Guardian Generations

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Guardian Generations Page 15

by C. Osborne Rapley

  After a short while they came to an airlock; it opened to reveal a small but sumptuous shuttle. The guard turned to James.

  “Jamestaylor, please take a seat.”

  She indicated a seat in the centre of the first row just behind the bulkhead that separated the pilot from the passengers. James did as he was asked. With a slight jolt the shuttle moved away from the ship. The crescent of a planet below came into view and it took James’s breath away, the beautiful blue and white, with cloud formations that seemed to hang stationary above the blue of the seas.

  The shuttle made for a small green island. It looked out of place when the rest of the land on the planet was covered with cities and large building complexes as would befit the administrative centre of a large ancient empire. They passed through a force field. Once through the force field they were challenged by security craft. They were cleared and then swung down through manicured woodlands, lakes and gardens. A large palace came into view, with a private spaceport off to one side.

  The pilot brought the shuttle to rest by a terminal building. The door opened and the guard rose.

  “Please follow me, Jamestaylor.”

  James stood and followed. The two men hung back. Once they had disembarked from the shuttle James noticed a group of new guards richly dressed. They were all women around his height. He avoided eye contact as Ilithyia had told him to. He felt irritated but she had made him promise; she seemed genuinely frightened for him. James smiled to himself, remembering that particular training session. Thinking of her both lifted his sprits and saddened him at the same time. He had often heard the expression bittersweet, now he knew the meaning first-hand.

  They stopped by ornate doors and an officer appeared from his left.

  “Jamestaylor, the Empress is eager to meet you, but asks if you would like to rest from your journey first.”

  “Please give the Empress my respects, I am happy to meet her whenever she wishes.”

  The officer spoke into a device on her wrist, and almost immediately the doors opened.

  “Please go through, Jamestaylor.”

  James walked forward; despite himself he felt nervous, his hands clammy. The guards remained behind. He jumped slightly as the doors closed behind him, and then there was silence. He looked up. He found himself in a large ornate room the walls covered in luxurious drapes and hangings. The ceiling was painted in brilliant abstract colours. He stood and waited. One of the curtains moved, and a regal woman aged around sixty Earth years stepped into the room and walked towards him.

  His heart leapt into his mouth – The Empress! He recognised her from a picture Ilithyia had of her. He quickly went down on one knee and looked at the floor as Ilithyia had taught him. He heard a soft laugh.

  “It seems Ilithyia has taught you well, James, but we don’t have to stick with these silly protocols while we are alone. Please stand up and come and sit over here.”

  James stood as he was asked. He was careful to keep his eyes averted from the Empress and walked towards a large couch she had indicated. He heard the soft laugh again.

  “James, you don’t need to bother about the silly eye contact thing. That is just for our men. You are entirely different and above them, now please relax.”

  James stood by the couch. The Empress walked toward him and held out her hand. James was disconcerted, now what do I do? Ilithyia said nothing about this! He took her hand and bent and kissed it as he would have done had this situation occurred on Earth. He released her hand and waited for her to sit down.

  She sat, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “I am glad to see you are a gentleman, James, please sit here.” She patted the couch next to her.

  James sat as he was requested and waited respectfully for the Empress to speak.

  “Well, James, it’s wonderful to meet you after all these years.”

  James felt surprise. “Years?”

  “Yes, James, years. We have watched your progress since you were a small boy.” The Empress smiled. “I can see you are sceptical.” She paused for a moment and then continued. “You are a person who is very rare in the galaxy. You have the capabilities to be a Guardian. Until a few years ago we thought they were extinct. For reasons we do not understand the majority are located in an isolated area on your planet. As you know from Ilithyia’s teaching we are clearing the galaxy of the synthetic life forms produced by the ancient Lantians.”

  James nodded.

  The Empress continued. “All had been going well for the last few hundred years and would have continued without problem except for one thing. We have reached a sector of space where the synthetics have formed a League. The League is policed by at least two Guardians. That in itself is not an issue, the problem is they have reactivated their planetary Artificial Intelligences. They are there to guard and protect the life forms on their respective planets. They are formidable machines; their presence makes our task almost impossible.

  “We needed someone who could help us by counteracting the effect of the machines. We found your world about fifty years ago while we were clearing that sector of synthetics. The Empress at the time, my Grandmother, decided to leave your world in peace. Do you know how rare a vibrant world of pure Lantians is in the galaxy?”

  She paused. “No, of course you don’t - except for our colonies, and as you have seen we have changed over the aeons – it’s probably the only one in existence. We left a surveillance ship and moved on. About twenty years ago some filthy synthetics found you. We cleared up the mess they left, a ship and two Mylians, and maintained a closer watch in case any more of the filthy creatures should decide to interfere with your world.”

  She shuddered. “Anyway, some years later the planetary AI computers started to come online, which of course ruined our plans. The only way that can happen is if they detect someone with a specific DNA code - a Guardian. As I said before, they have been extinct for millennia. The only logical explanation was the incident with the synthetics a few years earlier. We investigated and found a link, your family! For reasons unbeknown to us your family possess the code in pure form without hardly any degradation. So we chose you to help us James, we have been planning for your arrival over many years.”

