Siren's Surrender

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Siren's Surrender Page 16

by Devyn Quinn

  Gwen shook herself loose and got up. Stay and she’d be tempted to give in. When his mouth was on hers, the very molecules in her body vibrated with energy.

  The one thing she’d always promised herself was that she wouldn’t make love to any man until she was sure the attraction was solid. The secret she had to share was one that could make or break a relationship, and when the time finally arose where she’d have to disrobe and reveal all, she wanted her partner to be well prepared.

  Trouble was, she’d never let herself progress to the vital point of revelation. She’d always put men off pursuing the physical side of a relationship by saying they needed to wait until marriage to have sex.

  That was a stalling tactic and she knew it.

  Blake Whittaker already knew what she was. And he seemed to have no problem accepting it. That kiss he’d laid on her a moment ago was one hell of a whopper.

  The tension in his body was strong enough to knock her down.

  For the longest time she’d worn her virginity like a badge of honor. To her, it showed she was chaste, pure. Principled in her choice of a lifestyle, and a lover.

  Lately, though, it had become an albatross around her neck. Instead of feeling wholesome, she felt like a frustrated, angry woman. The Mer were highly sensual creatures. It wasn’t unusual or unacceptable for a Mer to have many lovers throughout her life, as her fertility would not kick in until she took a breed-mate. How could she know who the right man might be unless she dabbled her toes in the water?

  Except . . .

  If they were going to do this, she would have to be honest. She wondered how he’d feel about starting an affair with no expectations or attachments.

  She slowly turned back to him. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted.” It was true. She was tempted. More than that, she was wondering just what she’d do with herself. There was no doubt about the days being occupied. But her nights? Tessa and Kenneth were still in the honeymooners stage of marriage. They wouldn’t be welcoming any company. And Addison? That girl was already making goggle eyes at Dr. Novak. No doubt the good doctor would be willing to participate in an up-close-and-personal examination.

  And me?

  The idea of playing solitaire or staring at the boob tube all night didn’t exactly sit too well in her mind. She was used to being busy, tied up in work and worrying about the profit and loss margins of the hotel. Losing that was like having the ground yanked out from under her feet.

  She didn’t know what to do with herself.

  He leaned back against the couch, spreading his arms across the headrest. “But?” he asked.

  “I might be interested in pursuing something, ah, physical, but I’m not sure I can put anything emotional behind it.”

  A small pause filled the air. Gwen silently counted: one, two, three beats of her heart. She wondered why he wasn’t responding, why he wasn’t immediately leaping at the opportunity. This was the ideal situation for a man, right?

  Whittaker leaned forward, scrubbing his hands across the five-o’clock shadow that was now a nine-o’clock one. They were both clearly tired and frustrated with their entire situation. Neither one of them wanted to be under confinement of any sort.

  “So you’re saying you’d like to sleep with me, as long as the only things that meet are our bodies?” His voice was flat, his tone holding a hint of disinterest. Gwen couldn’t help but feel a bit surprised.

  She sent him a silent plea for understanding. “Well, you have to admit some physical relief might be nice. And this isn’t the best circumstance for nurturing a relationship.”

  He nodded. “I can understand the need for two consenting adults to relieve a little tension.”

  Relief filled her. He seemed to be warming to the idea. “Exactly.” She paused as a thought occurred. “But on the other hand, I would have to wonder if you were sleeping with me because you wanted me, or because of the mermaid novelty.”

  Whittaker eyed her from head to toe. “Based on what I’m looking at, I’d have to say I don’t see a tail anywhere. I guess I’d have to go with what I see.” A slight smile turned up one corner of his mouth. “And I like what I’ve seen so far.”

  She spread out her hands. “So what do you want to do?”

  Whittaker pushed himself to his feet. Crossing to where she stood, he took one of her hands. “Honestly? I want to go back to the first day we met and do it all over again,” he admitted slowly. “I think the right sparks were there. And I think if you give it a chance, something good might happen.” His tone was courteous. Lifting her hand to his lips, he gave it a soft kiss. “But if you don’t want to get involved, I’m not going to force the matter.”

