You may not believe me, but vending machines that sell these actually exist. They’re pretty small, about the size of your palm, but they’re true images of the Buddha.

  If I’m up against ghosts, this might have an effect. I use Force Field to fling out two statues and some prayer beads that I bought back then and watch carefully.

  The monsters seem to take an interest in the mysterious objects and come closer for a look, but they don’t affect them in any way. Well, maybe there’s just not enough of them. I’ll give them everything I’ve got.

  “Yo, Boxxo. Man, I slept like a rock… Whoa, whoa, what’s all this?! Why are there weird-looking dolls and rocks all over the ground?”

  It’s morning already? I was testing the effects of rock salt and Buddhist statues against the monsters yesterday. I can’t believe I was going all night.

  I thought it was such a good idea, too, but different worlds must have different religions!

  Special Training

  And so, we come to the second morning since arriving in the Dead’s Lament stratum.

  It’s dark out, as usual, but after experiencing that night, even this level of brightness is a relief.

  Captain Kerioyl seems to have moved to another stratum via the transfer circle early this morning. He said something about bringing the group that would be taking on this stratum. Also, he wanted to see if he could find anyone strong enough to carry me.

  They don’t have to be as powerful as Lammis, but I hope they at least have enough strength to carry me on the cart.

  “Sir Boxxo… Did you have fun last night?”

  As I pore over my options for the future, I discover the inn’s proprietress standing right next to me… When did she get here? I didn’t notice her at all. I can clearly see her, but she has zero sense of presence. If someone told me she was a ghost, I’d probably believe them.

  “Around here…when night falls…monsters appear in the settlement as well… All but those confident in their skills…are not allowed outside…”

  Last night’s mystery has been solved. I just wish she’d told me earlier.

  “The monsters here…envy the living… They are harmless to you, Sir Boxxo… I believe you came away unscathed…”

  So that’s why they didn’t come near me and instead just peered into the buildings.

  “Sir Boxxo…is closer…to them than we… No… Please excuse me…”

  I’d really appreciate it if you stopped dropping cryptic lines and then leaving. Given her appearance, whenever she says something like that, I want to believe her unconditionally.

  What is it she wanted to say, though? That I’m more like a ghost than a human? In that case, she’s not wrong. I’m basically a possessed vending machine.

  Still, I don’t think I’m anywhere near as ghastly as the proprietress.

  “Boxxo, sorry about yesterday.”

  In her place, Lammis appears, seeming in low spirits. She looks at her feet, squats, and leans back against me. Her body doesn’t seem to be trembling, but she’s definitely not back to her old self yet.


  “I’ve always hated scary things ever since I was a kid. I thought I got over it a little, but I didn’t. At all. Uuuuggghhhhh…”

  When she sighs like that it’s like her soul is about to slip out her mouth. I’ve never seen someone faint from fear before, but it seems just as serious for the one doing the fainting.

  “I said I’d be with you forever, but not at this rate, huh?”

  “Too bad.”

  “Yeah, it is too bad…”

  That didn’t work. She’s taking my words literally now that she’s in pessimist mode. I wonder how I can cheer her up.

  “Man, this isn’t like you. You’re the one who always acts before thinking, aren’t you? If you don’t like something, just overcome it. Right?”

  Hulemy is here, too? Finding it difficult to see Lammis like this, she folds her arms and makes a suggestion. She looks like she’s angry, but she’s actually just concerned.

  She’s right. If she wants to do something about it, then she has to do something. I know it sounds like I’m oversimplifying, but that’s because it really is as simple as that.

  “Y-you’re right! Yeah, if I’m bad with it, I just have to get used to it!”

bsp; “That’s what I like to hear. In that case, I’ll give you some special training to overcome your fears.”

  “Special training… Yeah, I can’t be bad with this stuff forever. Yes, ma’am, Instructor, please train me!” Lammis thrusts a fist into the air to get pumped.

  Hulemy grins at her in satisfaction. I’d like to believe I’m only imagining the slight amusement on her face.

  “Then let’s start by taking a stroll through the settlement.”

  “A… A walk, ma’am?”

