Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

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Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles Page 17

by Audra Hart

  “I might be able to help with that question,” says Rodrigo from the doorway. “Morna, I heard what happened at your home tonight, is your son faring well?” Morna looks up and sees Rodrigo with his mother and son.

  “I don’t know for sure Rodrigo. He’s confused and hurting. It’s a horrible thing to take a life when one is so young. But he is strong and has a lot of support. I am hopeful that he will be fine. Tell me what you know about the state of the Highland Jumpers.” Morna says as she nods to Valla who has come to start extracting antibodies.

  “I too dwelt among them for a time. But this was during the mid-nineteenth century. I don’t remember exactly when. But Tarvish was wanting to incorporate bloodlines of other immortal, magical beings into their clan. He was very interested in marrying me off to one of his nieces until he learned of the curse on my life. He feared the curse being transmitted to the offspring, so he abandoned his plan and actually politely asked me to leave his realm. But I suspect he sought others for the purpose of strengthening their bloodlines. What if Valgullveig discovered this and wormed her way into the clan? She is powerful enough to force Tarvish out of power, especially if she birthed enough offspring to support her in a bid for control of the clan,” Rodrigo speculates.

  “Morna, one of the only two times I have encountered my sister Matilda, she was living in the Scottish Highlands, and she was pregnant. Perhaps that is why mother has Matilda involved in her schemes. Maybe she used Matilda to infiltrate and take over the clan,” Annie says quietly. “I certainly know that she is capable of such a thing. I tracked Mother during my years as a UCI enforcer, she‘s crafty as hell.”

  Morna nods, but wonders if Annie‘s opinion of her mother is colored by something more personal, like resentment for her leaving the twins when they were children. Morna knows that Lootz ran his wife off, she didn’t voluntarily leave. Morna again struggles with the feeling that she is missing or forgetting something.

  “I need to send someone to question Rolan, I think he would know about this plot. Ingrid go get Bronwyn and the two of you question Rolan. I think we are on to something. And we need to find a way to protect ourselves against dimension jumpers. Eighteen of them attacked us tonight, and four got away. We killed fourteen of them, and they won’t take that lightly.” Morna says quietly, and then roughly rubs her hands over her face and through her hair. “That might also mean that we killed fourteen potential relatives tonight,” Morna adds sadly.

  Ingrid rubs Morna‘s shoulder to commiserate before asking, “Okay Morna, but can I ask why Bronwyn needs to go with me?”

  “Let’s just say that Bronwyn has a talent for making people talk who have good reasons to remain silent. She is a skilled and ruthless interrogator. Your talents as an empathic would be useful too.” Morna says with a nasty smile.

  Annie steps forward and says; “Morna, I am empathic and I have some skill as an interrogator as well. I think I would be a better pairing with Bronwyn for this job.”

  Morna chuckles, “You might at that Annie. Check on Rinda while you are there. I need her to come help me work on retrieving some memories. There seems to be a gap in my recollections, and I can‘t help but think I am forgetting something vital!” Ingrid hides her smile when Annie blushes at the order to check on Rinda, before she turns to do Morna’s bidding.

  Morna contacts Luca and tells him about this latest theory and tells Luca to not let the children out of his sight. She fears one of these dimension jumpers popping in and grabbing one of the children and popping out. Luca assures her that either he or Damian will be within two feet of the children at all times. Then Morna suggests that he ask Gullveig or Bellona about a way to protect the children from dimension hopping. When she is finished talking to Luca, she informs Aideen and Ingrid of the conversation.

  “Mama, should I go back and stay with Nora? If someone pops in and grabs her, I could grab her and go with her. Wait a minute… what about a tethering spell?” Aideen asks.

  “Yes! I never thought about one of those. At least if someone grabbed one of the kids, a warrior would be attached to them and go with them. It would offer the babies some protection. Then I could weave a finding spell and go after them on Eurig.” Morna says excitedly. But she is quickly discouraged when Luca says that he is not familiar with the mechanics of the tethering spell. Aideen offers to go home and weave the spells. Morna agrees and says, “Thank you, Ladybug. Let me know who is tethered to who when you have finished.” Aideen hugs her mom and teleports back to their home. Morna chuckles, “It seems everyone is better at teleporting than I am.”

