Wolfe's Sight

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Wolfe's Sight Page 12

by Shelby Lynn

  “It could be—but from everything you told me about Jasmine sensing someone at the house, I have a feeling they have been watching for a while,” Tyler told his friends.

  Isaiah listened to the conversation going on around him. He knew there was something major they weren’t telling him, but there wasn’t much he could do to make them trust him. As much as he wanted to get out there to find Sammy, he knew these men were his best chance of finding him.

  Alpha Haven looked over at his mate. He would be putting his family in harms way by bringing this possible threat into his home. It wasn’t his decision to make alone.

  ‘What do you think?’ Haven asked his mate.

  ‘I feel nothing but innocence from him,’ Garrett told him.

  ‘We’ll invite him into our home then. If he is truly good magic, he may be our only hope against the dark magic coming our way,’ Haven said.


  The sun was setting when they pulled into the Dream Weaver Sanctuary once again. Behind them in his own car, Isaiah was following in his Jeep Cherokee. It had been a unanimous decision by all of them to bring him back with them. They had to trust in their instincts, which told them of his good nature.

  Haven looked at his home, so thankful of everything they had accomplished so far. They were honestly just getting things up and running, and already they were facing something they didn’t know how to fight. He was glad to see Simon and Mandy’s car in the driveway as well. He felt better knowing the Seer was under their roof. At this time, the closer he could keep his family the better. Haven really wanted to get her thoughts on this new person, who was now a part of their lives.

  He knew the man was genuinely worried about Sammy. If they knew for certain he was Sammy’s mate, it would make this situation better. They all got out of the car and headed inside for the updates he knew his Pack was waiting patiently for. At the front door he waited until Isaiah made it up the stairs.

  “Isaiah, you are welcome to come inside, but I want your vow that no one will be hurt by your magic while you are within our home,” Haven asked of the man. If he were a man of his word, then he would have no problem with this vow.

  “You have my word and vow,” Isaiah told the Alpha. He didn’t blame them for being cautious of someone they didn’t know.

  With a nod of confirmation, he led him into his Pack house.

  Isaiah noticed right away how well kept the place was. It was just another credit to the powerful Alpha before him. He let his magic travel out from him, and found no sign of evil within the house. He followed the Alpha and his group until they came into a huge living room that was filled with shifters. Some of them were easy to distinguish what type of shifter they were, and then others were not. He checked out every person until he came to the young lady.

  He was shocked at first to feel the magic flowing from her until he looked into her eyes. Oh shit—she was a Seer, and the first in a thousand years that he knew of for sure. He slowing walked to her, and then bowed in her presence in reverence.

  Mandy was shocked to the core when the handsome young man bowed at her feet. She didn’t know how she knew, but this man wasn’t evil. She could feel his magic, much like her own silver wolf’s magic flowed through her. She quickly jumped to her feet and put her hand on his shoulder.

  Their magic combined and expanded to take in the Pack and the area beyond. It was with a shocked sound from both of them that had Mandy’s mate pulling her safely away.

  “It is okay, Simon. He is a good magic user. I am not sure what just happened, but I felt my wolf’s acceptance of the man and his magic. His magic is so strong—it took me by surprise is all,” Mandy told them all.

  “Seer, I am honored to be in your presence. Please forgive me if I startled you. Our magic collided for a moment in acceptance. I promise I’m only here to find my true-mate. I can feel the secrets you hold. I will not pry; all I want is help to find him,” Isaiah told them all.

  “It is time to tell you about our lineage. I have a feeling your true-mate is a part of it as well,” Garrett told the man before them.

  “From the stories we have been able to remember, and the information we just recently received, our ancestries were from a different Realm all together. Our ancestors, who were able to get away from the Demonians or “Demons” as we call them, came to the Earth.

  “They found mates amongst the people of Earth. Their children are known as the Dream Weavers. The Spirits sent a message through a very special little boy to us. The Demonians are back, and they are trying to get a foothold in this world. They were able to do that through dark magic. The Demons are also after the Dream Weavers as well. For some reason they seem to leave us alone after we are mated.

  “We think one of them took Sammy. He called us today, and told us he dreamed of a dark witch hurting someone he cared for. It was the reason he was on his way to the Pack. Unfortunately, we didn’t get any more information other than that from him. It is very possible he is a dormant Dream Weaver,” Garrett told the man before him.

  “He thinks there is dark magic at play then? When I came into the Pack house, I scanned for dark magic, and I found none,” Isaiah told them.

  “We are pretty sure there is one on the way here. We just found another Dream Weaver, and he was being tortured by an insane Alpha. The Alpha thinks he was bewitched by this man. The dark witch will be with this Alpha,” said Garrett.

  “When my magic combined with the Seer earlier, for a moment it took in all of the area she considers her protection. It left a residue upon all of those places. If a dark witch trespasses on those places we will both know immediately,” Isaiah told them.

  “I will know as well?” Mandy asked in surprise.

  “Your magic is strong, Seer. It is just a different form of white magic. You will feel the pure evil of the dark witch if she enters your domain,” he told her.

  “Thank you for telling me, Isaiah,” Mandy told him sincerely.

