The Loyalist

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by James Francis Barrett



  "It won't do, I tell you. And the sooner he realizes this the moresatisfactory will it become for all concerned."

  "Sh-h-h," answered Mrs. Allison in a seemingly heedless manner. She wasseated by the side window in her old rocker, intent only on her threeneedles and the ball of black yarn. "Judge not, that you may not bejudged!" she reminded him.

  "He is too imprudent. Only today he contemptuously dismissed the Coloneland the secretary; later he requested them to dine with him. We don'tlike it, I tell you."

  As a matter of fact, there was no more staunch defender or constantadvocate of the cause of the Colonists than Matthew Allison himself; andwhen the proclamation of the new Military Governor ordering the closingof the shops and the suspension of business in general until thequestion of ownership was established, had been issued, he was among thefirst of the citizens to comply with it. True, his sole source of incomehad been temporarily suspended. But what matter? It meant order andprevented the wares from falling into the hands of the enemy. His smallshop had enabled himself together with his wife and daughter to eke outa comfortable existence. Their cozy home while unmistakably plain andunadorned with the finer appointments indicative of opulence,nevertheless was not without charm and cheeriness. It was delightful insimplicity and neat arrangement.

  Allison had welcomed the entry of General Arnold into the city as a herocoming into his own, but he was not slow in perceiving that thetemperament of the man rendered him an unhappy choice for theperformance of the onerous duties which the successful administration ofthe office required. Readily and with genuine satisfaction did he yieldto the initial mandate of the Governor; but when the scent of luxuryfrom this same Governor's house, the finest mansion in the city and theidentical one lately occupied by the British commander, was diffusedthroughout the city causing murmurs of criticism and dissension, MatthewAllison forgot for the moment his oath of fealty and gave expression topain and dissatisfaction.

  "Why allow yourself to be disturbed at his manner of living?" asked hiswife, picking up the conversation at the point where he had left it.

  "And you and I and the vast majority of us sacrificing our all. Why theytell me that his quarters abound in luxury to a degree never excelled byHowe himself."

  "Well!" was the simple reply.

  "And the Massachusetts Regiment has been appointed his guard of honor;and that two armed soldiers have been stationed at the doorposts."

  Allison spoke with evident passion, the ardor of which pervaded hisentire being.

  "And yet I dare say you would be the first to disapprove of the otherextreme," admonished Mrs. Allison in her soft and gentle way. "Undermartial law you know, there must be no relaxation of discipline,notwithstanding the fact that the Americans once more control the city."

  "Laxity or no laxity, it is extravagant for him to be housed in thefinest mansion in the city with a retinue of servants and attendantsonly excelled by Sir William Howe; to be surrounded by a military guardof selective choice; to maintain a coach and four with footmen andservants, all equipped with livery of the most exclusive design; to livein the greatest splendor, notwithstanding the avowed republicansimplicity of the country as well as the distressed condition of ouraffairs and finances. Who is paying for this extravagance? We, ofcourse. We are being taxed and supertaxed for this profligate wastewhile our shops are closed to all future trade. These are not alone myopinions; they are the expressions of the men about town. This was thesole topic of conversation today at the Coffee House."

  For where else would the news of the day be found if not on the streetcorners or at the Coffee House? This latter institution, like its Londonprototype, was the chief organ through which the public opinion of themetropolis continually asserted itself. Its convenience lay in itsadaptability for the making of appointments at any hour of the day, orfor the passing of an evening socially for a very small charge. It hadits characters who became as famous as the institution itself, itsorators to whose eloquence the crowd listened with admiration, itsmedical men who might be consulted on any malady merely for the asking,its poets and humorists who in winter occupied the chairs of learningnearest the stove and in summer held the choice places on the balcony,and who discoursed fables and politics with renewed embellishment uponthe advent of every newcomer. The atmosphere always reeked with thefumes of tobacco. Nowhere else was smoking more constant than at theCoffee House. And why any one would leave his own home and fireside tosit amid such eternal fog, was a mystery to every good housewife. Butevery man of the upper or the middle class went daily to the CoffeeHouse to learn and discuss the news of the day.

