The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1 Page 232

by Pirateaba

  It was wonderful. And as Niers had played he had known it in his bones.

  He was not good enough to match this mysterious player. Not good enough. But he was close enough that neither was alone any longer.

  A wonderful thing.

  The small man leapt from his map table over to the other table with the chess board, ignoring his students. He stood over the chess board, eying the pieces that still stood in the middle of a game.

  Two wins. And four losses. That was unimaginable to Niers’ students, but it was a source of delight to Niers himself. He couldn’t explain it to them—how could he? They were young and still grappling for any measure of success, fame, or fortune. But to lose a game and experience defeat after defeat—

  It nearly brought tears to his eyes just thinking of it. Niers shook his head. It would really not do to weep in front of his students.

  “Have you discovered the identity of your opponent, sir?”

  Niers looked over with a frown. That was Venaz for you, or rather, Minotaurs. They disliked secrets and they preferred to do everything out in the open. It was a flaw he’d resolved in her strategic thinking, but it still bled into the way she handled everything else.

  “I prefer to savor the mystery. I have my suspicions of course—”

  He knew where the Courier had gone. It had taken him quite a lot of gold but he’d backtracked the location of the letter to Izril. And he knew that after leaving the boat, the letter had travelled to Liscor. Liscor. Who knew a city that had produced a genius like General Sserys would have another hidden gem in it? Unless that was just where the Courier had tracked down the mysterious chess player.

  “—But I have not looked into the matter any further. In truth, I am not sure I would like to.”

  That made Venaz frown, but Cameral and Umina nodded. Their species understood privacy a bit more, even if that wasn’t the entire reason why Niers was so hesitatant.

  The [Strategist] smiled. He stroked his beard.

  “Well, if you are so interested, why not present me with your theories? I trust you have some suspicions as to who my opponent might be?”

  His students shifted. Some of them obviously feared to speak up, but Niers didn’t have a lot of time for hesitation on the battlefield. So it was only seconds before Marian raised one hand.

  “Sir, I believe your opponent may be a Dragon.”

  “Indeed? What leads you to that conclusion?”

  Marian shifted. Niers knew she had to be uncomfortable in this tent; Centaurs didn’t like being in small places any more than horses did, and there were too many people for her to move about freely.

  “It is simply an observation based on your opponent’s unusual skill. Only someone with a truly brilliant mind could defeat you repeatedly in a game of chess.”

  “Hmm. So you believe a Dragon is my opponent? I would disagree for one main reason.”

  Marian looked crestfallen, but Niers waved a hand.

  “It’s nothing you could have known. But I observed that after my first victory, my opponent immediately changed tactics. They switched into a highly risky style of play, abandoning their previous style.”

  It was almost like his opponent had been trying to provoke Niers. They had completely switched their playing style around, and Niers could almost hear a voice coming from the board. ‘There now. What do you think of that? What will you do next?’

  Some of Niers’ students looked confused. He smiled and explained.

  “Curiosity. The other player took a risk that they might lose another game to test me. Dragons are not like that. They are, by and large, very touchy beings. They dislike losing intensely and I believe a Dragon would have attempted to crush me several times in a row so I understood my place.”

  Niers also doubted whether chess would have spread to the point where the reclusive Dragons would have learned of this game. He shook his head, but kindly, at Marian.

  “A good guess. Does anyone else have one?”

  “One of the Archmages?”

  “A [Lord] or [Lady], perhaps? A high level one?”

  “Surely not. For someone of this level it has to be a [King]. Perhaps the King of Destruction—”

  Niers had to laugh at that.

  “I don’t believe Flos is very interested in such things at the moment, Venaz. And I have played him once before and he was not at this level.”

  The room went silent. Niers realized he had spoken more than he probably should and made a face.

  “Don’t look like that. Yes, when he was still slumbering I travelled to his kingdom to meet him. This was before I had revealed the game of chess in its entirety, but I convinced him to play me a single game.”