  Unsure how to answer, Gwen forced out a smile. “Maybe you’re right . . .” No reason to say anything else. The attraction they’d shared a moment ago seemed to be fizzling out right before her eyes.

  Whittaker let her hand drop before he turned and retreated toward the sliding door at the rear of the living room. Unlatching the lock, he gave her a brief glance. “It’s been a long day. You should get some sleep.” With that, he slipped through the opening.

  Gwen sagged into a nearby chair. Her pulse beat heavily in her throat as she tried to figure out what had happened. She thought she was giving all the right signals, saying all the right words. Apparently she hadn’t. Instead of sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her into the bedroom, Whittaker had beat a hasty retreat.

  Disappointment welled up in her eyes. What the hell is wrong with me?

  She’d actually been ready to offer him her most precious treasure and he’d simply suggested they sleep on it.

  Sleeping definitely wasn’t going to happen. She was too revved up to even think about going to bed. Especially if she had to go alone.

  She glanced through the plate-glass door. From where she sat she could see it opened onto a covered patio overlooking a large oval swimming pool. An expanse of lawn ended with a thick patch of forests. Apparently they would have complete and total privacy.

  Whittaker hadn’t gone to his own place either. Hands shoved deeply into his pocket, he stood at the edge of the pool, contemplating its clear blue depth. Area lights positioned around the edge of the patio and within the pool itself offered an intimate and inviting illumination.

  She frowned. It was no secret Blake had a fear of the water. No way he’d be stripping off and taking a dip.

  But that didn’t mean she couldn’t.

  Slipping out of the chair, Gwen reached for the button at the top of her blouse. A little smile played on her lips as she fumbled with the small pearly bead beneath her fingers.

  Chapter 13

  Blake couldn’t figure out what the hell he’d just done. He’d either made the stupidest move a man could make, or he made the smartest. He wasn’t sure.

  He knew what he was supposed to be doing. He even knew how to do it. Normally he wouldn’t have a problem with the idea. He wasn’t an innocent, and had engaged in his share of one-night stands. And it was exactly what the agency wanted him to do.

  Yet somehow the idea of bedding Gwen Lonike had taken an oddly personal turn. When she’d indicated she was open to an affair without emotional attachments, the words hit him in all the wrong ways.

  Even though he knew why in the back of his mind, Blake wasn’t quite ready to recognize it. There had been a time in his life when casual sex was all he believed he needed from a woman. But watching his son growing up through the years had begun to change his point of view.

  Blake stared into the depths of the pool. The full moon was reflected on the glassy surface. The clear water rippled, gently lapping at the edges.

  Gwen had everything he liked in a woman, a fantastic combination of beauty and brains. He didn’t want to enter into this lightly and cut off any possibility of a real relationship in the future.

  But part of his assignment was to get information. He’d been ordered, in so many words, to seduce Gwen. Considering the idea, a strong tug sti
rred him below. No reservations there. He wouldn’t mind making love to her.

  What he didn’t like was the idea that he’d have to deceive her.

  Doubt had never bothered him before. Now it hovered at the shadowy corners of his brain like a small fanged beast, taking bite after bite out of his conscience. Misleading Gwen about his true motives, using her in any way, just felt wrong.

  Such confusion and uncertainty wasn’t the way he normally operated. Usually, he knew what he wanted and he went after it, with no hesitation. He knew he wanted Gwen, wanted to sleep with her. He just didn’t want to have to lie to her about his motives.

  He briefly toyed with the idea of contacting Frances Fletcher, telling her that he just couldn’t handle it. Truth be told, she was putting him in the middle of a gray area, that of duty versus the government’s need to know.

  Blake’s jaw tightened. He already knew he wouldn’t be making that call to his superior. If he couldn’t perform as expected, he’d be replaced—or worse.

  Pulling a hand out of his pocket, Blake rubbed his burning eyes. He was tired, having passed exhaustion hours ago. Right now he was powered on pure adrenaline. Without the ability to think straight, he’d make mistakes.

