Ghosts, Gears, and Grimoires

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by Unknown

  Amy’s current work includes the Cursed trilogy, the Dark Sky series, Storm Born, Path of the Horseman, and the novella Needfire. She has short stories in various horror and urban fantasy anthologies such as Avast, Ye Airships!; That Hoodoo, Voodoo, That You Do; Bring Back The Hound in Stomping Grounds; Charlatan Charade in Lost in the Witching Hour; and AMOK! Amy can be found online through her frequently website ( as well as on Twitter (@amybraunauthor), Facebook (, and Amazon (

  Stephen Blake: Stephen Blake lives in a small seaside Cornish town in the UK with his wife Sarah. He copes with eight cats, whilst Frodo the Border collie tries to maintain some sort of order. He’s been previously published in a number of anthologies such as Airship Shape & Bristol Fashion, Avast, Ye Airships!, Wax & Wane: A Gathering of Witch Tales, and a number of other anthologies. You can find him on twitter as @UncannyBlake and on Facebook as ‘Stephen Blake – Author’. He blogs on There you can follow his writing journey.

  DJ Tyrer: DJ Tyrer is the person behind Atlantean Publishing and has been widely published in anthologies and magazines around the world, such as Sorcery & Sanctity: A Homage to Arthur Machen (Hieroglyphics Press), Steampunk Cthulhu(Chaosium), Steampunk: Worlds Beyond (Villainous Press), Steamworld (Thirteen O'clock Press), Ill-Considered Expeditions (April Moon Books), Steam Chronicles (Zimbell House) and History and Mystery, Oh My! (Mystery and Horror LLC), and also has a novella available on the Kindle, The Yellow House (Dunhams Manor).

  DJ Tyrer's website is at

  The Atlantean Publishing website is at

  Jim Reader: It's easy for us to imagine being 'big damn heroes', but harder to realize the effect that kind of life can have on a character. I wanted to touch on the grueling, soul-withering effects of war in a monster-fueled apocalypse, out of the realm of 'Gary Stu', in more human terms.

  “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you” - Friedrich Nietzsche

  Jim Reader is primarily a fantasy writer, although he's not afraid to take a stab at any genre or style. He displays a particular fondness for haiku relating to coffee and other forms of caffeine.

  He's been published in Harphaven Publishing’s, The Ladies of Trade Town, Sky Warrior Books’ Zombiefied! An Anthology of All Things Zombie, Coming Together's Coming Together: Arm in Arm in Arm, and Mocha Memoirs' Avast, Ye Airships!, among others. He has two self-published works available for the Kindle: a time-travel romance novelette, Saving Molly as well as a vampire romance novel, On a Road Going Nowhere.

  Facebook: Jim Reader



  Jason Gilbert: Jason is the author of the Rifle Chronicles series, and also the man behind Fail-Flix. When he's not writing steampunk stories of horror and mayhem in the wild west, he's rotting his brain away on trash cinema. You can check out his movie reviews on, and The Rifle Chronicles series is available on Amazon! Jason is excited about being in this anthology along with fellow steampunk fans!

  Robert Perret: Robert Perret is a writer and librarian living on the Palouse. He comes to Steampunk by way of a deep and abiding love for Sherlock Holmes, about whom Robert has written several pastiches. His paralyzing claustrophobia is only matched by his bone deep existential dread, which expressed itself in this story as the nightmare of being trapped blind, deaf, and dumb in a jar for eternity. Also, killer robots. Those are definitely coming for us any day now. Find out more about his writing at

  Ross Baxter: After thirty years at sea, Ross Baxter now concentrates on writing sci-fi and horror fiction. His varied work has been published in print by a numerous publishing houses in US and UK short-story anthologies. In December 2014 he won the Horror Novel Review.Com best creation short fiction prize.

  Married to a Norwegian and with two Anglo-Viking kids, he now lives in Derby, England.

