Switch It Up

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Switch It Up Page 24

by Sara Brookes

  Ezra started to grab his kit, but tapped the face of his cell phone instead. A text message around midnight from Maddy asking if he’d gotten home all right. She was another interesting counterpoint to his need for domination, his craving to experience all that life had to offer again.

  Struck with sudden inspiration, he responded, that stupid, shit-eating grin of his growing wider as he typed a message that could ruin the rest of the day or become the filler of a few lingering empty spaces in the people he’d come to care about.

  Plan set in motion, he unzipped his kit and set to work. A few efficient steps told him his blood sugar was normal. A good sign after sleeping without his pump. Even though Kochran had requested it stay on, as things had gotten more heated, Ezra hadn’t wanted it to get in the way. Hadn’t wanted anything between them. He recapped the needle and set it in his kit to dispose of later.

  Medical duties taken care of, the addicting aroma of coffee drew him to the kitchen. The space was empty, though there was still a cup’s worth of hot coffee in the pot, a sign Kochran had been up for a while. Strange. Considering Kochran’s late nights at Noble House, Ezra had never taken him for an early riser. Remembering Kochran’s lack of skill when it came to brewing coffee, he dumped the remaining liquid into the sink.

  He made a new pot, filling two mugs as his stomach growled softly. Breakfast would have to wait until he found out where Kochran had escaped to. One good thing about the open floor plan was the ability to see the entire space in just a few seconds. The disadvantage was that Ezra was noticeably alone.

  As he neared the staircase that led outside, he saw the worn notebook was no longer there. Wallet, keys and watch were still lined up in their perfect row, which meant Kochran couldn’t have gone far.

  A burst of muffled thuds sounded overhead, providing a clue as to his location. Ezra carefully ascended the narrow staircase, balancing the two mugs, and stepped out into the mid-morning light. The rhythmic cadence continued to sound over his shoulder, and he turned. Kochran had set up his drum kit under a rectangular portico that kept the instrument protected from the elements. He wasn’t sure how he’d missed it before because this wasn’t something Kochran could have set up by himself in a short period of time.

  Ezra approached quietly. Kochran had always been an interesting study to watch as he lost himself in the ebb and flow of the melody. Though hundreds of members at Noble House and music lovers at random bars watched Kochran perform on a weekly basis, Ezra knew he was one of the precious few who’d been granted the privilege of seeing Kochran in his unvarnished glory. He realized how truly prized this moment was and he refused to disturb the man no matter how much he wanted to. No telling how long before Kochran realized he was being watched, so Ezra stood there, quietly sipping his coffee.

  He was just finishing when the resonance of the last beat made the fine hairs on Ezra’s forearms lift. Kochran stuck the drumstick between his teeth and growled softly as he pulled a skinny, well-chewed pencil from its perch behind his ear and wrote something in that tattered notebook. The reason for the wear and tear on the book was obvious now—Kochran kept his music scribbles there. A way to trap the muse who took hold when the creative juices flowed.

  God, Ezra felt like a teenager hoping to be acknowledged by his idol.

  Kochran’s gaze lifted, landing on him. A long moment passed before he asked, “Do you always walk around naked?”

  Ezra stepped closer to the kit and leaned forward, noting Kochran only wore a pair of underwear. “You do all your gigs like that and I’m pretty sure your audience will increase exponentially.”

  “I’ve got a show tonight and I didn’t want to disturb you.” Kochran’s eyes darkened as his gaze raked over Ezra’s form and focused on his abdomen. “You’re not wearing your pump.”

  “I’d commend your powers of observation, but I’m too busy thinking about how much I want to fuck you again.”

  Kochran rose. Ezra searched his face for a glimpse of pain or regret in the smudge of dark circles under those captivating eyes. A specter of anger that would lead to Kochran demanding Ezra leave. But as much as he searched, he only found the need to be unraveled again—over and over. Ezra was perilously close to doing just that.

  “I didn’t tell you to move.”

  Kochran closed his eyes and blew out a breath as he sat again.

