The Great Reformer

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by Austen Ivereigh

  3 Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis), Open Mind, Faithful Heart: Reflections on Following Jesus, trans. Joseph V. Owen (New York: Crossroad, 2013), p. 113, originally in Meditaciones para Religiosos (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Diego de Torres, 1982).

  4 Philip Caraman, SJ, Ignatius Loyola (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990), ch. 17.

  5 For the history of the Jesuits in the colonial River Plate, see Guillermo Fúrlong Cardiff, SJ, notably Los Jesuitas y la Cultura Rioplatense (Buenos Aires: Editorial Huarpes, 1946), as well as Roberto di Stefano, Historia de la Iglesia Argentina (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2009), Jean Lacoutoure, Jesuits: A Multibiography (Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint, 1995), and various sources cited in my own Catholicism and Politics in Argentina, 1810–1960 (Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993).

  6 Father Diego’s letter contains the term la periferia. “I am convinced,” Francis told members of religious orders in November 2013, “that great changes in history came about when things were seen not from the center but rather from the periphery.”

  7 William Bangert, A History of the Society of Jesus (St. Louis, MO: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 1986).

  8 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “¿Qué Son los Jesuitas? Origen, Espiritualidad, Características Propias,” in Reflexiones en Esperanza (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Universidad del Salvador, 1992).

  9 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “Historia y Presencia de la Compañía de Jesús en Nuestra Tierra,” in Reflexiones Espirituales sobre la Vida Apostólica (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Diego de Torres, 1987).

  10 After the votes went Bergoglio’s way in the conclave of 2013, a cardinal wittily suggested he might avenge that notorious decision by taking the name Clement XV. For essays on the expulsion, see Magnus Mörner (ed.), The Expulsion of the Jesuits from Latin America (New York: Knopf, 1965).

  11 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “Proyección Cultural y Evangelizadora de los Mártires Rioplatenses,” Speech at Colegio del Salvador, May 27, 1988, in Reflexiones en Esperanza.

  12 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “The Faith That Frees Us,” in Open Mind, Faithful Heart, p. 28.

  13 Pope Francis, Meeting with the Coordinating Committee of CELAM, July 28, 2013.

  14 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “Principios,” Universidad del Salvador, August 27, 1974, at

  15 Jorge González Manent, Jesuitas Éramos Los de Antes: Impresiones de un Novicio de Los Años ’50 (Buenos Aires: Ed. Dunken, 2012).

  16 Literally, “little father,” an affectionate term used by Latin-Americans of their priests. Although juniors like Jorge were not ordained, local people didn’t make that distinction.

  17 Reproduced in Mariano de Vedia, Francisco, el Papa del Pueblo (Buenos Aires: Planeta, 2013). My translation.

  18 Armando Rubén Puente, La Vida Oculta de Bergoglio (Madrid: Libros Libres, 2014), p. 145.

  19 In Alejandro Bermúdez (ed., trans.), Pope Francis: Our Brother, Our Friend (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2013).

  20 Morris West, Eminence (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1998).

  21 If it still exists, the magnetic tape would contain the first radio interview of the man who became Pope Francis.

  22 Pfirter brothers quoted in Elisabetta Piqué, Francisco: Vida y Revolución (Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 2013) pp. 70–71. Carranza quoted in Bermúdez (ed., trans.), Pope Francis: Our Brother, Our Friend.

  23 The story is told in Chris Lowney, Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads (Chicago: Loyola Press, 2013), p. 42.

  24 J. Milia, De la Edad Feliz (Salta: Ed. Maktub, 2006), updated in an Italian edition, Maestro Francesco: Gli Allievi del Papa Ricordano il Loro Profesore (Milan: Mondadori, 2014).

  THREE STORM PILOT (1967–1974)

  1 John Allen, “On Pope Francis’s First Year,” Radio Boston, March 25, 2014.

  2 G. K. Chesterton, St. Francis of Assisi (New York: George H. Doran, 1924).

  3 Transcript of 2010 judicial inquiry, “Bergoglio Declara ante el TOF,” at

  4 Carlos Mugica, Peronismo y Cristianismo (Buenos Aires: Editorial Merlin, 1973).

  5 “Documento de Carlos Paz,” July 1971, in MSTM archive at Catholic University of Córdoba and online.

  6 Gustavo Morello, Cristianismo y Revolución: Los Orígenes Intelectuales de la Guerrilla Argentina (Córdoba: EDUCC, 2003); Richard Gillespie, Soldiers of Perón—Argentina’s Montoneros (Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1982); María José Moyano, Argentina’s Lost Patrol: Armed Struggle, 1969–1979 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995).

