Protecting Her Daughter (Wrangler's Corner)

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Protecting Her Daughter (Wrangler's Corner) Page 2

by Eason, Lynette

  No! she wanted to scream. She widened her eyes and cut them to the side window. Don’t leave!

  But he simply tapped his hat in a gentlemanly gesture and turned to go. Then spun back. Her breath caught. Had he figured out she needed help? Did he know someone stood behind her with a gun? “Oh, by the way,” he said, “I was in the pharmacy a little bit ago getting a prescription for my mother and Mrs. Lucille gave me Sophia’s medication. I left it on the desk in the office in the barn.”

  “Oh, th-thank you. We were getting low.”

  “I’ll just go get it for you.”

  “No, no, that’s okay, I can get it. I’m going to have to go out there and…ah…fill the water buckets anyway.”

  He tilted his head and gave a slow nod. “All right then. Holler if you need anything.”

  She nodded but couldn’t force any more words out of her tight, tear-filled throat. This time when he turned around, he didn’t look back. She shut the door with a soft snick and turned to find the two men staring at her.

  Pete let go of Sophia and she rushed at Zoe, wrapping her arms around her waist and holding tight. Zoe met Pete’s gaze since he seemed to be the one in charge. “Now what?” she whispered. “What do you want?”

  His eyes dropped to Sophia. “Her.”


  That niggling feeling wouldn’t leave him alone. Aaron sat in his truck outside the house, but didn’t crank it. Instead he dialed Lance Goode’s personal cell number. Lance was a deputy with the Wrangler’s Corner sheriff’s department and a good friend of the Starke family. Aaron’s brother, Clay, the sheriff, was out of town until later that evening so the safety of Wrangler’s Corner fell on Lance’s shoulders. The deputy answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “How far are you from the Updike farm?”

  “Not too far. Why?”

  “Something weird’s going on here.”

  “Aren’t the Updikes out of town?”

  “Yeah.” The curtain on the window by the door fluttered. He cranked his truck and debated whether or not to drive off. “But Zoe Collier and her daughter, Sophia, are staying here while the Updikes are on their cruise. I just knocked on the door and she answered, but she had a gash on her head that she said she got from falling against the side of the barn.”

  “You have reason to doubt her?”

  “No, not really, but she just looked…scared. And she said something about having to go out there and fill up the water buckets. I was just in the barn, Lance. The buckets are full of fresh water and the hose is neatly wrapped and hanging on the reel.”

  Lance made a noise low in his throat. “That does sound kind of odd. If she hit her head, she might have a concussion or something. Be a little confused.”

  “Maybe. She didn’t seem confused, just scared.”

  “All right. I’m on my way. It’s probably nothing but I’ll come check it out.”

  “Thanks. I guess I’ll head on back to the office.” Aaron hung up and put his truck in gear. His secretary, Janice Maynard, was out on maternity leave and his partner was on vacation for the next three days.

  Managing by himself was a huge headache, and he should have listened to his father’s advice about hiring a temporary person to fill in, but then he’d have the headache of training the person. He grimaced. He still hadn’t decided which choice was the lesser of the two evils. Regardless, he didn’t like to stay gone too long. Then again, that was one of the advantages of living in a small town. Everyone had his cell number and if someone needed him, they’d call.

  Aaron drove down the drive and out of sight of the house then stopped at the base of a sloping hill. He tapped his fingers on the wheel. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t just leave. There’d been something in her eyes when she’d looked at him then cut her eyes toward the left. Had someone been there? Someone she’d been afraid off? What if an abusive ex had found her or something? Or what if she really did have a concussion? He didn’t remember seeing any sign of one when he’d looked into her green eyes, but he hadn’t been looking for one, either. Had her pupils been even?

  He grunted. Nope. He couldn’t leave. Aaron turned the vehicle around and drove back up to the house. He parked next to the strange truck and shut the engine off. He hesitated only a second before he opened the driver’s door and stepped out. He stared at the other truck, walked over to it and looked inside. Fast food wrappers and cigarette butts littered the cab, but nothing that set off any alarms. He sighed and marched back up to the front door. Before he could knock, the door opened and he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun.