  “Ass sore?” Kochran remained quiet, though he cut his gaze to Ezra. “Interesting problem, isn’t it? Say yes and you’ll show weakness. Say no and you run the risk that I’ll spend the rest of the day making sure you weep every time you shift on the stool at your gig tonight.” Kochran swore, which just made Ezra grin wider. “I may be a devious fucker, but I think we discovered how much you like my sadistic side a few hours ago. Or were you just begging me to fuck you harder so you could hear yourself?”

  A dark thrill streaked through Ezra at the thought of fulfilling that threat, taking Kochran’s ass so brutally he was uncomfortable the entire night. Doing so made Ezra feel profoundly good in a way that he couldn’t put words to.

  Kochran set his drumsticks across his knees and blew out a breath. “I wasn’t sure I’d ever meet anyone who matched my level of mercilessness.”

  “Oh you have no idea just how ruthless I can be, pet.”

  Kochran opened his mouth to respond, but snapped it shut with the sound of an approaching car. “What did you do?”

  “Making sure your dreams come true.” Ezra stepped around the drum kit to cradle Kochran’s jaw. Eyes open, he pressed his mouth gently to Kochran’s, enjoying the way his irises expanded. The staccato nature of his breath. Despite his surprise, he opened to Ezra, urgently accepting Ezra’s tongue into his mouth. When he angled closer, Ezra muttered a few curses as hot coffee spilled over his hand. He dropped the now-empty mugs to the ground, their contact with the unforgiving surface muted against the roaring in his brain.

  He cupped the back of Kochran’s head, delving deep with his tongue, exploring and conquering with unspent passion. He was so fucking hungry for this man. Desperation was a heady drug that he wanted to mainline over and over.

  Severing the kiss, he pressed his lips to Kochran’s forehead, struggling to bank the fire roaring through his blood. Taking Kochran right there wouldn’t be a problem, but he’d already set plans into motion he intended to carry out. “Unless you have a problem with the fact I invited the woman we’re both fucking?”

  * * *

  Maddy almost drove off the side of the dirt road when Ezra leaned over and passionately kissed Kochran. Her hands were still shaking as she pulled next to Ezra’s car and killed the engine, watching as the two men lost themselves as though they were the only people on the planet. Her cunt softened, heated and slicked at how unrestrained they were with one another. There was a sexy beautifulness about the way they moved together. A depth of emotion and surety that they knew exactly what they were doing.

  She’d dreamed of them, individually and together. Sexually and non-sexually. Lived up to that pervy stalker webgirl nickname she’d branded herself with over a month ago. But, oh, seeing them like this was so much better.

  When she’d read Ezra’s text, the weight of unspoken command had been evident. Come to Kochran’s house when you’ve had enough beauty sleep. She certainly hadn’t expected to see this when she’d arrived.

  As Ezra stepped from around the drum kit, Maddy inhaled sharply. Ezra was completely nude, his cock rigid as it arced away from his body. No way to mistake the intent there. Arousal flooded the space between her thighs, dampening the crotch of the cut-off sweats she’d hastily thrown on, thanks to the fact she’d neglected to put on underwear. As Ezra drew closer, her nipples went tight against the soft cotton of her shirt. No bra either.

  The need to offer herself to him, to find out what he intended, propelled her out of the driver’s seat. As the door shut behind her, she fingered the hem of her shirt
. She looked to him for some kind of clue, but he gave none. He only continued moving toward her.

  Over Ezra’s shoulder, she spotted Kochran standing behind his drum kit. He had a bit more modesty, surprisingly enough, and wore a pair of navy blue briefs. The fabric did nothing to cover his aroused state. In fact, the tight stretch enhanced it.

  Given their naked states, it wasn’t hard to ascertain the line of friendship had been crossed. But by how much? And had it simply been obliterated altogether? She’d always figured they would eventually share her. A submissive with two Doms. But the King of Noble House had surrendered to Ezra.

