The Teflon Queen PT 3

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The Teflon Queen PT 3 Page 4

by Silk White

  Minutes later Frank found his wife lying face down on the ground with her hands cuffed behind her back. “You alright?” he asked as he roughly lifted Kate back up to her feet.

  “I’m good. A stupid detective showed up out of nowhere,” she explained as Frank rushed her through the woods before any more cops showed up.

  Angela watched closely as the detective escorted Ashley out of the woods and placed her in the back of a squad car. She thought about trying to make a move on him, but seconds later there were cops all over the place. “Shit!” Angela cursed as she disappeared back into the woods.

  Chapter 7


  Angela stood in the motel bathroom looking at her reflection in the mirror. The discoloration on her jaw was noticeable and probably would be for a few days. She’d need to get some make-up to cover it up so as not to arouse attention. Her mind was focused on who the man and woman assassin team were. From how they moved, Angela knew that they were sure to be big trouble. The assassin team was highly skilled and had a thirst for blood, but what puzzled Angela the most was, why would hired assassins be after Ashley.

  “It has to be something that they’re after,” Angela said to herself. While she was out, she purchased a smart phone so she picked up her phone and went straight to google and typed in the name Mr. Clarke. She knew it was a long shot but she wanted to see if any important people by that name came up in her search. Angela had remembered that Ashley’s mother mentioned that’s who her husband worked for. After doing a little bit of research on Mr. Clarke, Angela found out that there was a Mr. Clarke who was into politics, but she knew that if this was the Mr. Clarke she was looking for, it was a lot more to his story than that.

  On the T.V. Angela watched Detective Washington walk through several reporters and camera men refusing to answer any questions as he carried little Ashley in his arms and into the police headquarters. She quickly flipped the channel and saw that Detective Washington and little Ashley were on all of the local news stations as well as CNN. “Shit!!!” she cursed as she quickly threw on her gear and headed out the door to the police headquarters. Angela knew if she wanted to save Ashley, she would have to move fast, especially since the media had informed the entire world of Ashley’s location.

  Chapter 8


  “You alright baby?” Frank asked as he gently massaged and rubbed Kate’s ribs and back area where she had been shot.

  “I’m okay, just a little sore,” she said as she winced in pain. “Thank God for that bullet proof fabric in our clothes.”

  Frank planned on making an example out of the detective that called himself saving the day. In the Medias eyes he was a hero, but in Frank’s eyes he was nothing but a dead man walking. After he got done with the detective, The Teflon Queen would be next on his list. Frank hated to admit it, but Angela definitely had skills and she was proving to be a challenge.

  “What you think about this Teflon chick?” Kate asked as she lay across the bed flat on her stomach.

  “I’m not impressed,” Frank huffed.

  Kate chuckled. “Her fighting skills aren’t too bad. Not the best I’ve seen, but not the worst either.” Just like Frank, Kate too looked forward to the challenge that lied ahead. “May the best man or woman win,” she said smiling.

  As Frank massaged Kate’s back, his hands made their way down to her plump ass and slowly pulled her hot pink thong down.

  Kate quickly got in Frank’s favorite position, all fours. She laid face down with her ass up while on all fours with her face buried into a pillow. Then she took both of her hands and spread her ass wide open. “Come eat this pussy!” she growled in a sexually charged voice.

  Frank quickly ducked his head low and began licking on Kate’s clit in a slow circular motion. He then followed up with long drawn out slurps as he worked two fingers in and out of her vagina at the same time.

  “Yes that’s right…” Kate moaned. “Suck on this pussy like it’s yours,” she growled with her voice a little muffled from her face being buried in the pillow.

  Frank rolled his wife over and kissed her sloppily. When he was done, he flipped her over and put her breast and face deep into the white pillow. Kate caught her breath, got comfortable, and turned her face so she wouldn’t suffocate. She was anticipating pain and pleasure. Frank positioned himself behind her, eased inside her, gripped her long hair, and stroked her hard. He rode her, moved in deep, held on to her tightly, and filled her up. His movements were driving her insane.

