The Teflon Queen PT 3

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The Teflon Queen PT 3 Page 2

by Silk White

  “Sir if you don’t mind me asking,” the man with the beard said looking from the computer screen to Mr. Clarke. “What’s on that disk, sir?”

  Mr. Clarke looked at the man with the beard like he had lost his mind. “That’s none of your concern. Your only concern should be to get that thumb drive back to me as soon as possible!”

  “Will do sir, but I may need a few more men because whoever this Teflon lady is she’s good,” the man with the beard said.

  “No! I’m going to have to call in some professionals for this one. No disrespect, but Angela will dismantle you and all of your men,” Mr. Clarke said.

  “Who’d you have in mind?” the man with the beard asked.

  “Mr. & Mrs. Chambers,” Mr. Clarke announced with a sinister smirk on his face. Frank Chambers and Kate Chambers were a brutal assassin team. They were a husband and wife who loved to hurt and inflict pain on their targets. Wherever they went, a big nasty blood trail was sure to follow.

  The man with the beard cracked a smile. “Is this Teflon Queen lady that good?”

  “Would I be calling Mr. & Mrs. Chambers if she wasn’t?”

  “Well we have a tracker on the car that she and the little girl hopped in so it shouldn’t be hard for Mr. & Mrs. Chambers to track her down,” the man with the beard explained.

  “Music to my ears,” Mr. Clarke said running his hands together greedily.

  Chapter 3


  Detective Washington walked through the mall parking lot with a disgusted look on his face. He couldn’t believe that someone would put so many innocent lives at risk. He remembered when it used to be safe to walk through the mall with your family. He planned on tracking down whoever was responsible for this carnage and by any means necessary. “What do we have?”

  A uniform officer handed him a folder. “Looks like we have a missing girl by the name of Ashley Brown, last seen with this woman,” he said opening the folder and pulling out a picture of a woman with blonde hair and sunglasses on.

  “Angela better known as The Teflon Queen,” Detective Washington said out loud. “A well-known assassin wanted by every agency out there. This is a woman with no remorse for human life. Yeah, I know all about her.”

  “Well little Ashley was last seen with Angela and her father Randy Brown was found dead in the men’s room,” the officer announced. “I’m not sure what a wanted assassin would want with a little girl, sir.”

  “Me either, but I promise you I’m going to find out,” Detective Washington said to himself.

  * * *

  Angela ditched the car on an empty street as her and Ashley hopped in a cab and headed to a motel a few blocks away. Once inside the room, Ashley sat on the bed with a nervous and scared look on her face.


  Ashley shook her head no.


  Ashley shook her head no again.

  “Umm do you have any idea why all of those men with guns were after you back there?” Angela asked helping herself to a seat on the bed next to the little girl.

  Ashley was about to tell the stranger about the thumb drive that her father had given her, but his words played over and over again in her head. “No matter what happens, you keep this with you at all times and don’t show it to no one and I mean no one!” After remembering what her father said to her, Ashley lied. “No, I have no idea.” She badly wanted to show Angela the thumb drive especially after the lady had saved her life, but instead she followed her father’s instructions.

  “I don’t understand why trained men with guns would want to kill an innocent child,” Angela said out loud. “Were your parents into something illegal?” she asked. “Maybe owed someone some money?”

  Ashley shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “Okay, don’t worry about it. I’ll find out and get to the bottom of this. You just get you some rest.”

  “Can you take me to my mommy?” Ashley asked.

  Angela paused for a second. “Ummmm, sure get you some rest and we’ll talk about it when you wake up.” Angela didn’t have the heart to tell the little girl that, that would be the next place that the killers would be heading if they hadn’t gotten there already so Angela lied.

  “Here let me get you something to drink,” Angela walked over to the small refrigerator, popped open a Pepsi and poured it into a cup, in her other hand she discreetly crushed up a sleeping pill and sprinkled it into the cup. “Here you go,” she said as she watched Ashley down the entire cup.

  “What time are we going to see my mommy?” Ashley asked as she lay back on the bed.

  “Do you know your address?”

  “Yes,” Ashley replied as she jotted her address down on the small note pad that laid on the night stand.

  “After your nap,” Angela replied. She was still stuck on the question of why would trained armed gunmen want to kill a child and at of all places, a mall. She had a million questions with no answers. Angela looked over and saw little Ashley sleep with her mouth open. She then quickly grabbed her jacket and headed out the door.

  * * *

  Angela crept through the back yard of a nice looking brick house. She picked the lock to the back door and entered the house with her weapon drawn. From the kitchen she could hear the T.V. at a high volume. Angela eased her way to the living room where she found a woman sitting in front of the screen watching CNN.

  “Turn that TV off!” Angela barked startling the woman.

  The woman in front of the TV did as she was told. “What’s this all about?”

  “Your daughter and why are there men trying to kill her?”

  “Ashley! Where is she?” the woman blurted out.

  “She’s safe,” Angela assured her. “Now I’m going to ask you this again. Why are there men trying to kill her?”

