House Party: A Hotwife Novel

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House Party: A Hotwife Novel Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  I whimpered in disappointment. I was finally getting some of the contact I’d been fantasizing about for so long, and I wanted that contact to go on forever. And then I pulled away and the reality of what I’d just done came crashing down on me.

  “Holy shit Alyssa. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what…”

  Only there was something about the way she was looking at me that told me I didn’t need to be apologizing. My nipples pressed out as she stared at me with pure sex in her eyes. As she took a step forward. As I suddenly felt like I wasn’t the seductress in the room anymore.

  Alyssa’s hand moved out and she was rubbing it up and down the length of my arm causing goosebumps to rise. Her touch was so hot. So incredible.


  “Shh,” she said. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to do that!”

  5: Alyssa

  I couldn’t believe I said that. I was so caught up in the moment and it just came out! I fought the urge to put my hand over my mouth and reveal just how ridiculous it was I let that out.

  We had a plan. I was supposed to stick to it. I was supposed to be seductive. I wasn’t supposed to just blurt out what I was feeling and give the game up before it even started! And yet I was so hot. I was so turned on. I was so worked up that I couldn’t help myself.

  “Are you serious?” Emma asked.

  I didn’t know how to respond to that. Was I serious? You bet your ass I was serious. I got so hot every time I thought of Emma. It all started with Owen talking about how hot it would be to see me with another woman and I’d admitted that it was something I’d considered even though I’d never exactly been into the idea of a relationship with a girl.

  We talked about various friends we thought were hot, but it always seemed to come back to Emma. I guess Owen picked up on that because he started mentioning her more often when he was trying to get me turned on. And now because of a crazy scheme he’d hatched I was up here in a walk-in closet with her just inches away from me after she’d been sucking on my neck and sending me into an almost orgasmic overdrive!

  It was a good thing I stopped her when I did. I wasn’t worried about her leaving a mark so much as I was worried that if she kept that up for much longer then I was going to come right there without her even making contact with my pussy!

  Emma was staring at me. She was waiting for a response. I needed to do something. I needed time to think. More than anything if I was going to stick to the plan then I needed to get out of this closet and into the bedroom proper and just hope that Owen was able to get away and keep up his part.

  So I took Emma’s hand and tried to ignore the spark that jumped from her hand and set every nerve ending in my body on fire. I pulled her into the bedroom and turned to face her. She looked uncertain, and if anything that uncertainty just added to the hotness of what we were doing. Both of us knew this was forbidden territory.


  Only I still didn’t know what to say. It seemed ridiculous to just tell her that I’d been lusting after her for a couple of months now. That my husband was very interested in watching. That neither of us thought she’d be interested in letting him watch so we’d come up with the plan.

  I glanced towards the door and smiled as I saw something there. Owen, of course. Peering around the edge. Then Emma followed my gaze and he quickly ducked away. I’d been convinced he was going to be found out when he dared to come close to the walk-in closet. Thank God for that stupid cat I’d heard Emma shouting at.

  I couldn’t think of anything to say, but I could think of something I wanted to do. So I stepped forward. I luxuriated in the feel of my tits brushing against Emma’s. I could feel her nipples straining out for my body and pressing against me. I leaned up. Brushed my lips against hers that had been planted against my neck a moment ago.

  Immediately we melted into one another. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her even as hers moved around me. Her hands went down to grab at my ass and I felt like I was in heaven as she started exploring my body.

  And yet even as I was catapulted to heaven I also found myself conflicted. I was kissing someone else. Technically I was cheating on Owen. Sure I was cheating on him with his permission and he was watching and getting turned on by the whole show. I suppose that made it okay even if there was a deep part of my psyche that was screaming it was so wrong.

  I suppose the fact that it was so wrong is part of the reason why it was feeling so right, though!

  Besides, I was so turned on that there really wasn’t a chance I wasn’t going to explore this side of me. A side of me I’d always tried to ignore, but it was roaring to the surface now! My body was screaming at me to ignore all the bullshit and just take this opportunity that fate and my husband were throwing at me.

  I was also getting turned on thinking about all the times we’d fantasized about something like this happening and now here it was actually turning into reality! I angled Emma slightly so she wasn’t facing the door. I figured that would make it easier for Owen to get a good view.

  Kissing Emma was so different. I know it’s the cliche to say that kissing a woman is softer than a guy, but that was really and truly the only way I could think to describe pressing my lips against hers. It was as though neither one of us wanted to take the lead and so we were both holding back. I suppose that should hardly be surprising considering both of us probably only had experience kissing guys who tended to be more aggressive.

  After a few moments of kissing like that I decided if someone was going to be the aggressor then it was going to have to be me. Besides, Owen was out there wanting a show. He was nice enough to give me permission to do this even if he was getting something out of it himself. I figured the least I could do is actually make sure there was something worth seeing!

  I still couldn’t believe I was doing this. I couldn’t believe I was kissing another woman. I couldn’t believe I was kissing someone who wasn’t my husband. I’d hoped something like this would happen tonight, but I figured it would happen after everyone had a little too much to drink. I didn’t think it would be this easy!

