Wolfe's Sight

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by Shelby Lynn

  “I am sorry to hear that as well, my mate,” Teddy told him.

  “Thanks, I didn’t mean to make this about me, guys. Let’s get Ethan safely back to the house and then we can really talk,” Wolfe told them.

  Once they were in the car and headed back toward Ashford, Washington, everyone was quiet. Ethan even closed his eyes and laid his head back on the seat. It showed how much he already trusted these two men. That was the last thing he remembered until he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. He came awake instantly, and would have gone into protection mode, only the delicious smell of his mates stopped him from freaking out.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, Ethan. We just pulled into the Sanctuary; we’ll go inside whenever you are ready,” Teddy told him. He felt awful that he had put his mate on edge once again. Ethan had looked so peaceful while he was sleeping on the drive home.

  “It is fine, guys. I have to learn not to jump every time I’m touched just because I’m not fully aware. I hope it will get better soon, just don’t take it personally because it has nothing to do with you. I’ve just been on edge since the new Alpha took over,” he told them.

  “You can tell us all about it once we get inside. I am sure Alpha Haven and his mate are waiting on us for the briefing. You have nothing to worry about with our Alpha. He would die before ever hurting an innocent.”

  The men got out of the car.

  Ethan couldn’t help but be impressed with the Dream Weaver Sanctuary, as his contact had called it. There was building going on all around him. It was going to be a small community just in its own right. Yet they were still surrounded by wilderness, which appealed to the wolf inside him. The Pack house drew his attention; it was huge, but it had a welcoming feeling to it. Ethan looked around, he could see the shell of three homes being built as well. He couldn’t help thinking he might be able find work here after all. He had always been interested in construction. Ethan would have loved to learn how to build something so beautiful with his own two hands.

  He followed his mates into the incredible Pack house. It was one of those log homes, but built on a much bigger design. In fact, most of the buildings were all being built to match the Pack house. When they came through the front doors, he was impressed with the workmanship inside as well. There was nothing extravagant like Alpha Alexander had squandered the Pack funds on in the last six months at his old Pack. Everything had that homey feeling to it. A place to put up your feet after a long day of work, it was something, until at just that moment, he didn’t realize he craved for his own.

  Just then, two men walked into the room. This had to be the Alphas of the Sanctuary. He could feel the strength of both men pushing against his own power. There was nothing threatening about it though. It was more of a protective feeling. Something he had never felt before from an Alpha.

  “Wolfe, please introduce your second mate. Then we can head down to my office for the briefing. I have just radioed Rafael to sit in on the briefing. He needs to know what to prepare for with his team as well,” Haven told his friend.

  “Alpha Haven, this is my second mate, Ethan Clarke,” Wolfe told him with so much pride in his voice.

  Haven walked slowly toward the young wolf. He took in his scent, and noticed something different. Then looked over at his mate for his thoughts, ‘Garrett, what do you make of his scent?’

  ‘He is a Dream Weaver, which is all I can tell right now. Somehow, I can tell by his scent. I am not even sure how to explain it, Haven,’ said Garrett.

  ‘Let’s not say anything yet. He may not know himself. I want to hear everything he has to say. We can talk to them all about it in a few days after he feels more comfortable with us,’ Haven responded, as he went on to introduce himself formally to Ethan.

  “Ethan, it is great to meet you. I am sorry trouble caused you come here, but I am glad you found your mates in the process. It is our hope you will come to call the Sanctuary home, and us your family. As you will come to see we are a very close-knit Pack,” Haven said as he clasped his arm in greeting.

  “Thank you—Alpha, your home is amazing. I’ll do my best to help in any way I can,” Ethan said as another man walked in the room from the outer entry. He was one of the biggest men he had ever seen. That was saying something after being around so many wolves. He backed up and inched a little closer to his mates.

  Wolfe noticed Ethan’s reaction to Team Leader Rafael. He and Teddy moved on either side of their mate in protection and support. Even though they both knew Rafael wouldn’t hurt him in any way, it was just instinctual to protect him. The tension was ramping up as every second passed.

  Haven took in the situation that was happening right in front of him.

  “Ethan, this is our Security Team Leader Rafael Santiago. He is here to protect you. I asked him to be here tonight. He needs to know what we are up against to best protect you, Ethan. Now let’s all head down to my office,” Haven told him.

  Ethan felt like an idiot. He wasn’t making a good impression at all on the Alpha or his mates.

  “Sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to cause any problems,” said Ethan.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, Ethan. If you weren’t on edge, I would be more worried,” Haven told him.

  It only took a moment for Rafael to take in what was happening after walking in the room. He should have known his sheer size would scare the abused man.

  “Ethan, I make look like a bear, but I wouldn’t ever hurt an innocent person,” Rafael said.

  “Thank you,” he told the man as they followed the Alpha down the hallway.

  They all sat down around the big table in the meeting room.

  “Ethan, I know this is going to be really hard, but we need for you to tell us everything that has happened,” Haven told him with a reassuring look.

  Ethan got a faraway look in his eyes as he remembered…

  Chapter Nine

  Ethan was just coming in from work when he heard Grammy crying. He could count one hand the number of times she had ever been upset. Something bad had happened. It was the only explanation for her behavior. It really worried him.