  How their eyes sparkled. Niers smiled and stroked his tiny beard.

  “I won.”

  They sighed, but hardly looked surprised. Niers shrugged.

  “His spirit wasn’t in the game. In truth, I believe that he would now be a far better player, but even then I would win more games than I lost. His steward on the other hand—Orthenon, I believe his name was?—he was a far more difficult opponent.”

  “But if it is not the King of Destruction, then who—?”

  “A question to ponder over some drinks, perhaps. But I will find out in my own way.”

  Niers cut the rest of the speculation short. His students bowed their heads to him and filed out of his tent. The strategy meeting had ended.

  It was a sign of how confident they all were that this was the type of conversation they had on the eve of battle. Niers sighed. It was making some of them too overconfident. After tomorrow he would start splitting them up, giving them harder assignments.

  He wandered over to the chess board and looked at the pieces. It had been two days since they had last moved. That was fine; he was often busy and he respected that his opponent had their own life to lead. But still, it was the moments when he played that he lived for.

  A genius at chess. Someone who could defeat a Level 64 [Strategist]. Not even a [Strategist], in truth, a [Grandmaster Strategist], an odd subclass he had obtained shortly after learning to play chess.

  His exact level and his class change were secrets, of course. Niers studied the chess board again, plotting ahead his next moves, but his mind was racing.

  “Who are you?”

  It was a question that had plagued him, despite what he told his students. He was so curious it hurt. Someone was out there who played chess better than he did.

  It could just be a higher-level [Strategist] or someone with a similar class and Skills. Niers knew a few people whom he suspected of having levels close to or higher than his. But…

  No. His gut told him that couldn’t be the case. He had invented chess; how could anyone reach that level so quickly?

  That was the secret, though, wasn’t it? Already an entire continent had hailed the game Niers had created as a masterpiece, a wonderful pastime and source of entertainment for people, but an aid and means to become stronger for [Tacticians] and [Strategists].

  But he hadn’t invented it. That was the grand lie, the little trap he’d set out in hopes of catching a far larger truth. And Niers had felt the first pull on the string with this opponent.

  “A Dragon might remember…”

  Or was it some other kind of immortal? Niers had no idea, but for some reason he couldn’t imagine an immortal playing the fresh and vibrant games he’d enjoyed. Yet who else could have known the game of chess before he’d claimed to have invented it? And why had they not disputed his claim as he’d hoped?

  To not reveal themselves? Possibly. But this was almost as blatant. Perhaps they were trying to tell him something?

  Niers buzzed with curiosity. It was this he lived for. These last few wars his company had participated in were dull to him by comparison. He was already rich and he had trained his armies to be one of the strongest on the continent. He had no ambitions but chess and finding the truth. The truth of the past that he
had discovered along with the game long ago…

  “Who are you?”

  He could always find out, of course. It might take a week, but assuming no idiot started a war after this…he could be in Liscor even sooner if he made some arrangements. A [Teleportation] spell might cost him dearly, but he was more than able to buy however many he wanted. In that case, he could leave and be back in a day—

  No. Niers shook his head. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise. And there was one more reason, after all. He had barely leveled up this last long decade. He’d leveled up once, and that was it. He had stagnated in his class, but after only eight games—

  He’d leveled. And Niers had the suspicion that he would continue to level so long as he was pushed to his very limits by his opponent. If he could hit Level 70, what miracles might occur?

  Wait. Be patient. Niers sat in front of the chess board and grimaced. His student’s departure had let quite a lot of muggy heat into the room.

  It was so hot outside. Niers hated the heat, even though Baleros was almost always like this. The only thing he hated more was deserts. Sandstorms were even more unpleasant when the individual particles were capable of ripping out chunks of your skin.

  What he wouldn’t give for a sword made of ice, or a cool drink right now. He could always request one, but what kind of example would he set?

