A Witch's Destiny

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A Witch's Destiny Page 15

by E. J. Bennett

  Jeez, anger could bring the best in you Kane thought while he snapped the head of a vamp right in front of him.

  And stabbed both of them through the back with a blade in each fist. The force of her blows sent her hands all the way through them. With a cruel growl, she turned and used their shriveling bodies as shields. Fangs that were meant for her neck tore into dead flesh instead. She didn't want to waste her bullets on these distractions. She smashed her bloody knife into the next fiend until her forearm was past the rib cage of the vampire still dangling from it.

  Before the next bunch of vamps descended, she threw the body on her other arm at them, slowing them enough to wrench free of the corpse and hurl more silver blades with hellish accuracy. One stuck straight into the eye of an advancing vamp, and terrible shrieks came from his mouth before another landed between his fangs.

  It seemed She was jerking silver out of bodies just to throw more again in a morbid juggling act. Failing that, even though it was more dangerous, full-body combat was in order. She experienced the furious ecstasy of twisting someone's head around so roughly it snapped off. Then she threw it like a bowling ball across the room to beam the back of a vamp closing in on Kane. Kane had iron clamped around one wrist and he swung it so rapidly it was only a blur of gray.

  Someone tried to climb past the wreckage of the car to circle Divina, and without pause she threw a knife into his skull. There was something about the sudden scream and then silence. She just killed a human. Vamps didn't go down that easy. Surprisingly she didn't feel the slightest twinge of guilt. If they were after her then they were evil, heartbeat or no heartbeat.

  Sirens blared in the distance, coming closer. Obviously the Police had gotten the message. Through the crumbling wall of the home's exterior she saw the flash of red and blue lights, many of them. A small army was descending. Someone needed to do something. It was against the underworld rules to attract the authorities. The vampires left standing saw them also and began to scatter. Kane had hoped for something like this. The vamps were so much convenient to kill when they faced away from them. More silver found flesh when they sprang through the remnants of the house.

  Unholy exultation filled her, and a howl of victorious slaughter erupted from her throat. It shook the remains of the glass in the windows as she prowled swiftly through the bodies to find another one to destroy. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kane, grinning evilly and tearing apart a vamp unlucky enough to be behind him. An arm sailed across the carnage to land in the pile of the body parts, followed by a head.

  "This is the Police! Drop your...!"

  The voice blaring from the bullhorn abruptly choked off when their spotlight lit upon the scene. About six vamps remained and three of them were pierced with multiple blades, living corpse. Shots began to ring out from the officers' guns as they fired wildly at everything that moved, not knowing what in the world they were shooting at. That made the surviving vamps to turn to the police. Divina stayed down, bullets being much more harmful than a bite. From her low vantage point she saw a particular vamp crawling away around the ruins of the car.

  Seething hatred burst inside of her, she had only one distinct, crystallized thought. He wasn't going anywhere. Divina had only one knife left, but it was a big one. Her hand closed around it with the grip of the damned. She crouched, channeling all her energy, and sprang at them with complete disregard for the raining bullets. Another vamp, may be the strongest one was still in cover. Divina landed on him with all rage propelling her. Both slammed into the side of the house.

  More plaster came crumbling down. The vamp went for her neck, but she shoved him back at the same time. His teeth landed on her collarbone instead. Pain sliced into her as his fangs pierced through her flesh. They were wedged between the car and crumbling wall, so Divina couldn't throw him off. The Vamp shook his head like a shark, opening the wound wider, while one arm was uselessly trapped underneath her. She kicked him brutally, but he didn't let go.

  That was the worst position for her to be in with a vampire, that was the reason why she trained so hard with her knives to kill at a distance. She remembered the words of her mother. That beating pulse in your neck is your greatest weakness...She knew that hanging with the vamp would kill her, each shake of his mouth brought him closer to her throat.

