The Wandering Inn_Volume 1

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The Wandering Inn_Volume 1 Page 580

by Pirateaba

  Venitra’s hand shot out and tore away Ryoka’s belt pouch. She tossed it to the ground. Her grip tightened on Ryoka’s throat, cutting off air. There were black spots.

  “Not so quickly, Venitra. Didn’t you wish to torture her first? And we must ask her our Master’s question.”

  Another voice. The crushing grip loosened just a fraction. Ryoka choked, and saw the Drake [Mage] was gone as well. The being that had called itself Ikriss shed the illusion disguising it.

  A black skeleton, bones polished and gleaming like metal stood beside Venitra, holding the magical staff. Her eyes were blue, flickering lights and she was grinning. It wasn’t just her skeletal head. There was true malevolent joy in the way she looked at Ryoka.

  “Let’s ask her first. And then hurt her.”

  Venitra dropped Ryoka. The girl fell, twisted to get up and run, and sat down. A cold, boney hand was on her shoulder and the black metal bones shone a bit in the light filtering down into the alleyway.

  “She is paralyzed, Venitra. I have already put up an eavesdropping barrier; let me deter attention away from this place before continuing.”

  “Do it, Ijvani.”

  Venitra waited a moment as the black skeleton twisted her staff and spoke silently. Ryoka tried to move. She tried to shout, but she was a little ragdoll lying on the ground. Helpless, until Ijvani nodded. Only then did Venitra lean down and Ryoka could speak.

  “Look, I—”


  Venitra’s voice was deep, beautiful. She was manufactured to be perfect both as a weapon and as a piece of art, of that Ryoka was certain. She was Az’kerash’s servant. How was she here? Ryoka stared up at Venitra. There was emotion in the undead woman’s eyes. Hatred. Or—no, hatred was too strong somehow. It was more like disdain, the same look Ryoka had given the insect that crawled on her toothbrush that very morning.

  “You have taken us a long time to track down. A very long time, Ryoka Griffin. For that you will pay.”

  “Not too long. We’d have found her far sooner if you didn’t keep getting us lost.”

  The echoing, hollow voice that was somehow feminine came from the black skeleton. Ijvani. Ryoka saw Venitra’s eyes narrow and she glanced at her companion with irritation.

  “That was not my fault.’”

  “Was too.”

  “We found her. That is all that matters.”

  “Is that why you lied to our master yesterday?”

  “Be silent, Ijvani.”

  The dialogue between the two undead would have been hilarious if Ryoka weren’t so terrified. They spoke like—like bickering kids, or like two comedians doing a bad routine. She held her breath as Venitra turned back to her. The lips carved of bone moved like they were real.

  Venitra’s face was expressive, lifelike. Ah, but the eyes. Her pupils were filled with the dancing flames, and they stared at Ryoka with nothing but malice.

  “Ryoka Griffin. Who have you told about our master?”

  Ryoka worked her mouth, and found she could talk. She spoke shakily, grateful that she could tell the truth.

  “I haven’t told anyone anything about your master. I swear it. No one knows I met Az’kerash or where he l—”

  “Do not say his name. You are not worthy of saying his name.”

  Venitra’s hand shot out. She grabbed one of Ryoka’s fingers. Her pinkie, on her good left hand. Ryoka stared at Venitra.

  “I didn’t mean—”


  The undead woman smiled. Then Venitra snapped Ryoka’s pinkie finger. Ryoka doubled over. She screamed—silently. Ijvani twisted her fingers and Ryoka’s mouth clamped shut. Her throat moved, but no sound came out.

  “She’s telling the truth. I have cast a truth spell and she doesn’t appear to have any artifacts on her that would allow her to lie.”

  “Good. Then our job is nearly done.”

  “Nearly, but not enough. You aren’t precise enough, Venitra. This is why our master sent me with you.”

  Ryoka was doubled over. Pain was filling every part of her, but she could see, dimly, Venitra turning to Ijvani, gritting her teeth.

  “He told me to pick my choice of tracker. You came because I decided it.”

  The black iron skeleton nodded calmly.

  “Yes. And if I hadn’t come, Oom would have come with you. We are both the eldest of our master’s creations. You are the youngest, for all you are first in his eyes. You lack experience. So he has said.”

  “I am his favorite.”