  Andrew Knighton: Andrew Knighton is a ghostwriter, responsible for writing many books in other people's names as well as some of his own. When not writing, he roams Yorkshire looking for geeky entertainment and toys with which to appease his cat. His steampunk adventure series, The Epiphany Club, is out now in all e-book formats, and the first volume, Guns and Guano, is available for free from Amazon or Smashwords. You can find free stories and links to his books at and follow him on Twitter where he’s @gibbondemon.

  TC Phillips: TC Phillips hails from tropical Central Queensland in Australia, where he currently lives with his loving wife, three young children, two spoilt cats and an overactive imagination. An avid reader from a young age, he has held a long-standing attraction for the written word and is excited to be able to make his own contributions to the vibrant and ever-shifting world of storytelling. Holding degrees in both Theatre Studies and Education, he is also just recently completed his Master of Arts (Writing).

  Primarily interested in speculative fiction in all its assorted forms and manifestations, he loves writing historical fiction, sci-fi and fantasy, but has recently found himself becoming increasingly drawn to the Victorian flavor of Steampunk. Having grown up with his nose between the pages of his mother's collections of Edgar Allan Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the darker aspects of 19th Century life now hold an intimate fascination for him—a fascination which often bleeds through onto the page.

  TC Phillips can be found online at and

  Rie Sheridan Rose: Rie Sheridan Rose writes in many genres, and Steampunk and horror are two of her favorites, so this anthology was a joy to edit. Her focus at the moment is the world of The Conn-Mann Chronicles Steampunk series, and “Restless Spirit” is a story set in that universe. More of her work can be found through her websites and She tweets as @RieSheridanRose, and can be found on Facebook. She loves to connect with fans.

  Leigh Ward-Smith: Leigh Ward-Smith, editor and writer, has long had a taste for the macabre and—being from the South—sweet iced tea and grits. While she was researching child labor conditions in the 19th century, "Muzzling the Monster" sprang to life like Athena from Zeus' skull. She is most at home wielding the wicked-sharp, gem- and gear-encrusted umbrella that is speculative fiction. When time allows, she also blogs at Leigh's Wordsmithery ( Fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in moonShine Review, the Bikes in Space anthology (Microcosm Publishing), the Keeping Pace with Eternity anthology (Tree-Lion Press), and 50-Word Stories online.

  Mattia Ravasi: Mattia Ravasi is a PhD student researching the topic of escapism in Contemporary American Fiction. Passionate about literature, music and board games, he reviews and talks books on his YouTube channel, The Bookchemist. He lives in Cambridge, UK, and has lived in Monza, Birmingham and Venice. A few of his stories have found their way to anthologies and magazines around the world, and he is now looking for an agent for his debut novel, The Page Turner.

  “The Light Over Birmingham” is his attempt at mixing his passion for Steampunk—which he first met in the albums of hip-hop artist Professor Elemental—with his penchant for sea monsters.

  Ghosts, Gears, & Grimoires

  Edited by Rie Sheridan Rose

  Here, Where Our Blood Spilt Copyright © 2016 Eric Del Carlo

  Death in the Witch House Copyright © 2016 John Lance

  The Horrors of War Copyright © 2016 Stephen Sanders

  Last Dance with Mary Jane Copyright © 2016 Wynelda Ann Deaver

  Engineered Deceit Copyright © 2016 Amy Braun

  Purchase and Possess Copyright © 2016 Stephen Blake

  Through the Darkness of the Opera House Copyright © 2016 DJ Tyrer

Few Days in Kansas 1881 Copyright © 2016 Jim Reader

  The Express Copyright © 2016 Jason Gilbert

  Honeymoon in a Jar Copyright © 2016 Robert Perret

  Footless Copyright © 2016 Ross Baxter

  Steel and Steam Copyright © 2016 Andrew Knighton

  Better Left Buried Copyright © 2016 TC Phillips

  Restless Spirit Copyright © 2016 Rie Sheridan Rose

  Muzzling the Monster Copyright © 2016 Leigh Ward-Smith

  The Light Over Birmingham Copyright © 2016 Mattia Ravasi

  Cover Art:

  Formatting: Susan H. Roddey

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.




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