Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure

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Breaking Bonds: An Alien Romance Adventure Page 15

by E J Darling

  She was so responsive to his touch, so delicate and intricate where the thighs met, and the apex of her arousal began. Every inch of her body was beautiful, and all his.

  He moved with ferocity, bringing her close to climax and backing off, teasing her each time. “Please,” she begged. “Let me come.” Oh, he would, when he was ready for it to end, when he was ready to end that blissfully perfect moment.

  He dipped his tongue inside her, and she moaned his name, gasping for breath as he moved back to her clit. He growled, sending vibrations through him and into her. Her hands gripped him tight and pushed him harder against her. She cried out as she fell over the edge of bliss. Thighs threatened to close around him, but he grabbed them both and held them firm, allowing him to keep going. He needed more, needed to drink in every last bit to fill his desires for her, to seal him to her forever.

  He kept up the pace, not stopping until she was over that pinnacle again and breathlessly panting. His tongue dove into her as her legs trembled with intensity and the taste was so sweet on his senses, lapping up every drop of her. Feeding himself on her hormones and loving every second he was blessed with that heaven.

  Teak rose from his crouched position between her legs and wiped the wetness from his mouth, licking it off his fingers. Her body was still reeling from the orgasms he’d just given her and something inside her chest wanted more... so much more.

  Nerves played at her mind, but the look he was giving her washed it all away. How could she feel anything but beautiful when a male like him was looking at her with so much passion in his darkening eyes? She couldn’t.

  Now completely naked and standing before her in all his masculine glory, she was even more frightened about the prospect of sex than she had been before. He was incredible. She didn’t have much reference to go on in terms of shafts, but his fit him so perfectly that her heart thumped in her chest at the sight of it. It was darker than the rest of him, solid, ribbed with wide ripples along the girth of it, and stood rock hard between his thick thighs.

  She was physically ready, he’d ensured that, and her body was going into overdrive like it knew what it wanted to do, but her mind had no experience. He would have to lead, and lead he did.

  Teak took her hand and pulled her gently off the railing until they stood face to chest, their breathing still in tune with the other. He hooked a finger beneath her chin and forced her to look him in the eye. She could see herself reflected in them, like two pitch black mirrors. They were alien looking, as if the male she knew was gone and replaced with a sex god hell bent on bedding her.

  “It’s still me, Mahla.”

  “Beautiful,” she repeated. Maeve loved when he spoke his native tongue, it was smooth and rich on his lips. “Truly?”


  Closing her eyes, Maeve took a deep breath and blew it out. “I believe I’m even more scared now.”

  His chuckle was both sinful and delicious. It promised her everything in her wildest dreams, it promised her ecstasy, and more. “I could never harm you.”

  “That isn’t what I’m afraid of.”

  “I will go slow.”

  When she opened her eyes, Teak was no longer standing in front of her. He’d silently given her space, walking back into the bedroom, his solid bare ass demanding her attention. He gave her a look over his shoulder to follow, and for a moment, she couldn’t speak. How in all the possibilities of fate, had she been given someone like this? Someone so irresistibly magnificent to give her the one thing no one else ever had.

  Eventually, her mind began to work, and she followed him. “I’m going to be terrible.”

  Another sexy chuckle. “You couldn’t be terrible at anything if you tried.”

  “I won’t b–”

  She was abruptly cut off when, before she could blink, he was standing before her again, his finger over her lips.

  “Shh, Mahla. Answer me one question.” He leaned down and softly sipped at her lips. “Do you want this?” Another kiss, deeper that time. “Do you want me to touch you?”

  She nodded.

  “No. Say the words for me. I want to hear them.” Teak sipped her lips once more before he stepped away and straightened his back.

  Maeve took a deep breath and looked at the male standing before her. His broad chest. His trim, rippled waist. His thighs roped with so much muscle.

