Wolfe's Sight

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Wolfe's Sight Page 9

by Shelby Lynn

  “Damn it, I don't have anybody to leave in charge,” he grumbled and then went on to say. “Well, it looks like they'll all be left on their own until I return,” Alexander said as he walked toward the door. Only then to turn and ask, “Are you ready to go?” frustrated she was just standing there looking at him.

  “I am more than ready!” she said as they walked out the door, and she silently planned many types of curses to put upon this idiot. Knowing she had to get her mind back on the prize, her last thought before walking out of the Pack house was, Dream Weaver Sanctuary, here I come.


  Tyler knew he had a puzzled look on his face as he closed his phone with a click. The sound of his mate's voice pulled him away from his thoughts.

  “What was that all about?” Shannon asked curiously.

  “Honestly, I'm not even sure,” Tyler told his mate. Then he went on to explain what the phone call was about. “That was Sammy on the phone, and he said he was on his way here. In fact, he was just boarding a plane to come to Washington. It sounded really urgent, my mate, but I really didn't understand what he's talking about. He said something about someone being in danger, and he was the only one who could help. I heard something about a witch right before he had to hang up the phone for the last boarding call. Has he said anything to you lately?” Tyler asked his mate.

  “Well—not about anything like that. Sammy has talked about his dreams sometimes, and he doesn't understand why they seem so real. It has bothered him for the last couple of months. I feel really bad, because I have not been paying that close of attention to him. With getting everything up and going with the Dream Weaver Hotline, it has taken up all of my time. I just let it slide, the things he told me.” He didn’t feel like a good Alpha Mate right about then. His Pack mate was obviously in trouble.

  “Don't feel bad, my mate. I didn't even know he was having dreams. You aren't to blame, our Pack loves you. Whatever it is must be really important if he is coming all this way to tell us. You know how much he hates to fly. I think we need to let Alpha Haven know what is going on,” Tyler told Shannon.

  “I think we should as well—just in case trouble could be on the way.” Shannon was already going into his planning mode to help his Pack mate. It was what Packs did for one another.

  Wolfe had been listening to the conversation between the Alpha pair. He realized just how potentially dangerous this could be. After so many years, he never took anything for granted when it came to his family’s safety. He turned to his mates and motioned for them to follow the couple.

  Tyler stopped in front of his former Alpha and friend.

  “I recognize that look,” Haven told his friend. “What is going on?” he asked, and then motioned for all the men to sit down at the table. It was his fondest wish for his friends and Pack members to no longer have to deal with so much strife in their lives. Unfortunately, it didn’t look like that was about to happen anytime soon.

  “Honestly, Alpha Haven, I’m not sure if it is even anything to worry about. Sammy just called and told me he was boarding a plane to meet us here and only had moments to talk. All he said was someone was in danger, and going to die by a witch. Then he went on to say he was the only one who might be able to stop her. That was all he said before he had to board the plane. If Sammy is even coming on a plane that means something is very wrong. He hates to fly,” Tyler told Alpha Haven.

  “Is he by chance a Dream Weaver?” Haven asked.

  “Alpha, if he is then my Phoenix hasn’t recognized him as one yet. That doesn’t mean he isn’t a dormant one. I have a feeling there may be several of those out in the world just like I was,” Shannon said to Haven.

  “Did he say how he found out any of this information?” Haven asked.

  “N0—he didn’t get the chance. I think he was about to tell me when they gave the last boarding call for his plane,” Tyler told him. It was frustrating not having all the information.

  “Sammy has told me about his dreams on a few occasions, Alpha Haven, in confidence. I told Tyler about them a few minutes ago. In this case, I feel it is okay to break his confidence with this particular situation. All I know is he was disturbed by these dreams. They seemed too real to him to be just dreams. Which should be soon forgotten upon waking, and these actually were in vivid detail. He didn’t tell me anything about the dreams themselves. At the time, I didn’t think anything about them being important to the Pack’s safety,” Shannon told them.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over it, my mate. I know Sammy. If he had thought for a moment the Pack was in danger, then he would have come to us. He may be a little on the quiet side around others, but he is furiously protective of the Pack. We are his only family. He has told me on many occasions since we took over the Cedarhill Pack.” Tyler reassured his mate. Shannon was so caring of those he loved. He took their welfare and safety very personally.

  “Well, guys—at this point I don’t think we can rule out any possibility of danger so I’ll call Rafael and he can send one of his men. We need to beef up security as the very least,” Haven told them.

  “I kept forgetting the Council brought in a separate team just to help with security of the Dream Weaver Sanctuary,” Tyler told him. It was a blessing for them. With the sanctuary in full swing, it would be hard for the Pack to watch over everyone. Haven’s Pack all have full-time jobs outside of the Pack.

  “Yes, we have been very lucky to have the Council’s backing on this major undertaking. It has made it come together faster. I’m sure Shannon saw that with the hotline end of it as well,” Haven told them.

  “Absolutely, they have been a major help throughout the whole process. They have dealt with abuse cases for hundreds of years. Councilor Jackson is one of the best people to work with in a crisis I have found out over the last few months,” Shannon told them all. He was very proud of everything they had accomplished in such a short time.