  7 Quoted in Sergio Rubín and Francesca Ambrogetti, El Jesuita (Barcelona: Vergara, Grupo Zeta, 2010).

  8 “Credo de Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Papa Francisco,”, September 18, 2013.

  9 Orlando Yorio, Letter to Father Moura, November 24, 1977.

  10 Quoted in Lowney, Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, p. 120.

  11 I am indebted to the writer Paul Elie for pointing out to me that the two Jesuits are likely to have coincided at this time.

  12 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “Una Institución que Vive su Carisma: Apertura de la Congregación provincial XV (August 2, 1978),” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  13 Lucio Gera, “Cultura y dependencia, a la luz de la reflexión teológica,” Stromata, Año XXX (January–June 1974), no. 1/2.

  14 Juan Carlos Scannone, “Theology, Popular Culture and Discernment,” in Rosino Gibellini (ed.), Frontiers of Theology in Latin America, trans. John Drury (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1979), and “Aportaciones a la teología latinoamericana,” Vida Nueva (Cono Sur edition), Part I, Año 2, no. 21 (November 3–16, 2013) and Part II, Año 2, no. 22 (November 17–23, 2013).

  15 Ernesto López Rosas, “Valores Cristianos del Peronismo,” Revista CIAS, no. 234 (August 1975): 7–30.

  16 On Damasco and the Modelo Nacional, see Puente, La Vida Oculta de Bergoglio.

  17 Orlando Yorio, “Reflexión crítica desde la teología,” Stromata, Año XXIX (January–June 1973), no. 1/2, pp. 131–39.

  18 No doubt because it is the date Cardinal Bergoglio mistakenly gave in his judicial testimony in 2010, biographers (e.g., Paul Vallely and Elisabetta Piqué) have put Arrupe’s visit in August 1974, a year later. Bergoglio’s 2006 homily on the anniversary of Angelleli’s death has the correct date, August 1973, which has been confirmed by the Jesuit curia in Rome.

  19 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “Apertura de la Congregación Provincial XIV (18/2/74),” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  20 Quoted in Lowney, Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, p. 114.

  21 Vocation statistics supplied by Jesuit provincial curia in Buenos Aires. Bergoglio gave details about his efforts to secure vocations of coadjutor brothers in his letter to Father Cayetano Bruno, May 18, 1986.

  22 Bergoglio, “¿Qué Son los Jesuitas?” in Reflexiones Espirituales sobre la Vida Apostólica.

  23 “Discorso del Santo Padre Paolo VI in ocasione della XXXII Congregazione Generale della Compagnia di Gesù,” December 3, 1974, at

  24 Bergoglio, “Una Institución que Vive su Carisma,” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  25 Guzmán Carriquiry, En Camino Hacia la V Conferencia de la Iglesia Latinoamericana (Buenos Aires: Ed. Claretiana, 2006).

  26 Interview with Radio María (Argentina) following a national meeting of clergy in Villa Cura Brochero, September 9–11, 2008.

  FOUR CRUCIBLE (1975–1979)

  1 John Heilprin and Nicole Winfield, “Vatican has defrocked 848 priests for abuse charges since 2004,” Associated Press, May 6, 2014.

  2 Austen Ivereigh, “The UN and the Vatican: Understanding What Went Wrong,” CV Comment, February 8, 2014.

  3 Inés San Martín, “Pope Francis Meets Sex Abuse Victims, Vows Zero Tolerance,” Boston Globe, July 7, 2014, and Michael Kelly, “Irish Abuse Victim Who Met with Pope Calls It a ‘Huge Vindication,’” Catholic News Service, July 7, 2014. Peter Saunders quotes are from interview with the
author. See also his interview with Inés San Martín, “Abuse Victim Calls Meeting Pope Francis a Life-changing Experience,” Boston Globe, July 7, 2014.

  4 Horacio Verbitsky, “El Ersatz,” Página 12 (March 14, 2013). The article reprinted by the Guardian was by Hugh O’Shaughnessy, “The Sins of the Argentinean Church,” Guardian Comment Is Free website (January 4, 2011).

  5 This is the thesis of Paul Vallely, Pope Francis: Untying the Knots (London; New York: Bloomsbury, 2013).

  6 These are government figures from the end of 2013. The original CONADEP official inquiry found in 1984 that there were 8,961 disappeared, but many of the names were subsequently shown to have fled abroad. Under the government of Néstor Kirchner (2003–2007) the inquiry was reopened, this time adding to the total victims of summary executions, leading to the figures quoted here. The figure of “30,000 disappeared” is a media myth based on wild speculations by human-rights groups in the late 1970s. In the period 1969–1983, incidentally, the guerrillas killed 800 and kidnapped 1,748. The CONADEP report (Nunca Más) is at For updated figures: Ceferino Reato, “Hablan de 30.000 Desaparecidos y Saben que Es Falso,” La Nación, September 20, 2013.

