Sanctuary (Rise of the Empire Book 2)

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Sanctuary (Rise of the Empire Book 2) Page 10

by Ivan Kal

  “So, you have no answer?” Esama repeated her question to Dson.

  “It will take a lot of testing to determine if there is a connection Oferani. And even if there is one, it was very long ago. We have obviously evolved on very different paths. And I can’t imagine how it is even possible.” Hokra Dson said wondering.

  “Could have the Order been right?” Hokra Gotu said slowly, hesitantly.

  Esama turned on him sharply. “We do not talk about them.”

  “Of course Oferani.” Hokra Gotu said, and then after a minute of silence, “No matter how much we look alike, we are different.”

  Esama turned the palm of her left hand sideways and back signaling her agreement. “Yes, we are very different, but also very similar.” She said.

  “Yes, Oferani.” Dson said, mirroring her gesture with his palm.

  Esama sighed in a very human manner. “And what have you observed Gotu.” She asked Hokra Gotu, he was learned in the ways of military and war.

  “You are right Oferani, these people are very different, and very similar at the same time. From what I have observed these people know war.” Gotu said.

  Esama looked at him, surprised. “They said that this is an exploration vessel. You think that they deceived us?”

  “No Oferani. I have no doubt that this is an exploration vessel, from everything I looked over of our scans of their ship, to the interior. This is an exploration ship, but I also believe that it is not as defenseless as our exploration ships.”

  “You mean this ship has weapons?” Esama asked.

  “I am sure of it. I don’t know how much of a chance you had to look at the exterior of this ship, but there are indications, hatches, that could possibly house weapons. But that is not the only thing that makes me believe that.” Gotu said.

  “What more did you notice?” Dson asked, breaching lightly the Ofer-tun protocol by speaking before the Oferani. Gotu noticed that Oferani choose to ignore the breach and was expecting an answer.

  “You noticed the escorts that followed us?” Gotu asked.

  “That is nothing strange, we often assign guides, escorts and helpers to our visitors.” Esama said.

  “Yes, we do. But are our guides Laas Rett?” Gotu asked.

  For a moment both Esama and Dson looked at him startled, before Esama recovered enough. She stood up from the seat, her tail furiously moving from side to side toppling the chair.

  “Warriors!? How dare they?! Such insult!” She yelled out.

  Gotu immediately rose as well, putting his hands in front of his chest, palms turned towards his chest in a placating gesture. “Calm down Oferani. It is no insult.” He said in placating tones.

  A moment later Esama managed to get herself under control, trusting her aide. She picked up her chair and sat down again. Still visibly upset she turned to Gotu.

  “How can it not be an insult? We only use warriors for criminals, never for guests.” Esama said.

  “The key word Oferani is “We”, you said yourself, these people might look like us, but they are not us. I have looked at them closely Oferani, and from the talks you had, I believe that this is a regular practice for them.”

  Esama appeared thoughtful for a moment, and then she brought her hand up and turned her palm sideways and back, assenting to Gotu’s point.

  “I have jumped to the wrong conclusion, apologies.” Esama said, and continued immediately. “But how can this be an exploration vessel if there are warriors on board?”

  “I believe that their ships are not so strictly divided Oferani. There are people on board that are clearly warriors, and then there are those that are not. For example the female that met us, the commander of the ship, their Retnor. She was not a warrior, but she held herself as one. It is strange, I got the feeling that she would be in charge of the ship even in combat, and yet she was no warrior by our understanding.” Gotu said.

  Esama put a palm on her forehead, indicating frustration. “You are right Gotu, they are a strange people. This will be much harder than I thought, each time we met another race, it was Pouute, that handled most of the talks.” Esama said.

  Gotu turned his palm, agreeing.

  “We must learn a lot, it seems.” Esama said.

  “Yes.” Both Gotu and Dson said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Olympus city

  The attack came suddenly, meant to test Adrian’s defense. Adrian twisted his upper body and raised his left hand to block the strike. His palm connected with his opponent's forearm and adjusted the trajectory slightly, the attack missed his head. Adrian then stepped out to the side, pulling his opponent’s arm with him. That unbalanced his opponent, and brought the opponent’s head in line with Adrian’s shoulder. Adrian pushed his weight with his legs, and altered his target by lowering his center of balance at the last moment. So instead of his opponent’s head, Adrian’s shoulder struck him in the chest. The strike connected, and his opponent flew away, his back hitting the tatami hard. Adrian remained in stance, waiting, but his opponent signaled that the fight was over. Adrian relaxed and waited for his opponent to get up, when he did, they both bowed at the waist. His opponent then walked over and slapped Adrian on the shoulder.