  In a split second, she made her decision. She might go down, but she is taking the vamp with her. With her free hand she reached for the gun. Another problem was how to shoot. He was behind her. Divina wanted to be as accurate as possible, she wouldn't want to waste bullets. First she shot his right leg, he lost his grip and she finished him with a bullet in the head. Divina found her way out of the wedge. The vamp must have taken a pint of blood from her. She felt weak but still had much strength left to fight with the adrenaline shooting through her.

  "We need to leave!" Kane called from the other part of the room.

  Divina didn't reply, she couldn't. She lay on the bare floor looking at the ceiling. Kane couldn't leave her. He had been dodging bullets from the police. He lured through the room till he arrived beside Divina.

  "The cops, what we gonna do?" Divina asked. She sounded like the cops were more terrifying than the vamps.

  "We wait",

  Few seconds later, they stopped firing. Divina and Kane had never felt the importance of serenity until that day. The silence was soothing. But there wasn't much time to enjoy it. Quickly, Kane lifted Divina on his shoulder, darted out of the building to the forest. One thing was for sure, Blackclaw was scared and was a coward.

  Chapter 21

  "You guys can't afford to miss your flight,"

  "We will be out soon Dad," Belinda replied.

  The girls got their bags and travelling boxes. Enroute to New York, they got into the minivan. Vanir drove them straight to the airport. Although it was a two hour drive, it was all fun and noisy. The girls could never stop talking, they all had something to say. All three looked better than before. Skin shinning, hair perfectly combed. One would have thought that the three girls who were in the claws of Blackclaw just mere weeks ago were completely different from the happy damsels in the car.

  "Dad, please make sure you come see us soon as possible,"

  "I'll be there Bella", Vanir ascertained.

  "Why not leave with us now?" Bianca asked again. Prior to that Vanir mentioned to them that he had some pressing issues to attend to too.

  "I have told you Bianca, I-"

  Bianca cut him, as father and Daughter echoed the response like it was a refrain.

  "YOU HAVE SOME PRESSING ISSUES TO TEND TO" Belinda and Bella giggled. Bianca could always do that to have fun.

  "Yes, some pressing issues to tend to. Issues which have to do with our safety,"

  "Is it that vampire guy?" Bianca was curious.

  Vanir hit the break and the tire screeched immediately. He turned to Bianca who was at the back seat.

  "None of you should ever mention that to anyone not even yourselves. Is that clear?"

  The playful mood mutated into a weighty ambience. Vanir didn't get a reply to his order, the girls were all silent and terrified.

  "Is that clear?" He echoed

  "Yes, Daddy" the girls responded.

  They got there thirty minutes before their flight. Vanir kissed them goodbye. They were all he had and he was never going to expose them to any form of danger anymore. Watching the plane as it rose to the skies gave him so much joy. Finally they were safe from the trouble, torment and misery which came along with the underworld. Vanir got in his car and drove off. He was still on his way home, ten kilometers away from his crib before he received a phone call. After the call he made a sharp turn back to the airport.

  Bianca, Bella and Belinda sat close to each other as usual. All seemed to be fine until when the plane initiated take off on the run way. The sound and vibration had triggered the vamp senses. Her instincts were accentuated with many factors, fear inclusive.

  Unknown to Vanir, Bella and Beli
nda, Bianca had been turned. But Blackclaw was so smart to make it hidden.

  The vamp blood had been transmitted into her body fluids except her blood, this slowed down the turning process drastically. The vamp blood wasn't just any vamp blood.

  Amy's sister the bad witch did tweak it with her magic. Bianca went into a killing spree on the plane. She didn't kill for feeding she did kill because she wanted to kill. That was the work of the witch. To turn her into a killer. The killers are vamps with no other instincts but to kill. They were always servants to their masters and they couldn't think on their own. The difference between them and the morhgs is that the morhgs would go back to normal after they had achieved their aim. Killers would remain forever bound to their masters. The airport emergency squad had arrived at the crash scene.

  Vanir stared at the crash site, tears dropping down his cheeks.

  "I will make sure I kill you Blackclaw, even if it takes the last drop of blood in me," He said to himself. He got into his car and was heading to Blackclaw's compound. On his way he picked his cell to call Aiden.