  Ingrid chuckles, “Give yourself a little time, you have had other matters on your mind.”

  Tena arrives with blood and food for Morna. “Thank you Tena. In all the excitement I forgot to get sustenance, even though Collingwood‘s blood made my thirst flare. By the way, I was pleased to see what a skilled warrior you are, little one. The staff my father handpicked for me is just full of surprises.”

  “Morna, all who serve in your hall are trained warriors. Odin and Valliant would have it no other way.” Tena says quietly. Then she ducks her head and says, “Morna, I should have spoken up sooner, but I recognized one of those warriors that attacked us tonight. I was an adventuresome sort when I was very young, I traveled the magical realms fairly extensively. Hell, I have spent over two hundred years in Midgard at different times. I was in Scotland better than five hundred years ago and met a young man, he was a…”

  “Highland Jumper?” Morna asks. When Tena nods, Morna says, “We have already figured out who they were. We are just trying to figure out why they came after us.”

  Tena ducks her head again and says, “I had a brief fling with Valgullveig when I came back to Asgard after my time in Scotland. I told her a lot about my travels. She was very interested in the Highland Jumpers. I am sure that she is behind it.” Tena bows her head to Morna and continues, “I guess I probably should have told you about my past affiliation with Valgullveig. You might not want a potential traitor in your home.”

  Morna laughs and takes the woman’s hands into her own. “If I considered all of my sister’s former lovers as potential enemies, I suspect that I would have very few allies left among magical beings of the known realms. Besides, if you were a traitor, Ingrid would know and would have dealt with you long ago,” Morna says with confidence.

  “That’s enough,” says Ingrid. “Tena, we don’t hold it against anyone for being led to the bed of a woman as beautiful and seductive as Valgullveig.

  Tena looks at Morna and says, “I probably should keep this opinion to myself, but I just can’t believe Valgullveig is doing all of this of her own freewill. She’s always been wild and reckless, but she has never, ever been mean.”

  “I don’t know her Tena, but all of the evidence points to her. But I think someone might be behind her, so could be right that she’s not acting of her own accord.” Morna is frustrated and a little bit confused. She certainly doesn’t want to have to kill her own sister, if for no other reason than the pain it would cause her Father.

  Morna is silent contemplating this new information when curiosity gets the better of her. “Tena, May I ask why a warrior and adventurer such as yourself would be interested in serving in my home?”

  “Valliant and I have been close for years. I am actually the mother of one of your younger brothers, Erik the Tall,” Tena says with a smile.

  Morna laughs and says, “So you are the only woman who refused to allow Valliant to name your child?”

  Tena chuckles and nods, “He wanted to name him Hunter. I thought it a limiting name. I named him Erik. He is taller than Valliant, so he became known as Erik the tall. He has a small holding in Vanaheim. He seeks a quiet life. I hope you get to meet him someday. At any rate, I have never stayed anywhere for long, I am a wanderer at heart; I came back to Asgard in 1933 after spending fifty-six years living in Midgard, and Valliant told me about you, that the seers believed that your final incarnation as a morta
l was nearing, and he wanted the house he had built for you to be a good home for you here, in case you decided to reside in Asgard. I took over running the place. I have stayed around Asgard, served regular rotations with Thor’s Thunder Garrison. I have enjoyed it. It has been peaceful. ”

  Morna chuckles, “Until I showed up anyway.”

  “That’s true, but I have been having fun. It has been a genuine pleasure getting to know you and your family.” Tena says softly. “I admire you greatly Morna. The fates have handed you one heartache and trial after another, and you just keep going forward.”

  “What else would I do?” Morna asks sincerely.

  “True, but you do it with grace, style, love and an eye on the future. You don’t rage against the fates, hell, you don’t even rage against Valgullveig. When you were forced to take the life of your mother, you did it with deep regret, but you did what you had to do and moved on. I admire that. Besides that, I am pleased, no honored to serve a woman who loves her mate and children and her Guild as you do. You even treasure and love Asgard and humans of Midgard. I have never met anyone that loved so well,” Tena says softly.