  “Why can’t you produce the code yourselves?” he asked.

  She laughed. “Do you know how many combinations we would have to work through to crack the code? - It would take generations. No, you were our solution. Do you remember the old lady a few doors down from your house who let you play in her garden?”

  James nodded. “Yes”

  “She was our agent, one of us sent to watch you.” It was James’ turn to shudder.

  She smiled and James had a strange feeling something unpleasant was about to happen.

  “I have been informed you have formed an attachment to one of my officers.”

  James felt his heart miss a beat. Oh God, what is coming now!

  “Don’t look so scared, James, she is quite safe. Your relationship was inevitable. You see, she was found after careful personality profiling and has been prepared since she was a little girl especially for you. Why for instance do you think she spoke your language?”

  James felt his mouth go dry; his fingernails dug into the palm of his hands. His voice came out as a croak, “You mean she set me up?”

  The Empress shook her head. “Oh no, James, she knows nothing about it. Her feelings for you are genuine. Once we had found the perfect match for you all we had to do was ensure you spent time together.”

  The Empress laughed. “It worked perfectly don’t you agree? We were also surprised that even after millennia of separation you are still genetically compatible. It will give us a backup if you should fail.” She smiled.

  James’s mind was racing. God I have been played for a fool.

  The Empress continued, “We were concerned when your ship was brought down by those Gunards. If anything had happened to you we would have had our plans set back a generation. It is well for
the Captain she died in the crash. Especially as she nearly lost you twice! Still you handled yourself well, I’m proud of you, my boy!”

  James’s mind raced. How much does she know? Perhaps the safest course would be to maintain an air of stunned silence.

  “We were also pleased how quickly you picked up our language. It shows our faith in you is not misplaced. Now, as far as the Artificial Intelligences are concerned, we cannot help very much. We know you have the latent capability to control them but your ability will not be activated until you are close to one.”

  James kept his face passive. At last there is something she doesn’t know.

  “We do however have several experts who can help you with all the background you need. We are planning the first push into League space in six months’ time. That will give you three months before you have to leave. You can learn all you can from our experts and of course have a well-earned holiday.”

  She stood up and James jumped immediately to his feet.

  “You will of course stay here during that time. You need not worry about protocol. Everyone has been informed of your position and your strange ways.”

  She laughed her soft laugh. James shivered imperceptibly; it sounded sinister and gave him a feeling there was more to come.

  “Oh, by the way, while you are here you will need someone to look after you. I believe you may know the newest member of my personal staff?”

  She clapped her hands together. The doors opened and a tall young woman walked in, her eyes lowered. She took a few paces then went down on one knee.


  James held his breath his heart racing. God, what has this old trout got planned now?

  The Empress walked up to her. “Please stand, my dear.”

  Ilithyia stood, carefully keeping her eyes diverted.

  “I believe you know this young man?”

  Her eyes looked in his direction. She went bright scarlet.

  “Ye… Ye…Yes, your Majesty.”

  “Well, my dear, he is very important to me so I want you to take good care of him.”

  James could see Ilithyia was caught off guard, she stood speechless.

  “Of course, Ilithyia, to protect your reputation we must have a wedding. I cannot have one of my close aides being the cause of gossip, now can I?” The Empress smiled radiantly. “I do love a good wedding!”

  James was stunned; he could see from Ilithyia’s expression she felt the same.

  “Ilithyia, while your new husband is away you will have to stay here with me so he knows you are safe.”

  James finally knew the trap had snapped shut. The bait was Ilithyia! Bind him to her then hold her as a hostage to ensure he carries out the required tasks. Very clever!

  Seventeen: Generations

  Tristain turned in amazement to Cassiopeia.

  “Are the coordinates correct?”

  “Yes, Tristain, they are correct.”

  She turned to Octavian, “Is this where you were?”

  “Yes, the south-west area of the larger island.”

  Tristain shook her head. More coincidences!

  “Cassiopeia, please access their computer networks. Compare the coordinates from Octavian’s computer with the area Father grew up.”

  Cassiopeia was silent for a while. Tristain let out a sigh; she had been holding her breath.


  “They have something called Google, Tristain. The information is vast, but their computers slow and primitive so it takes a little while to find what I’m looking for.”

  “Yes, patience, Tristain,” Octavian smiled. Tristain glared at him and opened her mouth to say something when Cassiopeia interrupted.

  “OK, I have it.”

  Cassiopeia projected a map of the south-western part of the island they were in orbit over onto the ship’s display system.

  “This is the cave system where the remains of the AI is located. The area glowed red on the map. It seems to have suffered from further cave-ins as the AI has not been discovered. The cave system is apparently what they call a tourist attraction—”

  “Yes, I know what a tourist attraction is!” Tristain interrupted.

  Cassiopeia went on ignoring Tristain’s impatience.