  “So I have said.”

  Ryoka was trying to get up, to run. She was on her knees and pushing herself up when a hand picked her up. Effortlessly. Venitra tossed Ryoka into a wall. Ryoka felt a flash of pain, and the world spun.

  “Ask your questions, Ijvani.”

  “I shall. Observe, Venitra.”

  Another face bent down into Ryoka’s line of sight. Two pale blue lights burned in black sockets. Ijvani spoke.

  “Have you left any notes, spells, or other measures to inform others of my master’s identity in case of your death or disappearance?”


  Ijvani paused, looked over at Venitra. The giant bone woman nodded in satisfaction. She knelt by Ryoka and grudgingly spoke to Ijvani.


  Then Venitra smiled and reached out for Ryoka’s hand again. She broke another bone. On the same finger. She grasped the pinkie finger, ignoring Ryoka’s frantic blows to her arm and face, and broke the already broken bone in a different place. This time Ryoka’s silent scream was long.

  The two undead stared at the curled up human on the ground. Not dispassionately; there was a great deal of satisfaction on Venitra’s face. Ijvani was harder to read for her lack of features, but her voice was pleased.

  “She has told no one. I suppose we can kill her, then. But perhaps it would be better to let her live? Her disappearance would be noted.”

  Venitra turned her head towards Ijvani, clearly displeased.

  “Our master gave me the authority to make decisions, Ijvani. This Human is not worth keeping alive.”

  The skeleton shrugged.

  “The [Strategist] in the council meeting knew of her.”

  There was a flash of yellow light in Venitra’s eyes. She shook her head.

  “Inconsequential. I want her dead.”

  “As you wish.”

  Ryoka got up. The two undead looked at her as she cradled her left hand. She glared at them.

  “People will come looking for me.”

  “Let them. I told you I would kill you. I will kill your friends and family too, Ryoka Griffin.”

  Venitra smiled down at Ryoka. Ryoka hesitated. She looked at the ground and then dove for her belt pouch. Venitra missed as she swiped for Ryoka, expecting her to try to run around her.

  She had one hand in her belt pouch, reaching for one of Octavia’s bags. Ryoka rolled, tore out a sealed bottle, and then sagged against the wall. A skeletal hand was on her shoulder again.

  “She’s certainly quick. No wonder you failed to catch her before. I wouldn’t have failed of course, but you were not built for speed.”

  There was an audible grinding as Venitra stepped over to Ryoka.

  “I will rectify that error now. Give me her hand, Ijvani. I’ll start with that.”

  She couldn’t move. Ryoka lay, helpless, as her left hand was offered up. Venitra inspected Ryoka’s fingers. She smiled as she looked into Ryoka’s eyes. She delicately pinched Ryoka’s twice-broken pinkie and—

  Someone shouted from the alleyway. It was distant, but it broke through the bubble of horror around Ryoka. She saw both Ijvani and Venitra look up. In an instant they changed.

  Regrika Blackpaw stepped away from Ryoka and Ikriss, the Drake [Mage] with dark purple scales, looked towards the alleyway. Both looked annoyed, but their features, voices, and the smell they gave off had changed in an instant.

  “I thought you had put up a spell to keep others away

  Venitra, now looking like a Gnoll with black fur, growled at Ijvani. The Drake lashed his tail and replied testily.

  “I did. Someone must be coming through this alleyway for a reason. My spell deflects attention, not trespass. Kill whomever it is quickly and get back to business.”

  Ryoka tried to get up. She had to run, warn whomever it was—but she still couldn’t move a muscle. She lay on the ground, and now she heard a voice. A distinctive voice. She recognized it, and heard pounding footsteps.

  “Come back here you damn Winter Sprite! I’ll teach you to pour snow over my—oh hey, what’s going on here?”

  Relc charged down the alleyway, following Ivolethe as she flew past him. He blinked as he saw Regrika Blackpaw, Ikriss, and Ryoka, lying on the ground.

  The words that passed between the two undead were quick.

  “Guardsman. We can kill him—”

  “Too suspicious. Drakes value their soldiers too highly. Venitra, wait.”

  Suddenly, Ryoka could move. Ikriss knelt and pulled her to her feet. Regrika smiled at Relc and approached.