  Morna blushes profusely when Valla chuckles almost inaudibly, and looks away. Valla clears her throat and says, “I have enough antibodies. I am going to wake Mordir.” She gets up and starts to walk out of the room but turns and says, “Morna, I don’t know what you did today to recuperate so quickly, but I was able to collect twice the number of antibodies in half the time today. Medically speaking, you are a wonder.”

  Rodrigo laughs and says under his breath, “Well Tena did say Morna is a woman who loves well.” Ingrid and Tena laugh quietly when Morna blushes and busies herself with checking Collingwood’s wounds.

  Mordir enters the room a few minutes later and says, “Morna, I was expecting that it would take longer to get the antibodies. Would you like to rest or go ahead and perform the rite?”

  “Can we store the antibodies long term? I want to collect more and keep them on hand for Breena, in case she needs them later,” Morna says thoughtfully.

  “I had thought about that too. But I feared over taxing your system. But I don’t think that will be a problem. As to our ability to store the plasma, that is easy. We can keep it in stasis virtually indefinitely,” Mordir says confidently. “We can collect a little more today, and little more tomorrow and keep them on hand for your sister. I think it is an excellent plan.”

  “Okay, let’s get Valla back in here to collect more antibodies. I will check with Luca and the others to make sure everything is okay. I do not wish to be interrupted during the healing rite, if I can avoid it.”

  Morna contacts her mate and is assured that all is calm at home. Aideen is performing the tethering spells. Annie and Bronwyn have just begun their interrogations of Rolan. Morna then checks with Heimdall to see if he found MacGregor and transported Agnar to him. He reports that Agnar and MacGregor are at her home right now. Morna then asks if he has located her sister yet or if there was any sign of an attack against Airendell or Asgard. Heimdall has nothing new to report on that front, so Morna smiles at Mordir and says, “Well let me use the human necessary and then Valla can get started.”

  When Morna returns from the necessary Valla changes the dressing on the still bleeding incision on her arm and wonders why it has not healed. “I believe it must remain open as a concession to the magic.” Valla nods her understanding and starts collecting antibodies. The process of collecting more antibodies goes quickly.

  Morna hears back from Aideen telling her that she had tethered Valliant to Nora, Vali to Aiden and Agnar to Kyle. Morna is pleased with her choices and tells her that she has done a good job. She then orders her daughter to rest up and return to the Healer’s Hall in a couple of hours.

  The healing rite goes faster this time because Morna already knows what areas she needs to concentrate on and is confident in the spells she must weave. This time Maria and George stay to observe and assist if needed. George is deeply moved as he watches his ‘sister’ weave the spells. When she strokes his father’s cheek softly and offers her arm for him to drink, George is watching her raptly because of the beauty of her magic and her commitment to healing his father. He is startled however, when it is time for Morna to drink from his Father’s arm. But he holds his peace and watches as she weaves a spell to numb the site and bites. She drinks lightly and then heals it quickly.

  When it is time for Rodrigo to stop drinking and for Mordir to administer the plasma treatment, Rodrigo is again reluctant to stop. Morna caresses his cheek and meets his eyes. She understands his reluctance to stop. She too feels a deep and abiding connection to him because of going through the healing rite together.

  Finally, Rodrigo releases her arm and ducks his head in shame. Morna tilts his chin so that he is looking her in the eyes again. “There’s no shame brother. We are forever connected by this rite. Be at peace.” Rodrigo smiles and lies back peacefully so that Mordir can administer the rest of the treatment.

  Morna remains and weaves the last of the spells as the antibody rich plasma is administered. When she is finished Mordir insists on examining Morna. “You fared much better this time, but I still recommend the same, er, procedures for recuperating as I did yesterday.”

  “That may be a little difficult in light of all that is going on right now. But I promise to do my best. I want to be able to finish this healing rite and collect more antibodies for Breena,” Morna says with feeling.

