Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure

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Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure Page 5

by E J Darling

  Cookie’s husband sold her to slavers, and she was so sick neither of them thought she’d make it long enough to get her to Ascena Pura and to a healer, but she did. Then, it turned out, she was an amazing cook, and she’d been on Trident with him ever since.

  “I’m sorry, Cookie. I didn’t mean to scare you so badly.” Maeve grabbed her hand and held it tight to her chest. “But are you spoiling my guardian?” They both looked over to the fuzzy bundle still curled up in the corner, not given a single care to either of them, and they laughed.

  “Ssk,” Cookie clicked her small teeth, “you’d be the one spoiling him, dear.” She loved the distinction in the Florchish language. It translated in her mind to something fanciful and light.

  “You’re probably right. He deserves it though. Especially after what he did today. I don’t know where I would be without him by my side.”

  “Dead in space, I suspect.” Ms. Capshook winked and went back to stirring her pot.

  The old one always had a dark sense of humor and Maeve liked that about her. The cook was easy to love, and Maeve hoped she stayed around for as long as she could work. She wasn’t exactly sure on the life expectancy of the Florch, but Ms. Capshook looked to be about twice her master’s age if not more. Not that Zekekiel was old by any standard.

  “I came to tell you we have two more mouths to feed, but by the looks of that pot we’ll have enough dinner.”

  “Two?” Cookie questioned, but never looked up from her pot as she added unknown spices to the steaming soup. “What happened to just the one slave we came here for?”

  Maeve winced. “I may have gotten another. It’s okay, don’t worry. It’s on me.” Or she wished he’d be. That just showed her how much she needed this journey to be over, and how desperate she was to get Teakin on his way. It was obvious how easy it would be for him to get under her skin, and her dress. It scared her. He scared her.

  Cookie shook her head, mumbling under her breath, and Maeve made her way out of the kitchen and to the lift.

  The short ride didn’t give her anytime to think, and she standing in the corridor before she realized it. She needed a shower in the worst way and was happy to get out of her sandy clothes and into something clean, but her cabin was at the end, and she’d been stupid enough to put him right across the hall from her.

  Her stomach clenched, not realizing if it was because she wanted to see Teakin or because she was afraid to, but either way he wasn’t there waiting for her.

  She gathered her emotions like a heavy bundle in her arms and dragged herself through the corridor. Past Roth’s cabin, Keeli’s cabin, all the way past Teakin’s cabin, still as silent as it had been when it was empty. She dragged herself to her door that slid open as she expertly scanned the card from her pocket with a swish of her hips. Finally, she was alone and could let it all go as the door slid closed behind her.

  After a good cry into her pillow, just as she’d promised herself, and then another cry in the cleansing unit, Maeve was cleaned, her hair was pulled up in a sleek bun Zeke preferred, and her stomach rumbled.

  She left her cabin and knocked on Keeli’s door. It opened and the pale face of the half Tallek female was bright and shining. She’d showered, changed her clothes into the same black dress as Maeve’s, and her curly dark hair fell in a graceful way to her breasts. She was perfect, and Zeke was going to love her. Maybe he’d pay Maeve more for buying such a perfect female and she could build her credits back up faster. She could never tell with him, and the fact she was bringing home Teakin was going to be another obstacle entirely. One she didn’t want to think about right now.

  He was the opposite of Roth, cold and distant were his personality traits, and Maeve had never been able to get a good read on the male that raised her. He never gave her more than his word, but he had a calm demeanor about him, so he was easy to care for. He may not love her, or she him, but they had a mutual respect after cycles of servitude that couldn’t be broken. She was devoted, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be a slave her entire life.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes!” Keeli nearly skipped out of her cabin and followed Maeve every step of the way back toward Teakin’s cabin.

  She knocked on the metal door and they both waited patiently. No one answered.

  “Maybe you should go in,” Keeli whispered. “He could have hurt himself.”

  Maeve scoffed at the remark, but she liked that Keeli was so thoughtful. “I don’t think he hurt himself, Keeli. I think he’s capable of caring for himself quite well. Perhaps he’s sleeping.”