  With a trembling hand, she slid the strap of her black dress over her shoulder, then the other until it fell to her feet and she stood just as bare before him. Nothing was going to stop her. Not her fear, her embarrassment of being naked in front of a male like him, and not her lack of experience. If he didn’t care, she wouldn’t either.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I want this. I want you.”

  Teak was on her in an instant, his arms pulled her up his body and her legs were wrapping around his waist like they knew what they were doing all along.

  He kissed her furiously, as if at any moment, he’d be taken from her and he’d never get to kiss her again. She got the sensation of movement but wasn’t aware of her surroundings until she hit the bed. She bounced a little, but his weight on her stopped the movement before pushing her up higher until her head hit a pillow.

  He slid a hand up her arm, slowly and skillfully, kissing it as he lured it away from his neck, then did the same with the other, kissing the golden bars on both wrists. “Tonight, I want to pretend you’re mine. I want to pretend we’re just two beings together. We’re not slaves here in this room, Mahla. We’re free.”

  She wanted the same. Just him and just her. Two beings entwined with one another, the great big universe outside the door was nothing right now. She nodded her head in agreement.

  Teak locked her wrists together in one big hand and held them over her head, while bracing his weight with the other. He hovered over her, taking his time, fanning his hot breath over her body. Finally, his lips latched onto hers again and she melted beneath him.

  His hips rolled and her back arched at the sensation of his ribbed shaft over her wetness. She knew exactly what those were meant for… her. “I have wanted you since the moment I laid my eyes on you, Mahla.” He rolled his hips again and worked his way down her neck, planting wet kisses and nipping her skin as he went. “You consume my every thought.”

  She arched her back and silently begged him to roll those seductive hips again, to bring her closer to another pinnacle, and he answered her call. Love wasn’t a word she knew anything about, but her mind was in a fog and her belly clenched with every word he spoke. Could that be what she was feeling? She didn’t know, but she did know she didn’t want him to stop.

  “I’m going to take you slow.” He whispered lightly over her clavicle. Moving back up to her neck, she was hyper aware of his every move, his breath like her own.

  It didn’t take much, just a slight adjustment of his hips, and the thick dome of his shaft was pressed against her entrance. Slowly, he pressed himself inside her, then out just as slowly.

  “I’m ready.”

  Another slow movement, and he pressed himself inside farther until he was met with a barrier. Maeve gasped the moment she felt him thrust through, and a twinge of a sharp pain gripped her, but once he’d seated himself inside, he stopped.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t lie, wouldn’t dare. She felt filled to the brim, her body clenching around the thickness of him, and beyond the burning pain, there was pleasure.

  “It won’t always be like this, Mahla.” He kissed her jaw, her lips, pulling them, distracting her from the pain until it passed. “It won’t always hurt.”

  “I know.”

  “Are you ready?”

  There wasn’t any hesitation in her. “Yes.”

  Teak released her hands, allowing her to touch him finally, and she took advantage of the situation. Her hands roamed his body, feeling every curve, every solid strap of muscle beneath soft velvet skin. He was a god in every way. A god of sex and luring of
females, a siren from the old tales of Earth, and she was in awe of it all. Trapped in his song, unable, and unwilling, to be free of it.

  As he sat up, his knees bent and spread wide, she was able to touch and feel the ripple of his abdomen, the workings of it as he rolled his hips, working himself inside her slowly until there was only pleasure. Teak ran a hand down her leg, drawing every erotic piece of her out to the surface, and pulled her leg over his shoulder. He kissed her ankle, rolling his hips as he framed her curves with the other hand. His attention fully on her. She could see herself in the black mirrors of his eyes and she felt invincible, sexual, powerful.

  It truly was just them tonight.

  Finally, he leaned in, her leg still on his shoulder, his arm holding his weight. His hips pumped fast and hard as ecstasy built inside her once again, his abs working his hips to bring them both to unbridled pleasure.

  “Do you want this?”


  “There is nothing but you.”