  “Hello, guardsman. We were on our way to visit an inn, but we seem to have gotten lost, yes? It is my fault. I thought this alleyway was a shortcut.”

  “You okay?”

  A clawed hand helped Ryoka up and she stared into two innocent, Drake eyes. Ikriss guided Ryoka past Regrika and Relc blinked at her.

  “Oh hey! I know you! You’re that Human, right? You lot sure are clumsy, falling all over the place. This is what happens when you don’t have tails!”


  Ryoka stared at Relc, and then looked over her shoulder. Regrika’s paw came down on Ryoka’s shoulders.

  “You know Miss Ryoka Griffin, guardsman? This is a surprise, yes? I was seeking her aid, which is why we have met. But we have not been introduced. I apologize. I am Regrika Blackpaw, and this is Ikriss Southwing, my companion.”

  “Oh! Hey, you’re those famous adventurers!”

  Relc’s eyes widened and he snapped his fingers together. He looked at Ryoka with a great deal of surprise.

  “You know these people? Wow. Wow. Hey, this is great! We can all go to Erin’s party! I heard it was for a bunch of Gnolls and I figured that was too much hair, but I’m in the mood for a drink!”

  Regrika and Ikriss exchanged glances. The Gnoll smiled.

  “We would be honored, Mister…?”

  “Oh, I’m Relc. Senior Guardsman in Liscor!”

  “Very important, Regrika.”


  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Why did you come down this alleyway, Guardsman Relc? And why are you covered in snow?”

  The Drake [Guardsman] was covered in a layer of snow. He shook it off his scales like a dog and grinned.

  “Funny story. I was minding my own business when one of those damn Winter Sprites came out of nowhere and hit me with a bunch of snow! Bastards. They do that all the time. Anyways, if you’re looking for Erin’s inn, you’re going the wrong way. Follow me!”

  He waved the others down the alleyway and set a quick pace. Ryoka stared at Regrika and Ikriss, afraid to move. Should she run? Then Regrika slapped a paw on her shoulder and grinned at her.

  “Let us not delay, Miss Griffin. I would like a drink, and to visit this inn so many seem to know of.”

  She leaned down as Ikriss walked after Relc and whispered in Ryoka’s ear.

  “You cannot run. If you cause trouble, we will kill the Drake and everyone we must.”

  Ryoka had no doubt she would. Mechanically, she began walking down the alleyway as Relc began to chatter with Regrika and the Gnoll responded cheerfully. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ivolethe flying around her. The Frost Faerie’s face was worried as she flew by Ryoka’s side.

  She flew right past Regrika’s face. The Gnoll blinked and batted at the Frost Faerie with a paw, missing her easily. She frowned, but then shook her head as Relc cursed at Ivolethe. The Frost Faerie disappeared into Ryoka’s reclaimed belt pouch. Ryoka walked out of the alley and out of the city, the two undead right beside her. And all the while as Regrika was called out to Gnolls and greeted the ones who came up to her, she wondered what she was going to do.

  She was afraid. Ryoka’s head was a maelstrom of thoughts, fears. She was ready to run, but understood she’d be dead the instant she tried. So flight was out. Ivolethe was vibrating in her belt pouch? Could she do anything? The Frost Faerie wasn’t allowed to interfere, though. Bothering Relc was probably all she could do and that might have been pushing it as well.

  They were going to Erin’s inn. The undead had to be stopped. Mrsha was there, and Lyonette. And Erin. But—there was a bit of hope in Ryoka’s heart as they trudged up the hill, Relc taking the lead. There were two groups of Gold-rank adventurers in that inn, and Zel Shivertail besides. Maybe, just maybe—

  “I’m here! Where’s the food—hey, that’s a lot of Gnolls!”

  Relc happily kicked open the door to the inn and paused as he saw a full room inside. Noise and light swept over Ryoka as she stumbled into the room, followed closely by Ikriss and Regrika. The two adventurers stared around the room and the laughter and conversation stopped as everyone spotted the Named Adventurer and her companion.

  “Regrika Blackpaw.”

  It was a susurration around the room. Ryoka saw a bunch of Gnolls look up and her heart sank. Krshia and her nephew Brunkr were here with a group of Gnolls. That was right—they were celebrating Brunkr’s new class! And they seemed both surprised and elated to see Regrika Blackpaw here.