  Niers Astoragon sighed as he sat in his tent, waiting for the night to end so he could win another battle. The world was moving, yet for so long he’d found himself stagnating. Perhaps it was time to quit the company. Read one of Magnolia’s damn letters. Could he abandon his Commander, his long-time friend and the leader of his Company so easily?

  But he ached to know. And…Niers felt it. It was in his bones, a sense, a premonition of battle. It came from his class, but it was far larger than anything Niers had felt before. It seemed to engulf the world, a strange tugging that came from the sky. Larger battles would await him soon, battles Niers had never dreamed of. That was what his instincts told him.

  All he had to do was wait. Niers studied the chess board.

  “Come back soon, will you? It grows terribly lonely without you.”

  He stretched. Time for sleep. He couldn’t be caught yawning in front of his troops, could he? And at least his tent was starting to cool again. Still, a cool drink right now would be very welcome. Perhaps after the battle. As celebration.

  He wondered when the damn Winter Sprites would get here, or whether they’d forgotten to bring winter.



  [Loran Grimnar] – Anyways, it’s hot as hell over here. How is it winter where you are?

  [Humble Actor] – Search me. I think it’s because the Winter Sprites haven’t rarrived on your continent yet. Apparently they bring the winter.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Seriously?

  [Humble Actor] – Yeah. And it’s weird. I saw them a few times. Got hit in the face with snow as well, but I swear they’re actual faeries. No one else seems to see them, but I can.

  [strider_479] – I can confirm that. I’ve seen the Winter Sprites too. They’re horrible. If you bother them they start avalanches. Stay away.

  [Humble Actor] – Words to the wise.

  [BlackMage] – I still can’t raise [batman]. I guess we’ve got to do this by ourselves, guys.

  [Humble Actor] – Oh? Is that the last person you wanted to call?

  [BlackMage] – Yeah. But they’re not picking up.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Why do we want BATMAN of all people in the chat?

  [strider_479] – It was pretty clear looking back that [batman] was a lot smarter than we thought. They figured out there was a spy in the group and warned us in secret.

  [Loran Grimnar] – what? Gtfo.

  [BlackMage] – No, really, it’s true. But I’ve called them five times and they’re not answering.

  [strider_479] – What about [America Group]? Why not invite them?

  [BlackMage] – Too dangerous. There are a lot of them, right? I want to keep this to as few people as possible to avoid possible leaks.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Okay, let’s get this started! We’re going to share more info, right?

  [strider_479] – Hopefully without anyone spying on our conversation and less noisy voices.

  [BlackMage] – Exactly. Let me also introduce [Humble Actor]. She somehow managed to get in contact with me at Wistram and I showed her the previosu conversation.

  [Humble Actor] – Hey everyone.

  [strider_479] – Pleased to meet you.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Why is strider here?

  [strider_479] – What?

  [Loran Grimnar] – I just remembered. You gave away your name! You could be tracked or an imposter!

  [strider_479] – First off, I’m not. Second, I was adopted. My birth name’s a mystery even to me.

  [Loran Grimnar] – oh

  [Humble Actor] – Lucky break.

  [BlackMage] – Exactly. I can confirm this – mages tried to scry strider and couldn’t, so she’s safe.

  [strider_479] – And the others?

  [BlackMage] – We’ve lost contact. We can’t see anything.

  [Humble Actor] – Fuck.

  [Loran Grimnar] – omg

  [BlackMage] – This is why it has to be secret. I wanted batman’s opinion, but we can always show him/her the log.

  [strider_479] – Fine. Where should we start?

  [BlackMage] – Let’s do this properly. The [Mages] with me are nearly sure we won’t be hacked so tell us your class, general location, and situation.

  [strider_479] – Sounds dicey.

  [BlackMage] – We want to help. I’m at Wistram. They can come get you guys.

  [strider_479] – Still risky. How about just classes and continents until we can be sure everything is on the up and up?

  [Humble Actor] – I’m for that.

  [BlackMage] – I guess…sorry, I know this is risky.