  The side of Ezra’s mouth lifted in a wry smile a split second before he bent and scooped Maddy up into his arms. She squealed, but the sensation of being cradled was comforting. He captured her mouth as he turned and started walking back down the dirt path. She opened for him with a sigh, his musky scent an enticing blend of his and Kochran’s tastes. It was too much and not enough at the same time. The questions she had evaporated as he took her over with that mesmerizing way of his. The one she’d grown so accustomed to. Adored.

  He came to a stop and dropped her legs. As her feet touched the ground, he waved Kochran closer. After setting his drumsticks on his seat, Kochran maneuvered around the set up. He took Ezra’s outstretched hand, winding their fingers together as he came to stand with them.

  “You have paint in your hair.” Kochran tugged on a few strands. “Just what the hell did you guys do for Grae’s bachelorette party?”

  The image of a gaggle of women, dressed in ridiculous old bridesmaid and wedding dresses they’d found at a local thrift store, dodging each other on a paintball course, made her smile. It had been just the sort of entertainment she’d needed for a few hours. The wild, feminine laughter as they’d bested one another game after game still rang in her ears.

  “Played with balls.” Both men blinked, waiting for further information, but she wasn’t giving any up. “Seems like maybe you guys have been playing with a few balls too?”

  Ezra threw his head back and laughed. “Indeed we have,” he retorted, leaning over to sweep a kiss against her cheek as he traced his fingers against the shell of her ear. “You’ll get your turn.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Anything concerning these men sounded ideal to her. She was anxious to hear about what had transpired between them while she’d been kicking ass in the eye-bleeding neon pink bridesmaid’s dress she’d procured and then ruined. “So what first?”

  “Breakfast.” As if on cue, Kochran’s stomach growled. “Definitely breakfast.”

  Ezra slipped an arm around her waist and guided her to the entry staircase. “Only if he doesn’t cook.”

  She gasped in mock horror. “You mean there is something he’s not good at?”

  Ezra’s eyes darkened. “He excels at a number of things. Sadly, feeding people is not one of them. A trip to the hospital is not on the agenda for today.”

  “What is?”

  Kochran’s stomach growled again, loud enough for them to hear even with the ten feet between them.

  “Let’s get some food in the growing boy first.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The spread Ezra had whipped up made Maddy’s mouth water. She folded her legs under her as she munched on a butterscotch chip pancake. “I can’t believe I didn’t know you cook.”

  He dismissed his talent with a shrug. “I’ve always been lucky enough to work from home, or have a flexible boss who let me set my own hours. Meant it was easier for me to have something ready when everyone else got home than to argue about what to eat.”

  It also meant Ezra had more control over what those around him ate. He could ensure they were eating healthy and within whatever dietary restrictions he had with his diabetes. It was a simple enough strategy she saw right through. She hadn’t missed the absence of his pump when she’d seen him nude earlier. When they’d come downstairs, he had scooped up his clothes and ducked into the area partitioned off for the toilet. He’d reappeared wearing only his jeans. Still no pump in sight.

  With Kochran in the shower, she decided it was as good a time as any. She reached for another pancake, gesturing toward his side. Though his infusion points weren’t obvious, she knew the general area thanks to a flurry of research she’d done during a break in the action at the party last night. “Means you can control your food intake as well. Or rather, monitor your sugar.” He glanced her way, but didn’t say anything. “What? Think I didn’t know? Truthfully, I didn’t, until Kochran shared the info with me last night. Are you ashamed?”

  “No. I just don’t want to cause anyone to needlessly worry about something I have under control.” He snagged a strip of extra crispy bacon and nibbled on the corner. “Enough other shit in the world without adding my own health issues into the mix.”

  She took the bacon from him. “How about from now on you let me decide what I can and can’t deal with and I won’t steal your bacon?”

  “You wound me, woman.” He slapped his hand over his heart and pretended to swoon. “Hit a man right where it hurts.” He leaned over to press his forehead against hers and softened his voice. “Thank you for looking out for me. It means more than you’ll ever know.”