  “Maybe. We didn’t get much sleep when we were in the cages, and the transport ships aren’t made for comfort either. I haven’t slept in a real bed in days.” Keeli faked a smile, then it switched to a real one. “I think the only reason I’m awake is because I’m excited.”

  “You’ll really like Zeke. Well, I hope so anyway.” Maeve knocked one more time. “He’s quiet and distant with me, but I’m sure he’ll warm up to you quickly enough.” Keeli’s smile widened and Maeve held her hand tightly. “Let’s leave Teakin alone. I’m sure he’ll join us when he’s ready.”

  The pair took the lift, then Keeli followed Maeve down the corridor and into the dining area attached to the kitchen. It wasn’t large, only enough space for three tables, but it felt warm and inviting, something exceedingly rare on a starship the size of Trident. The air was filled with the savory aroma of whatever Cookie made and Säiph greeted them at the door with a wide, razor sharp smile that only she could love.

  “Did you have a nice nap?” Maeve crooned as she rubbed the animals head and he licked her hand. He was always wary of those teeth on her flesh.

  Keeli slid into the booth first and Cookie brought them a bowl each. “Eat up, dears,” she said in that delicately accented language that Maeve loved. Keeli furrowed her brows at Cookie, and an odd look came over her features.

  “She said to eat up.”

  “Oh! Tell her thank you. I will have to learn some of her language! It smells and looks amazing! How do I say, ‘thank you’ in her language?”

  “Aöwëdre,” Maeve answered with a smile.

  Keeli looked at her puzzled and held the bowl up with both hands. She attempted to say the word, but it came out odd. Cookie beamed anyway, knowing what the female meant, and took the kindness for what it was. It wasn’t everyday people gave much care to others, and Maeve couldn’t help but feel for Keeli, someone that obviously cared so easily.

  Cookie tenderly patted Keeli on the shoulder and turned back to the kitchen. Roth stepped into the dining room just after they’d both taken their first bites and made a big show for Cookie about how good the food smelled. He always went out of his way to make sure the woman felt appreciated, and the older woman’s face lit up.

  Roth sat at their table and held his hand out to Keeli. “I’m Captain Roth Myler. It’s nice to meet you.” He could really lay it on thick when he wanted to, and if the war hardened male put even a sliver of that effort into pretending to like Teakin, well that would make her day. But it wouldn’t happen, and she was suddenly glad Teakin hadn’t opened his door so she could pretend for a little bit longer there wasn’t a massive black hole in the air where Roth and her were concerned. She still wasn’t over their talk from earlier.

  Keeli smiled wide and shook the male’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, too!” She kept gawking at Roth for a moment, her head tilting. “Does my new master look like you?”

  Maeve and Roth wore the same confused expression, but Roth recovered first. “Yes, we do look similar. We are both Tallek.”

  Keeli balled up her fists and squealed. “Hell yes! I scored the jackpot!” She turned back to Maeve, “Thank you so much for buying me!”

  “Uhm, you’re welcome.”

  There was no way in hell she’d ever get used to someone being that excited about being a slave, especially to a reptilian species. Keeli was odd, but in a kind and endearing way. Zeke was going to have his han
ds full with that one, but maybe he could get a lesson in happiness and love if he gave her a chance.

  Cookie brought Roth a bowl and he gave her a charming kiss on the cheek before she went back to the kitchen, never staying too long. He shoveled in a spoonful of stew and spoke through his hot breath, trying to cool it down. “So, where’s your slave?”

  “Don’t call him that.” Maeve clenched her jaw and almost broke a tooth. “And he’s in his cabin, I guess.”

  “You guess?” Roth hissed. “You don’t know where your own slave is? Where a stranger is? On my ship no less?”

  “First of all, he’s free to go at any time. So, if he’s magically escaped to space with nothing but some clothes on, well good luck to him. Second, he’s had what I can only assume is a really shitty week so if he wants to be alone for a while then that’s fine.” Maeve didn’t know why she was getting so defensive, but she didn’t care. He deserved some time alone damn it. It was common courtesy. “He saved my life twice on that fucking planet so if he wants to sleep off his week from hell, I’m glad he can rest. And stop calling him a slave.”