  “Grammy—what has happened?” he asked, taking in her shaking form.

  “Our Alpha was killed today during a challenge,” she cried in outrage.

  “Who challenged him?” Ethan said in shock. Everyone in their Pack loved their Alpha. He couldn’t imagine any of them doing something so despicable to their Alpha.

  Grammy went on to say, “There were members of our Pack with the Alpha at the time. They told us it was a provoked challenge. His Betas were harassing the people in the pub as well. Ethan, I just know this is going to be bad! He has already set himself up in the Alpha house. Renee was at the pub, and he made her accompany him back to the Pack house. She just sent word we are having a Pack meeting first thing in the morning. Our new Alpha’s name is Alexander Varity,” she said in disgust for the man.

  It was a long night for both of them, as neighbors passed by to talk about the killing and the upcoming meeting.

  The next morning, the whole Pack met at the Alpha house. The Rivers Pack had always been a peaceful people, so they didn’t know what to expect.

  Ethan sat listening to all the new rules coming from the Alpha. Grammy had been right in saying things would never be the same. Not only was the Alpha requiring the Pack to support him for taking care of them, as he put it, but he set down a completely new set of rules for the Pack. Anyone who was found breaking them would be seriously punished. The one rule that affected Ethan the most was the rule: no same-sex mates. It was an abomination in his eyes, and he wouldn’t allow it in the Pack.

  Their Pack was a smaller one, and so far, there weren’t any same-sex mates. Ethan knew for a fact there were several gay or bisexuals within the Pack. It had never been an issue before. Unfortunately, during the meeting was the first time Ethan came to the attention of the new Alpha. It was also the last night he went to sleep without sleeping with one eye open for h
is own safety.

  The next day, the Alpha met up with him at the gas station where he worked. Ethan wasn’t stupid, he knew right away the Alpha was fighting an attraction to him. He looked repulsed and full of desire at the same time. Ethan decided in that moment to stay as far away from the man as possible. He could see the anger already burning in his eyes, and it was directed straight at him.

  For the next couple of weeks he did everything in his power to stay out of the Alpha’s way. Unfortunately though, it didn’t seem to work. Alpha Alexander seemed to be everywhere he was. With each sighting, the look in his eyes went from anger to full-on rage. It was on the night of the fourteenth day that he came unglued. The Alpha threw all kinds of accusations at him for causing him to desire a “fag.” He was convinced it was something Ethan was doing to him.

  If it didn’t stop, he was going to beat it out of him.

  The very next night the beatings began…with the help from the Betas as well. Ethan didn’t stand a chance of protecting himself. He wasn’t a small guy by any means, but he didn’t have a chance against them all. With every beating, it became apparent the Alpha was insane. He was blaming Ethan of using black magic, and he would stop or die.

  He hated the look on Grammy’s face when he came home at night.

  Grammy Jess watched him come home all beaten and bleeding. She knew his wolf was starting to weaken from all the abuse he had taken. By then she knew she was dying, and wouldn’t be around much longer to patch her boy up. She did the only thing she could. She called an old friend for help. The other Pack members were just too scared for their families to help Ethan.

  Leif told her a man had just come to their Pack and handed out cards for an abuse line for a Sanctuary that was being built. He still had it in his possession. That next day she drove two hours to meet her childhood friend. She couldn’t help the tears in her eyes as she told him what her grandson was going through.

  Leif assured her these people would help her grandson.

  Grammy Jess knew her time was near. That night she gave the card to Ethan, and made him promise to get some help. She explained her time was near, and she wouldn’t be around to get him help. When he agreed to get help, she was finally at piece.

  That very night Grammy passed away.

  Everything was a blur from that point forward. It was the last beating that had almost killed him. He had no doubt he would be dead now if it wasn’t for—well hell, he didn’t even know what to think. All he knew was something had changed within him, and saved him.

  It was those thoughts that brought him back to the present. His mates were looking on with worried expressions.

  “Sorry…I got lost in my past for a few moments. Why don’t you ask me what you need to know? I think it might be easier that way,” Ethan told them.

  “Take all the time you need, Ethan. I think most of us have been through bad situations of our own. So you have people who understand and care about you here,” Haven told him. Then he turned to Rafael.

  “Rafael, why don’t you ask Ethan questions you need for Silas. I think it might be easier this way.”

  “Sure, Alpha,” Rafael answered. Then he turned to Ethan with a smile, and hoped to reassure him.

  “Ethan, why don’t you just start with the basic information on the Alpha and Betas of the Rivers Pack? Even the small stuff you think might not be important,” he told him. Rafael sat there and just waited.

  Ethan took a deep breath, and then began.

  “His name is Alpha Alexander Varity. He and his Betas, Jim and Walt, were loners out looking for someone to challenge. They told me this during one of the beatings.” Ethan heard both of his mates growl at the statement before going on with his tale. “Our Alpha was getting up there in years, and wasn’t powerful enough to beat the much younger Alpha.