  7 Jorge RouillÓn, “Histórico Pedido de Perdón de la Iglesia Argentina,” La Nación, September 9, 2000.

  8 “Bergoglio Declara ante el TOF,” transcript of 2010 judicial inquiry, at

  9 “Argentina Military Officers Convicted of Bishop’s Murder,” BBC News, July 5, 2014.

  10 See Nello Scavo, La Lista de Bergoglio: Los Salvados por Francisco durante la Dictadura (Madrid: Editorial Claretiana, 2013).

  11 Bergoglio, “El reino de Cristo,” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  12 Bergoglio, “El espíritu del mundo,” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  13 Bergoglio, “Una institución que vive su carisma,” contains three of the principles in his first (1974) talk; but there are four in “Formación permanente y reconciliación” (1980), both in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  14 Bergoglio, “Formación permanente y reconciliación,” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  15 Scavo, La Lista de Bergoglio, pp. 103–112.

  16 Scavo, La Lista de Bergoglio, pp. 47–53, and Puente, La Vida Oculta de Bergoglio, pp. 173–74.

  17 Olga Wornat, Nuestra Santa Madre: Historia Pública y Privada de la Iglesia Católica Argentina (Barcelona: Ediciones B, 2002).

  18 Ana Delicado, “Mi Hermano Fue un Canje entre la Iglesia y la Dictadura,” El Público, March 19, 2013.

  19 Emilio Mignone, Iglesia y Dictadura (Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Pensamiento Nacional, 1986). Also Mario del Carril, La Vida de Emilio Mignone (Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2011).

  20 Vallely, Pope Francis: Untying the Knots, p. 73, claims Bergoglio “told the four priests to give up their work in the slum.”


  1 “Visita a Papa Francesco il 17 Marzo 2013,” Servizio Digitale d’Informazione SJ, vol. 17, no. 7 (March 20, 2013).

  2 Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, “With Pope Francis at the Beginning of His Pontificate,” Letter “To the Whole Society” (March 24, 2013).

  3 Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, “A Toda la Compañía” (July 31, 2013). Francis replied on March 16 to Nicolás’s letter of March 14.

  4 Spadaro writes about the interview in its extended book version, published in English as My Door Is Always Open: A Conversation on Faith, Hope and the Church in a Time of Change (New York: HarperOne, 2013).

  5 The similarity is suggested by Francis J. Manion, “Echoes from the Pages of a Book: Reading Francis Through Manzoni,” New Oxford Review 81, no. 2 (March 2014). Father Martin’s comment in the 2014 Salt & Light TV documentary, The Francis Effect.

  6 “Francis: The Gospel Is Not Proclaimed with Inquisitorial Beatings but Gently,” Vatican Insider (January 3, 2014).

  7 I saw this for myself when interviewing Jesuits in Argentina in October–November 2013. Some proudly showed the letters to me, with “F., Casa Santa Marta, Città del Vaticano” penned on the back of the envelopes. One of his severest critics, living in the Jesuit care home within the Colegio Máximo, showed me his with tears in his eyes; others told me how moved they had been to receive them.

  8 “Juan Carlos Parodi: El Papa Me Dijo que le Salvé la Vida,” La Nación, May 21, 2014.

  9 On April 16, 2010, Cardinal Bergoglio wrote to Brigadier General Jorge Chevalier with documents from the South Atlantic Theater of Operations (TOAS) group, saying he saw no reason why they should not receive full recognition. The TOAS veterans, who in 2008 began a tent protest in the Plaza de Mayo that was still continuing in 2013, gave me a copy of Bergoglio’s letter. Two of the three homilies cited here were at anniversary Masses for the veterans and their families, on April 2, 2008, and April 4, 2012. The homily at the Mass for relatives on their way to the islands was on October 2, 2009.

  10 Patricio Downes, “Recordaron a Bergoglio en la Parroquia que Él Fundó y Dirigió en los 80,” Clarín, March 23, 2014.

  11 Hernán Paredes quoted in Lowney, Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, p. 57.

  12 Bergoglio, “El Reino de Cristo,” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  13 According to Spadaro in My Door Is Always Open, the Latin phrase non coerceri a maximo, contineri tamen a minimo, divinum est “is part of a long literary epitaph composed by an anonymous Jesuit in honor of St. Ignatius of Loyola.” The maxim is quoted by Bergoglio in an early essay, “Conducir en lo Grande y lo Pequeño,” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  14 Bergoglio, “Magnanimidad y Mezquindad,” in Reflexiones Espirituales sobre la Vida Apostólica. Antico quoted in Hugo Alconada Mon, “Soy Bergoglio, Cura,” La Nación, March 17, 2013.