  Aaron froze. Now his internal alarms were ringing. Okay, he’d thought she’d looked scared, but this wasn’t what he’d pictured. The angry dark eyes behind the gun glittered. “Get in here, hero. You had your chance to leave, but guess you get to join the fun.”


  Zoe wanted to weep. Her only hope of rescue had just joined them as a hostage. Aaron lifted his hands in the surrender position and walked into the house. His eyes landed on her and Sophia, huddled together on the couch. She knew she probably looked terrified as she locked her gaze on his. Well, that was fine. She was terrified.

  Aaron moved closer to them, putting his body between her and Sophia and the gun. The other man, whose name she hadn’t learned yet, shut the door behind Aaron. “What’s going on?”

  “Just taking care of a little business is all. Now hand over your cell phone and your weapon.”

  “I’m a veterinarian. What makes you think I have a weapon?”

  Pete laughed without a smidge of humor. “You don’t live in this kind of town and not carry a weapon.” His hard eyes turned to chips. “Hand it over.”

  Aaron didn’t bother to protest, just pulled his .38 special from his shoulder holster and gave it to the man. When he did, his keys fell to the floor.

  “I’ll take those, too. No sense in giving you something that could poke an eye out.” Aaron hesitated then snagged his cell phone from the clip on his belt and released that, as well. From her position behind him, she could see the tension in the set of his shoulders and prayed he didn’t do anything that would cause one of the men to shoot him. Or her. “What kind of business?” Aaron asked.

  “Shut up.” Pete looked at his partner. “Now what?”

  “Tie him up,” the partner said. He eyed Aaron. “Anyone know you’re here?”

  “Several people know I’m coming out here on a regular basis to check on one of the heifers ready to deliver any day now.” He stayed still while Pete used duct tape to secure his hands behind him.

  The partner shoved the gun at him. “Let me rephrase the question. Anyone know you’re here right now?”

  “No, but when I don’t show up for dinner, my family will be looking for me.”

  Zoe stayed still, listening, feeling Sophia’s heart beat against her side. Her rapid heartbeat. Zoe looked closer and saw the sweat on her daughter’s forehead. She lifted Sophia’s chin and looked in her eyes. She stood. “My daughter needs some food.”

  “Shut up and sit down,” the partner said without taking his eyes from Aaron.

  Zoe stayed put. “My child needs sugar in her system. She has diabetes. Her sugar is dropping, and I need to give her something sweet. Now.” She tried to keep her voice steady and firm. She failed miserably on the steady part. She lifted her chin and met Pete’s eyes when he finally turned them on her. “She could die and while I don’t think you care if I do, for some reason you want her alive.”

  The man’s eyes narrowed, and he stared at her as though trying to figure out if she was telling the truth or not.

  Zoe wanted to scream. Instead, she clamped down on her emotions and pointed at Sophia. “Look at her. Sweating, rapid pulse, lethargy. If we don’t regulate her blood sugar, she could faint and go into a coma.”

  For a moment he simply studied her. “Fine. Get her something, but Cody’s going to be watching you. You try to get a knife or something, and you’ll pa
y, you understand?”

  “I understand. I just want to get her some orange juice.” Zoe turned to Sophia. “Stay right here. I’ll be back in a second.”

  “No, Mom—”

  “Shh. You need some sugar. Do as I say, sweetie.” She tried to comfort Sophia while watching the man with the gun. His impatience escalated, and she backed toward the kitchen. Sophia’s lower lip trembled.

  Aaron moved closer to Sophia. “It’ll be a bit awkward, but you can hold my hand, honey. Your mom will be right back.”

  Sophia’s eyes darted back and forth between her mother and Aaron, and she nodded. Zoe suspected she was feeling a bit dizzy as she simply laid her head against the back of the couch and shut her eyes.

  Zoe moved toward the kitchen, not wanting to leave Sophia, but knowing the man beside her baby was an honorable one—at least according to everything she’d heard about him during the short time she’d been in town—and wouldn’t let anyone hurt Sophia if at all possible.