  She felt his hand slide down her thigh, and he kissed and nipped at her flesh, his sharp canines nearly breaking the skin. She bordered on pain and pleasure, the two going hand in hand on that first night. Her first time. His fingers finally found a home on her clit and he rubbed circles around it until she was panting his name, begging him to finish her off. Her own hands gripped his powerful thighs, holding on to anything to stay put.

  The moment her climax hit she knew something changed inside her.

  White hot fire lit up her belly and everything went black as he rode out his own orgasm. His body pounded inside her as waves of passion washed over her.

  Not until every last spasm was out of their system, did Teak move. He gently draped her leg over his thigh and leaned in to cover her with kisses. He ended them with an intimate one to her forehead, his favorite place it would seem, and a flick of her nose with his.

  “I said you wouldn’t be bad at it.” He smiled. “I was right.”

  She playfully hit his chest before he rolled them both over, plopping them into the mattress. “It was incredible, Teak. Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, Mahla.” He tucked a strand of hair from her face and smiled again. “Never thank me for that.”

  Nose to nose, his big callused hand slid up and down the curve of her body, the warm air filtered through the room as the Light Star fell from the sky completely and gave the moons their time. Maevelin Roan, freshly minted un-virgin, fell quickly off to sleep.


  “I don’t know what to do about him.” Zekekiel paced his office. The Light Star had fallen from the sky and the breeze coming through the open windows was beginning to cool, but his temper wasn’t. “I can’t have this, Aleroth.”

  His best friend sat relaxed in the chair at his desk. His face swollen on the left side. “He needs to go,” Roth said with a little too much grit in his voice for a Tallek.

  “Did he touch her on Trident? Did he get close to her?” His mind was wandering to every dark scenario he could imagine.

  Roth nodded slightly, staring at the small drive he held in his hands. “I caught it on the monitors. He kissed her, but nothing more. At least not yet.”

  “I can’t have this.” Zeke pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. It was too much for him. Maevelin had always been a good girl, always kept her head down and never fucked up like that. And what a damn fuck up. “He’s a Turnish for fuck’s sake.”

  Before Turnix Beta had been destroyed, the Turnish and the Tallek had always been friendly, took their political alliance seriously, and they’d never had any problems. That wasn’t the issue now, though. The issue was the fact that the Turnish were takers, users, sucking their own planet dry for their self-satisfaction and now, they were gone. Also, and currently the worst of the two, their sexual appetites, their need to bond themselves to a female, was not in Zeke’s plan.

  “What do you want me to do?” Roth spoke low.

  Zeke respected the hell out of his friend. He’d always been there to help teach Maevelin, and before that. Before that pivotal moment in his life changed everything. Roth had been through it all with him. There was nothing Zeke wouldn’t trust in his hands.

  Maevelin had always been special. He’d seen the wisdom in her eyes the moment he found her. But, the most important part, was that she was special to him. He had plans for her, plans that went far beyond her place there in his home, and that could all be ruined if she bonded to that male.

  “If he hasn’t touched her yet then there is still hope they won’t bond.” Zeke inhaled deep, contemplating his next move. “Watch him. I want you to follow him, and I want you to keep her safe, Aleroth. There is nothing more important than that.”

  Roth nodded his head. “Yes, sir.”

  “He could be useful to me,” Zeke added before pointing to the small drive on the desk. “I know his past and I know what he’s done to survive. It may come in handy.”

  “If you know that, then why let him near Maevelin at all?”

  “I’m not letting anyone do anything!” Zeke hissed. It was already bad enough the Turnish was on his planet, let alone in his home. The last thing he needed was Roth questioning him. “There are laws for a reason, Aleroth. I uphold the laws of this galaxy and right now, that male is her property under her protection.”

  “You know better than I do slaves can’t own property. He belongs to you and your household.”

  Zeke locked eyes with his friend from across the room. He attempted to hide his emotions, but knew he was losing the battle. He had few secrets in his life and the ones he had could never get out. Most of them a matter of life and death.