  Alpha Haven was already on the phone to Rafael. Honestly, he shouldn’t have been surprised when Rafael was determined to come himself to be briefed on the situation. Haven knew he took his job very seriously protecting them all. There was a story behind it all, he was sure. Like all the men in his Pack, their lives hadn’t been easy growing up. Sometimes it had been life or death situations in many of the cases.


  Fury could not believe his luck. Just moments after transporting into the Dream Weaver Sanctuary, he’d gotten the news of a lifetime. His king was going to be very, very happy. There was another Dream Weaver on his way here. He was not going to let this one get away. No matter what, this one was going to be his prey!

  Now all he had to do was stay out of reach of the baby. If he were close enough to her, she would be able to tell he was in the room. That just would not do with his plans. Now that he was working directly with the King. He had a lot more leeway to getting things done his way. Now it was just a matter of the man making it here, and then he can make his move.

  He heard the sounds of the baby gurgling and someone was walking down the hall with her. Fury knew it was time for him to leave. The last thing he wanted was to be detected and to put everyone on full alert. He knew it would be several hours before the plane landed. This would give him time to go look for a place for him and Chad to stay nearby. With a smile of satisfaction, he transported out of the Dream Weaver Sanctuary.


  Rafael put the phone down after talking to his new Alpha. He was never one to put off duty on someone else's shoulders. It seemed danger was once again coming their way and he wanted to be on top of it. He wouldn't put his men in any more danger. He dressed quickly and headed into the Pack House. He found everyone in the kitchen. Rafael took a seat at the table with the Alpha and his friends as he waited for them to tell him what was going on.

  “Good morning, Rafael. We are sorry to bring you in on your day off. We just wanted your team to be aware of something that we just found out. One of our fellow Pack members from Cedarhill has some in
formation he's coming here to give us. Before we could get any information other than someone he knew was in danger, he had to board the plane on the way here. He did mention something about a witch and that was the reason that someone was going to be in danger or possibly die even,” Haven told him.

  “Shit, that is just all we need!” Rafael said in frustration. He knew enough about a dark witch to know they were bad news. He could still remember the disaster that happened at the Cedarhill Pack. Many innocent people died for the interference of a dark witch and an evil Alpha that turned into a monster. It was a fight they wouldn't have won if the Dragons hadn't taken him out.

  “I will add five more men to the lookout detail until we know what we're facing. I think that would be the best scenario for all of us to keep everyone safe. It might be a good idea to let Councilor Jackson know what's going on as well. If this turns out to be a fight against dark magic, then we are going to definitely need some more help,” Rafael told them seriously.

  “I agree,” said Alpha Haven. He had been up against many foes in his past, but a magic user was a completely different story. As he went on to ask Rafael a very important question, “Rafael, does Councilor Jackson know any good magic users?” It was a long shot, but it might be their only hope in a magical onslaught.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. He keeps a lot of things close to his chest in his line of business,” he told them all seriously.

  “Thanks for the information, Rafael. Now if you all will excuse me and Garrett, we need to make a call in my office,” Haven told them all. He watched Rafael nod and head back out of the room to direct his men.

  “Alpha Haven, is there anything we can do to help out?” Wolfe asked.

  “Not at this time. I know you need to get your mate’s things. Now would probably be the best time to do that. Before Sammy gets here later this evening. Just keep your eyes open for anything out of place. Hell, I don’t need to tell you. You’re one of the best trackers I know. Just keep your new family close,” Haven told him. He had no doubts that Wolfe would protect his family with every fiber of his being.

  “Teddy’s place is in town. We’ll run by there and pick up some essentials,” he told his Alpha, and turned to his mates. “Does that sound okay with both of you, my mates?” Wolfe asked.

  “That would be great. Ethan can use any of my belongings until we can order him some new things. It may be a while before we can go back for his clothes,” Teddy told him.

  Wolfe looked over at Johnny to get his attention at the end of the table where he and Sawyer where listening to the conversation. He wanted his second mate checked out when they got back if he was available. “Johnny, do you have time to look Ethan over this afternoon?” he asked.

  “Sure, come by the clinic when you guys get back. The clinic is up and running now thanks to Simon’s team. They made sure it was finished first in case of any emergencies.” He was so proud of the way everyone had pulled together to make the Dream Weaver Sanctuary a reality.

  “Do you want us to go along with you to Teddy’s apartment? We can be your backup, it might be safer,” Sawyer told his friend.

  “We would appreciate that, my friend. How about we meet you out front in five minutes?” Wolfe told them.

  “Sounds good,” Sawyer said, and went to gather a few things for protection. They didn’t know what they would be facing. They would have to wait to hear just what Sammy had to say.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Not for the first time this morning did Sammy wonder what the hell he was getting himself into. His first look at the plane was confirmation that he had indeed went off the deep end. When he got off the phone with his Alpha, he wondered if he had done the right thing. All he had was the voice, which was clearly his own—yet not—at the same time in his dreams. In no way was he prepared to handle the things that he saw in his dreams.