  “My husband who is Ashley’s father worked for some real bad men. I never asked what he was involved in because it wasn’t my place and honestly I didn’t really want to know,” the woman explained. “My husband was killed in the mall and I’m just thankful that you saved my daughter.” She paused for a second. “On the news they’re saying that you kidnapped her, but I knew that wasn’t true. I know if it wasn’t for you that my daughter would be dead right along with her father”

  “These people that your husband worked for, who are they?” Angela pressed.

  “I don’t know,” the woman replied. “But once or twice I did over hear him say the name Clarke or Mr. Clarke.”

  “Okay well I have your daughter and she’s in one piece,” Angela said. “I can bring her to you if you like so you...”

  “No!” the woman snapped cutting Angela off. “These men that killed my husband, they’re after her for a reason. I can’t protect her,” she said as tears began to run down her face. “Please take care of my baby for me until all of this is over.”

  “Listen lady,” Angela began. “I would like to help you out, but I know nothing about looking after a child and I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

  “Please!” the woman begged. “Those men that killed my husband are still out there and they want something that my daughter has.”

  “What could she have that they could possibly want?”

  “I have no idea. My husband must of given her something, maybe.”

  “Or maybe the men that killed him wants his whole family dead,” Angela pointed out.

  “Maybe, but I’m willing to die in order for my daughter to live to see another day,” the woman said meaning every word she spoke. “Please keep her and look after her for me.... Please…”

  “She been asking for you,” Angela told her.

  “Here take down my number,” the woman said scribbling a number down on a small piece of paper. “Have her call me tonight and I’ll explain everything to her myself.” She handed Angela the piece of paper with her number written on it. “And thank you so much,” she said as she grabbed Angela and gave her a bear hug. “Please protect my baby!

  “I’ll do my best,” Angela said and like that she was gone.

  Chapter 4


  A black sleek B.M.W pulled up in front of Mr. Clarke’s mansion. The driver killed the engine and stepped out in an all black tailored suit with black leather gloves on his hands. Frank Chambers had a no nonsense look on his face as usual and one with a trained eye could tell that two automatic weapons rested under each one of his arm pits. He was a Caucasian man with blue eyes and a buzz cut. He quickly walked over to the passenger’s door and opened it.

  Kate Chambers stepped from the B.M.W with a slick looking smirk on her face. She too was dressed in all black. She sported a tailored suit and on her feet were a pair of rubber bottom classy looking dress shoes. It was rumored that all of Mr. and Mrs. Chambers gear was bullet proof.

  Kate was a Japanese woman with long silky jet black hair and a slim frame. It was rumored that out of the two she was known for being the loose cannon. Her gun of choice was two twin baby tech-9’s.

  The couple walked up to the front door and before they could knock or ring the bell, the maid had already opened it.

  “Right this way, please. Mr. Clarke is expecting you two,” the maid said as she escorted the two killers down a long hallway and around the corner until they finally reached Mr. Clarke’s office.

  Frank was the first to enter the office followed by his wife. Behind an oak wood desk sat Mr. Clarke.

  “So glad you two made it here safely,” Mr. Clarke said with a smile.

  “What’s the situation looking like?” Frank asked getting straight down to business. From how Mr. Clarke’s voice sounded on the phone, he knew whatever the job was it had to be important.

  “Well it’s quite simple,” Mr. Clarke began. “Something that belongs to me was taken and I want it back.”

  “What was taken?” Kate asked.

  “That’s not important. What is important is that you get it back for me. I’m paying good money so I’m expecting y’all to get the job done,” Mr. Clarke said looking at the husband and wife’s face for a reaction. “What I need y’all to retrieve for me is most likely going to be on a disc or thumb drive. It was stolen by one of my former employees. He’s no longer with us, but somehow he managed to slip the disc or thumb drive to his daughter before he was gunned down.” He paused for a second.

  “So you mean to tell me that your men couldn’t track down a little girl and get your disc back?” Frank asked with a raised brow.

  Mr. Clarke chuckled. “Here’s where the problem comes in. While my men were in pursuit of the little girl, this woman came out of nowhere and killed all of my men and helped the little girl escape,” he explained with an embarrassed look on his face. “This woman is looking like she’s going to be a problem, so I need you two to kill this woman and the girl and bring me back my disc.”

  “What’s this woman’s name?” Frank asked curiously.


  “The Teflon Queen?” Kate asked with a serious look on her face. She had heard plenty of stories of how the great Teflon Queen had destroyed plenty of lives and always managed to live to tell about it.

  Mr. Clarke nodded his head up and down. “This isn’t going to be a problem is it?”

  “No I assure you that Angela won’t be a problem,” Frank said with a smirk. “No disrespect but we ain’t The White Shadow!”

  “They say that Angela is hard to kill,” Mr. Clarke said.

  “Well we’ll have to see about that now won’t we,” Kate said aggressively. “We’ll get the job done.”

  “For two million y’all better.”

  “Correction,” Frank said. “The price just jumped from two million to three million. Half up front and the other half when the job is done.” He knew that whatever was on that disc had to be well worth over 3 million dollars and he also knew that taking down The Teflon Queen wouldn’t be a walk in the park. “That’s the new price and it’s nonnegotiable.”

