The New World (The Last Delar)

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The New World (The Last Delar) Page 25

by Matthew Cousineau

  "Yes, I took his thumbs and laughed. I walked over his rat son and spit on his corpse. Now, today, I shall laugh again after I destroy you and this pathetic city. My master will soon walk this world again, and when he does, you will all again be slaves." Ush-Ka swings his mace toward Akelou.

  Ush-Ka's weapon is met with a thunderous crack. When the water settles, Ush-Ka looks down at Akelou who has stopped the weapon with his bracelet. Akelou waves his arm, and Ush-Ka's mace is tossed back into the swamp. Ush-Ka steps back, and his men watch with fear at the power of Akelou. Ush-Ka looks around and recognizes the doubt in his warriors' faces.

  "Cowards, do not look at this child with fear." Ush-Ka takes a sword from his belt that is dwarfed in his hands. "This is the sword of your witch mother, boy. I thought I had rid the world of your cursed race that night, but now I shall finish what I started. I have not endured an eternity of solitude to fail my master, so come to me, half breed, and meet your doom."

  Ush-Ka grips the sword, and it swells and twists in his large claws. It no longer shines but becomes dull and lifeless. As the weapon morphs, Akelou can hear a soothing ring coming from the blade. Akelou listens to the sound and yearns to hold the Namid himself.

  Dropped from Ush-Ka's grip, Leotie has been swept up by a wave of water. She washes up on a Pokwa home. Leotie opens her eyes, but her body is numb. She lies helplessly on her back as water crashes over her limp body. With menacing agony she moves her head and watches Akelou facing off against the beast that broke her. Leotie's heart goes cold watching Ush-Ka brandish the massive blade toward Akelou. The man she loves now faces a great danger alone, and she can do nothing but whimper. Her lungs begin to fill with liquid and the poison from Ush-Ka's quill races through her body. Leotie cringes as Ush-Ka swings his claws at Akelou. Akelou narrowly escapes the blows, diving to his side and rolling on the surface of the water, tossing his axe at the beast. Ush-Ka ducks under the axe laughing as it soars past him, but the axe circles back and strikes Ush-Ka in the back. Ush-Ka roars as the blade digs into his flesh. Smoke rises from the blade and Ush-Ka's black blood pours from the wound. Akelou leaps into the air, flipping over Ush-Ka. He reaches out his hand and his axe returns to its master.

  Leotie can smell the swamp mud as her body slowly slips toward the dark water. Tears fill her eyes and her cries go unheard. Choking, she stares at Akelou as he fights, and a memory comes to her. She is back in the great hut and is dancing with Akelou on the night he returned to the Enopay. Leotie closes her eyes, and when she opens them again she is staring up at Akelou from his lap. She watches his lips as he speaks about his time in the jungle. His smooth, amber skin reflects the moonlight from the opening of the hut.

  "I love you, Akelou," she whimpers.

  She looks back to Akelou, who is surrounded by Nossa warriors. The warriors circle him with their swords drawn. Akelou strikes first, landing a deadly blow with his axe. Akelou’s axe returns to its master but he ducks and the axe strikes a shocked Nossa behind him. Akelou looks up and his eyes are ablaze with light and he punches the swamp with his fist. The ground shakes and a body-crushing wave engulfs his attackers, sending them away screaming.

  Ush-Ka attacks from behind, swinging his blade at Akelou’s head. Akelou dives into the water and emerges behind Ush-Ka. He tosses his axe at the beast, striking him three times. Each time Akelou’s axe drives into Ush-Ka's back it releases itself and returns to Akelou. Ush-Ka falls to his hands, blood pouring from his deep wounds. Ush-Ka raises his sword and swings it at Akelou, but Akelou faces the blow and lifts his axe to meet Ush-Ka's arm. Leotie watches Ush-Ka's limb fall into the swamp, and then the beast falls to his knees.

  Blood-filled waves splash against Leotie’s face. The distance between her and Akelou seems to be getting larger. Her vision is blurring and her breaths are getting shorter. She watches Akelou grab the beast's neck and takes something from him. Akelou stands in front of Ush-Ka and raises his arms; his vision rises from his markings. He opens his mouth and expels the scream of the Wa-Hoon. The scream releases a great ball of energy, and the water races towards her. Through the oncoming wave she sees Ush-Ka roaring back with his ears gushing with blood, until he falls into the water. The wave crashes over Leotie, and when she opens her eyes all she can see is darkness. She struggles as the cold of the water enters her lungs. All her pain and the sounds of the battle fade, her eyes shut and her body floats to the surface.