  "I suppose Jim Cadwalader waxed warm today on the subject and gave youinspiration," submitted Mrs. Allison. "Why do you not suspend yourjudgment for a while until you learn more about the Governor,--at anyrate give him the benefit of a doubt until you have some facts," mildlyreplied Mrs. Allison with that gentle manner and meekness of temperwhich was characteristic of her.

  "Facts!" said he, "I am telling you that these are facts. The Colonelsaw this, I tell you, for he dined with him. And I want to tell youthis," he announced pointing towards her, "he hates the Catholics and isstrongly opposed to any alliance with a Catholic country."

  "Never mind, my dear. We cannot suffer for that."

  "I know, but it may concern us sooner or later. Our fathers enduredsevere tortures at the hands of a bigoted Government, and if the newrepublic gives promise of such unhappy tidings, we may as well leave theearth."

  "I would not take any undue alarm," quietly answered Mrs. Allison as herdeft fingers sped on with the knitting. "General Washington isbroad-minded enough to appreciate our loyalty and our spirit ofself-sacrifice. And besides the new French Alliance will prevent any ofthe intolerance which made itself manifest in the person of KingGeorge. With a Catholic ally, the government cannot very well denouncethe Catholics as you will discover from the repealing of several of thelaws which rendered life more or less obnoxious in some of the colonies.And I think, too, that we have given more than our share to the cause.With so much to our credit, no public official, whatever his naturalinclination, can afford to visit his bigotry on us. I would not worryabout General Arnold. He will not molest us, I am sure."

  "I don't think that he pleases me anyway."

  "And why?" she paused to ask. "Because he maintains too expensive alivery, or has surrounded himself by too many attendants?"

  "No. I dislike the man. I do not like his traits."

  "It is unkind of you to say that. Who enjoys a greater reputation forskill or bravery or personal courage than he? What would have become ofGates, or our army, or the French Alliance were he not at Saratoga, andthere too without a command, you must remember."

  "I know all that, but he is too blunt, too headstrong, too proud,too----"

  Marjorie's figure at the door interrupted him.


  Although Mistress Allison was not twenty, she maintained the composureof a married woman, sedate and reserved like the matrons of this period.Her dress was neat and well chosen, a chintz cotton gown, of a verypretty blue stamp, blue silk quilt and a spotted figured apron. Thevivacity of her manner and the winsomeness of her behavior wereprepossessing, and she was beautiful to look upon: her complexion asdazzling white as snow in sunshine; except her cheeks, which were abright red; and her lips, of a still deeper crimson. Her small oval facewas surmounted by a wealth of dark brown hair, craped up with two rollson each side and topped with a small cap of beautiful gauze and richlace,--a style most becoming to a girl of her age. Health, activity,decision were written full upon her, whether in the small foot whichplanted itself on the ground, firm but flexible, or in the bearing ofher body, agile or lofty.

  She was the only child of Mr. Allison and a much admired member of thecity's middle class. And while it is true that a certain equality inclass and social refinement was an attribute of the American peoplewhich found great favor in the eyes of the older world inhabitan
ts, itis equally true that this equality was more seeming than real. This wasdue to a great extent to the distinction established by the wealth andthe liberties enjoyed by the various classes of people. It was said, andnot without a semblance of truth, that the inhabitants of Philadelphiawere rated according to their fortunes. The first class was known as thecarriage folk, who proclaimed, almost without exception, their pretendeddescent from the ancient English families by their coats of armsimprinted upon their carriage doors. The second class was composed ofthe merchants, lawyers, and business men of the city; and the thirdclass, were those who exercised the mechanical arts. These felt theirsocial inferiority and never hoped for any association with the upperclasses. The Allisons were of the middle rank, and were looked upon asits most respected members.

