The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1 Page 117

by Pirateaba

  “You can’t do that!”

  “Watch me.”

  Erin stared at Zevara. The Drake’s eyes were a light purple, and she held Erin’s gaze until the human looked away.


  “If you’re done, get out. I’ve got a city to protect, and I don’t need to listen to a human squawking at me.”

  For one second, the girl thought about flipping Zevara’s desk over and spilling all her neat paperwork on the floor. She didn’t because it wouldn’t help anything, and because the desk looked really heavy.

  Plus, Selys had told her that Zevara could breathe fire.

  The girl stomped to the door and Zevara winced and scowled at her. Erin turned, hand on the doorknob.

  “If they die, it’s your fault.”

  Zevara’s face was stony.

  “Tell that to the people who have already died.”

  There was nothing she could say to that, so Erin left. She slammed the door as hard as she could behind her. That made her feel a little better.

  Ryoka was waiting impatiently at the foot of the stairs as Erin came down. The taller girl was practically bouncing on her bare feet, ignoring the stares she was getting from the other guardsmen in the Watch’s barracks.


  Erin shook her head glumly.

  “We’re not getting any help from the Watch. And um, I think we should leave. Now.”

  They did. Ryoka stopped a few feet outside of the squat, two-story building and turned to Erin.

  “I thought you said we could get help.”

  “I thought we would! But it looks like people sort of blame the adventurers for the attack. Which is fair.”


  Erin flinched at Ryoka’s glare. She hadn’t known the other girl long, but Ryoka seemed to have two settings: intense and brooding. And right now she was practically vibrating with energy. She would have rushed to the Ruins as soon as Pisces had come to them if it weren’t for the fact that both she and Erin were exhausted and drunk. Even so, she’d been up at the crack of dawn demanding to be led to the Ruins.

  “That mage – Pisces said that he’ll go down to look for the Horns of Hammerad. I’ll go with him now. You try to convince other people to help.”

  Ryoka turned and Erin grabbed her arm. The Runner jumped and glared and Erin let go quickly.

  “Sorry. Look, you want to go into the super-scary Ruins with Pisces?”

  “Yes. The Horns are down there. I’m going in after them.”

  “But with Pisces?”

  “He’s a necromancer, right? I know he’s powerful.”

  “Yeah, but he’s…Pisces, y’know?”

  Ryoka just stared. Erin scratched at her head. It was only just past morning in the city and her head still felt full of clouds.

  “You really care about them, don’t you? I mean, I do too, but Ryoka, this is crazy.”

  Ryoka shrugged.

  “I owe them a debt. I’ll go down there myself and come out with them or stay there forever.”

  Now that sounded heroic and pretty crazy. Erin opened her mouth and raised a finger.

  “Or we could get reinforcements.”

  “You said that about your two guardsmen friends.”

  “I did. But I know more people. Zevara said she’d forbid Relc and Klbkch from coming. Well, she can do that, but I bet Klb’s more important than her.”

  “Fine. Let’s ask him.”

  Ryoka turned and began walking. She moved so quick! Her version of walking was Erin’s version of a jog. The girl made it ten feet and then turned around and glared at Erin.

  “Well? What are you waiting for?”

  Erin smiled desperately and looked around.

  “Um, I’ve never really been to the Hive. We might have to ask for directions or find a Worker.”

  “A what?”


  Slow people. Slow conversations. The Horns of Hammerad are alive! I should be running down to the Ruins now, but I’m stuck here with a girl who doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of haste*.

  *Or a lot of other things, if I’m honest. She’s a person from my world, I get that. But is she just completely airheaded or does she not take everything seriously? She hangs out with talking bugs and doesn’t even blink at crazed demon midgets**.


  Time. It all comes down to time. Not everything’s a 400 meter dash, but some things come down to seconds.

  This is an emergency. My frien—Ceria and the others are alive. At least she is. And she’s been down in the Ruins for days, possibly without water or food all that time. She is alive.

