Tangled Kinks: The Complete Series

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Tangled Kinks: The Complete Series Page 7

by Piquette Fontaine

  “Oh God! Oh fuck! Yes! Yes! Harder! Harder! Harder! Fuck!”

  He roared, and with one final plunge hurled himself all the way up inside her, filling her to the brim with his immensity, and evoking such fierce cries of untold pleasure that it made both of their ears ring. Somehow, even after just having drained himself, he ejaculated into her body even harder than before, pumping her up with pulse after pulse of his hot, molten sperm, flooding her, and cumming in such thickness and abundance that it came spilling out of her body, flowing onto her thighs, dripping onto the floor.

  A tremendous, all consuming orgasm burned through her body, causing her to cry out, forcing her vision to go white, and making her head spin so dizzily that she thought she might collapse. The sensations were all powerful and all consuming, the ecstasy beginning in her loins and pulsing through the rest of her body in mighty waves, leaving her so sweaty and exhausted by the time it was all over that she could scarcely keep her eyes open.

  With a loud groan of satisfaction Glace at last pulled out of her, and wrapped her up in his arms on the bed. His mind was slightly numb with the implications of his surrender to temptation, but right now he was too lost in the afterglow of love to give it too much consideration. Cissor, meanwhile, was drifting gently off into sleep with a smile across her lips, confident as she was that she'd just taken a major first step in achieving her eventual goal.

  Chapter 4

  Moving to the south now, and with Glace essentially in her pocket, Cissor focused her attentions on Dargon, confident that, should she manage to successfully sway him into her corner, her mission to destabilize Westerado and bring Analos back to the top would almost certainly be a successful one.

  Dargon, however, wasn't quite as easy to win over as the ice giant at first, his ability to articulate his objections helping him see clearly as it did.

  “No... No, thank you, I'm flattered. I won't pretend it's not an attractive offer but... Well, I'm married,” he said, as he tried and failed not to look at Cissor, who was wearing yet another piece of positively tantalizing lingerie. It consisted of an x-like crossing of fabric in the middle, with two tight bra-like cups cradling her breasts firmly, and revealing a generous portion of cleavage. Her midriff was clearly visible in the center of the number, and below the waist the piece concluded in a short skirt that barely came halfway to her knees, giving Dargon a tantalizing notion of what could so easily be his should he simply take the plunge and give into temptation.

  “Happily married?” she asked, shifting her weight so that one hip popped upward, and the danger of her modesty becoming compromised grew more real by the second.

  Dargon furrowed his brow, and insisted “Yes!” but then added, curiously, “Why?... What have you heard?...”

  Cissor smiled at this, well aware that she'd just earned herself some wiggle room.

  She stepped slowly, seductively forward, moving in a tantalizing fashion, and bringing her body so close him that she nearly knocked him over with her heat.

  “Oh nothing... I just noticed how easily Glace gave way to my offer... And I noticed that the two of you both got sent out as your beloved Winter stayed at home with Jim Slush... Both of them fully human, unlike the two of you. I just assumed, I suppose, that perhaps there was some trouble in paradise...”

  Dargon tried to scowl at her, but no matter how hard he might have tried, there was no genuinely denying this clear want for her in that moment.

  “I'm not Glace,” he said. “What he does is his business, if in fact it's at all like you say-which I tend to doubt.” He didn't actually doubt it, knowing as he did that Glace was a creature controlled by urges and impulses, and confident that if he himself was struggling beneath the heft of this seductress's charms, the ice giant would likely have folded like a house of cards. “But aside from that, you're wrong about our marriage. It has its ups and downs, sure. And the stuff with Jim Slush... Sure, it's possible there's some truth to that. But I love Winter, and what we did we did for the benefit of the Four Kingdoms. Whatever issues we may or may not have, she still gives me everything I need. For the most part...”

  Queen Cissor raised an eyebrow at this. “For the most part?” she repeated.

  Dargon suddenly seemed embarrassed, then shrugged, and looked down at the floor.

  “Oh, you know how it goes...” he said dismissively, clearly wanting to get away from the subject.

  “No,” said Cissor, calmly nodding her head from side to side, “I don't... Enlighten me...”

  Dargon swallowed hard, trying to decide whether or not to let this very private truth be heard by someone else's ears.

  “It's just... You know... There are certain things I've always kind of wanted to try but... Well, things that I've never quite had the courage to ask her about. It's kind of embarrassing really but... Well, if I had the sort of relationship she had with Jim then maybe... Who knows...” He shrugged, and looked bashfully after the floor, but Cissor could see from his bulging tunic that he'd already become quite aroused about whatever it was he was considering.

  “What kind of things?” she asked, grinning, and again he seemed to question the prudence of letting her in on the secret.

  He looked around, then, and as though someone might be there to overhear them, he leaned into her ear, and whispered something sheepishly.

  A red, wicked smile spread wide across her lips.

  “I see,” she said, and gently she brought a hand gently up to his chest, swirling her fingers tenderly around the red, scaly flesh. “Well, Dargon... If you wanted, that might just be something I can indulge you with myself...”