  Plain, simple-living folk, they made no pretense to display. Neither didthey affect aristocracy. Their manner of living was as comfortable astheir modest means would allow. It was a common habit for the people ofthis class to indulge in luxury far beyond their resources and no smallamount of this love of ostentation was attributed to the daughters ofthe families. In this respect Marjorie offended not in the least.Whether assisting her father in the shop during the busy hours, orpresiding at the Coffee House, or helping her mother with the affairs ofthe household, she was equally at home. Neither the brilliance of thesocial function, nor the pleasures of the dance roused unusual desiresin her. Indeed she seldom participated in such entertainments, unless onthe invitation and in company with the Shippen family with whom she wason the most intimate terms of friendship. The gay winter season of theBritish occupation of the city produced no change in her manner orattire. The dazzling spectacle of the Mischienza found her secluded inher home, more from her own desire than from her pretended deference tothe wishes of her mother.

  Her happiness was in her homelife. This was the center of her affectionas well as of her tenderest solicitude. Here she busied herself daily,either in the care of the house, and the preparation of the meals, whichwere by no means sumptuous owing to the scarcity of all foodstuffs, orat the wheel where she made shirtings and the sheetings for the army. Atouch of her hand here and there, to this chair, slightly out of place,to this cup or that plate in the china-chest, to the miniature on thewall, leaning slightly to one side, or the whisk of her sweeping-brushthrough the silver-sand on the floor, transformed a disorderly aspectinto one of neatness and taste. It was here that she spent her days,enduring their unvarying monotony, with sweet and unbroken contentment.

  As she hurriedly entered the house, she arrested the attention of herfather and put a period to the conversation.

  "Oh, Father, have you heard?"

  "What news now, child!"

  "Washington has engaged the British."

  "And how fared?"

  "They were compelled to withdraw."

  "Thank God."

  "Where, Marjorie, did you come by this good news?" inquired the mother.

  "At the State House. A courier arrived from Monmouth with the tidings,"answered Marjorie, still nervous to narrate the story, and forgetting toremove her hat.

  "When did this happen?" asked her father, impatiently.

  "It seems that General Washington started in pursuit of Clinton as soonas he had evacuated the city. He had decided that an attack must be madeas soon as possible. When the British reached Allentown, they found theAmerican army gaining the front and so they turned towards Monmouth.Near the Court House the British were outflanked and the Americansgained the superior ground and so the battle was won. Then General Leeordered a retreat."

  "A retreat?" exploded Mr. Allison. "What for?"

  "I do not know, but that was the report. Lee retreated when Washingtonarrived on the scene," continued Marjorie.

  "And then?"

  "He rallied the troops to another front and began the attack anew,driving the British back a considerable distance. Nightfall ended thebattle, and when day broke, Clinton had withdrawn."

  "And Lee ordered a retreat!" exclaimed Mr. Allison. "A damned poltroon!"

  "All say the same. The crowd was furious upon hearing the message,although some thought it too incredible. The joy of victory, however,made them forget the disgraceful part."

  "My faith in him has never faltered," quietly observed Mrs. Allison, asshe prepared to resume the knitting from which she had ceased on thesudden entry of Marjorie.

  "And his pretended friends must now croak forth his praises," rejoinedher husband.

  "There were shouts and cheers," continued Marjorie, "as the news wasbeing announced. Each newcomer would add another detail to the storywith beaming delight. All said that the retreat from the city and thedefeat of the British augured a speedy termination of the war. Thecountry is wholly united again under General Washington."

  "And what will become of Lee?" asked the father.

  "The traitor!" snapped Marjorie. "They ought to court-martial him. Thecrowd greeted his name with hisses when the details began to impressthemselves upon them. I dare say, he has few friends in the citytonight, expect perhaps among the Tories. He is a disgrace to theuniform he wears."

  "Undoubtedly, the losses were heavy."

  "No one seemed to know. The minor details of the engagement are stillunknown. They will come later. The consoling feature is that the enemywere compelled to withdraw, which would indicate that they were worsted.The remnants, I suppose, will concentrate at New York. There will occurthe next great battle."