  Maybe it was a good idea to put some distance between himself and Gwen until he managed to screw his head on straight. A good night’s sleep would go a long way toward restoring his sanity. Right now it seemed to be slipping through his fingers like tiny granules of sand.

  Just as he’d made up his mind to go to his own place, he heard the door sliding across its metal track, a soft, barely audible whoosh. The sound of heels clicking on the patio tile followed. He didn’t have to turn around. He knew it was Gwen.

  “Nice evening.” Her melodic voice wafted from behind.

  A series of warm prickles raced over his skin.

  Damn. Now wasn’t the best time to see her. Not when he had too much to sort through. Later. Later would be better.

  Shaking off the heavy mantle of exhaustion, Blake squared his shoulders. He turned, determined to be friendly and agreeable. “Yeah, it is.”

  Gwen smiled. “Great pool they’ve got here.”

  Warm prickles turned to gooseflesh.

  Blake forced himself to kill his frown. “I suppose it’s nice enough if you like to swim.”

  Gwen smiled. “Matter of fact, I was just thinking about that.” She slowly began to unbutton her blouse.

  Suddenly Blake didn’t feel so tired or confused after all. His eyes widened as he watched her undo each little pearly button. Oh, man, surely she wasn’t about to strip.

  Yes, it definitely looked like she was.

  Heat boiled beneath the surface of his skin. He grabbed his tie, loosening it a little. Its grip around his neck was getting to be too tight for comfort. “Is that right?” was all he could manage to say.

  Inwardly wincing, he immediately gave himself a swift mental kick. Shit. Was that the best he could manage? Some freaking master of seduction he was. Smooth move.

  Gwen laughed and spread her blouse open, letting it slip from her slender shoulders. “That’s right.” She let the plain cotton top slide from the tips of her fingers onto a nearby deck chair. Stepping out of her low-heeled pumps, she slowly unzipped her slacks and then pushed them over her hips and down the length of her endless legs. A moment later, she stood clothed only in bra and panties.

  Blake’s heart beat rapidly in his chest. Her lingerie was the plain, white, sensible kind, with no extra frills or ruffles. Didn’t matter a bit, either. With such a smoking-hot body, Gwen Lonike didn’t need anything to enhance her natural beauty. The heat in his groin was growing, threatening to take things to a more physical level. Given another few minutes to gawk and he’d definitely have something to show her. Something very hard, and eager.

  “Guess that will do for a swimsuit.” He struggled to push the words out over the lump in his throat.

  She shook her head. “Oh, I’m not going to swim in this.” Reaching between her breasts, she undid the clasp. The plain white cups fell away, revealing the curves of two lovely breasts topped with nipples the shade of ripe cherries.

  Blake’s mouth went Sahara dry. Just looking at her threatened to short-circuit every cell in his body. His pulse picked up speed, doubling its rhythm. Things were about to get very uncomfortable. His clothing felt like it was shrinking down around him, instantly going two sizes too small. He couldn’t mistake the signals his loins were sending to his head. He wanted her.


  Gwen continued her agonizing tease, wriggling out of her panties. She let them dangle on the tip of her index finger, giving them a sexy little spin before tossing them in the pile of discarded clothing.

  And then she wore nothing. Nothing at all except that teasing little smile.

  The sight was enough to make a grown man fall to his knees and beg like a dog.

  Eyes drifting over her curves, Blake fought to keep control of his trembling knees when his gaze dipped below her waist. He sucked in a startled breath. She’d recently had a Brazilian wax, which exposed every last delicious inch of her mons.

  More fascinating than her naked self was the pattern etched into her skin. Like her sisters, Gwen’s began at her wrists, coiling up her arms, around her shoulders and down her back and abdomen. A sexy swirl around her hips continued all the way down to her ankles.

  She took a deep breath. “I’ve never been fully undressed in front of anyone before,” she confessed in a breathy voice. “You’re the first human to see me like this.”

  Pulling his wits together, Blake fought to find his voice. “I—I’m honored,” he stammered before a smile crept onto his lips. “And delighted.”