  Lammis gulps, her face immediately turning serious. I don’t think Hulemy suggested anything unreasonable.

  She takes a deep breath, turns herself around three hundred and sixty degrees, and then her hand flies up to her forehead in a salute.

  “I don’t think that will work, ma’am!”

  “It’s too early to give up. Come on—the sky is just cloudy. It’s a little dark out, that’s all. Nothing to be scared of. There are days like this in Clearflow Lake, aren’t there?”

  “Yeah, but the atmosphere is different! If Clearflow Lake is like a frog fiend, this place is like a king frog fiend!”

  Her analogy is sort of understandable—then again, it sort of isn’t. But, well, she’s right—it’s not simply dark here. The air is heavy, the humidity stifling. Water droplets stick to my body.

  “Gonna give up, then? You can run back to Clearflow Lake, and Boxxo will go on the search with us. You can just sit tight.”

  “I don’t want that!”

  “Then you’ll have to try harder. There’s a sundries store right down the road from here, so first, I want you to go there and buy a healing herb.”

  “O-okay. Let’s go, Boxxo,” says Lammis, squatting to pick me up like she always does.

  Hulemy rests a hand on her back. “Alone. Go by yourself.”

  “No… No way…”

  “Yes way. If you can’t even do that, you’ll never survive outside the settlement.”

  “I… I’ll do it. Leave it to me. I’m not some little kid. This will be easy!”

  As always, the wavering in Lammis’s voice is obvious. This is the biggest road in the settlement, and there are plenty of people, so even scaredy-cats should be fine.

  “A-all righty. N-no use fussin’ about it. This’ll be a piece o’ cake.”

  Is she going to be all right…? Now she’s muttering to herself in her accent with her fist clenched.

  Having resolved herself, Lammis stands up heroically, sets her eyes dead ahead, then walks bravely—for about ten steps.

  At that point, she gives us a quick glance over her shoulder. Hulemy smiles and waves. Lammis returns the smile, though hers is forced, waves back, and begins walking again.

  As I watch her gingerly make her way down the road, I have a thought. This must be what a parent feels like the first time they send their kid on an errand.

  She makes it a few steps farther, but every time she passes someone, she’s consumed by nervous trembling. Even so, she continues onward. You can do it, Lammis.

  Oh, the door of the house near her just opened with a loud noise. After jumping six feet into the air, Lammis wheels around and comes running back to us at full sprint.

  “Boxxooooooooo! I can’t do it!”

  Ahh, now you’re half crying. It took you several minutes just to get that far, but you came back in five seconds. She jumps to me and holds me, trembling fiercely.

  There, there. It was scary, wasn’t it? Here, you can have some warm corn soup, so calm down. Or maybe sweet juice would be better. All right, I’ll drop off both of them so you can choose which you want.

  Wait, if she hydrates, we’ll have to worry about that. Not that I’m insinuating anything, but diaper vending machines do exist, so if it comes down to it, I’ll…!

  “Lammis… And you too, Boxxo, don’t spoil her…” Hulemy puts a hand to her forehead and sighs. I’m sorry. I realize I’m spoiling her.

  Still, though, if you’re this scared, you should withdraw and not force yourself. If you want to grow strong as a hunter, you’ll have to overcome this eventually, but for now, you’re just going to have to take things slow and steady.

  “Ready to go home?”

  “I think I can do it if I carry Boxxo. No, I know I can! L-look, I’m in charge of carrying him, so I really think I should be the one to do it!”

  Lammis is desperate. I’m happy to be wanted, but I’m pretty much in the position of being her parent.

  “Fine, you can carry Boxxo, so get moving.”

  “Okay. I’ll be fine if I’m with Boxxo. Right, Boxxo?”

  I hope so. Still, I feel like the difference between going into a haunted house alone and going inside with a vending machine is like night and day… I’ve never seen anyone go into a haunted house with a vending machine on their back.

  “Boxxo, you’re there, right?! You’re on my back, right?!”


  “R-really? You’re really there?!”


  “Don’t get off my back, okay?! Don’t do that!”


  This reminds me of when I helped one of my relatives, a kid, who couldn’t ride a bike.