  “That was great form Adrian.”

  “Thank you Master Hayashi.” Adrian said.

  “You don’t need to call me Master anymore. You have long since surpassed me.” Master Hayashi Hideyoshi said.

  “Perhaps in some things. But in others you are still much wiser than me.” Adrian said seriously.

  His Master smiled. “Knowing that you still have challenges ahead of you, makes you wise as well.” Master Hayashi said.

  Looking at his Master smiling Adrian couldn’t help but smile as well. In this age where everyone looked young, it was hard for those that were born in a time and place where age was visible, there was no way to discern someone’s age. Master Hayashi was born long before Adrian.

  “There will be challenges ahead of me for as long as I am living. And that will likely be a long, long time.” Adrian said.

  Master Hayashi’s smile dimmed. “Aye. Humanity is on a new path, one filled with challenges of the unknown. It is the way of the universe. We grow, we learn, we change.” Master Hayashi said.

  “Yes.” Adrian agreed.

  “Will you stay for the class? You can show other students how far they still need to go.” Master Hayashi said cheerfully.

  Master Hayashi taught Ninjutsu to people living in Olympus city. And being one of the few Dojo’s that taught martial arts on Sanctuary, there was a lot of interest. The class was divided into two courses. The beginners course, which now consisted of mainly children. In the beginning, it was taught by Master Hayashi, and later by some more advanced students. And the advanced course, which was taught by Master Hayashi. And then there was the Masters class. It wasn’t part of Master Hayashi’s Dojo, but rather a joint class with the Masters of other martial arts on Sanctuary. Only 7 million people left Earth for Sanctuary, it might seem like a big number, but in fact there was a lot of knowledge that was left behind. Oh, they had the information, records, books and such. But they lacked the people that studied it. So the Masters of the martial arts came together to share and pass on their knowledge. These classes were held once a month, and only those who had become Masters in their own art could attend. The level of mastery one needed to join these classes was decided by the Masters of the respective arts. For Ninjutsu it was 10th Dan. Most martial arts were divided into kyu and Dan rankings. Kyu were beginner ranks, going from 9th kyu to 1st kyu. The Dan were master ranks, going from 1st Dan to 10th Dan in most martial arts. In Ninjutsu the 10th Dan had five ranks within itself, for a total of 15. Adrian had already attained 15th Dan. And was the only one of his master’s students to have attained that rank. He started studying Ninjutsu when he was brought to Olympus from the orphanage, and had spent every free moment trying to improve himself.

  “Sorry Master. I have previous commitments.” Adrian

  “Another time then. You might have learned all that I had to teach you, but there are still things you can learn, even from those who are under you. And I hope that you will attend the Master class this month, you are after all, one of the sixteen Grandmasters.” Master Hayashi said with a smile.

  Adrian cringed at the title. Once the press found about the Master class, they started referring to those attending them as Grandmasters. “If I have spare time. I am swamped with obligations to the fleet right now.”

  “Alright. Do try to keep in touch more often, even if it is by comms.”

  “I will Master.” With that Adrian left the training area, just as the advanced class was coming in. He greeted them all, even though only a few knew who he was. He entered the changing room and took off his black kimono, and dressed in more casual attire. He checked the time on his imp, and noticed that he was already late. He quickly left the Dojo, and made the decision to go on foot.

  The meeting place was close enough that him stopping to get a grav-car would take more time than it would take for him to get there. Adrian was supposed to meet with the former members of his academy team. Some of them he hadn’t seen in years, and Adrian was very excited to see them again, though they all kept in touch by comm messages. The one he spent the most time with was Paul Isaacs, who served on Athena as Adrian’s High Prime. The others all had their own assignments, whether on other ships or on the planet. Most of them who worked on and in the vicinity of the planet would meet weekly. But he was most excited to see Bethany Jones. She and Adrian had a rocky start. They spent most of their time at the Academy hating each other, clearing up the air only in their last year. Afterwards, they started a shaky friendship. But after the events at the Cloud station, where Adrian commanded Athena and Beth served as his High Prime, they grew closer. They were separated after they arrived at Sanctuary, with Beth being transferred to another ship, and they started seeing each other rarely. Their leave time has not crossed often, so they kept in touch with messages, and video chat when they were in range. For the past two years they had talked almost daily, and have developed a deep friendship, and now, Adrian hoped something more. He was always attracted to Beth, even when they hated each other. But afterwards, when they became such good friends the distance prevented him from trying to take their relationship to the next level. He got the feeling that she felt the same way, though in the last few months he felt as if they were drifting apart. Which frightened Adrian, he didn’t want to lose her like he did his best friend Sahib, who drifted apart from Adrian. They still kept in touch, but there was a gap between them.

