Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles Page 1

by Audra Hart

  Wicked Rage of the Moon – Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

  By Audra Hart

  Copyright © 2014 Audra Hart Romance

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.


  Energy zaps and zings around Morna as an array of color that rivals any artist’s palette puts on a light show that always awes Morna Glynn Michaels. She smiles happily as her molecules rearrange themselves during transport along the Bi-frost. What ancient peoples had believed was magic is truly physics in action. Magical Immortal beings have known this truth since ancient times even those incapable of creating this kind of ‘magic’ with their own abilities.

  Heimdall, the Guardian of Asgard, didn’t wait to be asked to send the Bi-frost because he has been watching over Morna and her party of warriors. They arrive back in Asgard very quickly. A feeling of underlying anxiety crawls up Morna’s spine because the entire trip to the realm of the Roman god of war was almost anti-climactic, despite the confrontation with the dark witch, Kyera.

  Morna had no choice but to take the witch’s life after she attacked their group and threatened the lives of Morna’s children, Kylor and Aideen. The satisfaction she feels in knowing the dark witch will never again harm any member of her family is overshadowed by knowing another, possibly more dangerous enemy is still out there.

  Morna turns to greet her godfather Heimdall, Guardian of Asgard, before she thanks her young warrior companions, Annie and Lou, who are also her niece and nephew. They volunteered to join Morna’s group to the realm of the Roman god of war. Despite her personal reservations about spending time around Lou Von Stiles, Morna invites the siblings to remain in Asgard as their guests. She is worried about what her enemies might do to them for being with her.

  “Morna, we wouldn’t miss tonight for anything,” Annie assures her newly found aunt with a wide grin. “And please stop worrying about our Mother. I don’t really think she would harm either one of us…” Annie smiles gently and squeezes Morna’s hand. “I… She wouldn’t… I mean…”

  Morna can only nod as she quashes her misgivings about the young warriors’ wellbeing. She hopes the half Vanir goddess, half Giant is right. She wouldn’t want to live with the guilt if her half-sister, Valgullveig, harmed either her niece or her nephew simply because they chose to go with her to Mars’ realm to confront him after Valgullveig informed him that Kylor was actually his great grandson and not his daughter’s lover.

  “God, our family is so screwed up!” Morna thinks with a wry smile. “But I am so grateful for my family… fuck ups and all.” She hugs her father and grandfather and says, “See you in Airendell at sunset.”

  Valliant, her Father and Norse demigod, roars in laughter. “I’ll be there, Baby Girl. This time I get to walk you down the aisle.” His pride and happiness at the prospect of the upcoming vow renewal is obvious to all.

  Morna thanks George and Agnar for standing with her and Luca today. “Sister, my people have much at stake too. I will remain at your side until this threat is neutralized.” George Welborn, the Stone Breaker, tells Morna honestly.

  The Stone Breakers believe someone is using Morna’s sister, Valgullveig, to try to upset the balance of good and evil in the magical worlds. Someone who wants the Stone Cold Vampires to have free rein on humanity. The Stone Breakers will never allow that to happen. Their magical order has devoted their considerable power and skills to the task of protecting mortals. Generally, by eradicating vampires who feed on and kill innocent humans. But they also protect Gateways between the various realms.

  Agnar laughs, “Hell Mo, even if I wasn’t in love with your daughter, I would have been there. I’d never willingly miss a good fight at your side, you know that.” Morna hugs the Vanir demigod who is an old friend of hers and is also engaged to her oldest daughter, Aideen.

  Morna turns her attention to her eldest children, Kylor and Aideen; “You two did very well. I am very proud of you both.” She hugs and kisses both of them enthusiastically. She has only recently been reunited with them, and she is so grateful for their presence in her life. They are both powerful magical immortals who have devoted their lives to being healers, but they are also powerful warriors.

  “Now we need to go see your younger siblings, and I have to get ready for a wedding.” Morna actually scratches her head and looks a little worried. “I have to figure out what to wear. I can’t believe I am so worried about clothes with all of this craziness going on around me.” Morna laughs at herself and turns to her mate. “Shall we check on our babies, my darling?”