  A little blush crept into her cheeks. The flash of white teeth revealed two cute dimples hovering at the corners of her mouth. “There’s also something else I want to show you.”

  With a delicate step that lent her hips a sexy swaying motion, she walked toward the swimming pool. Coming to its edge, she paused briefly. Then she took a deep breath and dived. She cut through the water cleanly, barely adding a ripple to the surface.

  Though he held no desire to go in after her, Blake stepped closer to the edge. The pool was lit, giving him an excellent view of her naked body as she swam beneath the surface. Without coming up for air, she made a few graceful glides and turns.

  And then it happened.

  Like a rose blossoming into its full bloom, a series of bright sparks raced across her skin, grabbing and twisting her legs together. A long, graceful tail unfurled, shimmering with iridescent color. It happened so fast he almost couldn’t process the change.

  Surfacing, Gwen swam to the edge of the pool. Settling her elbows on the tiled surface, she propped her chin on one damp palm. “Come on in,” she invited. “The pool’s heated.”

  Shaking his head, Blake took a step back. Desire fled before the uneasy sensation spread through him like a deadening disease.

  Wishing for a good numbing shot of whiskey, he licked dry lips. There was nothing he’d love more than to strip off and dive in, pulling her slippery naked form against his own eager body. But it wasn’t going to happen, except in his imagination.

  He gritted his teeth. “I can’t swim,” he said.

  Her attention settled on his face, intense and focused. She was watching his every move, gauging his every reaction, physical and otherwise. “Not even the shallow end?” she asked.

  A tremor rippled through him. Instead of feeling big and bad when he contemplated the pool, he felt small and weak and absolutely terrified. “Nope. If it’s water and it’s above my ankles, I don’t go into it.”

  Disappointment tugged at the corners of her mouth. “Is there a reason why?” She’d clearly had other plans.

  Tension tightened Blake’s shoulders. Like Gwen, he had his own dirty little secrets to hide. Wiping a hand across his brow, he hedged. “There is, but now isn’t the time or place to swap childhood tales.”

ing him from head to foot, she cocked her head. “So what happened? Did some nasty little brat push you in and hold you under?”

  Involuntarily, he took another step back. “Something like that,” he mumbled, more than a little taken aback by her perceptive words.

  She nodded. “I sensed that in you when Lucky took us across the bay. It must have been terrifying.”

  Blake shook his head to clear it of past fears and phantoms. “It was a long time ago, and best forgotten.” He paused a beat, giving himself time to recover his composure. “Besides, I’m enjoying looking at you.”

  Drawing a breath, she met his gaze. A smile twitched at her lips. “Well, this is me. Wearing my tail.” Lifting the tip out of the water, she wriggled the unwieldy appendage, giving a flash of pretty blues and pinks etched with black. “Are you freaked-out yet?”

  Exhaling the breath he’d forgotten he was holding, Blake immediately dropped onto his haunches. Whatever exhaustion he’d felt a few minutes ago had definitely vanished. He was totally and utterly snared in the magic of a mermaid.

  “Freaked-out?” he repeated. “My God, no. It’s gorgeous. You’re gorgeous.”

  Biting her lower lip, she peeked out from beneath lashes at least an inch long. “You don’t think I’m an abomination against nature?” she asked quietly.

  He cleared his throat. “Hell, no. I think it’s amazing you can do what you do. It just proves there are still wonderful things in this world yet to be discovered.”

  Gwen’s smile vanished. “Yeah, things.” She pushed away from the edge, bobbing in the depth. “That’s all people see us as. Things to look at, the way you’d look at an animal in a zoo.”

  He lifted his hands in protest. “That’s not the same at all.”

  She flicked her head in a defiant gesture. “Sure it is. Admit it. In the back of your mind you think we’re some kind of mutants. Now that you’ve got us here, all you want to do is poke and prod us, study us under microscopes to find out what makes us different.”

  Blake shook his head. “That’s just part of science,” he countered, using logic to support his argument. “Part of the process of discovery.”


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