  I have to help her. But somehow I’m stuck following Erin Solstice around. She’s fine. She’s an innkeeper. But she doesn’t seem to understand how important this is.

  I had to push her to run through the streets and she stopped when she got embarrassed from people staring. We found the Hive, and the strange Worker insect disappeared inside for a few minutes before he came out with the strange Antinium.

  Antinium. The murderous invaders from across the world. I could use an entire army of them, but it seems like we’re not going to get any.

  “—And then she said she’d forbid you to help! Can you believe that?”

  What is it with this girl and talking to people? I should just go. Now. But—

  Zombies? Erin did say there were zombies, right?

  Can I fight zombies? Would punching them even work?

  What if I get bit?

  I have to go.

  Klbkch, the Antinium with only two arms stares first at Erin, and then me. I don’t like him. He drugged us last night, or slipped us some kind of magical alcohol. I took a sip of that and went insane.

  What does he want? Why does Erin think he’ll help her? If he’s the Prognugator of the Hive here he should be far too important to want to deal with us.

  Unless he suspects where we’re from. Or is it something else? That book said Antinium don’t have names except for the Prognugator and Queens. So why did I meet two other Antinium with names?

  Focus. I have to save Ceria and the others.

  “So um. Can we have a few of those big soldier guys?”

  Klbkch crosses his arms and seems to think. The Worker that got him left the instant he completed his task, but Klbkch came out of the hive with the Antinium with swords. Ksmvr. He makes me just as uneasy. Is he a bodyguard? Some new form of Antinium? Or is that Klbkch? They’re not supposed to have only two arms.

  At last, Klbkch shakes his head reluctantly.

  “I am sorry Erin, but I cannot assist you.”

  Her face falls. I heard some people wear their feelings on their sleeve, but Erin paints it on a sign and waves it around wherever she goes.

  “What? Why?”

  “By the agreement made with Liscor, we may bring out Soldiers above-ground unless requested by a figure of authority or in times of war or defense of the city.”

  Damn, damn, damn. But I guess it’s my turn. If I could get some of those soldiers Erin is talking about…I clear my throat. Klbkch looks at me. I hate talking to strangers.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the Ruins a clear threat? That’s where these undead came from, right? Neutralizing it would constitute defense of the city.”

  Not good. Two interrogative statements. I should be making declaratives and speaking confidently. That’s what good old dad taught me. Look people in the eye, speak clearly, and lie through your teeth when you have to.

  Klbkch nods at me, and takes his time replying, like a lawyer building his case.

  “That is true under a certain interpretation. But I believe many would see it as a dangerous precedent, especially given the failure of the Antinium to act during the undead attack.”

  “No. Klbkch, we need help. Really badly. Ryoka and I can’t go down there by ourselves. Or even with Toren and Pisces.”

  Whoa. Slow down. Did she just say she was going with me? And what was t
hat? Toren? The skeleton? She wants to take a skeleton to fight against its kind? Can she even trust that thing?

  Klbkch just nods as if it’s all natural, though.

  “I understand. But my Queen would take Zevara’s view, I fear. I can render some aid, though.”


  He nods. Klbkch looks over his shoulder at the other Antinium.

  “Ksmvr. Go with Erin Solstice and protect her.”

  The other Antinium’s mandibles spread wide, their version of a surprised expression, I guess.

  “I? But I am Prognugator. I cannot—”

  “Silence. You will go.”

  Klbkch turns back to Erin and bows his head politely. Why do I get something of a Japanese vibe from the Antinium? Stereotypes about the Japanese corporate life aside, maybe because they’re so polite.

  A single warrior from a Hive that’s capable of fielding thousands of soldiers at any given moment seems weak to me, but Erin smiles.

  “So you’re not going to try and stop me, then?”

  “If I told you not to go, I believe you would. You and Relc share the same tendencies.”

  “That’s not a compliment.”

  “I am aware.”

  Okay, if that’s all, it’s time to go.

