The Ranchers: Destiny Bay Romances Boxed Set vol. 1 (Destiny Bay Romances - The Ranchers)

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The Ranchers: Destiny Bay Romances Boxed Set vol. 1 (Destiny Bay Romances - The Ranchers) Page 59

by Helen Conrad

  He should never have let her come along from the start. He’d been pretty much a loner all his life. Now he practically had a ready-made family on his hands. This was not the way he’d planned it.

  A few more miles and they’d be in Las Vegas. He hoped to find Kerry right away and persuade him to return to San Francisco with him to testify. And that would be that.

  And then, what on earth was he going to do with these two?

  Jimmy would supposedly hook up with his mother somewhere on the Strip. All well and good, if it actually happened. That left Jessie. And that was the question. Could he leave Jessie?

  It seemed incredible that he’d known her only a short time. He felt as if he’d known her forever. It was more than the lovemaking, although that had been great. There was something about her that seemed to fit with him, the way the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle interlocked. And that was about as philosophical as he was going to get about it. Bottom line—he liked being with her.

  But she belonged on her ranch and he belonged behind a desk in San Francisco. So why had he come back for her? That was a question he couldn’t answer.

  They’d left the ranch with Fred and Cerise waving from the porch and promising to call Harley right away. Once on the main road, he and Jessie had talked about the diamonds and why he’d lied to her.

  “The diamonds were an issue I didn’t want to get into,” he began. “The whole thing is confusing and charged with emotions. I wanted to avoid having to explain it all to you. But now I’m going to have to.”

  “You don’t have to tell me anything,” she said stiffly. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “No, you won’t. Not after you think I lied. I’ve got to tell you the whole story, then maybe you’ll see.”

  He took a deep breath and gazed at the distant horizon. “My family was always good friends with the Matthews, but sometimes it was rather a strange relationship. Sky Matthews was ambitious and enterprising and successful, all the things my father was not. But Sky came from a poor background, and he always resented that my family’s money went back generations.

  Whenever he could, he would belittle our heritage, yet when my aunt had to auction off her estate, he was right there in the front row, buying up everything, as though he could buy himself an old money background if he just paid enough.” He turned and looked at Jessie. “Do you understand what I’m talking about?” he asked, mainly because he wasn’t sure if he did himself. This sort of speculating on Sky Matthews’s motives was new to him. He only wished he’d started it years earlier.

  Jessie’s mouth thinned. “I may be nothing but a simple cowgirl, Michael, but I do understand ambition and greed. People are people, no matter where you go.”

  “Of course.” He liked the way she spoke her mind. “Sky and his daughter were always hot to have the Drayton diamonds. They tried to buy them from my father years ago, but he would never let them go, no matter how tight money was. It was a point of honor with him.” He took a deep breath. “But not with my mother, it seems. Once my father was dead, she handed them over to Sky Matthews without a qualm.”

  “How do you know that? Maybe she didn’t have any choice.”

  His face was dark with anger. “She could have come to me. But she didn’t, because she would have risked having to listen to a lecture. So when she accrued an overwhelming gambling debt, she went to Sky Matthews and handed over a family heirloom for cash.”

  “Have you asked her for her side of the story?”

  “No. She’s in Europe. I haven’t seen her for six months.”

  “Well, maybe she did give the diamonds away, but how could you take them back?”

  “Those weren’t her diamonds to give away,” he said harshly. “Those are the Drayton diamonds. They were my grandmother’s, and her grandmother’s before that. My mother had no right to give those diamonds away.”

  Seeing the pain in his face, Jessie tried to find a way to comfort him. “Maybe she didn’t. You don’t have any real solid proof. What if he stole them from her?”

  “No. My mother doesn’t deserve your standing up for her, Jessie. She’s basically a very selfish woman. Sky’s daughter Vanessa is like her in some ways. Vanessa showed me the diamonds in order to convince me that turning in her father would bring out ugly stories about my mother. Little did she realize that by showing the evidence of my mother’s wrongdoing, she made me lose the last bit of respect I had for her. I don’t really care what scandals arise. I grabbed the diamonds, promising to pay Sky back for the gambling debts, and left. They called that stealing. I don’t.”