  With a nod, he accepted her thanks. “One thing really bothers me though. A dark witch wouldn’t team up with a Shifter unless she planned to use him to hurt you in some way. They are sworn enemies to each other. It can’t be anything good,” said Isaiah.

  “Shit—do you think she would do it again?” Shannon asked his mate.

  “It is very possible,” Tyler told him sadly.

  There was shock and angered talk going on all around him. Isaiah wondered what the hell was going on.

  “Isaiah, we have run up against the evil of a dark witch, and the creation she made. It was not a pretty sight. Many people were killed before we finally killed the monster she created,” Haven told him sadly.

  “I see…will my true-mate be in danger of this happening?” he asked, filled with even more worry.


  The sun was just setting when they pulled into the wilderness cabin. For the last hour, Magnesia had kept a close eye on the Alpha beside her. The last thing she needed was for him to turn his newfound blood lust toward her. The Alpha was getting restless, which was the first sign of the changes beginning within his body. His thirst was intense as he downed all of the tainted drink, not once realizing it was the cause for all the changes.

  What the fuck was going on with him? Hell—one great thing about being a shifter was they didn’t fall ill like humans. Now he felt like he was burning up from the inside, and could vomit at the same time. Alexander felt like his throat was closing up from thirst. He sure hoped there was something to drink at the cabin. Well—at least it had taken his thoughts off Ethan. Was this yet another thing the man had done to him? he thought as he climbed out of the truck. He didn’t even bother with the witch, who was beside him. The old hag could fall out of the truck for all he cared.

  Alexander walked through the door of the Deep Woods cabin rental. All he cared about was getting his cabin key from the man behind the desk. When he walked forward, he could hear the man’s heart beating and the blood running through his veins. It was the weir
dest feeling as he watched his pulse throb on his neck. The man’s voice pulled him out of his almost trance-like thoughts.

  “Do you have a reservation, sir?” the man asked nervously. It was as if he knew a predator was in the room with him.

  “The reservation is under Alexander. We have two cabins reserved,” he told the man behind the reception desk.

  “Here are the keys to both cabins. They are a half-mile up the side road. You have cabins twenty-three and twenty-four, they are right next to one another. I hope you enjoy your stay at The Deep Woods,” the man told him.

  Alexander didn’t say a word as he took the keys, and headed back out the door. All he wanted was to get a drink and lay down for the night.

  Magnesia couldn’t help the smirk, which covered her face as she watched the Alpha struggle. It was with a great satisfaction that she knew her plans were coming along perfectly. It was finally falling into place. She would have her revenge on the people who killed her mate, and gain unlimited power from the Demons. Those were her last thoughts as she walked up to the cabin door. Once she was inside, she would make preparations for the rest of the spell.

  She could feel the Alpha try to quench his thirst, and then lay on the bed to sleep off the sickness taking a hold of him. What he didn’t know was morning would bring a much different conclusion.


  Lucas walked into the house, the smell of honey and vanilla all wrapped up in one, assaulted his senses. He followed the enticing aroma as it led him down the hallway and to the entrance of the living room.

  He stopped when heard the voice of someone new in the midst. It was the sexiest voice he had ever heard, causing his cock to harden immediately. He was just in time to hear what the man asked.

  “I see…will my true-mate be in danger of this happening?” the man asked.

  Lucas couldn’t keep quiet a moment longer, so he stepped into the room.

  “Well, why don’t you let me answer that question since I am standing right here?” Lucas told the man before him. He couldn’t believe he finally found his mate. The happiness filling him was overwhelming. Well at least until he saw the looks coming from all the people in the room.

  Everyone looked at Lucas as if he was insane.

  “Lucas, this man is your mate?” the Alpha asked, knowing he would have to tell Lucas what happened to Sammy. Losing his mate before he even found him wasn’t going to be easy for the man.

  “Without a doubt, Alpha Haven, this man is my mate. Why would you ask?” Lucas asked because by the look and concern in his Alpha's voice, he was starting to get worried.

  “Lucas, this has gotten very complicated, and I’m sorry to have to tell you this, friend. This man is Sammy’s mate as well. They met earlier at the airport—right before Sammy was kidnapped,” Haven said.

  Hell—had he just heard his Alpha right? He had just found his mate, only then to find out he had a second one as well. One who had been kidnapped? Suddenly his life just turned upside down. Now all he could think was, where the hell was his second mate, and was he safe?

  For more books on the Dream Weaver Sanctuary, and the Haven’s Wolves Pack, stay tuned for Sammy’s Heroes. To find out what happens as the Sanctuary is faced with an oncoming war. How will they find Sammy before it is too late? If you liked Wolfe and his mate’s story then stay tuned for the excitement still to come in their newly mated lives.

  Thank you for reading Wolfe’s Sight.

  Shelby Lynn

  I would love to hear from you!