  “It’s time to go. Let’s get to the Ruins.”

  Erin shakes her head. Is she mule headed or does she not realize that we need to hurry?

  “Not yet. Krshia and Selys might be able to help. Let’s go see them.”

  Unless they’re both secretly incredible warriors I doubt it. But Klbkch seems approving. He nods to me as I hurry Erin away.

  His voice is soft, but I hear him talking quietly to the other one, Ksmvr as I go. Erin doesn’t notice. She’s too busy deciding whether to see Krshia or Selys first. But I hear him.

  “Protect Erin and those she travels with. Her life is more important than yours. If she is harmed or dies, I will see you deconstructed.”

  Something else to think about, but not now. I keep pushing Erin, ignoring her complaints that her feet hurt. We can’t slow. I can’t stop.

  We have to hurry.

  I won’t be too late again.


  “Will you not wait a day?”


  Ryoka said it before Erin could even respond. It was incredible, but the other girl was even more hyperactive than before. She was shifting from leg to leg, checking the position of the sun and the time on her iPhone every few seconds.

  “We can’t wait, Krshia. If Ceria’s down there, she might be in danger even as we speak.”

  “Hrm. But it is very dangerous. That creature of skin, there may be more, yes? And even if there is not, many undead did not perish in the attack. They will all be waiting down there.”

  “Will you come or not?”

  Erin winced. Being blunt and rude towards a Gnoll was…well, actually it wasn’t a bad thing. Krshia snorted in amusement at Ryoka.

  “Patience, young huntress. Even with Ksmvr, warrior that he is, you two and the mage and skeleton are not enough, yes? I suggest waiting because in time help may arrive.”

  “Help? What kind of help?”

  Krshia smiled at Erin.

  “Several of my tribe come down the southern road. They will be here today, if not earlier. They are warriors all, and they will surely help find your humans for you.”

  Krshia’s words sparked a memory in Ryoka’s head. She stared at the Gnoll. It couldn’t be a coincidence. Erin shook her head at Krshia.

  “We can’t wait. I’m sorry, but we’re going in. Will you come?”

  Regretfully, Krshia shook her head.

  “I cannot. I must wait for my kin and my arrows would do little good against dead things. ”

  Erin exhaled hard. She’d thought that was the case, but it still hurt.

  “Okay. Okay. In that case I need to buy some stuff.”

  Krshia spread her paws.

  “My shop is open. I have healing potions which I will give you, and you may pay me later. What do you need? Ask.”

  “Frying pans, knives…actually, rocks will do. So only frying pans.”

  “Frying pans?”

  Krshia looked dubious, but she saw Erin was serious.

  “Very well. I have good ones of cast iron. How many do you wish for?”

  “Two…three…how many do you have?”

  Erin took only a minute to select the right frying pans. Then she turned and nodded at Ryoka.

  “Selys, then. She might be able to help. If not we’ll go.”

  The other girl didn’t move. She was staring at Krshia, frowning. Ryoka seemed to be struggling with something, and both of the other females finally noticed it. Krshia smiled at Ryoka.

  “Do you have something you wish to say?”

  “These other Gnolls you said were coming. They’re coming up the south road?”

  “Yes. If you wait, they will be here soon.”

  “No. They won’t.”

  Krshia frowned at Ryoka.

  “What makes you sure of that?”

  “They’re dead. I saw them.”

  Erin looked from Ryoka back to Krshia just in time to see the Gnoll shopkeeper go completely still. Her tail, usually gently wagging, stopped. Her ears froze and her pupils dilated. She stared at Ryoka.


  “I found a group of dead Gnolls on my way to Liscor. They were around forty miles away from the city, all of them killed. Something cut them apart.”

  Krshia flexed her hand by her side. Both Erin and Ryoka’s eyes were drawn downwards when she did. Normally, Krshia had a paw for a hand, furrier than a human’s but generally the same. Now her claws seemed to lengthen. Maybe it was a trick of the light. But to look at Krshia’s hands at that moment was to remember that she had nails. Long and sharp nails, the kind you could use to cut someone to ribbons.