  Jessie nodded quietly. She understood why he’d taken the jewels. That wasn’t a problem for her any longer. But something about this woman he had mentioned sent warning signals down her spine.


  He glanced at her, then away. “We were engaged,” he said abruptly. “We’re finished now.”


  And that was the end of that.

  Las Vegas was like a big, gaudy brooch someone had pinned on the wide expanse of a burlap sack. One moment they were in the dry, golden desert, the next they were riding down a boulevard of neon lights and shimmering signs. Jimmy’s head whipped back and forth as though he were afraid he might miss something. “Wow” was all he said, and then he was quiet, taking in all the sights.

  Jessie smiled and tousled his hair, then turned to Michael. “Where are we going?” she asked.

  Michael hesitated, glancing at Jimmy. “We’ll look for your mother later on, okay?” he said. “I want to stop at the Samarkand to see a guy first thing. I’m hoping he can help me find the man I’m looking for.”

  Jessie felt the tension in the air. They’d reached their destination now and things would begin to get real serious. “The man you’re looking for.. .tell me about him. I want to be on the lookout, too.”

  Michael pulled the car to a stop at a red light and came to a decision. She might as well know everything. “Kerry Carter is his name. He was a pilot with Matthews Aviation. He tried to tell me Sky was running an illegal operation a few months ago and I refused to believe him. He said he’d been Sky’s main coordinator with his underground connections, that he was mad at Sky and was thinking about turning him in. I thought he was a disgruntled fired employee. I told him to get lost.” He shook his head as the light turned green and eased the truck out into traffic. “I traced him to Bisbee a couple of days ago, but he’d already left for Phoenix, and now he’s in Las Vegas. At least, I hope he is.”

  Underground connections. That sounded dangerous, Jessie thought. “How do you plan to find him here?”

  “I’ve got a contact. I’ll go from there.”

  Despite his tension he looked very sure of himself. Jessie sat back in the seat, but the Strip was a blur to her now. She was beginning to worry. Michael could be in a lot of danger once he started poking around the back rooms of the Las Vegas gambling world.

  Michael drove the aging truck into the parking lot at the Samarkand and slipped it right in between a Rolls Royce and a silver Mercedes.

  “You two want to go get something to eat while I…?”

  “No,” Jessie broke in quickly, looking around at the milling crowd. “We’ll go with you.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  The hotel was shaped like a gilded replica of the Taj Mahal, with fountains everywhere. They walked through the casino to get to the main desk. Flashing lights and the sound of coins hitting bottom in slot machines made Jessie slightly dizzy. She was about as far away from the ranch as she could get.

  “Jessie.” Jimmy tugged on her sleeve, his eyes full of wonder. “Can I play the slot machine?”

  “No, Jimmy. You’re too young. It’s illegal.”

  He couldn’t have looked more disappointed if she’d told him he’d never be allowed to eat ice cream again. Then he had an idea. “Could I watch you play? Could I?”

  She hesitated. Michael was already way ahead of th
em, and she didn’t want to lose him in the crowd. “On our way out, okay?” she offered. “I’ll play one quarter on our way out.” she smiled to cheer him up. “I promise.”

  Only partly mollified, he joined her as she raced to catch up to Michael, who was already approaching the check-in desk.

  “I’d like to see Mr. Ted Nargeant,” Michael was telling the pretty girl behind the counter as they came up behind him.

  The girl favored Michael with a smile a little less artificial than it had been for the previous customer. “Do you have an appointment?”

  “No, but I must see him. It’s crucial.”

  “Then I’m sorry.” There was real regret in her eyes. “He’s unavailable.”

  Michael took a deep breath. “How do I make an appointment?”

  “You’ll have to call his office.” She reached into a drawer and drew out a business card. “Here’s his number. Good luck.”

  Jessie and Jimmy followed Michael to the bank of telephone booths and waited while he dialed. He emerged shortly, his face set. Jessie didn’t have to ask what had happened. Mr. Nargeant obviously was not an easy man to get to see.