  Akelou stands above his enemy and takes back Black Claw's claw from Ush-Ka's necklace. He looks into the water, and there is his mother's sword shining through the water in majestic waves of light. He reaches into the water and grips the sword. A chill blows over him. The cold steel of the Namid embraces its new master. He raises the blade from the water and faces his new companion. The sword changes in Akelou's grip, growing to a new length. Akelou watches the markings on the blade begin to resemble running water. Golden wings sprout from the guard and pommel of the sword

  The Nossa have pulled back, hesitant after the loss of their leader. The warriors stand at the edge of the swamp and stare at the Pokwa. A captain of the Nossa shouts at his men, ordering them back on the offensive. A rally of arrows fly, protect his charging men, and they begin a new assault.

  "Akelou! We must fall back. We are being overrun. Retreat to the Choa," yells Oboe.

  Akelou turns to Oboe and starts to retreat, when he sees eyes emerge from under the swamp. Akelou yells out, but it is too late. A grey crocodile lunges out of the water, clamping its powerful jaws around Oboe's leg. Oboe tries to fight off the beast, but the crocodile spins, thrashing its tail and ripping apart his leg.

  "Hang on, Oboe!" Akelou yells, and he runs to help his injured friend. He fights his way through the charging Nossa, trying to reach Oboe before the crocodile takes him under. Akelou sees a smaller Pokwa scrambling, jumping between the death struggles of Pokwa and Nossa, landing on top of the crocodile.

  "TOE, NO!" Akelou yells in horror as Oboe's son tries to save his wounded father. Toe rubs his hands over his skin, then puts them over the crocodile eyes. The crocodile releases Oboe, thrashing and bucking from the poison that has blinded it. The youngling is thrown into the air and lands hard in the swamp. The crocodile, blinded and in pain, swims toward Toe, chomping its teeth wildly. A terrified Toe curls into a ball, shivering and awaiting his doom. Oboe helplessly reaches for his son. Akelou throws his axe at the beast, striking its side. The crocodile closes its mouth and spins in the water, trying to free itself from the axe. Akelou leaps into the air with his sword drawn. He lands on the crocodiles belly, plunging the Namid into its throat. The beast goes still, and Akelou looks down at Toe.

  "Save my father. He is hurt," cries Toe.

  Akelou grabs Toe, "Get back to the Choa! I will save your father." Akelou watches Toe fleeing towards the Choa when a charging Nossa raises his sword ready to strike him down. Akelou throws his axe and knocks the warrior off his feet. Akelou holds out his hand and his axe returns. Once he sees that Oboe's son is safe, he rushes to Oboe's side and lifts him from the water.

  "My must use your sword. . . it is beyond help."

  "But …"

  "Do it!"

  Akelou looks down at his friend's leg that has been thrashed by the crocodile’s teeth. He rips a piece of cloth from his pants and ties it around Oboe's thigh. Akelou raises his sword and cuts off Oboe's leg. Oboe screams in pain, then passes out. Akelou lifts him over his shoulder and feels the warriors closing in behind him. Another barrage of arrows rains down, and he hears them hit Oboe's shell armor. Oboe wakes for a moment shocked by the pain of an arrow piercing his forearm. Akelou looks at the Choa, where the remaining Pokwa defend the entrance. Toe has gotten the attention of the Pokwa guard, and he sees the mouths of the Pokwa as they shout to him.


  Akelou dives into the water as a barrage of poison darts race toward the Nossa. Akelou quickly gets to his feet, dragging Oboe behind the Pokwa lines. The attacking Nossa hit the Pokwa guard, an
d the fighting continues. Akelou drops Oboe and steps on his arm lifting the arrow from his forearm.

  "Thank you, son of the Delar, for saving my father. Thank you," Toe says as he cries and hugs his father, who is still unconscious.

  "Make ready for a direct attack," Theopa yells from inside the tower.


  Behind the battlefield Captain Ullace leads the reinforcing Nossa forces. Ullace is a Nossa chieftain, commander of an elite group of Nossa warriors. He is a stout and burly man worn by time and scarred by battle. His long, golden hair and beard hang down over his shoulders. He wears a fur patch over the eye that was gouged out by a rival clan of Vikings, and he carries the ancient sword, Bergthor, forged by the forefathers of the Nossa.