  He was so close to her now, the smell of her perfumes getting into his nostrils, making it hard for him to breathe. He was falling fast to temptation, and he knew he'd lost all control of himself when she leaned in, and planted a series of sweet, steady kisses on his perfect dragon lips.

  “Okay,” he said, in scarcely a whisper as she pulled away from him, smiling.

  “Get undressed,” she said, and she stepped away for a moment to rummage through her handbag.

  At all times, Cissor carried with her a twelve inch long, double-ended, dragonglass dildo for emergency purposes. You never knew when desire would strike and there would be no one around to suit the need, and thus it was best to prepare for the unexpected. This particular dildo was one of a very special sort, enchanted by a witch to send out a series of powerful, crippling vibrations on command, vibrations which had left Cissor herself screaming with pleasure over the course of many lonely, companionless nights.

  Never up to now, however, had she used this powerful object on another human being, and she found herself giddy with excitement at the opportunity to do so. She stripped slowly out of her lingerie, giving Dargon a nice show of it as he hovered over the surface of the bed on his hands and knees, his dragonesque body completely naked. Once she'd revealed her complete nude form to him, running her hands over herself a few times just for the sake of emphasis, she took the dragonglass dildo and carefully slid one end of it up inside of her, gasping as it pierced through her folds, and the sense of pleasure an immediate one. Dargon grew harder and harder by the second as she watched her pushing it through the folds of her dripping folds, then at last let it come to a halt, feeling securely in place with one end several inches up into her body. She wrapped a strap around her pelvis to ensure the phallus remained stable, then gently brought herself up to Dargon on the bed, sliding the phallus into his mouth a few times.

  He licked it hungrily, and she pushed it far enough back down his throat that he nearly gagged on it, trying her best to replicate the intensity with which Glace had previously pummeled her own tight throat during the act of oral sex.

  Once she at last felt as though she'd driven her point home she slipped herself back out of him, the penis now dripping with his fluids, giving it the only lubrication it would receive before being shoved up his tight ass.

  She came around to him on the bed, and placed her hands on
his sides, sending a shiver of anticipation through his body, accompanied by a slight flapping of his wings. He slowly moved his tail to the side and revealed a sculpted red pair of human buttocks, beautiful to behold, and the prospect of drilling into them far too glorious to resist.

  Softly Cissor reached up for the shaft of her artificial dick and began to stroke it, rubbing it in just the right way so that the vibrating spell was activated. She had to pause for a moment before continuing as the shivers of sensation hummed steadily through her cunt and nearly knocked her out, proving far more intense than she'd remembered for a moment.

  She let out a sigh and gained a hold of herself quickly enough, then moved forward on the bed, preparing to mount the human-dragon hybrid splayed out so readily before her. He let out a whimper as she placed the vibrating cock between his buttocks, cradling it in his ass and gently grinding up against him, preparing him for what she had in store.

  He swallowed hard, bracing himself, and tensing up far more than he knew to be prudent. Cissor aligned the vibrating tip of the dildo with the opening of his anus and rested it there, letting him burn with anticipation. Then slowly she pushed himself inside, and he gasped as she stretched her out, penetrating him deep.

  “Oh God... Fuck...” he groaned, as she slid her way steadily along, and the deeper she pushed herself into him, the deeper her own end of the dildo pressed up inside of her, maximizing her pleasure as the vibrations took hold. “Oh... Oh... Oh...”

  He had difficulty every few inches containing more of her, and had to push out slightly to allow her to keep going, but at last the humming obsidian tip pressed down against his prostate, and a hum of pleasure came flooding over his entire body.

  “Fuuuuuuuuuuck,” he groaned, gripping the sheets more tightly than ever, and Cissor smiled with satisfaction.

  She waited for a moment, not wanting to overwhelm him, then gently pulled back, nearly extricating herself all the way to the tip, before plunging right back in.

  In. Out. In. Out.

  It steadily became easier for both of them, with Dargon having an easier time accepting her, and Cissor beginning to grow used to the rhythms of thrusting in and out of him in this manner. She pressed harder and harder, loving the sound of his cries getting louder and more enthusiastic, not to mention the sweep of sensations passing through her own body, which was positively incredible.

  She began to thrust, to hump, to fuck, to tear into him, and neither of them could believe the intensity of it, the sheer glory. Dargon, though he'd engaged in plenty of anal escapades in the past, had never experienced the dynamic of being taken in this way by a woman, and loved the strange, demeaning feeling of it, the twisting of roles-which, apart from just the pleasure, was the appeal for Cissor as well.

  She’d never been on this side of the sexual dynamic-she'd always had power over men, but never quite in this regard. It seemed, almost, symbolic in a way. The proof she needed that she'd taken control of the situation, that she'd thwarted Winter's control, and that from now on she would be calling the shots. She thrusted harder, deeper, fucking Dargon's lights out, stretching him hard, and screaming as she plowed into him one final time, drilling herself all the way up in place- conquering him...