  “You stay right here,” he told them. “I’m going to take care of this.”

  While the two of them watched, he went back to the girl at the desk. He talked to her for a few minutes, laughing, teasing her, flirting a little. She blossomed under his attention, batting her eyes and pretending embarrassment. He leaned farther over the counter toward her, touching her arm. She giggled and pulled away, turning to answer the telephone. Jessie could see Michael reaching across the counter, but she couldn’t see what he was after.

  And then he was on his way back, talking to Jessie and Jimmy out of the corner of his mouth as he passed them. “Come on,” he said. “This way.”

  He let them past the elevators and down a corridor, then made a quick turn and stopped them, looking around the corner to see if the way was clear before leading them right onto the employees’ elevator.

  “Don’t you have to have a special key to operate something like this?” Jessie asked. Excitement was tingling in her veins. She felt very cloak-and-dagger.

  Michael reached into his pocket and presented a key in the shape of a harem girl.

  Jessie gasped. “How did you get that?” she cried in appreciation.

  His grin was little-boy proud. “Flattery. It works every time. That, and a bit of sleight of hand.”

  He put the key in the slot on the wall and the doors slid closed. “Nargeant’s got to be in the penthouse suite,” he said, punching that button. “Let’s just hope he’s home.”

  The elevator zoomed noiselessly to the top of the building and the door opened to reveal an enchanted world. Tiled pools filled with sparkling water were connected to one another by a series of waterfalls, against a backdrop of caged birds, exotic plants and mirrored walls. The sounds of a sitar could be heard in the distance.

  And two hulking bodyguards stood scowling at them.

  “What do you think you’re doing here?” one of them demanded.

  “I’ve come to see Mr. Nargeant,” Michael said. “I’ve got to see him. Where is he?”

  “Wherever you ain’t,” the other sneered, advancing on Michael. “Beat it, buster, before we give you a sample of how we punish trespassers around here.”

  Michael squared his shoulders and Jessie set her feet, looking from one tough to the other. He wasn’t going to try to fight them, was he? Michael was a strong man, but these guys were monsters. She pushed Jimmy behind her and hoped the dizziness she felt was only from hyperventilating.

  “I have to see him,” Michael was insisting. “If you’ll just tell him...”

  “We ain’t gonna tell you nothin’ but how to get out of here,” the larger answered, his eyes alight, as though he were looking forward to the coming confrontation. “You’re askin’ for it, buddy.”

  Jessie felt a scream rise in her throat. This was no time to go into hysterics. She looked around quickly for a weapon, something she could use to help defend Michael.

  But the guard wasn’t going to wait for that. He had one hand on Michael’s shoulder and the other poised all too near his face, when someone called out Jessie’s name.

  “Jessie Carrington? Is that you?”

  Everything stopped and everyone turned to stare at her. Bewildered, Jessie looked around, her heart still pounding. A figure materialized out of the mirrors, a thin blond man who seemed to be in his late twenties. He looked vaguely familiar, but Jessie couldn’t place him.

  “Jessie Carrington,” he repeated wonderingly. “You haven’t changed a bit since high school, have you?”

  He stopped right in front of her, grinning. “You don’t remember me, do you? Lenny. Lenny Morton. I was a few years behind you at good old Fremont High. You went out with my brother a couple of times. Bernie.”

  Bernie Morton. She remembered him. A skinny, wimpy looking boy who wanted to be an astronaut. She smiled uncertainly, still thrown for a loop by the circumstances of this meeting.

  “So what’s going on here?” Lenny asked, looking first at the two goons, then at Michael.

  Jessie quickly took the initiative. “Lenny, this is Michael. He’s got to get in to see Mr. Nargeant. It’s practically a matter of life or death.”

  Lenny’s boyish grin faded and a sharp look took its place. ‘’Michael Drayton, is it?” he said softly. “Well, fancy meeting you here.”

  Jessie assumed he’d seen the newspaper reports about them and that made her nervous. But there didn’t seem to be a remedy available, so she decided to muddle on through. .