  "Inon, my son, Ush-Ka will crush these long legs swiftly. Once the Pokwa are defeated and Ush-Ka's men are tired from battle, we must ride against them."

  "What! Our fellow brothers...why, father, that will not sit well with the men."

  "They will do as they are commanded! Ush-Ka must be destroyed, and I must be named General of the King’s armies. Ush-Ka's men will be reduced in numbers and tired from battle. They will be easy to defeat, but it will take the rest of us to destroy that cursed beast Ush-Ka. Sacrifices must be made...the men will understand, knowing the spoils they will receive if we succeed. Once I become general, I will get closer to the king, and when I have gained his trust, I will slay him with the blade of our people. I will become king, and the Nossa will multiply and prosper in these lands." Ullace and his son begin to laugh as they discuss their plans.

  A Nossa soldier turns his head when he hears a rustling in the trees. He looks up and sees the branches swaying softly in the calm breeze. He elbows his friend and points to the treetops.

  "What? What do you want?"

  "I think there is something in the trees, brother."

  "There is nothing in the trees. It is just the wind. I cannot wait to get out of these stinking swamplands. My feet are rotting in this muddy hell. Once we kill these freaks, we will have first rights to the Menoli city. I will take a wife, and settle down in the forest and raise a family. Ullace has personally promised me at least one woman and my choice of land."

  "Ullace has never spoken a word to you, lying fool!"

  "You calling me a liar, you ugly woman?"

  "I will call you worse than that…"

  "WILL YOU?" the soldier yells, and he jumps on his friend, striking him in the face.

  The two soldiers start to fight, and a circle of cheering men encourages them. The commotion breaks the ranks of the Nossa warriors. Ullace and his son look backward to see what has stirred the men.

  "We must get the men back in rank, father."

  "No, let them get a little fire in their bellies. They have become restless from all of this waiting. It will help them on the battlefield."

  "You are a wise and great leader, father. It will be a great day when you become king." Ullace and his son watch the men fight and cheer.

  An archer from the rear of the ranks pushes against the warrior in front of him, he hears a rustling behind him. There is movement in the trees. He takes a step closer trying to get a better look, when an arrow knocks him to his back. He opens his mouth to warn his fellow warriors, but his warning is drowned out by the screams and taunts of the men. He lies on the ground and sees men covered in dark paint and armed with arrows and spears. In the trees, eyes stare down at him and he takes his last breath.

  "We are under attack!" a Nossa screams as a spear drives into his back.

  "Arm yourselves! Fall back into rank," a Nossa spearman yells, but the men are confused being attacked from all sides. The Nossa warriors charge after the painted men who have fled back into the swamp.

  "Pursue the attackers, form a defensive barrier around Ullace," shouts Inon as he tries to regain control of his men.

  "Wait for my signal, Argle. We must catch them by surprise. Together we will take out the leaders. I will handle the smaller one, and you, my brother, can have the honor of killing the Nossa leader."

  "Thank you, Stripes. Our lands will again be ours, and I can bring my mother back to her true home."

  Stripes looks over his shoulder toward other Salali, hidden in the trees. He scratches his claws against the bark of the tree. The treetops begin to echo with scratching. Salali leap from the branches, attacking the remaining warriors. The trees unload with gliding Salali that float down toward the unsuspecting men.

  "FATHER, LOOK!" shouts Inon as the gliders attack from above with their false claws open.

  Ullace turns to see Stripes tackle his son from his horse.

  "INON!" he yells, and he raises his sword to save his boy. He aims his sword at Stripes and yells, "RODENT SCUM!"

  Argle leaps onto his back, driving his large thumb claws into his shoulders. Ullace falls from his horse screaming. He hits the ground and rolls away, grunting in pain. Argle leaps onto his belly.

  "Many years ago, you and your men destroyed my home and murdered my father. Today we will avenge those who fell under your swords and were taken as slaves." Argle takes the spear tip given to him by Broken Wrist from his helmet. "This is for you brother, and for you father!" Argle slams the blade that took his fathers life into the heart of the Nossa captain. Argle raises his false claws and cuts off the head of Ullace. He grabs the head of the Nossa leader, leaps on the back of Ullace's horse, and holds it out for all the men to see, "YOUR LEADER HAS FALLEN! YOUR LEADER IS DEAD!"