  Zoe acted fast. She could feel Cody’s eyes on her, watching, waiting for her to make a wrong move. She grabbed the orange juice from the refrigerator and a glass from the cabinet. Her hands were shaking so hard she was afraid she’d spill the liquid. She stopped for a second and took a calming breath.

  Then she picked up the carton and poured the juice into the glass. Sophia didn’t usually have a problem with her diabetes when she ate right, got her exercise and did what she was supposed to do, but it had been a stressful few weeks and her body was reacting to it. This situation definitely wasn’t helping.

  Zoe hurried back into the den and over to Sophia. “Here, honey, drink this.”

  Sophia wrapped her hand around the glass while Zoe helped her. Her daughter drank the juice while Zoe’s eyes met Aaron’s. His shoulders gave a slight twitch, and she realized he was using her as a shield while he worked on getting his hands free. She stood over Sophia for as long as she dared then turned to find their two captors in conversation. Discussing how to kill them? Bitterness welled and she tamped it down. God, get us out of this, please.

  “Sit down,” Pete said and jabbed her with his weapon.

  Aaron stilled, and Zoe sat beside Sophia who seemed to already be doing better with the juice. Zoe set the glass on the table then turned back to Sophia. She ran a hand over her daughter’s face and pulled her close. Pete and his partner, the one he called Cody, moved to look out the window then went back to their discussion. Aaron leaned closer. “What do they want?” he whispered.

  “I don’t know.” She wasn’t going to tell him what the man had said about wanting Sophia. Not while her daughter was listening to every word.

  “How many are there?” Aaron asked.

  “I’ve only seen the two.”

  Pete turned a sharp eye in their direction, and she snapped her mouth shut then leaned over to kiss the top of Sophia’s head. A ringing phone broke the tense stillness.

  Pete turned away to answer, and Cody disappeared out the door. “Lance is on his way out here,” Aaron said, his voice so low she had to strain to hear it. Pete bent his head and muttered something into the phone. “He may be here already.”

  “Who’s Lance?”

  “A deputy sheriff. I called him and told him something was wrong out here. He said he’d head over and check it out.”

  Hope blossomed and she prayed.

  “I got my hands free,” he whispered. “Sit tight. Better do this while there’s only one. While I distract Pete, you grab Sophia and run.”


  Pete hung up and walked back into the den. “Looks like we’re stuck here a bit longer.”

  “What are you waiting for?” Aaron asked.


  He turned slightly, and Aaron sprang from the couch. He slammed into Pete, and they both went to the floor. Sophia screamed, and Zoe clutched her close. Aaron grunted as a fist caught him across the cheek. Zoe looked for a weapon she could use to help. Aaron rolled, avoiding another fist in the face. “Run, Zoe!”

  Zoe pushed Sophia toward the front door. “Go. Run as fast as you can into the trees. Hide until you hear me calling. I’ll find you.” She wanted her child safe, but she wasn’t going to leave Aaron to fight alone.

  Sophia ran for the door and unlocked it. Zoe grabbed a vase from the end table next to the sofa.

  The back door crashed in and a deputy stepped into the kitchen. She could see him assessing the situation in a lightning-fast second. He moved through the small hall into the den and aimed his weapon at the men on the floor. “Police! Freeze!”

  Aaron rammed a punch into Pete’s gut, and the man gasped, rolled to his knees and put his head on the floor.

  Aaron stumbled back. Sophia froze near the front door then ran back to Zoe who set the vase back onto the table and gathered her child close.

  Lance moved quickly and cuffed the man on the floor while Aaron went to the window to peer out. “There’s another one. He left just a minute ago.”

  The front door slammed open.

  Zoe gasped and spun to find Cody and yet a third man standing there with weapons aimed at them. Lance lifted his gun and aimed it at the two men. “Drop your weapons.”

  The third man stepped closer. “I don’t think so.” He simply shifted his gun so that it was pointed at Sophia. “Now everyone is going to settle down.” His gaze darted between Lance, Aaron and the man on the ground. He came back to Lance. “Lose your weapon and your phone and uncuff Pete.” Lance glared but didn’t argue, placing his gun and cell phone on the table with the others. Aaron sank back onto the couch, dabbing his bruised cheek. The newcomer waited until Pete was on his feet before he spoke. “Thought you said you had him tied up.”