  “You love this dick!?” Frank asked as he slapped Kate’s ass and watched as it jiggled.

  “Oh my God, yes I love this dick!” Kate growled through clenched teeth.

  “You want me to fuck you harder!?” Frank slapped her ass again.

  “Yeeesssss, yes please fuck me harder!”

  Frank made her beg. She begged for him to fuck her. He gave her longs strokes, his skin slapping loudly against hers.

  “Argh!” Kate moaned loudly as her orgasm took over and had her speaking in tongues.

  Frank gave Kate five more strong strokes before he exploded inside of her with a loud grunt.

  “Damnnnn,” Kate whispered with her eyes still closed. Her breathing was intense and her body was still slightly trembling.

  The husband and wife took thirty minutes to get themselves back together before it was back to business. Kate stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed in a pants suit. The only difference between this one and the one she had on before was this one was smoke gray instead of black. Over by the bed Frank had several types of guns laid out on the bed. Kate walked up and grabbed two 16 shot 9mm’s with silencers attached and stuck them down into her shoulder holsters. She then grabbed a backup .380 and slipped it in the holster on the small of her back. Next she grabbed a sheet of throwing knives and strapped it around her waist.

  Frank stood with a smile on his face and watched as his wife prepared herself for battle. Kate looked up and caught Frank staring at her. “What?”

  “I love you; that’s what,” he said smiling. “Now come on and let’s go get this stupid ass kid,” he said as the two exited their hotel room and hit the streets.

  * * *

  As Detective Washington walked throughout the station, he received a bunch of pats on the back and praise for rescuing little Ashley. He paid all the praise no mind. The department may have thought they scored a victory, but Detective Washington knew better. He was smart enough to know that whoever was after the little girl was still out there lurking somewhere.

  “Where’s the little girl?” he asked a uniform officer.

  “She right there in the room sleeping. The F.B.I is on the way to come pick her up now,” the officer announced.

  “Motherfucking F.B.I always want to control shit,” Detective Washington mumbled as he entered the holding room where little Ashley sat with a scared look on her face.

  “Hey there,” Detective Washington said in a soft tone as he helped himself to a seat next to Ashley. “I thought you were sleeping?”

  “Can’t sleep,” Ashley replied.

  “You can rest sweetie. There ain’t no bad guys in here,” Detective Washington chuckled. “Trust me, Angela won’t be able to get to you while you’re here. You’re safe here.”

  “Angela is not the bad guy,” Ashley told him. “She saved my life more than once.”

  “I know you are just a child and you may not understand, but it’s best if you stay as far away from Angela as possible. She may seem like a nice lady, but the truth is, she’s a very violent and dangerous person.”

  “You don’t know her,” Ashley countered. “She wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “Are you hungry?” Detective Washington asked changing the subject. He knew Ashley was too young to understand and he didn’t have the time to go back and forth with a child.

  “No, I want my mother.”

  “I’ll work on that right now,” Detective Washington said as he got up and exited
the room. He didn’t have the heart to tell the little girl that her mother had been murdered.

  Chapter 9


  Kate sat on the roof of a nice looking building. In front of her sat a guitar case. She snapped the case open and began to assemble the sniper rifle that sat inside. Her hands moved expertly as she assembled the rifle in two minutes flat. She sat and adjusted the high power scope.

  “Black sedan carrying four tangos forty five seconds away,” Frank’s voice chirped into her ear piece.

  “Roger that,” Kate replied as she laid flat on her stomach and waited the arrival of her target. Seconds later, Kate saw an all black sedan come to a stop at a traffic light. The tints on the windows were dark, but the high powered scope helped Kate’s vision. Her crosshairs landed on the driver first. Once Kate was sure she had a perfect shot, she squeezed down on the trigger. The bullet shattered the driver’s window and took out the driver. The rifles stock slammed into her shoulder, but she ignored the recoil and targeted the passenger next. A split second later his brains popped out the back of his skull painting the windows red. Before the last two passengers could even figure out what was going on, Kate turned their lights out. Four head shots. “Targets down,” she said as she began to break down the rifle and stick it back down in its case.