  Roth narrowed his reptilian gaze on her. His body went rigid and his grip white knuckled around his spoon. “Saved your life?”

  Maeve winced. She hadn’t wanted to tell him what happened on Sapili Prime and was now regretting losing her temper and spouting things better left unsaid.

  He dropped his spoon into his bowl and tried to appear calm. “Maevie, talk to me.”

  “It was the Sca-riin,” she mumbled, not truly wanting to explain what kind of deep shit she’d gotten herself into.

  His eyes widened and she could see that muscle in his jaw tick. “The what?”

  “Säiph got defensive and bit one of them.”

  Roth’s face went feral, jaw clenching, red faced feral, but he sat quietly after his outburst.

  “Teakin held the male’s arm back when he tried to crush my body with his fist. That’s why I bought him, Roth. I owed him something.”

  “You didn’t owe him your freedom.” The words were sharp and hard, and Maeve wished a hole would open underneath her, and drop her out in space.

  “I agree with you there, cap.” A familiar deep voice spoke from the door, and a low growl came from Säiph. As if shit couldn’t get any worse, her worst nightmare strode into the dining area as if nothing in the world was wrong. “She shouldn’t have done what she did, but here I am. No refunds.”

  He’d cleaned himself up and nearly stole Maeve’s breath away at how handsome he was under all that grit. He’d been a heart stopper to begin with, but holy damn he was dripping sex just under the surface of his skin, waiting for her to tap into. And his hair, damn that hair. He’d cut it. That surprised her. He had half of it pulled back tight, and the loose strands at the bottom were twisted and braided into smaller pieces. He looked simply… delectable.

  Roth stood quickly and went rigid, sizing up the new male on his ship. Maeve could do without the pissing contest, but they needed to get it over with so they could hopefully move on. If she could get Roth on her side, which was doubtful, then maybe they’d be able to talk Zekekiel out of killing Teakin.

  An odd hissing noise came from Roth’s throat, one of his reptilian traits coming through, and Teakin answered with a growl. There went that plan. Fuck sticks. Could they be any more dominant? Maeve could almost taste the testosterone in the air.

  “If you hurt her, ever, I’ll break the promise I made to her and kill you.” Roth stepped toward Teakin who didn’t look phased by it at all.

  Teakin gave Roth a cocky smile and Maeve wished he’d just shut up for once, but that wasn’t going to happen, and she knew it. “That’s the last thing on my mind, captain.” He looked over to Maeve, and to her horror, winked in front of an already enraged Roth.

  Roth reacted, shoving Teakin against the hard metal wall. “Don’t touch her at all, Turnish slave.” Roth labeled him as if slave were a slur and she didn’t appreciate it at all.

  Teakin held his hands up, showing he didn’t want to fight. Maeve took a steady breath and was thankful the freshly freed male didn’t want a physical altercation. She’d seen what Teakin could do and she didn’t know if Roth would’ve won that fight.

  Roth had combat experience, knew hand to hand as much as Teakin obviously did, and she didn’t like them sizing each other up. Roth promised he wouldn’t kill Teakin, but she doubted he’d classify a brawl that could bring an untimely death into that equation, and she very much doubted Roth wouldn’t start a fight just to have an excuse to do what he wanted to do. Promise or not, if Teak reacted now, it would be bad for everyone.

  “I respect your words, captain, and your authority over your ship.” Teakin’s eyes went to Maeve’s for just a split second before they looked back to Roth. “But she’s my master now. I’ll do as she commands.”

  Maeve slid out of her seat and quickly stepped between them. She knew Roth wouldn’t hurt a hair on her head and felt like putting herself in front of Teakin was the safest bet.

  What he said replayed in her mind and her cheeks went hot. The way he said that was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard, and she was now reconsidering her stance on sex slaves. No wonder males wanted them so badly if they said things to them like Teakin just had. But that was so wrong of her. So wrong. Didn’t stop it from feeling good though.

  The things she could command him to do to her. The list was long, and she knew she’d enjoy it very much. Even more of a reason to get him away.