  “Honored Blackpaw, we are truly grateful for your presence. I am Krshia Silverfang. We did not think to invite you, but we would gladly offer the bounty of tonight’s dinner with you, should you desire it.”

  Krshia hurried over with a group of older Gnolls, practically falling over herself to bow to Regrika. The Named Adventurer laughed and bent her head to politely sniff at Krshia as the other Gnoll did the same.

  “I am not honored here, surely? We are all fellow Gnolls—I had heard of this inn from others and wished to visit. I would be delighted to share a meal with you, Krshia.”

  She stepped away from Ryoka—out of necessity more than anything else. The other Gnolls practically stampeded over Ryoka in their desire to meet their hero. Ryoka used that opportunity to take a few steps away from Regrika, looking around cautiously. She spotted Halrac sitting at a table across the room.

  Now would be the time to edge over to the Gold-rank adventurers and hint at…something. Ryoka could use a piece of paper maybe, or speak in code. She was about to move when she felt a clawed hand tug at her sleeve. She looked around and into Ikriss’ smiling face.

  The Drake leaned over and whispered to Ryoka. For a moment the noisy inn grew silent, and it was Ijvani’s echoing voice that spoke in Ryoka’s ears.

  “Speak and die, Ryoka Griffin. We will destroy this inn and everyone within. If you do not resist, it will only be your death this night.”

  The Drake let go of Ryoka and stepped back. Ryoka stared, and Ikriss smiled.

  “I regret that we cannot speak now, Miss Griffin. But I am sure we will have another opportunity later. Excuse me.”

  He walked over to Regrika and began introducing himself as well. Ryoka stared at his back. No way out. They were still watching her. Listening to her? Could she do something covertly while they were busy?

  She clenched her fists. Slowly, Ryoka took a seat at a table in the leftmost corner of the room, by the kitchen. She stared as Regrika and Ikriss sat down at a table in the center of the room, looking for all intents and purposes like famous celebrities dealing with the admiring Gnolls around them.

  But Ryoka was sure they were staring at her. The girl looked around and took stock of the inn. It was crowded, again, mainly with Gnolls to celebrate Brunkr’s class, but there were the inn’s regulars as well.

  Griffon Hunt, the Halfseekers, and the Horns of Hammerad were all occupying th
ree tables next to the bar, laughing as Ceria stood on a chair and tried to mime something. The Horns of Hammerad looked…battered, as if they’d been in a fight. But they were all in high spirits.

  That was her target. Ryoka glanced at Regrika and Ikriss. Now they were sitting down, the center of attention. They weren’t looking her way. Ryoka slowly got up—


  A voice whispered in Ryoka’s ear. The young woman jerked in surprise and realized Ivolethe had left her belt pouch. The Frost Faerie hovered by Ryoka’s ear, lost in the noise of the room, speaking quickly and urgently.

  “There is a listening spell on ye. I see it.”


  Ryoka glanced at Ivolethe. The Frost Faerie’s eyes were wide and serious.

  “The black skeleton cast it on ye. She can hear all ye say. Not what I say—her magic cannot detect the fae. But she’ll know in an instant should ye try to tell anyone else. And the bone woman is ready to slaughter everyone in here.”

  Of course. Ryoka closed her eyes. Of course they wouldn’t be that stupid! Idiot! She looked at Venitra and hesitated. So they’d know. They’d know the instant Ryoka said anything. What if she—

  “They are watching you. Don’t mistake the illusion. The black skeleton seems to be looking elsewhere, but she is staring at you, Ryoka. She hasn’t looked away once.”

  Ikriss was indeed chatting and laughing with Krshia, his head turned away from Ryoka. But at Ivolethe’s words, Ryoka immediately relaxed and pretended to be looking around the room again.

  Trapped. That’s what she was.

  Ryoka clenched her hands together, gripping the table. She felt her pinkie move and doubled over in pain. Her broken pinkie finger—the agony there was actually suppressed by the sheer fear and adrenaline coursing through Ryoka’s body.

  The young woman shook as she stared at the undead, surrounded by laughing Gnolls. They’d kill everyone in seconds. But there was Griffon Hunt and the Halfseekers in one corner, and the Horns of Hammerad were with them too. Maybe—

  Speak and die.


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