  "My girls are dead, on my way to face Blackclaw,"

  Aiden was shocked. First at the news and second at the manner Vanir said it.

  "I. . . jus-I-" Aiden began to stutter.

  "It's either he dies or I die," Vanir stated.

  "Pick me up at the vale junction," The vale junction was a place known to the members of the underworld. It was the nearest location to Blackclaw's compound.

  Vanir arrived at the vale junction. Aiden got in.

  "So what's the plan?" He asked.

  "We've got no plan," Vanir answered.

  "Vanir what are you doing?" a terrified Aiden asked.

  They were getting close to Blackclaws gate and he wasn't stopping. The speedometer hit 250. Vanir rammed the car into the gate. The gatekeepers were running after the car. They would take them as soon as the car stops. Blackclaw's compound was a battlefield. Someone who could cause more mayhem was present, not someone, people. Aiden couldn't believe his eyes. There was Divina fighting alongside Kane. Aiden was double shocked once more. Kane was killing his own! Vanir hit the brakes and both bounty hunter and a grieving father got down from the vehicle to face Blackclaw and his followers.

  In Blackclaws compound Divina stood side by side Kane, a very good friend and a lover. She worked frantically to parry blow after blow, waiting for her opponent to pause and then strike hard.

  One of Blackclaw's followers struck from behind but Kane came to her aid. Divina brought her sword forward, catching the vamp who she thought was Kane at the side and opening up a long gash in his hip. The vamp fell to the floor and did materialize into ashes. When other vamps saw these they were scared. Divina was also startled.

  "Kill them! You swore an oath to Blackclaw," Amy's sister screamed. She made her way to face Vanir.

  The sheer frenzy of battle began filling her every sense. Her body numbered and her vision swam. The fighting around her became clouded and she struggled to focus on the attackers around her. She then fell back with a cry of pain as a werewolf tore her skin just managing to cut through the leather cuirass her mother gave her. She looked up to see the wear vamp moving up for a killing blow and found herself frozen in fear. The world began to slow as she waited for the final strike.

  No, this cannot be, she thought. I can't die at Blackclaws hands. She looked up and saw the wear vamp pulling his short sword back to thrust, however the sword fell from its hand as something struck his throat. Kane intervened. He tore through the neck of the were vamp in one strike while he axed down another. The were vamp fell to the floor. Clutching its neck, unable to breathe. Divina sealed the strike with a bullet straight to the head. Blackclaws followers were really in for it. The world returned to normal: she didn't die. She turned around and saw Kane facing him. She stood up and waved her hand to him.

  Divina shook the pain in her shoulder away and found her sense of dread easing. She forced herself to place those thoughts at the back of her mind and charged at the nearest enemy. Pounding at the vamp's head with her hilt.

  Vanir and a werewolf moved to the center, the remaining vamps were forming a defensive circle around one wounded vamp. He buried a knife in its skull. Then he screamed, he began to swing his axes around him. Slowly the enemy was forced back. Divina ran into another vamp with her sword. She fell on top her opponent and repeatedly stabbed its stomach until ashes alone where left from the body of the vamp. Then she noticed that her father was pinned against the wall by two vamps.

  "Not my father you imps," She said under her breathe.

  Divina leapt to his aid. Plunged the enchanted sword into the first enemy's back and threw him to her side. But it was too late, the second vamp turned from the pinned Aiden to Divina's waist. A quick reaction allowed her to dodge the strike and she buried the sword into his heart. No, it wasn't too late for Aiden.

  "Are you okay Dad?"

  "I have never been much better seeing you," Aiden replied. The vamp which attacked him had claws, during the grip they dug deep into his shoulders and his ribs.

  "You are weak now,"

  "Behind you!"

  Divina sliced the head of the coming vamp with her left hand even without looking back. Another vamp was onto her. She was running into the heat of the battle when she heard Aiden shout.

  "Your mother did train you well,"

  Divina smiled. That was the first time she did so in a long while. With much momentum under his belt, he stuck the knife into the throat of the vamp which was on her. Suddenly the darkness within the compound churned into activity, boiling within a purple cauldron and ascending the walls like a wrath of gloom.