  “He was,” Pete grunted with a scowl.

  “Tape him up again. Put his hands in front of him so we can see what he’s doing with them.” He flicked a glance at Lance. “Both of them.”

  Despair welled in Zoe as Aaron and Lance submitted to having their hands bound in front of them. She wanted to wail in frustration. They’d been so close. So very close. She huddled with Sophia and prayed—in spite of the fact that she was convinced that God didn’t care what happened to those she loved.


  Pete got up from the floor and turned his dark eyes on Aaron. The venom there sent a cold shiver of fear through him. And certain knowledge that Pete wanted to kill him. Aaron figured if the man got his hands on a gun, it would all be over. Aaron had made an enemy for life. One he’d better not ever let have access to his back. He felt sure he could take the man in a one-on-one fight, but Aaron knew he was no match with bound hands. He kept his gaze steady, refusing to flinch. Finally Pete looked away, grabbed his weapon from the floor and aimed it at Aaron.

  “Put it away, Pete,” the newcomer ordered.

  “But Jed—”

  “Now. There’ll be time for revenge later.” Aaron didn’t like the fact that the man could speak without raising his voice and the two men did as ordered. Jed turned his gaze to the blond man. “Cody, get on the phone and find out what the problem is. We can’t stay here forever. Start the truck and once we’re away from here we’ll figure out what to do with them.”

  Cody tossed his shaggy blond hair out of his eyes and snagged his phone from the back pocket of his jeans. He punched in a number, shot them all a vicious look and backed out the door. Aaron glanced at Lance who’d also placed himself in a protective stance between the men and Zoe and Sophia. A cold feeling had settled in the pit of Aaron’s stomach. These men didn’t think anything about using each other’s names. Because they didn’t plan on anyone being able to tell who they were?

  Pete stepped forward and taped Lance’s hands together then gave him a shove onto the couch. Lance landed with a grunt beside Zoe.

  When Pete moved his attention to him, Aaron looked at the new guy who’d displaced Cody with his authority. Jed. “Look, if I don’t check in with my family, they’re going to come looking for me

  “Shut up.”

  “My brother is the sheriff of this town,” Aaron continued softly. “Unless you want him on the doorstep as well, you’ll let me text him and let him know I’m going to be busy all night delivering that calf out in the barn. I also have some medication for my mother I picked up at the pharmacy. My dad’s going to be calling and wondering why I haven’t dropped it off yet.”

  Jed’s eyes narrowed and he cut a glance at Pete. Aaron turned his attention to him. “And in case you’re wondering, I don’t want my family coming here and stumbling into this mess. I’m not trying to put something over on you. I’m actually just trying to keep my family away from you. Less trouble for you, too, if no one else shows up.” Might as well say it like it is. Even then, there wasn’t any guarantee that Clay wouldn’t come by to check on him or take it upon himself to come get their mother’s medicine, but with Sabrina due to deliver their first child any day now, he figured Clay would stay pretty close to home once he got back from his trip. Which meant he might send someone. Either way it would involve putting someone else in danger if he didn’t let them hear from him.

  Jed eyed him. “Fine.” He jutted his chin at Pete. “Text what he tells you.”

  Pete’s eyes narrowed, but he found Aaron’s phone. “You’ve got four new texts.”

  “Like I said, better let me answer them, or I’ll have people looking for me.” He met Pete’s gaze. “And they know where to find me.”

  Pete looked to his boss for confirmation. The man nodded. “Who and what do I text?”

  Aaron gave instructions, not even trying to insert a hidden message in his words. It would be too obvious anyway. He added. “One more. Text to my dad, ‘Calf due to deliver any moment. Won’t have time to drop off Mom’s meds. See if Doc Whaley will give her two pills to tide her over till I can get there probably tomorrow.’”

  When the messages had been sent, he allowed Pete to duct-tape his hands together once again. One less thing to worry about. His family wouldn’t come out to the farm and find themselves in danger. He sat back on the sofa while the other two men paced and muttered and checked their phones. They were waiting on something. Orders from someone?


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