  The Nossa turn in the direction of the voice and see Argle holding the head of their beloved chieftain. "Ullace has fallen! Fall back! Save yourselves!" yell many of the Nossa.

  The men scatter and run off into the woods in retreat.

  "We must fall back to the city and help Akelou. Come, brothers, leave the defeated men to run and hide," yells Argle.

  The Meno and Salali warriors cheer as they charge toward the city and to the aid of the Pokwa.


  "Theopa, we will not be able to hold them for long. Their numbers are too many, and we must get to higher ground, away from the crocodiles," Akelou shouts.

  The king agrees and tells the Pokwa to sound the horn of retreat and follow him into the hall of Eol. Akelou, with Toe's help, carries Oboe up the stairs and into the hall. A few Pokwa warriors stay behind and defend the stairs. Akelou makes it into the hall and places Oboe on the floor. He goes to the door and looks out as the last of the warriors comes up the stairs. He waves at the last two Pokwa to hurry into the hall. The remaining Pokwa are brothers, guards of the hall. They look at each other, then to the stairs, and back to the door.

  The eldest brother speaks, "The Nossa are close, and the last of the Pokwa warriors have been slain. We must defend our home and protect the king." The brothers embrace each other. They butt heads and raise their weapons, charging down the stairs. The brothers leap to glory, killing many Nossa and martyring themselves for their people.

  "Find what you can and bar the door," Theopa tells the Pokwa that are left. The king sits down on his throne and lowers his head, taking off his crown. Then he feels a hand grip his shoulder.

  "This may be the end, my king, but do not lower your head, for your Pokwa look to you for courage. My Lord, I weep for the loss of the many Pokwa who have died here today. My friend, Leotie, whom I love, is nowhere to be found, and I fear she has fallen. If we are to die, then let us meet death with courage, so we can be reunited with our kin without shame," says Akelou.

  The Kings looks at Akelou and feels shame for his moment of doubt. He stands proudly and looks at the few that still stand. His warriors have little strength left and in their eyes Thoepa feels the loss they have suffered today. "Release the door and let them come, and may we meet our destiny with the pride of our people. Let it not be said that in our darkest hour we died as cowards, but rather united and worthy of being called Pokwa warriors."

  Theopa raises his weapon, and the Pokwa cheer. They stomp their feet, rallying the las
t of their strength and courage for the final battle. They walk away from the door and stand next to each other, tall and proud.

  "Son, look at me," Oboe calls out. Toe wraps his arms around his father and sobs. "Do not weep for me, son, for I die with honor, and I will see my father again soon. I have missed him and will have no shame when we meet. You, my son have made me proud, and have become a true warrior. I shall tell my father and his fathers of your deeds. You have earned the right to carry our family's name. You must survive, Toe, and take care of your mother. Do not feel shame in fleeing the warriors here, you have already proved yourself in battle. You are young and can fit into tunnels and hide from the Nossa. Go to the swamp's edge where the princess leads our women and children away and help them survive."

  Toe's skin begins to fade as he shakes and sobs, "I love you, father. Don't go. I need you. I am afraid, I am not strong like you, FATHER!"

  "You are stron g e r t h a n y o u t h i -"

  Oboe takes his last breath in the arms of his weeping son. Akelou reaches down and closes Oboe's eyes, lifting Toe from his father.

  "No, he is not dead. I must stay by him. LEAVE ME!" But Akelou forces Toe from his father and shakes him.

  "Your father is gone, Toe. He would not have wanted you to die crying over his body." Akelou holds his axe in front of the youngling. "Take this and fight by my side, and when the time is right, climb that wall if you can and escape out a window."

  Toe wipes his eyes and stares at the axe. He grips it with both hands and stands tall by Akelou's side. The axe begins to glow, and Toe shakes under the power of the weapon.

  "Theopa, look!" yells a Pokwa warrior.

  Toe's bright youngling colors fade. His size and stature change and he matures into a young adult. The warriors and the king watch in wonder as the axe shines and Toe morphs into a man. The axe fades, and Toe falls to his knees. Having witnessed this before on the day the axe chose him, Theopa walks to the crouching youth and removes his crown.


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