  [strider_479] – No worries. I’ll start. [Ranger], like I said. I’m in Terandria.

  [Loran Grimnar] – [Warrior]. Baleros.

  [BlackMage] – I’m a [Mage] on Wistram.

  [strider_479] – Humble?

  [Humble Actor] – [Pop Star]. Terandria.

  [Loran Grimnar] – WHAT

  [Humble Actor] – Shut up. I’m also an [Actor].

  [BlackMage] – Can you explain how you got that class?

  [strider_479] – And what it does?

  [Humble Actor] – It’s a variation of [Singer]. It’s complicated how I got it, alright?

  [BlackMage] – Let’s just start from the beginning.

  [Loran Grimnar] – This is so weird. How that a class?

  [Humble Actor] – Go to hell.

  [BlackMage] – Please calm down.

  [strider_479] – Why are we doing this, by the way [BlackMage]? What’s the end goal for us?

  [Loran Grimnar] – Aren’t we just sharing information?

  [Humble Actor] – No, Strider’s right. Black Mage, you told me you had a plan.

  [BlackMage] – I did.

  [BlackMage] – Our first goal is to exchange information. Anything unusual we can tell each other, any hints or unique classes like [Humble Actor]’s [Pop Star] class could be vital. But after that we need to work together. And that means we meet up or find some way to help each other. Big things are happening. The King of Destruction is moving, and there’s a few wars going on in Terandria right now.

  [strider_479] – You’re telling me.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Seriously?

  [Humble Actor] – I’ve noticed. Pain in the ass.

  [BlackMage] – Right, and it’s getting more dangerous. We need to work together. If we can meet up and collect other people…

  [strider_479] – We’ve got an army.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Is there a war? I mean, other than the one in Terandria? Are we going to fight the King of Destruction cause…not me.

  [Humble Actor] – Si vis pacem, para be

  [Loran Grimnar] – What?

  [BlackMage] – I don’t know if we’re going to war. But the mages in Wistram say they’re not going to sit on the sidelines. We just need to work together. Strength in numbers.

  [strider_479] – Better than being alone. We can find that Kyle imposter or at least protect ourselves from him.

  [Humble Actor] – Count me in. Where do we start?

  [BlackMage] – Details on your arrival would be great. What it was like when you arrived, if you noticed anything odd, where you ended up…it might help us idenfity if you were the subject of a spell.

  [Loran Grimnar] – So it WAS a spell?

  [BlackMage] – Not for everyone. They’re not sure. But they’re working on it. We’ve got people here who want to help.

  [strider_479] – Can they send us back?

  [BlackMage] – Maybe. But reversing the spell is harder than bringing people over, apparently.

  [Humble Actor] – Wonderful.

  [BlackMage] – Don’t give up, guys. We know we’re not alone.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Right, and we can link up! Strider and Humble are on the same continent. If we work together we can win!

  [Humble Actor] – What is this, a support group? We’re not in a game.

  [BlackMage] – No, but we are unique. We were chosen for a reason, I think.

  [Loran Grimnar] – We can do things the people in this world can’t. We could be heroes.

  [Humble Actor] – Maybe.

  [strider_479] – Let’s start. Do you think [batman] will be on board with us?

  [Humble Actor] – Who knows?

  [BlackMage] – We’re all on the same side here.

  [Loran Grimnar] – Yeah. We can save the world.

  [Humble Actor] – Good joke.

  S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.1)

  (This book was found by Ryoka Griffon on sale in Celum shortly after she arrived in this world. She purchased it for two gold pieces and six silver and read through this entry before she encountered a cart at high velocity.)

  Introduction –

  Although many accounts of the famed Antinium Wars (or the Incursion Wars as they are sometimes referred to) have been written, and countless [Tacticians], [Strategists], and even [Commander] classes have detailed countless analyses of the ensuing battles, no one singular narrative has as of yet been compiled. It is this lowly [Writer]’s hope that this historical patchwork will serve as a first step for future accounts to be compiled.


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