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  Books Available by Shelby Lynn

  Haven’s Wolves

  Garrett’s Home

  Book One

  Tyler’s Dream

  Book Two

  Haven’s Wolf Christmas Book Two ½

  Sawyer’s Hope

  Book Three

  Forever in Your Arms

  Held Tight

  Forever Levi

  Excerpt from Forever Levi

  Forever In Your Arms, Book Two

  By Shelby Lynn


  “Levi has been kidnapped!” Ramos shouted to Prince Braxton over the phone. “Our cars were attacked by a dozen Rebels. Everyone started fighting and I told Levi to stay close to me. Of course, he refused. When we were all fighting, I was still keeping an eye on him. I saw a man come up behind him, but I couldn’t warn him. He pulled out a needle and thrust it into his neck. Then he went down like a ton of bricks. I’ve never seen anything like it. Then all five of the Pack attacked me. Shit, there was nothing I could do but howl for my Pack. Son of a bitch, I’m going to tear Trace apart when I get him in my hands!” Ramos swore.

  “Shit, have you fully mated yet, and formed a link?” Braxton asked.

  “No, he didn’t want to until he officially joined the Pack. I’ll call an emergency meeting, and we’ll come up with a way to find him. Can I count on you?” Ramos asked.

  “Of course you can! Now where are we meeting?” Braxton asked.

  “Touch of Italy in fifteen.”

  “We will be there.”


  Levi thought back to the ambush they had just gone through. Someone had gotten the better of him. He had let someone sneak right up behind him. What kind of fighter am I? he thought back to everything as if it was happening all over again.

  Well, shit—it looks like all HELL had broken loose around them, Levi thought. They were on the way back to Levi’s home, when out of nowhere several vehicles forced their vehicles off the road. It was well planned at an unavoidable place on the narrow road. They were the only two in Ramos’s truck. The other SUV had the four usual Guards.

  Unfortunately though, the six of them were no match for the thirty or so Rebel Dogs who attacked in human and animal form. Ramos insisted Levi stay by his side, and he really wanted to do what his mate asked of him. He wanted nothing more than to help keep his mate safe while he was by his side. It was an impossible thing to ask though, as they were both quickly overwhelmed. In a matter of moments, the Rebel Dogs had put a considerable distance between the two of them.

  Ramos was one hell of a fighter, but even as strong as he was, the sheer numbers of the enemy were stacked against him. Levi was holding his own against the two Rebel Dogs, fighting hand to hand wasn’t new to him. All that time he was keeping an eye on his mate as well. Maybe the look on his mate’s face should have warned him of the danger approaching, but it didn’t.

  Levi didn’t see the man sneak up behind him or the huge needle until it pierced his neck. The effect was instantaneous, and he knew nothing more.

  Until only moments ago when he awoke in this room, and his mate was nowhere in sight. What the hell had happened?

  Right now, though, he was playing possum, and his captor didn’t seem to be aware of his small advantage. Shit—someone had given some lethal stuff to him with a needle, no less. He had gone down like a ton of bricks.

  Levi knew his mate was probably really pissed because he didn’t listen to him. He couldn’t just stand there and let his mate defend them. Levi jumped into the fighting, and quickly the Rebel Dogs managed to put distance between him and his mate. Then he felt pain in his neck, and the feeling of falling—then nothing.

  As Levi watched the man across the room, he wasn’t anyone Levi had met before. He couldn’t move very much, he was strapped down on the table. Honestly, it wouldn’t have mattered how strong the straps were though, whatever the man gave him took away all of his Vampire strength. He was as helpless as a newborn baby.

  For the first time he wished they had completed their bond instead of waiting until the Destiny Pack accepted him as the Alpha Prime’s mate. Levi had truly only been thinking of the Pack members’ reactions to a Vampire Alpha mate. It would be hard enough winning their respect without it b
eing forced down their throats. Shit—they hadn’t figured on him being kidnapped either.

  Just what the FUCK was going on!

  “Well, well, my prisoner is finally awake. It’s great to know the new experiment I’ve been working on worked so well. Actually, better than even I dreamed it could! I just needed a guinea pig to try it out on, and you fell right into my lap. When I overheard the Rebels in the pub talking about taking down some Vampires, I knew I couldn’t miss out on the chance, so I followed them. Shit, I’m just glad I went. I might have missed the chance to further my research,” he told the helpless Vampire with a laugh. He was getting close to fulfilling his promise.

  Levi did have an advantage it seemed. This crazy man didn’t seem to know he was Ramos’s fated mate. Levi just didn’t know what the man planned to do with him in the meantime. He was a little too eager to tryout his “creations” on Levi. He reminded him of one of those mad doctors on television, who was willing to do anything in the name of science and learning.

  Levi was a very smart man, but right at this moment, it wasn’t doing him the least bit of good. He was stuck with no means of escape. When he looked over at his captor again, the man was once again filling up a large needle with a yellowish fluid. He released the drug into his IV only moments later. It was up to his mate to find him, was his last thought.


  Steven watched the Vampire go back to sleep after the shot. When he had started on the formula to incapacitate a Vampire for his vengeance, he was more determined than anything to see if it could be done. So far he hadn’t taken the completed formula back to their Rebel Leader or “Boss,” as he liked to be called. Something was holding him back, and dammit, for the life of him, he didn’t know what it was. When he looked into the Boss’s eyes, he could see the instability lurking there. It was a look he knew well himself.


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