  Another black sedan pulled up side by side with the F.B.I.‘s sedan. Frank and one of Mr. Clarke’s men hopped in F.B.I.‘s sedan and pulled off quickly before anyone could catch wind of what was going on.

  The sedans came to a stop two blocks away, on a quiet street. Frank quickly hopped out and undressed the four F.B.I. agents. “Here put this on,” he said tossing a uniform to each one of the three men that Mr. Clarke had supplied him with. They weren’t the best qualified, but they would serve a purpose. Once they all had on F.B.I. uniforms, Frank slid in the passenger seat of the sedan and ordered the driver to pull off. In his lap he loaded a 16 shot 9mm, and then placed it in his holster. Frank was sick and tired of playing this cat and mouse game. The next person that got in his way, he promised to make them regret it.

  Twenty minutes later the sedan pulled up to the side entrance of the police headquarters. “Come on let’s make this quick,” Frank said leading the pack inside.

  “F.B.I.,” Frank said and flashed his badge quickly. He shoved it back down into his pocket before anyone had a chance to thoroughly inspect it. “We’re here to pick up Ashley Brown,” he spoke with authority.

  “You guys are late,” the officer at the front desk said with a slight attitude as he got up and went in the back. He returned about ten minutes later with little Ashley.

  “Here she is,” the officer said handing Ashley over to Frank. Frank made sure to keep his head low so the little girl wouldn’t recognize him. The F.B.I. cap he wore was pulled down low almost covering his eyes. Frank and his men were getting ready to make their exit when a strong voice stopped them.

  “Excuse me!” Detective Washington called from the hallway. “What’s going on?”

  “They’re here to pick up the girl,” the officer at the desk answered.

  “Okay did they give you a transfer form?”

  “No,” the desk officer said with a dumb look on his face. He was kind of new on the job and didn’t feel it was his place to question an F.B.I. agent so he kept his mouth shut.

  Detective Washington stepped up. “Transfer form?” he said with his hand held out.

  Frank patted his pockets as if he were looking for it then said, “Damn I must of forgotten it.”

  “Oh really?” Detective Washington said giving the agent a suspicious look. “And how long have you been on the force?”

  “Listen I don’t have time to play word games with you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get this girl back before my boss hands me my ass,” Frank said in a convincing manner.

  “Well I’m sorry, but I can’t let this girl go with you unless you a transfer form,” Detective Washington stated plainly. “Or either you can get your supervisor on the phone.”

  The two men stood there having a face off. Neither man backing down. Several officers in the department eased out into the lobby area and stood behind Detective Washington.

  “Stand down!” Frank growled as he grabbed a hold of little Ashley’s hand.

  Detective Washington walked behind the desk and grabbed the phone. Just as he dialed the last number, he saw the agent make a move.

  Frank pulled his 9mm from its holster and put a bullet right between the officer that stood behind the front desk eyes. He grabbed Ashley’s wrist tighter and rushed her towards the exit as the rest of his men opened fire on the policemen, turning the police station into a mini war zone.

  Frank rushed out the front door and got ready to roughly toss little Ashley in the back seat, but a barrel being pressed into the back of his head stopped him in mid-stride.

  “Take another step and that’ll be the last thing you do!” Angela growled as she reached around Frank’s waist and removed his 9mm from his holster and then tossed it. “Ashley I want you to run as fast as you can. NOW!” she barked as she watched little Ashley take off down the street in a full sprint.

  “Who hired you and what interest do you have with a child?” Angela asked with a .45 placed to the back of the man’s skull.

  As Frank stood there with a gun to his head, he noticed Kate’s car pull up directly across the street from where he stood. “Pull the trigger!”