  “Deal,” Mr. Clarke said reluctantly. “Just make sure I get my disc back.” He reached in his desk drawer and removed a photo of little Ashley along with a small piece of paper. “Here’s what the little girl looks like and her address. My men had a tracker on the car that Angela stole from the scene.” He reached down in his pocket and tossed Frank a small device that showed him exactly where the car was parked.

  “I better receive a transfer in my account within the next hour,” Frank said as him and his wife got up and made their exit.

  Chapter 5


  Kate hopped out of the B.M.W and walked straight up to the front door of the address that Mr. Clarke had given her. She knocked on the door, took a step back, and waited for an answer. Seconds later, the sound of the lock being unlocked could be heard followed by a middle-aged woman peeking her head out of the door.

  “Yes may I help?” the woman asked.

  “Yes are you the mother of Ashley Brown?”

  “Yes I am. Is there a problem?” the woman asked.

  “I just have a few questions to ask you,” Kate said walking inside the house without an invitation. “Are you in the house alone?”

  “Ummmm, and who are you again?” Ashley’s mother asked. “Are you with the FBI?”

  Kate spun around and back slapped Ashley’s mother across the face like she was a simple whore. “Where’s your daughter?”

  Ashley’s mother held the side of her face with a shocked look. She quickly went to run out the back door, but the site of Frank erased that thought from her mind.

  Kate roughly grabbed Ashley’s mother by the hair and tossed her down to the floor. Like magic a sharp knife with a four inch blade appeared in her hand. “Last time I’m going to ask you.”

  “I don’t know where she is,” Ashley’s mother pleaded. “She’s only a child. What do y’all want with her?”

  Kate grabbed a handful of Ashley’s mother’s hair, lifted her head back, and jammed the knife deep into her throat. She watched as the woman died right there and blood ran down her black leather glove.

  Frank walked over to the entertainment system and grabbed a framed picture of Ashley and her mother. He tossed the picture frame down to the floor and removed the photo, folded it, and stuck it down in his pocket. A recent photo of the child would be of some help when they ran into Angela and the child. He pulled out the device that showed him where the car that Angela had stolen was located. “Come on. We have to get moving.”

  * * *

  Angela sat at the edge of the bed trying to figure out how she was going to handle the weird and strange situation that she found herself in. In her hand she held an empty clip. She had been filling up as many extra clips as she could. For some strange reason she had a feeling that she was going to need as many bullets as she could get her hands on.

  “I’m hungry,” Angela heard a voice behind her say. She turned around and saw little Ashley sitting up in the bed with a nervous look on her face.

  “Hey you; I was wondering when you were going to wake up,” Angela said with a smile. She didn’t know the first thing about taking care of a child. The first thing she wanted to do was make Ashley feel safe and comfortable. “What would you like to eat?”

  “Denny’s,” Ashley answered quickly.

  “How about we order some food?” Angela suggested. “I’m not too sure if it’s safe for us to leave the room.”

  “But I want Denny’s,” Ashley whined.

  Immediately Angela realized that Ashley had no clue of the amount of trouble that she was in or the danger that lied ahead. So she tried a different approach. “How about we order take out today and then go to Denny’s tomorrow. How does that sound?”

  “I guess so,” Ashley said with a sad puppy look on her face. After looking at her face for a few seconds, Angela broke down. “Go and get dressed.” She knew them leaving the room was a risky move, but how could she tell a face like that no.

  Angela grabbed an old baseball cap a
nd put it on Ashley’s head. “Here, keep this on so it’ll be hard to recognize you just in case someone is out there looking for you,” she said with a smile. She didn’t have the heart to inform her that both of their faces were all over the news. Once Ashley was dressed, her and Angela headed out to Denny’s.

  Chapter 6


  Frank pulled up beside the car that Angela had stolen and was last seen in. It took him less than two minutes to search the entire vehicle from top to bottom. “It’s clean,” he said as he slid back behind the wheel and pulled off. Mr. & Mrs. Chambers cruised through the area alert and on point. They knew that Angela and the little girl couldn’t be but so far from here, especially since they had no clue that the vehicle that they stole had a tracker on it.

  “This Teflon chick has no clue what she’s up against,” Kate said in a low whisper.

  “Patience my queen,” Frank said as he parked across the street from a low key looking hotel.

  “Why did we stop?”

  “My gut is telling me this is where Angela and the girl are staying,” Frank said staring at the motel as if he could see through the walls.

  “So what you want to stake out here for a while and see if they turn up?” Kate asked.

  “Nah… We’ll come back here if we turn up empty,” Frank said as he pulled back out into traffic. As the two cruised the streets, Frank quickly stomped down on the brakes and pulled over towards the curb.

  “What’s wrong!?” Kate asked as her hand shot towards her firearm.

  Frank quickly reached down in his pocket, removed the photo of Ashley and her mother, and examined it. Then he passed it to his wife. Kate looked at the picture closely and then a small smile spread across her face. “I mean, I think it’s worth a try.”

  The photo was a photo of Ashley and her mother sitting in a booth in Denny’s smiling brightly. Frank had stopped the B.M.W directly across the street from a Denny’s restaurants. He quickly pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot and killed the engine.


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