  “From the very first meeting, Alpha Alexander seemed to zero in on me and blame me for his “so-called” desire. He actually thought I was using magic on him. I wish I could say that was the end of it. Unfortunately, that was only the first of many beatings I took at their hands. As the months went by, they became more and more violent. The last beating almost killed me. If it wasn’t for Grammy finding me a way out of the Pack, then I have no doubt I would be dead right now.” He finished with a weary sigh.

  “This obsession Alpha Alexander seems to have with magic worries me, gentleman,” Rafael said as he took notes. Then he went on to say, “We have run up against magic use before, and it ended very badly,” informing Ethan, then looked to the Alpha to see how he wanted to handle it from there.

  “I have never even met anyone who practices magic," Ethan told them.

  "We believe you, Ethan,” Wolfe told him.

  “Yes we do, my mate,” Teddy told him.

  “Thank you,” responded Ethan.

  “Let me step in for a moment and I’ll explain if that is okay with you, Garrett?” Haven asked his mate. Knowing this was his mate’s life he would be divulging.

  “It is fine. Ethan is a part of our family. He needs to know our secrets,” Garrett told his mate.

  “This may take a minute, Ethan, so bear with me,” Haven told him, before he began.

  “When I met my mate, Garrett—he was running away from an insane Alpha as well. My mate was from the Cedarhill Pack in California. His Alpha was so obsessed with him that he requested the help of a witch who performed black magic. She summoned Demons from their realm, and gave the Alpha Demon blood to make him stronger. Unfortunately, it did work to make him stronger, but there was another side effect as well. He became something even more “evil” in the process, and he was overcome with an uncontrollable bloodlust.

  “No wolf could ever defeat the monster he became.

  “The Warrior Spirits saw this coming long ago—we have since found out. They helped bring about a whole new race in the process. They are called the Dream Weavers. My mate was the first Dream Weaver, and the Spirits allowed me to become one as well to fight the great evil. We are still wolves, but we are something else as well. My mate’s ancestors were also Dragons on their realm, we have since discovered. Only in our Dragon forms were we able to defeat the monster the Alpha had became.

  “Ethan, very few people know of our secret. The Demons have been a threat to us ever since that time. We’ve found other Dream Weavers since then, and they have found their mates. They have transformed into their second forms to protect those they love.

  “The Spirits have communicated with us as well through Timmy, the adopted son of one of the couples. There are many, many more Dream Weavers out there needing our help. The Demons are a danger to us, and I am starting to think black magic may be as well. I know this is a lot for you to take in, but you will meet all of us in time. This is a very important undertaking you are now involved in. I also think it’s important you know the dangers you are getting into as well by becoming a part of this family.” Haven finished, knowing there were so many details he had left out.

  Wow, Ethan thought. Maybe he was right where he belonged. These people just might not think he was some kind of freak. For the first time since he left—he didn’t feel like one either. Now he just had to hope that his mates would accept whatever he was as well.

  “Thank you for trusting me with something so important in your lives. I have something I need to tell my mates as well. I think it may have something to do with what you were just telling me. It actually only happened today.” His insides were churning, but he knew they needed to hear what had happened.

  Ethan turned to his mates and started his account of what happened.

  “The Alpha and his Betas caught me before work this morning. He was acting insane and accusing me of being a witch. ‘It was the only way he would ever desire me!’ he screamed at me. I still was badly beaten from the day before. He wouldn’t stop beating me after they ambushed me, and I knew I was going to die. I could feel myself slipping away, when suddenly I felt something inside of me, and it wasn’t my wolf. He was so weak he
couldn’t help at all.

  “The next thing I know, the pain is unbearable, and I’m surrounded in a light. I slipped from their hands and then flew through the air. This is how I escaped from them. I don’t even know what I became. All I can remember was flying back to my house and I was myself once again. My bruises were so much better, and I could see out of my eyes once again. All I could think was to call for help and get the hell out of there.” Ethan looked at his mates hoping they wouldn’t be disgusted with him.

  “Wow—you are a Dream Weaver, Ethan. I am so glad. We could have lost you today, and not even known it,” Wolfe told his worried mate.

  “I will forever thank the Spirits for helping you find a way to save yourself, Ethan,” Teddy told his mate with so much emotion visible.

  “You don’t know how much better that makes me feel,” Ethan told his mates.

  “Destiny brought you home to where you were meant to be,” Haven said with a smile.

  “You are home, Ethan, and I’ll help you any way I can,” Garrett told him. He was excited to find a fellow Dream Weaver. He would do everything in his power to help him.

  Ethan was overwhelmed with the acceptance of his mates. Hell—with everyone for that matter. Now his new life was just about to begin, he thought.


  If he only knew he just became even more valuable to the witch who was watching the exchange. Magnesia used her strongest spell to make herself invisible once she had the location of her latest prey. Her timing was perfect as usual. Now what to do with the information? It was something for her to think about.

  Chapter Ten

  It was just too easy. Magnesia thought back to how she found Ethan Clarke. Magnesia took the shirt from Alpha Alexander. He was such an easy target to prey on. She didn’t even have to persuade him. He was convinced the young man bewitched him. Of course, she did nothing to disavow the theory either.


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