  Roth’s gaze was over her head and seared holes in Teakin’s skull.

  “Can we please just calm down? I’m sure everyone is hungry and Cookie’s food smells amazing. Let’s enjoy it before we have to get back to our duties.”

  Tense moments passed, both men were rigid, and their body language said they still wanted to fight. Roth finally calmed and studied Maeve in a way she didn’t like at all. She knew she picked a stranger, a slave, over someone she’d known her entire life, but it was the right move in the moment. Just like it was the right move to save Teakin in the first place.

  Roth didn’t say anything to her, but he nodded his head once, and sat back down across from Keeli. Maeve exhaled and closed her eyes to calm herself. Getting between two abnormally large males wasn’t her smartest move and the adrenaline was wearing off quickly.

  A hand skirted her waist and she jumped, forgetting Teakin was still behind her. “Don’t do something like that again.”

  “Do what? And are you commanding me? I’m not your master but I’m definitely not beneath you here.” She was pissed and quite frankly she was tired of being below everyone she knew. That’s why Trident was one of her favorite places. Not only because Roth made her feel like an equal, but because there weren’t any social rules on board. Everyone had a job, and everyone did it, simple as that.

  “Well, it’s hard to protect you when you throw yourself in between an enemy and myself.” He squeezed her waist, sending heat through her body at the dominant gesture, and stepped around her. He found a seat at an empty table next to the one she’d been sitting at, and Cookie brought him a bowl of piping hot stew.

  “Thank you so much.” Of course, he spoke Cookie’s native language, and she hated again that he was so intelligent. Maeve could manage an attractive looking idiot, but she was weak kneed against a smart one. One that would be able to outwit even her.

  “I’m Ms. Capshook. You can call me, Cookie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Cookie. I’m Teak.”

  Cookie gave him a timid smile and Maeve rolled her eyes. And f course, he was smooth with females, and she bet it didn’t matter the race either. That man could probably bed anyone he wanted, male or female.

  She shook off his comment and took her seat back at the table. “Just so both of you know.” She eyed both males and pointed to Roth as she spoke to Teakin. “He is not the enemy, nor is he a threat to me.” She looked to Roth and pointed at Teakin. “And he is a guest here. So, let’s be nice.”
  “He isn’t a guest here, Maevie.” Roth spoke through a spoon full of stew. “He’s your slave, and if you think he can just go then you’re wrong. Look at his wrists. Those are in his skin, downloaded with all the information about him. Just like yours have all your information. If you were to run away, Zekekiel could do whatever he wanted to you. He could find you anywhere. Anyone who picked you up could ransom your life because of those beautiful golden bars. It isn’t that simple. I wish it were, but it isn’t.”

  “See,” Teakin smiled, “you’re stuck with me. Also, captain, just so the air is cleared here. She is the one trying to get rid of me, not the other way around. I owe her a debt and it will be paid. Until then,” he paused and raked his gaze over Maeve, then back to Roth, “my life is hers to command and my body is her shield. I will protect her at all costs and make sure she’s taken care of. That’s my job now. My only job.”

  She didn’t miss the way Teakin said the words at Roth but meant them for her. He wanted her to know that, to make her swoon. But damn him, she couldn’t get past the fact her life was now reset, all because of his beautiful face.

  “And just so we’re clear, slave.” The heat from Roth’s stare could have burned her insides if directed at her. “She doesn’t need you or your body. There are plenty of males that would lay down their life for her.”


  Teak meant every word he said. He wasn’t about to leave the woman high and dry and he damn sure wasn’t about to skip out on paying his debt. He was a good, decent male, despite his most recent circumstances. His crew, it turned out, were money hungry assholes and when Teak had denied them a contract to run slaves to Sapili Prime, they sold him to the slavers instead after finding out the price on his head. Rare commodities sold fast on the market.

  The irony was not lost on him. Being so opposed to the idea of slaves and then becoming one was the biggest kick in the ass he’d had in a while. The Turnish had never been slave masters. When there were Turnish, anyway. He hadn’t seen or heard from one in six months now. For all he knew, he was the last one.


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