  Lucian Michaels, Stone Cold vampire and Spell Weaver, nods to his mate and they take off running for their hall. Maria, the head Shaman of the Stone Breakers, meets them at the front door and she looks very worried.

  “Morna, I was not able to divert Nora’s visions. She is the most powerful seer I have ever encountered. Whatever she saw has caused her to draw into herself. She will not speak to anyone, not even her brothers. She is feeling very fearful, grief stricken, and confused.”

  Morna and Luca gasp. Morna looks tormented. She immediately understands what has made her child so fearful and confused. The child must have seen her mother destroy the witch Kyera. “Oh Luca! It’s my fault. I should not have… Oh what shall we do?” Morna whispers to her mate.

  “Have Heimdall send your father and grandfather here. She has a very special connection with them. Have them go to her and explain what she saw in her vision. And then you can come and explain why you did it.” Luca says quietly.

  Morna nods and contacts Heimdall. By now their sons; Kyle and Aiden have joined them. The group goes to the dining hall. Morna’s assistant, Ingrid brings Morna the blood that she must ingest every four hours to keep herself and her unborn son healthy, and informs the rest of the group that they will be served lunch very soon.

  The grandfathers arrive and Luca quickly fills them in and they go to their beloved granddaughter to comfort her. Morna looks at everyone that remained behind in Asgard and says, “Nora must have seen me kill Kyera, the witch.”

  Everyone in the room is silent until a tiny girl’s voice calls from the doorway, “Mom? You are truly alive?” Having said that the tiny girl runs to her mother and jumps into her arms. Morna holds her tightly and allows the tears to run freely down her face as she comforts her youngest daughter with loving words and gestures.

  After several minutes Morna asks the seven year old child, “Nora, are you alright, my baby?”

  “I am now Mom.” The tiny red haired girl smiles sweetly at her mother before continuing. “I saw three different visions, and I didn’t know which one was right. I was afraid you were dead.”

  That’s when Nora sees the blood on her mother’s blouse and quickly tears the jacket off looking for wounds. She examines her mother’s neck, back and belly. When she finds her intact, she breathes a sigh of relief and rests her head against her mother‘s chest as she caresses her swollen belly. “Oh Mama, I am so glad you are safe.”

  “Nora, what did you see, Pumpkin?” Luca asks softly.

  “In the first vision, Mom is talking to the silver haired witch when Aideen rushes to her side. The witch throws a knife at Aideen, and kills her.” Nora sobs and reaches out for her big sister’s hand. “Mom screams and turns to attack the witch, but the man who looks a lot like Daddy uses his sword to cut Mom’s head off.” Aideen gasps and clings to Agna
r at these words. “Daddy kills that man that looks like him, and the grandpas and a bunch of others join the fight. It goes on for a long time. It doesn’t end until Daddy is killed along with everyone else that went to see Mars. A huge war breaks out between the Norsemen, the Spell Weavers and the Roman war god’s followers. It goes on for years until all three realms are destroyed by the Dark One‘s forces.” Nora speaks these words like one in a trance.

  When she finally stops speaking she buries her face in her mother’s bosom and sobs uncontrollably for many minutes. Luca and Morna try to comfort her. After many long minutes, Kylor comes and takes his little sister into his arms, he looks to their mother who nods her approval. He holds his sister gently and hums softly to her as he strokes her head. Soon Nora is completely calm and drifts off to sleep in his arms.

  Morna takes her baby girl from her oldest son and mouths, ‘thank you’. She knows that Kylor has removed the haunting memories from the young girl. She carries the sleeping child to her bedroom and tucks her into bed. She remains with her for nearly an hour. Because of her enhanced senses as a vampire hybrid she is able to listen as Kylor relays what he witnessed in Nora’s memories to the rest of the group still assembled in the Great Hall.