  Finally, Adrian arrived at the meeting place. It was one of the few bars in the city called New Start. He entered and tried to spot his party in the dim lights. He saw a hand waving at him from a table in the back. Adrian waved back at Sakura and made his way to the table. He noticed that all of his former team were present save Beth. He hugged Sakura, then the rest of the women in their party, Ana, Tania and Helen. After he shook hands and exchanged slaps on the back with the men, Noah, Marcus, Alexander and Paul.

  “So you finally found time to meet with us, oh great and mighty Ship Master.” Noah said playfully.

  “Yes, as you know my schedule is filled with far more important things, I can rarely find time to meet with simple Adjutants.” Adrian said with a straight face, which earned him a punch in the shoulder from Helen.

  “Hey!” Adrian exclaimed, smiling.

  “Don’t get a big head, we spent a whole year together in the same room. We know things.” Helen said threateningly, but a small grin played at her lips.

  “No, no. Of course I won’t.” Adrian said, rubbing his shoulder. “And when did you start to lift weights?” He asked.

  Helen gave him an exasperated look, and Adrian grinned widely. He looked around the table at his friends. “Where is Beth?” He asked.

  Ana and Tania looked at each other strangely. “She is running a bit late.” Ana said. “But there is something you should know, and it’s better if you learn it before she arrives.”

  Adrian frowned. “What?”

  Ana opened her mouth to respond, but Marcus called out. “There she is. Beth, over here!”

  Adrian turned and froze the moment he saw her. She was still as beautiful as the day he met her, which was no surprise given that they didn’t age anymore. She had let her red hair grow longer, it was now almost touching her shoulders.

  “Who is that with her.” Someone said, but Adrian barely registered it. He only had eyes for Beth.

  Adrian smiled widely when she got to the table. ”Beth, it’s so good to see you!” He went for a hug, but she returned it hesitantly, awkwardly. Adrian leaned back and frowned as she disengaged herself. She turned to the others hastily and greeted them. Then she gestured to her side.

  “Everyone this is Harry.” She said. Adrian turned and noticed the man standing beside her for the first time. He turned back to Beth just as she started speaking again.

  “Harry is my fiancé.” Beth said.

  Adrian felt his world stop. He stood there gazing at Beth stupidly, unable to tear his eyes off, just as she kept avoiding his. Soon he noticed the man, Bethany’s fiancé extending his hand towards him. Adrian looked down at it not knowing what it was this man wanted from him. After an awkward moment he realized that the man wanted to shake hands. Adrian extended his and gripped it.

  “I’m Harry.” The man said.

  After another long moment Adrian managed to respond. “Adrian.” He said shakily.

  “Well, let us all get seated. We have a lot of questions for you Harry, if you plan on marrying Bethany you need to go through us first.” Marcus said, breaking the awkward moment by forcing everyone to move back to their seats.

  Marrying Adrian thought, She is getting married. He still couldn’t believe this was happening as he sat down.

  “Oh, Adrian. I am sorry.” Iris said in his head, but he ignored her. He tried to catch Beth’s eyes, but she kept avoiding his gaze.

  “So Harry what is it you do?” Marcus asked.

  “I’m a teacher.” Harry said.

  “Oh, and how did the two of you meet?” Noah asked.

  “I was giving a lecture about the academy to the kids in high school. We meet at the school he teaches at.” Beth said. Harry reached over and took her hand in his.

  “I asked her out afterwards, and she shot me down immediately.” Harry said in an affectionate tone. “But I kept asking, until she finally accepted.”

  Adrian got up to his feet. “I’m going to get us some more drinks.” He said, and immediately realized how stupid of an excuse that was, seeing as everyone’s drinks were almost full.

  Marcus frowned at Adrian. “Drinks? We don’t ne-” He started, but Tania elbowed him in the ribs. Adrian turned and walked to the bar. He took the chair and ordered a home grown sanctuary beer. He had never tried one actually, he didn’t drink. Perhaps this is a good time to start drinking. A minute later as he was waiting for the beer he felt a presence beside him. He didn’t turn, he already knew who it was.

  “When?” Adrian asked.

  After a moment of hesitation, she answered. “We met a seven months ago. He asked me to marry him a month ago.”

  “Seven months… We talked often during that time. You never mentioned him.”

  “I never seemed to find the right moment.” Beth said.

  “Seven months Beth. You had plenty of time.”

  She remained silent.

  “Are you sure? Seven months aren’t that long to get to know someone that well.” Adrian said.


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