  Dargon let out a tremendous shout as Cissor held herself pressed up against his butt cheeks, panting like an animal, sinking her nails into him, letting the vibrations from the dildo and the natural high of her dominance over him merge, sending her soaring through such heights of ecstasy that she could scarcely process it.

  As she was still cumming, she reached up around Dargon's legs and rammed her hand back against his body, stretching the shaft of his cock taut, holding it, and allowing it to throb as the anal stimulation took its hold over him, driving him to the edge with pleasure. He yelled aloud as she pumped his shaft hard, burning with prostate orgasm, and at last cumming all over hand as she stroked his shaft, coating her with essence, and letting the incredible sensations wash over him in waves.

  At last the sensations drew to a close, and she leaned forward into him with the cool artificial dick still inside him. “You're mine now, aren't you?” she whispered into his ear, smiling. He didn't say anything, but remained there for a moment with his eyes closed, breathing deep. Wishing for a response she slipped her sperm coated fingers into his mouth, making him taste himself on her, and as she cleaned her digits off sensually on his tongue she applied pressure, forcing him to nod “yes” to her inquiry.

  He let out a long, tired moan, and she knew without any doubt that her plan had been a smashing success...

  Chapter 5

  Violence had erupted across the Four Kingdoms of Westerado. North-and Southerado had rebelled against the East and West, and with the resources of Analos on their side, had managed to push back considerably against the progress toward fragile peace that had been made in the months since the four heirs to the kingdoms had all wed. Death was rampant and abundant on all sides, with new battles and skirmishes over resources breaking out daily, and no ostensible end to the conflict in sight.

  Winter looked out, astonish at how thoroughly her peaceful legacy had crumbled, and wondering whether what they'd briefly had could ever been restored.

  “It's all my fault,” she said to Jim Slush as she peered sadly out the castle window at the smoke rising in the distance, indicating the steady progress of destruction throughout the western kingdom. Jim took her shoulders in his grip and caressed them lovingly, shaking his head.

  “No,” he said. “Come on, Winter, don't say that... It's not your fault at all...”

  “It is,” she insisted. “I drove Glace and Dargon away by spending so much time with you, and they went straight into the arms of that... That... Woman...” she said, clearly reaching for something nastier to say, but her feminist ethics leaving her coming up short in the insult department.

  “You didn't drive anyone away,” insisted Jim. “Analos's role in the kingdom has been fragile for ages, and nothing you could have done would have stopped them from at least attempting to regain what little control they had over the resources of the land. Blaming yourself isn't going to solve a thing...”

  Winter sniffed, drying her eyes, and thought for a moment.

  “You're right...” she said, and took a deep breath. “Maybe there's a more direct solution to the problem than bloodshed, and fighting until we're the last man standing. I think... I think I need to go and talk to Queen Cissor face to face, and try to sort this problem out directly...”

  Jim looked at her for a moment, clearly concerned and wondering whether he should object, but then nodded. “Do what you have to do...”

  Queen Cissor agreed to meet with Winter upon her request, given that both sides in this conflict were suffering, and it seemed preferable to both that a solution should be reached through means of peace, rather than war.

  Winter's entrance into Cissor's castle grew immediately uncomfortable for her as she saw two of her three husbands standing near the door, having moved here with the Queen after her respective seductions of the two of them. She debated whether to greet either of them but in the end simply cast her eyes to the floor, embarrassed. The Queen took her by the hand, her manner stern, but as friendly as could be under the circumstances. “Come,” she said, “We'll go to my chambers, where the two of us can speak candidly about our situation.”

  As Winter sat in a chair in the Queen's bedroom, it was difficult for her not to take note of the canopy bed in the corner, and to visualize the sight of the three of them making hot, vigorous love, Cissor and her two former husbands.

  She tried to put it out of her mind, clearing her throat and concentrating on the matter at hand. “All this violence... This bloodshed... It has to stop,” said Winter.

  “I agree,” nodded Cissor. “I regret that it had to take place to begin with, but I'm certain you can understand my predicament.”

  “I can,” nodded Winter. “I don't agree at all with your means of solving it, but I do sympathize w
ith where you're coming from. The ideal solution, as far as I see it, would be to solve these problems through diplomatic means, rather than through violence.”

  “That would be my preference as well,” nodded Cissor, “So let us discuss the details.”

  Over the course of the next few hours, the two of them discussed the distribution of resources in Westerado, both among the Four Kingdoms and to Analos. They went back and forth over who should get what, how much, generally able to compromise when it came to areas of disagreement, and vowing to come back to certain areas later if they couldn't immediately come to a solution.

  As the two of them spoke, it was hard for Winter not to take the sexual matters that divided the two of them into account. What did this woman have that she didn't, that would enable her to steal two of the men right out from under her? Winter, herself, was slightly younger, and she couldn't objectively say that Cissor was that much more beautiful than herself... Yet the longer she looked at her, watching those beautiful red lips move and melt around the words they spoke, she flared her nostrils at the queen, and began to subtly perceive what it was about this woman that must have proven such a lethal attraction for Glace and Dargon. There was an undeniable pull to this beautiful creature's very being, so powerful that Winter herself could feel herself growing susceptible as the moments ticked on.


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