  She is preparing to leave and return to her hall when George says, “Morna, I want to go with you. My Father is doing much better, and I can be of more use to you than I can here.”

  “Brother, I am always happy to have you with me. I would welcome you to accompany me.” Morna says. She walks over and strokes Rodrigo’s face and says, “Rodrigo, I am returning to my family now. Rest well. I will see you again in the morning.” She performs a healer’s reading on him again and nods in satisfaction. She can feel the changes taking place in his body. She leans down and kisses his forehead and then silently leaves the hall. Ingrid and George follow her to her hall. When they are nearly home, George says, “I didn’t realize that you had to bite Father as part of the rite. I didn’t hear Kylor tell Luca about that part.”

  Morna whispers, “Kylor didn’t tell Luca that part, only me. This whole process is difficult for Luca, why make it any tougher on him?”

  George nods and says, “I was amazed that you were able to stop.”

  Morna sighs and says, “George, honestly the first time I was amazed as well. But my commitment as his healer outweighs any desire to feed. Plus the fact that I have been feeding heavily on bagged blood and high calorie meals probably helps a lot.”

  Ingrid snorts and says, “Hardly Morna. I know what you were feeling, remember? I know how the primal beast in you urged you to continue feeding, but you easily reined the beast in. You are a healer, a nurturer. It is just what you do.”

  Luca meets her at the door, he had sensed her approach. He takes her face into his hands and looks at her searchingly. “Love, the children are sleeping. Heimdall reports everyone is safe at the moment. Annie and Bronwyn are still interrogating Rolan. He is stronger at resisting them than anticipated. You need to eat and rest. Come with me.” He picks her up before she can say a word and takes her to their suite.

  Once they are in their room, he puts up a buffer spell and sets her on her feet in their bedroom. “Morna my love, are you truly well? You look much better than you did yesterday after the healing rite.” He whispers as he lovingly strokes her face.

  “I am well darling. The children? How is Kyle doing? Did you learn anything helpful from Ewan?” Morna asks in concern.

  Luca chuckles; “Baby, so many questions! I think Kyle is as strong as his mother. He is hurting, but he is dealing with it.” Luca assures her. “He knows that we are here for him, and he knows that he did the only thing that he could do. My love, be at peace on his account. Vali and Valliant are staying with us
until the danger for the children passes. They want to remain close to their youngest grandchildren.”

  Morna nods and says, “Good!”

  “Ewan said he saw Valgullveig seventy years ago, and he got the impression she was running from someone. When he pressed her about it, she told him he would only be in danger if she confided in him. She disappeared shortly after that.” Luca cups her face lovingly and kisses her forehead. “Baby, he’s really eager to speak to you. He’s worried about his friend. But he’s also worried about what she seems to have been up to in regards to you. He’s convinced she isn’t doing this because she wants to. He thinks it might have something to do with that Greek goddess she took up with when she was married to Lootz.”

  “What Greek goddess?”

  “Nyx, The Primordial.”

  “The one who supposedly made the first Stone Cold vampire?” When Luca nods Morna wonders why things keep coming back to vampires. Morna kisses him passionately and says, “Love I need a hot shower. I am fine, but I am thirsty and tired.”

  He caresses her face and says, “Go shower, I will get you some blood.” He reaches down and caresses her swollen belly. “Madigan has been very active in the last five hours. Are you very uncomfortable?”

  “Not too bad, but he is certainly making sure Mama is aware that he is getting crowded in there.” She kisses him again, more deeply and passionately this time before saying, “I want you love, I need you.”

  “I know, baby. Shower, I will join you.” Luca assures her.

  Morna is in the shower, she has already shampooed her hair and washed her body when Luca enters the stall with her. He takes her into his arms and kisses her deeply. Morna reaches for him eagerly. “You are so perfectly formed, so beautiful,” she breathes as she runs unhurried hands over his chest and torso. Morna sighs as her mate caresses her belly and breasts. She runs her hands down his back and over his buttocks. She breathes deeply and looks into the eyes of her beloved. “Let’s go to bed.”


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