  I wondered what was running through Owen’s head as he was watching this. I really hoped he was turned on and not having second thoughts about this. It was too late to stop anyways!

  I was the aggressor here so I pushed Emma back. Back. I felt her bump something as our tongues dueled and then she pulled away from me with a surprised squeak. I smiled as she fell back on her bed and landed with a muted thump. Her bed. The bed she shared with her husband. I was about to fall on top of her on the bed where she fucked her husband, and the entire time my husband was hiding watching the entire show.

  I felt drunk on the sheer convoluted possibility of that moment, and I hadn’t even had much to drink yet! I could only imagine where the night was going if this is where it was starting, but I’d worry about that later. Right now I had Emma, sweet Emma, to think of.

  I fell down on top of her, putting my hands out so they landed to either side of her as my hair fell down around her face. She laughed as my hair tickled her and tried to brush it aside.

  “I’ve never actually felt that before,” she said.

  “Oh? First time with a lady?” I asked.

  “It isn’t yours?”

  I stopped to think about my response to that. I could act like the seductress. I could act like I did this sort of thing all the time, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. When it came to sexual adventures I was so inexperienced it wasn’t even funny. Owen was the only man I’d ever been with, though there’d always been a part of me deep down that yearned for more.

  A part of me I was afraid of. Ashamed of, even. Good girls weren’t supposed to want that sort of thing. Good girls were supposed to be, well, good.

  Ultimately it seemed like honesty was the best policy though. A lie now could turn into a headache later. Particularly if she started asking questions about experiences that never happened.

ly this would be my first time too.”

  I braced for the reaction. I’m not sure what I was expecting. We were already making out so it’s not like she was going to stop just because I’d never done this before, right? I guess I just had a lot of insecurities in the moment that I was projecting onto her. I know there was a part of me that was screaming that this was wrong, that I was cheating on my husband and she was cheating on her husband, even as there was a much larger and more insistent part of my psyche that was screaming that the only woman I’d ever been really attracted to was under me, ready to go, and I was sitting here thinking about how wrong it was when I should’ve been taking advantage of how fucking right it was.

  “Fuck that’s hot,” Emma said.

  Her hands moved up to my head. Her grip tightened and then she was in control. She pulled me inexorably down to her lips again, and I was more than happy to indulge!

  As we kissed I scooted over to the side slightly so my weight was resting on the bed rather than on my hands. Partly because my wrists were starting to hurt, I didn’t know how guys were able to keep that up for so long though I suppose the feeling of getting to fuck probably helped with the wrist pain, but mostly because I wanted to free my hands up for a little exploration.

  And explore I did. The differences between Emma’s body and Owen were striking and they really got the juices flowing, if you catch my drift. She was firm in places, but oh so soft as well. I could feel her breath catching and coming in ragged gasps as she pulled in air while we made out. I teased by moving my hands down and almost between her legs. She sighed in contentment and then in frustration as my fingers danced along what I thought was her panty line under her dress and then pulled away.

  She didn’t have to live in disappointment for long. My fingers danced up her stomach, tracing a line around her belly button which was visible through her tight dress. Up to those delicious mounds I’d fantasized about feeling. Tasting. Burying my head in between them and just enjoying the feel that was her.

  I’d have to settle for just getting a feel right now, though. It was a heady rush as my hands danced over another woman’s breasts for the first time. I’d never understood the male obsession with the things, but now that I was the one who was doing the feeling up instead of the person getting felt up I was starting to see some of the appeal.


  Her breasts had that same mix of soft and firm that I’d come to expect from the rest of her. The room was filled with gentle sighs as I lightly traced a finger around her nipples which grew hard under my touch. I almost pulled my hands away, though I’m not sure why that surprised me. I’d reacted like that so many times when Owen was the one doing the exploring.

  I suppose the difference here was that I was the one doing the exploring rather than the one being explored. It was a major paradigm shift that was taking some getting used to, let me tell you!

  I pulled away from the kiss, from the taste of her that was so intoxicating. I stared down into deep blue pools and felt warmth coursing through my body as Emma smiled up at me. She was so beautiful. So gorgeous.

  I’d fantasized about this moment so many times, both with Owen while we were fucking and in the privacy of my own fantasy world, and it was happening. It was really happening. She wanted me. I wanted her. And the entire time Owen was hopefully watching and getting off on this.

  I hoped this was what he wanted. I hoped he wasn’t feeling like he’d bit off way more than he could handle, because he was getting this whether he liked it or not! Thinking of him out there with his cock throbbing, maybe stroking it while keeping one ear open for the sound of someone coming up behind him and catching him, sent a fresh wave of arousal running through me.

  Between Owen out there and Emma in here I was going into sexual overdrive, and I loved it! I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers again, moving my hand down to her thigh and then exploring up, up, and pulling her dress along with as my hands moved closer to that exquisite prize between her legs.