  Roth cocked his head to the side, a slow frown twisted his face. “You have to be kidding me.” He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose in obvious frustration. “How long, my friend? How long has she been free?”

  “I paid her slave debt before her eighteenth cycle.”

  “Maevelin’s been free for seven cycles and you never told her?”

  Zeke sighed. His guilt over not telling her had grown with each day, but it didn’t feel any better admitting it to Roth. “I couldn’t lose her. I couldn’t lose another one.”

  “Is that what this is then?” Roth picked up the drive on the desk and examined it further. “You think they’re still alive?”

  “Nami is dead. I know that much.” Zeke swallowed his sorrow for a later time. “But there’s still hope Arlo is alive, and as long as there is hope I will look for her.”

  Roth dropped the metal device on the desk and looked over his shoulder to Zeke. “She’s dead, Zekekiel. Stop living your life in the past.”

  “How do you know? Have you seen her body?”

  “No, I have not,” Roth mumbled.

  “I didn’t think so. Someone changed the frequency of the location device I had put under her skin when she was born. I told myself it was for a good cause to mar my own child’s flesh.” Again, Zeke had to swallow his sorrow. “I wanted to always know where she was, to make sure she was safe, but in the end it didn’t matter. Did it?”

  “No, I guess not.” Roth mumbled again. He finally turned around and they locked eyes. “I am sorry, my friend. She was a beautiful baby.”

  “Indeed,” Zeke agreed. “That device is the key to finding Arlo. My last chance.”

  “I will go where you send me.” To Zeke’s delight, Roth turned and reached the door. But he paused a moment and looked back. “And I will follow the Turnish.”

  “Thank you, Aleroth.”

  “My pleasure.”

  With that, Roth left Zeke’s office and silence wrapped itself around him. It was full dark now, the air cool to the touch but still tinged with that supernatural warmth the trees and water held on to well after the Light Star was gone.

  Maevelin entered his thoughts. She wasn’t a slave, not to him and not to anyone. She’d been miserable when he’d found her as a baby and if he hadn’t taken her away that day, she’d be as good
as dead now. That was the sick disgusting truth of it, a truth he’d been fighting since that very day with little to nothing done about it. But he had her. Maevelin was his… pride, his joy, everything he ever wanted after everything had been taken from him. Zeke looked at the drive that perched himself on his desk. The information that little metal device held inside it could change his world as he knew it.

  Then, another female entered his thoughts. A smiling black haired beauty. But he would deny himself comfort as always. He wasn’t ready. The time wasn’t right, and he cursed the Turnish for bringing out the darkest part of him.


  Somewhere in the direction Teak was walking, was a door that would lead him to what Wilsit called, Subterranea. He’d follow a passage down to a sub city, and there, he’d find a door.

  Leaving Maeve peacefully sleeping in her bed had been nearly impossible, but the thought of not following through with his only promise to her was even more impossible. This was for her. He had to see it through and if that meant nearly getting himself killed each night in a fighting pit to slowly earn back everything she spent on him, then he’d do it. He’d do it until she was free.

  Teak wasn’t stupid. He knew the laws of the galaxy, knew where and on what planets things like fighting for credits, betting, and anything else that was going on in Subterranea were legal. None of which was legal here on Ascena Pura. The place was a purified sanctuary.

  Maeve spoke in great detail and with nothing but love about this place. The weather, the water, that balcony which called to her heart so strongly. All of it was a distraction to what was truly going on. Teak saw it the instant he’d stepped foot in this place, but not even his fucked up mind could conjure up such dark visions.

  It wasn’t a haven. Not at all. In fact, he’d suspect it to be the complete opposite.

  The note, which had been slipped to him in the tavern yesterday by one of Wilsit’s employees, gave directions to The Pit in great detail. Teak would need to burn the simple piece of paper as soon as he could before someone found it that shouldn’t. Like Zekekiel for instance.


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