  I can’t move by myself, so there’s no way I could possibly get off her back. If she’s still anxious about whether I’m still here, it means she can’t feel most of the heavy weight she’s got on her back right now. With the strength she has, I’d think she could smash any monster she saw at night to smithereens in one hit anyway.

  “I’ll do my best. I’ll do my best, so let’s conduct the search together. Together.”

  Shaking, she grits her teeth and takes one firm step after another.

  I get it. I may be dense, but even I understand now. Lammis is so desperate to overcome her fear because she wants to stay with me.

  In that case, I should encourage her with all my might so we can overcome her fear together. There’s still quite a distance before the sundries shop. Is there any feature I have that will allow us to reach our destination with a few less frights?

  Something to calm the nerves… Something relaxing… A fragrance, then? I’ve heard roses and grapefruits have relaxing scents. A friend of mine who was enraptured by aromatherapy was very emphatic about explaining it. Also, the smell of coffee apparently calms you down.

  Should I change into a flower vending machine or a fruit vending machine, then? No, hold on. Any scent that came out if I did that would be extremely weak. I need to create a strong-enough smell that she’d be able to tell right away—maybe I’ll take this one.

  From my features list, I choose the aroma diffuser. This isn’t the kind you use to cover up bad smells in places like bathrooms but the kind stores use when trying to attract customers.

  It’s the type you can easily install into a vending machine, with over a hundred scents to choose from. When the motion sensor detects a person, the scent built into the machine begins to emit the scent from a cartridge. I take the Motion Sensor feature as well to make the most of it.

  The device is made for luring people in with the scent of your products, but the scent is rather strong, so it should reach Lammis, since I’m on her back.

  Among the hundred scents, they have grapefruit and coffee here. Hopeful of the effects, I try emitting one.

  “Ahh, I smell something good. Is it a citrus fruit?”

  Oh, the trembling I felt from Lammis’s back is gone. I don’t know whether it actually relaxed her or merely distracted her, but she’s calmed down a bit, so it doesn’t matter. I’ll try all sorts of other things for her sake, too. After testing a bunch of options, the two things that took her mind off her fear were the aroma diffuser’s scents and the jukebox’s music. I play the most effective song, a jazz piece, as I let a coffee scent drift through the air. Since I have a two-hour limit for form changes, I think sticking mainly with the aroma diffuser and only adding music in will be the most effective strategy.

  I mean, the music playing se
ems to calm Lammis down, but we’re getting freaked-out stares from the people around us. I hope she doesn’t notice.


  Every day, if only for a few hours, Lammis completes her grueling special training and steadily adjusts to this environment.

  Her training consists of: errands in the settlement while carrying me, going to the bathroom in the inn alone at night, taking walks through the settlement with me on her back.

  During the extreme regimen, there were several moments where it seemed like her spirit would break, but she overcame it all with her indomitable fortitude, and now she can freely move through the settlement as long as I’m on her back— Am I spoiling her too much?

  Coincidentally, it seems there’s a new spooky rumor in the settlement that tells of a girl wandering the streets with a giant metal box on her back, one who exudes a sweet scent and cheerful music. But that’s beside the point.

  “Hulemy, I’m all set! I don’t get scared anymore.”

  She still gets startled enough to jump out of her boots when someone suddenly turns a corner, but she’s definitely making steady improvement compared to before.

  “I see, I see. I’ve witnessed your efforts with my own two eyes. Let’s move on to the next step, shall we?”

  “I don’t care what it is! Bring it on!” She beats her chest, full of confidence. It looks like she’s acquired quite a bit of confidence these last few days.

  “There, that’s the spirit. In that case, next, you’ll be going for a walk through the settlement without Boxxo—”

  “I can’t do that, ma’am! Please spare me!”

  Hulemy isn’t even finished before Lammis’s posture quickly bends ninety degrees in a swift bow. What splendid resolve. She didn’t hesitate for a second. It looks like strolling about on her own is still too high of a hurdle.

  “I think you’ll be fine, since you’ll always be with Boxxo during our search, but still. The question is whether you’ll be okay leaving the settlement.”

  “I… I’ll be fine. Other people will be there, too. I won’t be alone.”


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