  “In the second vision Nora received, Kyera does not threaten Aideen and I, so Mother captures her and holds her for judgment. Heimdall and Elias send soldiers to transport her back to Airendell. Someone helps her escape and they wipe out the soldiers and attack the gate at Airendell. They don’t get through, but they kill many from Airendell, including Archer and two of his sons, and Elias. Eventually, the witch escapes and the vision ends. The third vision was of the events that actually took place.”

  “May I ask what did happen?” Aiden, Morna and Luca’s 12 year old son asks quietly.

  Luca looks at his sons, Aiden and his older brother, Kyle who is fifteen, and nods. They may be boys, but they have a man’s duty ahead of them so they need to know all of the truth. Luca objectively and succinctly relates the events of their trip to Mars palace to all who remained in Asgard. “Valgullveig and Kyera were there waiting for us. Valgullveig ran off and even warned your Mother that Kyera was lying in wait for her. Morna destroyed the witch Kyera. She ripped out her throat after the witch attacked her with a dagger. After that we met with Mars, and achieved something of an understanding with my Grandfather, the Roman god of war.”

  When Luca finishes his narrative the dining hall is quiet for a long time. Finally, Odin, the Norse king of gods, speaks, “Aideen, I am grateful that you obeyed your mother. It seems that your disobedience would have been devastating to us all.”

  Aideen nods wordlessly and then looks at her father and says; “Daddy, I must finish my training and undergo the fealty ceremonies and rites as soon as possible. The urge to disobey Mother and do as I thought right was nearly overwhelming. If Agnar had not been there to remind me to hold my ground, I may have wrought desolation onto three realms.”

  Aideen tears her eyes away from her Father and plays nervously with the engagement ring that Agnar had given her before continuing, “Can Mother control herself enough to train me? After what I saw today, I am honestly a little fearful to go against her, even to train.”

  Agnar looks at his mate with disbelief on his face. “Aideen, perhaps you are not meant to be a warrior of Airendell after all. Today Morna only used a new weapon in her arsenal against a dangerous foe. She was not out of control. Your mother is not a bloodthirsty vampire who kills indiscriminately. The only person ever in danger of dying at the hands of your mother today was the witch. And it was Morna’s fear for your wellbeing that made her decide to kill the witch rather than capture her. She would willingly face any foe to keep you safe, and you worry that she might turn on you?”

  Upon hearing how this conversation was going, Morna rushes to the dining hall to defend Aideen. “Ag, she is right to wonder about my ability to control myself. She doesn’t have your empathic abilities, all she can do is judge me by what she saw today. She has not fought against me and with me since I was thirteen like you have.” Morna says in a tired voice as she comes up to stand near Aideen and Agnar. She rests her hands on their shoulders and says, “I will not be a source of division between you two. So you must honestly work it out between yourselves, in privacy. Aideen, Bronwyn is my chief training officer and she can train you to assume your role as a Warrior of Airendell. She won’t hold back like I am afraid that I would.” Morna chuckles at the thought of the frequent ass whippings that Bronwyn will dole out in the process of training her daughter. Bronwyn has been Morna’s chief training officer ever since she took training responsibilities from Kylor, the eldest.

  Morna walks around and comes to stand before her two youngest sons. “Are you two okay? How are you handling the news of what I did?”

  Aiden shivers but chuckles weakly, “It’s freaky Mom. I won’t lie to you. But we know your heart at all times and we can feel your emotions. Besides Mom, we know you.”

  Kyle hugs his mother, “Mom you didn’t kill me in the woods the other day when you were overcome by blood thirst. You didn’t kill Dad’s uncle, even though that would have been very easy for you to do. You don’t kill indiscriminately or without just cause, I know that.” Kyle looks at his oldest sister and then back to his Mom. “Aideen just doesn’t know you like we do.”

  “Because she was cheated of the chance to grow up with me as her mother, you have known me since you were a child.” Morna says softly. She looks around the room at her children. She sighs and then looks at her beloved. “Luca, perhaps we should postpone the ceremony? Give the kids a little time…”

  Luca’s face becomes an unreadable mask. “Fine Morna. Do as you will.” The tall, beautifully built Spell Weaver turned Stone Cold vampire gets up and casually walks out of the hall as though he doesn’t have a care in the world. At that moment Ingrid, Surt and Tena brings the food in and begins to serve all assembled.