  “Who do you work for? This is the last time I’m going to ask you,” Angela snarled shoving the barrel further into the back of Frank’s head.

  “Fuck you!” Frank spat. Just as Angela pulled the trigger, Frank spun and swept his hand across the gun moving his head in the opposite direction just as the gun discharged.

  Once Frank was out of the line of fire, Kate opened fire in Angela’s direction with her MTAR. The gun rattled in her hand as empty shells popped out the side of the gun continuously.

  Angela quickly took cover behind the sedan as shattered glass showered on the top of her head while bullets riddled and rocked the vehicle.

  “Come on baby I got you,” Kate spoke in a calm tone as her eyes scanned back and forth looking for any sign of Angela while Frank quickly made his way over the car. “You alright?”

  “I’m good,” Frank replied as he grabbed a 9mm from out of the car. “Take care of Angela while I go after the girl,” he said as he took off in a sprint down the street.

  Kate slowly eased her way over to the other side of the sedan. “Shit,” she whispered when she saw that no one was behind the vehicle. She was just about to run up the block and go searching for the little girl when she heard somebody yell freeze from behind her. Kate slowly placed her MTAR on the ground and then came up quickly as she tossed a throwing knife in the direction of the voice with a slight flick of her wrist. The knife spun through the air and then landed in the center of the officer’s throat. Kate chuckled as she watched the officer struggle to take his last breath. She picked up her gun from off the ground and before she could take a step, two bullets exploded in her chest dropping her off impact.

  Kate looked up from the ground and saw a figure in an all black dash around a car. She used all of her strength, lifted her gun up, and fired in the direction of the figure in all black before she peeled herself off the ground and struggled back to her feet. The two bullets hurt and felt like they may have broken a bone in her chest. “Shit!”

  Angela dodged between two cars and took a knee as blood ran down her shoulder like a faucet. A stray bullet from Kate’s machine gun had found a home in her shoulder. Angela sucked up the pain and took off down the street in the direction that little Ashley had headed. She couldn’t see Ashley but she already knew that the little girl was in trouble and needed her help.

  Chapter 10


  Little Ashley ran blindly down the street. The last thing she wanted was to get caught by the bad guys. After running for so long Ashley felt herself ge
tting tired and short winded. Not knowing what else to do, she decided to run inside of a fast food restaurant but a woman stopped her.

  “Hey slow down,” the woman said with a drunken smile on her face. “Where you off to in such a hurry?”

  “They’re trying to kill me. I need you to help me!” Ashley said in a high pitched voice. “Do you have a phone? I need to call the police.”

  The drunken woman laughed loudly. “Who’s trying to kill you; the Boogyman?”

  “No I’m serious!”

  “Where are your parents?” the drunken woman asked just as Detective Washington strolled up almost out of breath breathing heavily.

  “Ashley come on we have to go!” he said in a stern tone.

  “And who might you be?” the drunken woman asked as she grabbed Ashley’s wrist and positioned her behind her.

  “Listen woman right now is not the time!” Detective Washington said as he reached for Ashley’s arm, but the drunken woman quickly slapped his hand away.

  “Sir if you don’t leave this girl alone, I’m going to be forced to hurt you,” the drunken woman spat as she pulled a small dull looking knife from her pocket and opened it with a snap. Before Detective Washington could even make a move, the woman began screaming at the top of her lungs.

  “Help! Somebody help me!” the woman screamed making a scene. “This man is trying to kidnap us! Somebody help!”

  Detective Washington went in to try and take the drunken woman down when she suddenly dropped down to the ground. When he looked down, he saw blood splattered all across little Ashley’s face. The drunken lady’s brains were lying on the side of the curb. He quickly grabbed Ashley’s hand as the two ran in a low crouch as several bullets pinged against all the parked cars that lined up on the street. Not having any other choice, Detective Washington lead Ashley in the nearby supermarket in an attempt to keep her out of harm’s way.


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