  It all started a little over two months ago when he started having dreams that he couldn't explain. Each one was unique and so real—he didn't even know what to think at first, thinking it was just a regular dream. The next night he had another one, and the following nights more of the same, deciding this was now going to be a regular dream state for him.

  Sammy decided to record the dreams into a journal, and had done so every night since. It wasn't until he started dreaming about people that he knew that he began to get worried. Honestly, Sammy didn't know if his last dreams were to be believed. His dreams showed him as a totally different person. Sure he wanted to be the person that he dreamed of, but he was realistic. Hell, he knew enough heroes, he lived around them every day.

  From a young age, Sammy knew he was different than most of the Pack. He was not a full wolf as his father was, and his mother was a human, he had been told. When it came to his parents, he only knew the basics. All he knew for sure was he couldn’t phase into a wolf, and that’s what hurt the most about these dreams. His wolf was swift and nothing had ever felt better than when his black wolf ran free.


  Wolfe and his mates walked to his Dodge Charger—it was his pride and joy. Well at least until he met his mates. He loved driving it when he was out on the road. Now that he had found his mates, he thought about getting something bigger.

  “Don’t you dare trade in this car,” Teddy told his mate. He clearly read his mate’s thoughts. He knew how much he loved this car.

  “There is plenty of room for us. These cars have a lot of leg room,” Ethan told him.

  “If we decide to trade a car in for something bigger, it can be mine. I don’t have any attachment to mine.” He teased Wolfe good-naturedly, as they all climbed into the cherry-red dodger.

  Wolfe’s friends, Sawyer and Johnny, followed right behind in his own Ford 150 truck for safety.

  They followed 706 until they came into the beautiful small tourist town, Ashford, Washington. Within minutes, they were pulling in front of Teddy’s apartment that was just off Main Street. Teddy had fallen in love with the “wilderness” town, as he liked to call it. The peacefulness of a small town with a larger town, Ashford, close by for certain things.

  “It’s only me here. I bought the place a year ago, but with being on the road so much during that time, I haven’t really even lived here. You’ll see what I mean inside,” he said with a laugh. Then he went on to open up the duplex-style apartment. The place was very sparse, and still had several packed boxes in one corner. “See—I told you guys. Only the bedroom is in any type of order,” he said with a suggestive lift of his brows.

  “Oh—you are going to kill us,” Wolfe told him. He wanted nothing more than to show them both how much he wanted them.

  “I feel the same way, Teddy. Just as soon as this mess is over, I’ll really show you both how happy I am to have found you,” Ethan told them.

  “We are damn lucky to have found you, Ethan. Now let’s go upstairs and get us some clothes to tide us over,” Teddy told him with a smile. Ethan was more than welcome to anything of his, he thought as he held out his hand to his mate to come with him.

  Ethan couldn’t believe how generous his mates were. It made him humble to be in their presence. All he wanted to do was touch them. He couldn’t help wondering if that was common with mates. Grammy had lost her mate long before he came to live with her. He already felt at home just in their presence. That told him a lot about the two men who were his mates.

  He followed Ethan upstairs and they each quickly packed a suitcase with clothes for several days. They honestly didn’t know how much time they would have before trouble came calling.

  Wolfe was watching it all from the door, keeping a lookout for any kind of trouble.

  “Do you have everything you needed for several days?” Wolfe asked them.

  “More than enough—thanks to Teddy,” Ethan told him.

  “It’s time to head back now. We don’t want to put anyone else in danger if we were to get in the middle of a bad situation. Hopefully Haven was able to get some more information from Councilor
Jackson. I am afraid it is just the beginning,” Wolfe told them.


  Fury found the perfect place for his blood slave and himself. It was a deep forest cabin within Mount Rainier Forest. It was the perfect place to keep Chad, and keep Chad away from his obsession. It would also give him time with the man. He had to figure out what these feelings were without his king finding out.

  The moment he had the new Dream Weaver within his clutches, he would deliver him to the king, and his duty would be done. It was the deal he had made, the delivery of an unmated Dream Weaver. He would be free to stay here in the human realm without interference of any kind.

  Now all he had to do was find him.


  Simon looked down at his sleeping mate. Mandy was the most beautiful woman in the world. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found her. The last few months had been so busy getting the Dream Weaver Sanctuary off the ground. The time had passed so quickly. Every spare moment was spent in this incredible woman’s presence. He had falling so deeply in love with her. Now here they were married and on their honeymoon in Hawaii. Mandy had been all starry-eyed since walking off the plane. She never once noticed all the stares or glances sent her way by both men and woman alike. Never had he met a more sexy and gorgeous woman, and she was all his.

  Mandy was in a dream-state when she became aware of what was happening. This was very different from anything she had ever dreamed before. She knew instantly this was a dream vision. It was with a gasp she became fully awake and looked over at her new husband and mate.

  “What is it, my love?” Simon asked worriedly.

  “We have to go home NOW! The Pack is going to be under attack. Damn it, I don’t know when it’s going to happen either!” What good am I? she thought.


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