  "God grant that it will soon be over," exclaimed Mrs. Allison.

  "And now, daughter, have you more news?" asked her father.

  "Oh, yes! General Arnold is going to give a ball at the City Tavern onthe Fourth of July to the officers of the French Army. It will be underthe auspices of the American officers of Washington's command and inhonor of the loyal ladies who had withheld from the Mischienza. And Ihave been invited to attend."

  "I should think that we have had enough of social life here during thepast winter," quietly announced the father.

  "Well," replied Marjorie, "this affair is to exclude all whoparticipated in the English Army festivities. Only Americans will bepresent."

  "How did you come by this report?" asked her mother.

  "Peggy Shippen. I stopped there for a short time. They told me of theproposed invitation and that I was included."

  "How came they by the news?"

  "I suppose General Arnold told them."

  "Is he acquainted with them? I wonder----"

  "Yes. They were presented to him, and he has already honored them withhis visit."

  "I don't like this," said Mr. Allison, "and you can be assured thatthere will be little restriction as to the company who will comprisethis assemblage. The Governor will take sides with the wealthy, be theirsympathies what they may. Well, if he establish the precedent, I daresay, none will be so determined as to oppose him. Do you wish to go,daughter?"

  "I think I might enjoy it. The French soldiers are so gallant, I mightfind much pleasure there."

  "Very well, you shall attend," said her father.


  And so it was decided that Marjorie would be present at the Governor'sBall. As custom did not require mothers to accompany their daughters tosuch functions, but allowed them to go unattended, Mrs. Allisonpreferred to remain at home. To what splendor and gayety the affairwould lend itself was a matter of much speculation. This was theGovernor's first event, and no one was aware of his prowess on theballroom floor.

  Once the list of invitations had become public, it was understood quitegenerally that no distinction was made between those that had, and thosethat had not, attended the Mischienza. Whether the number would besurprisingly small, or whether the affair would fail of success withoutthe Mischienza ladies, could not be foretold. Indeed such speculationswere idle, since no discrimination had been made. There were a number ofyoung French Officers in the town and one or two of General Washington'saides had remained because of the pressure of immediate business afterthe British evac
uation. These of course would attend. All the otheravailable young men belonged to the families who had held a more or lessneutral position in the war, and who had not offered their services tothe patriots nor yielded allegiance to the foe. As these neutrals wereamong the most prominent people of the city, their presence would, ofcourse, be altogether desirable.

  Marjorie was invited through the efforts of Peggy Shippen, who hadproposed her name to His Excellency on the occasion of his visit to herhouse. She would be included in their party and would be assigned apartner befitting her company. Because of the prominence of theShippens, it was thought that the gallant young French Officers, wouldbe assigned to them. Marjorie rejoiced at this although the Shippengirls evinced no such sentiment. Whether it was because the Frenchalliance was distasteful to them or because their Tory leanings tookprecedence, they preferred other guests for partners. But as the matterwas to be decided by lot, their likings were not consulted.

  Ere long the city was agog with speculation respecting the coming ball.The battle of Monmouth was accorded a second place. The disdain of themiddle class, who had been embittered against such demonstrations by theprofligacy displayed during the days of the British occupation, soonbegan to make itself felt. That it was the first official or formalfunction of the new republic mattered little. A precedent was about tobe established. There was to be a continuation of the shamefulextravagance which they had been compelled to witness during the winterand which they feared they would be forced to maintain for anotherprotracted period. Living was high, extremely high, and the value of thepaper currency had depreciated to almost nothing. Indeed it was saidthat a certain barber in the town had papered his entire shop with thebills and that a dog had been led up and down the streets, smeared withtar, and adorned cap-a-pie with paper money. To feed and clothe the armywas expense enough without being compelled to pay for the splendors of amilitary ball. Small wonder that the coming event aroused no ordinaryspeculation.

  Nevertheless preparations went on with growing vigor and magnificence,and not the least interested was Marjorie. The event was now awaitedwith painful anxiety. Even the war for a moment was relegated to a placeof minor import.


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