  Morna is concerned about her mate’s reaction to her suggestion and looks at Agnar, who is empathic and might be able to shed some light on her mate’s behavior. Morna is taken aback when Agnar appears angry and looks away from her inquiring gaze. She wrestles with her confusion and walks away to think about the situation in peace. She walks out to the garden and sighs in frustration when she hears Valliant following. “Please Father, not now. I need to think.”

  “Put up a buffer spell Morna Glynn Michaels,” Valliant grinds out between clenched teeth.

  “Why?” Morna sighs in frustration.

  “Because I would have words with you, wench, and I don’t want anyone to interfere,” Valliant speaks softly.

  Morna sighs, does as her father asks before turning to face him. She is shocked when he easily tosses her across his lap and spanks her backside soundly. “What the hell was that for?” Morna demands when she frees herself after three blows.

  “That was for being a selfish little bitch!” Valliant barks. “Lucian has always, always been there for you and you take him for granted! I have never been ashamed of you until today. I felt no shame when you ripped that witch’s throat out. That I could understand. But you, Morna Glynn Michaels, do not honor your man as you should! He could be a ruler of his own realm, a master healer such as the world of magic has never seen before, or at the very least, he could be a commander in his grandfather’s forces. But instead, he has willingly sought you century after century, through all of your reincarnations to protect you. He willingly serves as your second over the warriors of Airendell when he should be their commander since you now serve as First Weaver. Being the Guild leader and First Protector of the Talismans and the Gateways would be enough power and responsibility for any sensible person.”

  “That’s enough Father!” Morna shouts in frustration. “I have already made arrangements to offer the post of First Warrior of Airendell to Luca, pending the Elders approval. There is none in the nine worlds I would trust more than Lucian Michaels for that position. In fact, he is probably a be
tter choice for First Weaver than I am. But he cannot be considered for the post because he is not born of our Guild.”

  Morna sighs as she roughly scrubs her hands over her face before meeting her father’s condemning stare. “How have I taken my mate for granted, Father? I know full well I would have died many times over without him. In fact, I have no reason to live if it were not for him.”

  “Then why did you so easily decide to postpone your wedding ceremony? Why are you not eager to declare your devotion and commitment to him before all the worlds?” Valliant demands condescendingly.

  “Father, I am eager to do just that. But I have managed to traumatize my youngest children today, it didn’t seem fitting that I should then turn around and celebrate my undeserved good fortune to have Luca for my mate, to have him as my devoted and loving husband.” Morna stares at her father, and it’s obvious that she is just as angry as her father is.

  “Morna, those children need this ceremony today as much as Luca does. Step outside of yourself for a little while and show those around you how much you need them, how much you want them to be in your life. Show that man how much you need him, want him and love him.” Valliant demands loudly.

  “That’s enough Valliant,” Luca says quietly.

  “Dammit Morna. You didn’t even put up the buffer spell I asked you to use?” Valliant demands crossly.

  “She did. But I recently learned how to get through them. I suspected you were berating my mate for considering postponing our ceremony. I won’t have that Valliant. Not even her Father has free hand to hurt my Morna. Do you understand me?” Luca asks calmly.

  Valliant throws his hands up in frustration and snarls, “WOMAN! Do you see what I mean? I am not sure that you actually deserve this level of devotion.” He turns to stalk away, but Luca lightly lays a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “Lord Valliant, my mate has and deserves my total devotion. Just as I have her total devotion. I only walked away to allow Morna an opportunity to rethink the matter. She would have realized on her own that following her heart and going through with the ceremony tonight would not cause our children any undue pain. In fact, it will help them accept today’s events much easier. Morna just needed a little space and time to make the right decisions. I had total confidence she would change her mind before you intervened, Sir.” Luca says confidently.


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