  “Do you work for Mr. Nargeant, Lenny?” she asked anxiously. “Could you get him in?”

  Lenny’s face fell back into a smile when he looked at her. “Jessie, Jessie,” he said softly. “I had such a crush on you when I was in ninth grade. You were the coolest girl. Tough as a guy on the outside, but all female underneath.” His grin broadened. “For a long time you were my fantasy, you know that?” He looked her up and down. “God, it sure does bring back memories.”

  Jessie glanced at Michael. His jaw was tight, his eyes hard, but the bodyguard’s hand was still on his shoulder and he didn’t say a thing.

  “How... How’s Bernie?” she asked.

  Lenny frowned. “Ah, the guy’s gone and become some kind of astrophysicist or something. Works for NASA in Florida. He never did know how to have a good time. I lost all respect for him when he took you out, had you right there in the palm of his hand and never even kissed you.” He nodded at her knowingly. “Oh, yes, he told me all about it. Told me how you sucker-punched him when he tried to put an arm around you.” He shook his head. “The wimp. No guts, no glory, I always say.” His smile came back. “Now if I’d had you alone in that car...”

  Jessie was blushing scarlet. She could hardly believe Lenny had the right girl here. She’d never been popular in school. She’d been too much of a tomboy for that. Beau was the only male who’d ever gotten to her in those days, and she had married him. To think of someone like this slightly sleazy Lenny having a crush on her was hard to believe.

  “Can you get Michael in to see Mr. Nargeant?” she asked again.

  Lenny looked at Michael. “Sure,” he said casually. “In fact, Mr. Nargeant has been expecting you.”

  Jessie felt herself go limp. “Good,” she murmured, then felt a flutter of unease at the last sentence. Expecting Michael? Why?

  But there wasn’t time to ask questions. Lenny called the two goons off with a jerk of his head and motioned for the rest of them to follow him into a lush waiting room. Jessie sighed at the beauty of the place. The walls were hung with pastel silks that flowed and billowed with every passing breeze, and mirrors were everywhere, along with the sound of running water.

  “You two wait here,” Lenny told Jessie and Jimmy. “I’ll take Mr. Drayton in.”

  They sat down on plush sofas and Jessie looked around the room. The strange opulence was overwh
elming. She felt as though she’d stepped into a twilight zone—another world. Her heart was still beating hard from the confrontation at the elevators. Not only was this place strange, it was dangerous. She hoped Michael would find out what he needed to know fast and they could get out of there.

  There was a rustle in a nearby hallway and suddenly two women emerged from the silken streamers, both dressed in high-heeled gold slippers and see-through harem pants, and both stark naked from the waist up.

  Jessie gaped, suddenly remembered Jimmy and pulled him around so that he was facing the wall behind her instead of the unusual sight in the middle of the room.

  “Where are the men?” the blond intruder asked Jessie, fluffing her hair. “We heard there were visitors.”

  “Th-there are no men here,” Jessie stammered, trying not to look below the woman’s chin. “Uh, maybe you have the wrong room.” She blinked rapidly.

  The dark-haired woman looked at her in disgust. “This is the waiting room and it’s our job to meet the men.” She flopped down on the sofa opposite, yawning. Then she glanced at Jessie again and her gaze sharpened. “You’re the one who’s in the wrong place, honey. You don’t apply for the job up here. You have to do that downstairs.”

  Jessie shook her head, still stunned by the casual nakedness of these women. She’d heard about things like this, about the Playboy mansion and other such establishments, but this was the first time she’d ever come this close. She felt like a child on her first trip to the circus. “I... I’m not...”

  “Oh, honey.” The blonde stepped forward and pulled aside Jessie’s jacket to get a better look at her attributes. “I don’t know. You’re kind of borderline. Ted likes us really big, you know. Maybe you’d have better luck trying out for a casino job.”

  Jessie scrambled off the sofa, grabbing Jimmy with her as she went. “Right,” she said, nodding. “That’s a good idea. I’ll just go on down and...” A strained smile plastered on her face, she backed away, holding Jimmy’s head in a viselike grip as he tried to get a parting look.


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