  The Gnoll stared down at Ryoka silently. Her face was expressionless, and her voice equally devoid of emotion.


  “I don’t know. But a few minutes later I met someone on the road. A woman with a large eye named Gazi.”

  Erin stared in open-mouthed astonishment at Ryoka, but Krshia only nodded.

  “Thank you for telling me this, Ryoka Griffin. I trust you are not lying?”


  Krshia inclined her head slowly.

  “I thought as much and sense the truth of it. Very well. You must go. Save your friends.”

  Erin hesitated, but Ryoka pulled her away. The two girls ran down the street as Krshia watched them go.

  The Gnoll was silent as she stood behind her stall full of carefully arranged wares. Another Drake trotted up, happy to be served at last. Krshia turned to look at him and his scales turned grey and he stumbled away.

  Slowly, Krshia turned and went back into her small stall. She pawed around near the back, until she came to a long, rolled up bundle placed carefully on top of a few crates. Krshia brought it back and laid it on her counter, brushing aside her display to make room.

  She did not move any faster than usual. There would be time enough for that, later.

  Krshia unwrapped the bow and stood it upright in her shop. She drew the string out of the bundle, checking to make sure it was still oiled and unfrayed. Then she began stringing the bow.

  Across the street Lism, the waste of fur of a shopkeeper, was marching towards Krshia. Probably to complain about one of the two humans. Krshia took no notice of him. She reached into the bundle and pulled out a wrapped bundle.

  Lism took one look at the huge broadhead arrows Krshia unwrapped from their wax paper covering and immediately turned around and walked away. The other pedestrians on the street took one look at the shopkeeper arming herself and made themselves scarce.

  The bow was strung, and Krshia put the arrows in a quiver at her side. She was ready. She opened the side panel of her shop and stepped out.

  Then she raised her head to the sky and began to


  Selys had no better news for Erin. The Drake only shook her head and spread her hands helplessly.

  “Sorry, Erin. I know this is serious but no one wants to go into the Ruins. Not after what came out.”

  “But there are other adventurers trapped down there. Friends. Comrades in arms and that sort of thing. You’re saying no one will help?”

  “All the best human adventurers went down with the Horns of Hammerad. The ones who are left are, well…”

  “We’re just smarter than that lot, that’s all.”

  Both Drake and human turned to look at who had spoken. A Drake with a sword sat with his feet up at a table, balancing on the chair with his tail. He laughed as his friends, all Drakes, started making jokes about the adventurers.

  Erin stared around the room desperately. There weren’t all Drake and Gnolls in the room. Some humans were there too, but none of them would meet her eyes. Or the ones that did were laughing at the adventurers.

  “Won’t any of you help? Please, they’re in trouble.”

  “They should have gotten themselves out of trouble or not gone looking for it in the first place, Human.”

  The Drake who had first spoken laughed again with his buddies.

  “Or maybe they just ran the instant they saw undead and got themselves killed. Either way, we’re not risking our hides for a few idiots.”


  Ryoka said it loudly, and it had the same effect as a knife. It cut through the sound and laughter and made the Drake who had spoken sit forwards with a thump.

  The mood changed. The adventurers at the table glared at Ryoka. She glared back.

  “I thought adventurers were supposed to be brave. You lot should get rid of your swords and become Runners. At least they get paid to run away.”

  The Drakes at the table stood up, hissing angrily. Selys banged her hand on the counter.

  “Stop that! No fighting! This city’s had enough of it!”

  The Drakes hesitated. The mood in the room wasn’t on their side, and they weren’t itching for a fight in any case.

  They sat back down. Perhaps it was the look in Ryoka’s eye and the rumors about a crazed Runner girl with bare feet. But it was probably because of the look Erin gave them. Everyone had heard about the human who slew the monster made of skin.


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