  “The place is now called Wookey Hole. Octavian’s track went south to here.” A red line appeared on the map. The settlement you helped protect, Octavian, was just on the outskirts of a place now called Wells.”

  “But that is exactly the place where Father grew up!”

  “Yes I know, Tristain, it is strange isn’t it.”

  Tristain looked at Octavian. He shrugged his shoulders.

  “I don’t know what’s going on, Tristain,” He said.

  “The Cartigians’ ship was near a place called Portsmouth. This is the track that you took.” Another red line appeared winding its way from Wells to Portsmouth.

  “OK, Cassiopeia, you know the address where Father’s family lived, show us that on the map please.” The view panned back to Wells.

  “Here, just to the South of Wells, Tristain.”

  “By the way, have we been detected, Cassiopeia?” Octavian asked.

  “No, Octavian, their detection systems are primitive; the ship’s systems are more than adequate to keep us hidden.”

  “Good, is there anything on James Taylor that you can find, Cassiopeia?” Tristain asked.

  ‘Yes, there is something about him archived on several news sites.”

  An article flashed up on the screen:

  ‘RAF plane crashes, pilot disappears in mysterious circumstances,’ the headlines read. They went on to detail how contact was lost with James and his aircraft while on a training mission in the Highlands of Scotland, and no body was ever found in or near the wreckage. The strange thing was the ejector seat had not been activated, and the harness straps still buckled. The part at the bottom caught Tristain’s eye. It mentioned that James’s uncle Tristan also disappeared over twenty years earlier.

  Tristain shook her head. “It must have been awful for my grandparents to lose a son and then a grandson in almost the same way. I have to visit them, Cassiopeia. Can you find out if they still live at the same address?”

  “Yes, they have everything available on their computer systems.” Cassiopeia paused. “They still live at the same address.”

  “Right, we need clothes that will fit in, Cassiopeia. You have to come with me as you have Father’s recorded message.” She turned to Octavian. “I think it would be best if you stayed and looked after the ship. You can drop us off in some of the outlying farmland, then bring it back up here and wait for my call.”

  “That’s fine, but check in every four hours so I know you are OK.”

  “Yes, Cassiopeia will take care of that.”

  “The clothing is ready in your quarters, Tristain. It’s summer so I have given you a blouse and jeans. That should be sufficient. I will wear the same. I have also taken the liberty to produce a hair band for you to cover your ears.”

  “Fine, as soon as we are changed we will go down there. It looks to be early afternoon so the timing should be correct.”

  Tristain was starting to feel nervous. There were butterflies in her stomach. It is not every day one meets their grandparents for the first time. She only vaguely remembered her maternal grandparents; they had been killed when she was very young.

  The clothes were hanging in her wardrobe. She took off her existing ones and threw them into the recycling chute. A new set would be ready in her wardrobe when she needed them, courtesy of the ship’s systems.

  She dressed in the undergarments, jeans, and blouse the computer had produced from Cassiopeia’s specifications. She pulled the hair band down round her neck then back up from the front, pulling her long hair back and covering her ears. She checked in the mirror – except for the piercing blue of her eyes, she would easily pass as human.

  She took a deep breath. The butterflies had grown somewhat, and she needed to get going
before she felt like not going at all. She walked back into the control room. She noticed the fleeting expression on Octavian’s face and smiled to herself.

  “I think these jeans are a little tight don’t you, Octavian?”

  “Um… no, they look fine to me.”

  Tristain smiled again.

  “OK, let’s go. You can do the flying, Octavian.”

  Octavian settled himself down in the pilot’s chair, interfaced with the computer, and moved the ship out of orbit. They spiralled down using the thrusters to lose speed quickly, ensuring they would not leave a glowing trail that would be visible from the ground.

  They swooped low over Wells. Octavian had chosen a small field not far from where Tristain’s grandparents lived. They landed silently. Wheeled vehicles were passing up and down the road the other side of the hedge.

  Tristain and Cassiopeia were waiting by the main hatch. Except for the hair band, Cassiopeia had dressed herself in identical clothes to Tristain’s.

  Tristain felt Octavian’s voice in her head. It is clear at the moment; you can disembark without anyone noticing you suddenly appear out of nowhere.

  She opened the main hatch and stepped out into the warm afternoon sunshine. Cassiopeia followed her down the ramp.

  OK, I will see you later – good luck.

  Octavian’s parting thought hung in her mind. She felt the vibration under her feet as her ship slowly lifted on its return journey to a geostationary orbit above them.

  Tristain shivered; she wondered what sort of reception she would receive. How would they take the news she was their long lost granddaughter and their son who had vanished over twenty years ago was still very much alive? Maybe not as bad as when they found out from their point of view she was half alien.

  She had practised the meeting over and over again in her mind. Her thoughts were interrupted by Cassiopeia.

  “Come on then, what are you waiting for?”

  Tristain suddenly realised she had spoken in English. “I’m ready, let’s go.” Having been brought up by her parents as bilingual, Tristain also spoke English without any accent. Being a machine, Cassiopeia’s speech was perfect.


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