  15 Gauffin quoted in Lowney, Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, p. 63.

  16 Sister María Soledad Albisú, CJ, “He Taught Me That Love Shows Itself…,” The Tablet, March 23, 2013.

  17 Bergoglio, “Examen,” in Reflexiones Espirituales.

  18 Father Renzo De Luca, SJ, interview with Osservatore Romano, October 26, 2013.

  19 Bergoglio, “El Magis y el Movimiento de Espíritus,” in Reflexiones Espirituales.

  20 Albistur quoted in Bermúdez (ed., trans.), Pope Francis: Our Brother, Our Friend.

  21 Bergoglio, “La Encarnación y el Nacimiento,” in Meditaciones para Religiosos.

  22 Virginia Carreño, “Los Milagros del Padre Bergoglio,” El Litoral, December 19, 1985.

  23 Habríaqueísmo (“we-shouldism”) is another Bergoglio neologism. English-speaking Jesuits have been known to speak of “a hardening of the ought-eries.”

  24 Bergoglio, “Criterios de Acción Apostólica,” Boletín de Espiritualidad, no. 64 (January 1980), and in Reflexiones Espirituales.

  25 Bergoglio, 2002 interview with Gianni Valente, “El Imperialismo Internacional del Dinero,” in Gianni Valente, Francesco: Un Papa dalla Fine del Mondo (Bologna: EMI, 2013).

  26 The first document, “Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation,” was issued in August 1984, and the second, “Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation,” in March 1986. Both at

  27 The proceedings of the congress (September 2–6, 1985) were published in Stromata 41 (July–December 1985).

  28 The story was told to Evangelina Himitian, Francisco: El Papa de la Gente (Buenos Aires: Aguilar, 2013). The recipe should not be attempted as part of a low-carb diet.

  29 Lowney, Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads.

  30 “Reunión de los Provinciales Jesuitas de América Latina con el P. General, Pedro Arrupe, Río de Janeiro, Casa da Gávea” (May 6–14, 1968).

  31 Campbell-Johnston makes the remarks in Vallely, Pope Francis: Untying the Knots.

  32 Jimmy Burns, The Land That Lost Its Heroes: The Falklands, the Post-war, and Alfonsín (London: Bloomsbury, 1987), p. 99: “By leaving the newspaper operational, the junta took a calculated gamble.” The circulation was small and its Ang
lo-Argentine readership loyal to the dictatorship.

  33 José María Poirier, “El Caso del Jesuita Risueño,” La Nación, May 24, 2013.

  34 Pope Francis spoke about the letter in a meeting with religious leaders. Antonio Spadaro, “Wake Up the World: Conversation with Pope Francis on the Religious Life,” November 2013, at

  35 Jeffrey L. Klaiber, The Jesuits in Latin America, 1549–2000 (St. Louis, MO: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2009).

  36 See the biography by Mignone’s son-in-law Mario del Carril, La Vida de Emilio Mignone (Buenos Aires: Emecé, 2011). I am also grateful for an illuminating conversation with his son, Father Fernando Mignone, in Vancouver, Canada, in June 2014.

  37 Bergoglio recalls waving at the planes in Rubín and Ambrogetti, El Jesuita, ch. 12.

  38 Bergoglio, “Proyección Cultural y Evangelizadora de los Mártires Rioplatenses,” in Reflexiones en Esperanza.

  39 This was one of several memories of John Paul II that Bergoglio shared with the Rome diocesan tribunal preparing the pope’s canonization cause in 2005. Stefania Falasca, “Bergoglio: ‘Io, Testimone di Virtù Eroiche di Wojtyla,’” Avvenire, April 17, 2014.

  40 Jorge Mario Bergoglio, “Necesidad de una Antropología Política: Un Problema Pastoral,” in Reflexiones en Esperanza.

  41 Bergoglio, “Proyección Cultural y Evangelizadora de los Mártires Rioplatenses,” in Reflexiones en Esperanza.

  42 Between 1990 and 2000, 64 joined and 92 left. By comparison, between 1975 and 1989, 333 joined and 67 left. Statistics supplied to the author by the Argentine provincial curia.

  43 “Entrevista al P. Alvaro Restrepo S.J. sobre el Papa Francisco,” Religión Digital, March 18, 2013.

  44 Puente, La Vida Oculta de Bergoglio, p. 228; and Wornat, Nuestra Santa Madre, p. 301. Carranza quoted in Bermúdez (ed., trans.), Pope Francis: Our Brother, Our Friend.

  45 Saint Ignatius, The Spiritual Exercises, Rules for Discernment 317–322.

  46 Quoted in Piqué, Francisco: Vida y Revolución, p. 135.


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