  So many sensations and emotions washed over her as he looked into her eyes. She’d known she cared about the men, but hadn’t realized just how much before this moment. And it wasn’t about sex, or the connection the men shared now, but about roots. Permanence. No more drifting through life wondering if she was ever going to truly find her place in the world, if her quirks and habits aligned with someone else’s. With Kochran and Ezra, she wasn’t just an anonymous hacker with no life goals. They all shared an understanding, an affection that went beyond the club walls and had expanded into something magical and pure. Somehow, in ways she couldn’t understand, they each added to what the other shared making them an intrinsic part of each other’s lives.

  Kochran entered the kitchen area still only wearing his underwear, and grabbed a mug to fill with coffee. He joined them at the table, but didn’t eat any of the large selection of food.

  She tapped the back of his hand where he was drumming his fingers against the tabletop. “I thought you were hungry.”

  “I am. But we’ve got to get some stuff clear first.” The Kochran she knew and admired was back, in full control of himself. There were still shades of the man she’d seen earlier, but he was in full-on business mode now.

  “Fine.” Ezra grabbed a plate, piled it high with a little bit of everything and set it in front of Kochran. “But you can eat and talk at the same time.”

  Though Kochran scowled at Ezra, he picked up a sausage link and bit off one end. “Happy?”

  “Are you?”

  A wash of emotions passed through Kochran’s eyes. “Yeah. I am.”

  Unable to stop herself, she twined her fingers with Kochran’s. “Don’t sound so disappointed in yourself.”

  “I didn’t think I was the settling down type. I wanted to be, but...” Kochran paused, chewing another bite of sausage before continuing. “It’s not easy.”

  “I get it.” All the thoughts she’d had about being theirs hadn’t been unsubstantiated. It wasn’t just because she wanted to feel those things about the men, it was because she truly did. That sort of leap of faith could have shaken her to her core. “We’re on this roller coaster ride. Everything is perfect and light and easy, and then the next...”

  “Everything is out of control and on the edge,” Ezra finished.

  Kochran tapped the table with his now empty mug. “If I’m not mistaken, that happens when people fall in love. Certain they have it all figured out one second, convinced they know absolutely nothing the next.”

  She’d gotten to a place where she wanted to be with them every second of the day. Needed to be with them. It was as though pieces of her were missing whe
n they weren’t there. To her, that was the definition of love. Falling for the men had happened when she hadn’t been looking. When she’d been busy having fun discovering a new world of possibilities.

  “I’ve always known, I think. Somehow, some piece of me understood. It may be all new to me...” Her heart gave a kick that resonated deep. “But I get it.”

  “It’s not new to me. I’ve been around it long enough, owned this club for so long, I know when it’s more than play for the Dom and sub.”

  “And I’ve been in that kind of relationship before,” Ezra said quietly.

  “Oh, Ezra, I’m not...we’re not...” She grabbed for his hand.

  He gripped her fingers, reaching out with his other hand to take up Kochran’s. “I never thought you were. Either of you. This...our connection is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. Not better or worse—”

  “Just different,” Kochran finished. “In more than a few ways. You want to take care of her just as much as I do. She needs us as much as we need her. Like it or not, we’re all irrevocability intertwined. Even if we decided to walk away now, we wouldn’t be the same people we were before Madeline weaseled her way into the club’s website.”

  As she watched the two men share a lingering look, her curiosity finally won. “How did this happen? The two of you. I feel like I’ve missed a step. Not saying that I mind—I mean, come on, two hot guys going at one another is on my fantasy list—and I’m not leaving before I see that—but...yeah, missing something.”

  “You haven’t missed a thing, sweetheart. I’ve had my suspicion about him for some time. Never told anyone ’cause how the hell do you explain that?” Ezra gestured wildly to Kochran, knocking over the maple syrup bottle.

  She ran a few paper towels under the faucet before wiping up the sticky syrup. “No one would have believed you if you’d tried to tell them Kochran is submissive.”

  “Switch,” Kochran said simply.


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