  The center of the compound split open and out of it shone a pure while silver light. The silver burst into sparks of lighting which crackled and arrowed far up the walls of chasm. Stone and dirt broke loose from the walls as a mysterious tempest rumbled, shaking the whole earth. Divina stumble back from the rim as the air snapped with a sharp blast accompanied by a blinding flash of light, the ground shuddered with great violence, Kane, Vanir, Divina and other vamps lost their balance. Divina fell sprawling into the dust and dirt. An eerie wind fanned out from the abyss and the sky was awash with darkness greater than the night. Divina hadn't expected an awesome display of her powers. She clutched the earth with distress as the sky exploded with another peal of thunder and the earth shrugged her as it would a stray insect. She could feel the fur on her back bristle, the whole air was diffused with the evil symphony of rain and thunder sounding like countless spirit voices. Out of the wind, trumpets and the palming thunder came a clear but vicious voice.


  It was the evil witch-Amy's sister, Divina's aunt. Divina wondered why someone would perform strong magic just to prove that she was superior. She should have been a good teacher, a very good friend. But since she chose the path which seemed right to her, she became her foe.

  If there was any time she needed the sword to do it's wonders, it was then. The voice of the old man in her dream came to her.

  "Don't use the sword as a weapon make use of it as an extension of yourself," she told herself.

  Divina raised her sword, her sweaty hands on its hilt, and a gun in the other hand. She shut her eyes, directed her thoughts strongly towards the weather. She didn't have magic, she was magic. She summoned the thunder, fire and rain to it and it was so.

  A strong beam of vague matter guided itself from a whirlpool above the tip of her sword. She felt the power run through her from the sword down to her legs. She had never felt anything like it. Everyone had stopped fighting including the vamps just to watch the display of powers. They couldn't deny that they were in awe of it. Even Kane and Darren who were in the heat of battling each other stopped to watch.

  The spectacle ended when Divina launched her attack. She pointed the tip directly to her killer. She dodged it and a guffaw escaped from her Aunt's mouth.

  "You come to battle agains
t me with magic meant for Babies?"

  She stretched her evil hands to her and within two heartbeats she was crucified to the wall.

  "Freon seilb rhyiad!" Divina bellowed and in an instant she was free from her hold. Divina had never been so proud to say her magic spell out loud. She launched another attack towards the evil witch, this time around without the use of her sword, jus the Dirk in her hand

  "An eower Houbit" She bellowed and she aimed it directly at her skull. The 22 inch dagger traveled its way down to her but she dodged it again, she launched its attack an heard her shout CRACIAN EN SKUULE! And it came directly at her, what was it? She couldn't see it until it hit her. Divina was down, the battle was onto another level. Invincible arrows. The arrow had travelled through the troposphere of magic straight into Divina's chest. She could feel it piercing through her flesh, cold fresh blood, gushing out of her chest soaked in. Her blow had been successful. It was now time for her to launch her attack. Her mother had always told her that witches had their weak points. A secret gem or something. But she didn't have any. Maybe that's why she was referred to as Magic and not someone who had magic. She managed to stand up, still holding her chest that flowed in the tide of blood. She mustered all the strength she could get and ran towards her, she maintained her ground as Divina hit her chest, she pulled off the gem from her neck in an instance.

  The evil witch giggled.

  "That was an ornament; my powers are innate just like you,"

  Divina was startled. But she didn't believe it. The evil witch was about sending the killing attack when Blackclaw stopped her. Divina hadn't seen him for a while.

  Few meters away from there, Vanir was in the heat of a battle. Vengeance ran down his veins. A few with an axe loomed up before him, swinging with both hands as he howled in wordless fury. He dodged the attack, shoved in close to gut him with a dirk. Vanir had gotten it from Kane. He was a brave and strong fighter and he fought as if he had nothing to live for. He spun and found a wolf, a werewolf behind him, and slashed him across the brow beneath its helm. Its own cut did catch him below the breast but his wears were thick enough to make it mild.


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