  6: Owen

  “Come on!” Ethan shouted.

  “Seriously?” I said right along with him, though to be perfectly honest I was having trouble concentrating on the game. No, my mind was somewhere else. It was wherever my wife was. Thinking about what she might be getting up to with Emma.

  Sure they were probably just trying on suits up there in Emma’s room. Alyssa had talked a big game when we were fucking. She’d said some things that I had trouble believing came from my innocent wife’s mouth.

  I just didn’t think she’d actually follow through on the promise of that dirty talk. Still, the thought of them off alone somewhere in the house definitely had my cock at half staff even if I wasn’t sporting a full on stiffy.

  “This is ridiculous,” Ethan said. He glanced towards the kitchen, but I was sitting on the other side of the room so I couldn’t see what was going on in there. From the sound of the sink running it was probably just Ryan in there getting ready and Jennifer helping him out. I’m sure Ethan was worried about getting pulled in there and away from the game if he got too loud.

  “Think I’m going to go use the bathroom,” I said. I tried to sound as casual as possible, but it was hard. I felt like Ethan could see right through my flimsy excuse to get out of the room, but I realized he probably didn’t give a fuck. He grunted and waved a hand as I left the room.

  There was a bathroom just down the hall. Nice and convenient. I didn’t go for that one, though. No, I headed for the stairs and paused for a moment at the bottom.

  This was crazy. There was no way Alyssa was moving this fast, even assuming that she was making a move at all. That was assuming a hell of a lot. I figured it would take most of the night and a lot of alcohol before my wife got comfortable enough to really let loose, though that bit about “forgetting” her swimsuit had been fucking genius.

  If I went up there and they were just changing into suits there was a chance they’d see me and then I’d have to explain what the hell I was doing up there.

  Using the bathroom would seem like a pretty fucking flimsy excuse.

  Not that there was a chance I wasn’t going up there to see what was going on. No, I was far to intrigued after all the intense sessions we’d had. Hot, sweaty, sticky, screaming as we talked all about the nasty things we’d do with our friends if we had the opportunity. The forbidden things Alyssa would like to do with Ema given half a chance. Things that made me think I might get to fulfill my lifelong fantasy of seeing some good old red-blooded American girl-on-girl action after all.

  That was a fantasy I’d long ago given up on when I got with Alyssa. She was many things, but adventurous in the bedroom was not one of them. At least it hadn’t been until we both went to one of those online quiz sites where you reveal what you’re into and it only shows you the matches that both of you selected.

  That had led to some very interesting things since.

  I looked around one final time to make sure no one was watching. I could hear Jennifer and Ryan puttering around in the kitchen. The game was still playing in the living room and Ethan shouted again. The coast wasn’t going to get any more clear than this.

  I took a deep breath and padded up the stairs slowly, testing every step along the way to make sure there wasn’t a creak that might give me away to someone upstairs or down.

  I made it to the top and thought I heard voices from down the hall. I crept towards Ryan’s and Emma’s room, but when I got down to the ground, I figured there was less chance of them seeing me if I was down low, and peered around the door there was nothing to be seen.

  More muted conversation. They had a walk-in closet in here somewhere. I knew because Alyssa was always going on about it and how much she wanted something like that for herself when we eventually moved into a bigger house. I thought they were extravagant, but I also knew our next house would have one if it made her happy.

  And if it meant I never had to listen to her talking about how great Emma’s closet was again.
  Did I dare go into the room? Try and see what was happening firsthand? The rational side of my brain was telling me that was an even more stupid idea than going up here in the first place. The brain down below, the brain that was really calling the shots, was screaming at me and asking why the fuck we weren’t already in there checking out the hot lesbian action that was mine for the witnessing if I’d just grow a pair and have a look.

  I took a deep breath and held it as I moved into the room. I felt like a jackass even as I did so. I felt my blood pulsing and an intense fear the likes of which I hadn’t felt in years was radiating through my body with every quiet step I took. I was convinced that at any moment one of the girls would hear me and look out.

  I just prayed that it would be Alyssa. At least she knew what the plan was.

  I peered around the corner into the closet and my breath caught. Emma and Alyssa were both in there and they both looked so fucking hot. Emma was holding up a suit that looked positively scandalous. We’re talking the sort of thing I would’ve had trouble imagining my wife wearing before I discovered this new side of her.

  I leaned forward. And bumped into the wall. I didn’t think. I just pulled back and darted across the room, my heart pounding as I figured I was moments away from being caught.

  I made it to the door and practically dove out. I was sure one of them would hear my shoes hitting the carpet. My feet thudded like thunderclaps in my ears, but I didn’t hear an irritated cry or anything. I waited, my back against the wall just out of sight. I considered dashing down the stairs, but that would look suspicious if I burst into the living room down there.

  Someone stepped into the bedroom. I could hear them but I had no idea who it was. Blood was pumping. I felt like I was going to pass out from the sheer volume. It was like a rush behind my ears. A pause.


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