Protecting Her Daughter (Wrangler's Corner)

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Protecting Her Daughter (Wrangler's Corner) Page 6

by Eason, Lynette

  She shot him a smile and let her gaze roam the area. “Yes, as of right now, everything is fine. I just have to take care of the animals.”

  As they were speaking, Aaron’s SUV pulled into the drive. Her heart flipped and she had no choice but to acknowledge that she was glad to see him this morning. He parked next to Lance, climbed out and shut the door. When he turned, his blue eyes landed on her and flashed with pleasure. “Morning, y’all.”

  So. He was as glad to see her as she was him. Butterflies swarmed and she crossed her arms even as she nodded. “Morning.” She couldn’t fall for him. She couldn’t. He was a good man. A good man who deserved a good woman. A woman who didn’t bring danger and heartbreak with her. She cleared her throat.

  “I haven’t heard otherwise so I’m guessing you had a quiet night?” he said.

  He’d been worried. “It was quiet, thanks. I’m just headed to the barn to take care of the animals. If you’ll give me about thirty minutes, I’ll fix you all breakfast.”

  Lance’s brow rose. “Sounds good to me. If Aaron and I help you, you’ll finish faster.”

  She smiled. “Hungry?”

  “Starved. I’ll do just about anything legal for a home-cooked meal. Just ask Mrs. Starke.”

  Zoe laughed. “Come on then. We can knock this out in no time.”

  The three worked together in the barn caring for the animals. She let the horses out into the pasture, filled the barn cats’ bowls with water and food and made sure most of the stalls were clean for the horses’ return. There were two horses who needed a little extra attention, but she had hungry men on her hands so she’d do the other two later. They could wait an hour or so.

  Aaron checked on the calf and the new mother. The little one nudged up against his mother looking for his breakfast. Zoe watched them and smiled. “I love animals. They have so few expectations, want so little. Food, water and a warm place to sleep.”

  He looked up. “We should all be that way, huh?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. Right now, all I want is my child to be safe and I want to stay alive so I can take care of her.”

  “We’re going to make that happen.”

  She blinked against the sudden surge of tears and drew in a deep breath. She needed a change of subject. “Sophia’s excited to come out and see the calf. They seem to be doing well.”

  “They’re doing great,” he said. “When it warms up a bit, we’ll let them out in the pasture with the others.”

  Aaron ran a gloved hand down the calf’s back, his touch gentle and caring. She wondered what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that tenderness.

  Actually, she already knew the answer to that question. Hadn’t he held her in the cave when she’d been afraid? Hadn’t he treated Sophia with the utmost gentleness and caring when she’d been so afraid?

  Zoe rubbed her head where the beginning of a headache threatened. What was she thinking? She needed to focus on keeping Sophia safe and figuring out who was after her, not daydreaming about romance with a man. And this man in particular. She looked up and his gaze snagged hers. “Thank you, Aaron. For everything.” She knew she sounded like a broken record with her thanks, but she wanted to make sure he understood how much she appreciated him and his efforts.

  His eyes softened further. “You’re welcome.” His gloved hand ensnared hers, and he gave it a little squeeze. Her heart thudded a little faster, and she returned the squeeze even as her brain sent warning signals about getting too close to him. “Come on, I’m starving,” he said.

  “Me, too. Let’s get cleaned up and we’ll eat.”

  She stood at the kitchen sink, letting the water warm up as she tried to steer her thoughts from the fact that the good-looking vet had stolen his way into her heart in such a short period of time. She sighed and finished washing up then let the men do the same while she got started on breakfast. Twenty minutes later she had bacon, eggs and pancakes on platters. Pitchers of orange juice sat on the table and the coffee finished dripping into the carafe. She pulled the plates down and set the table. Then she hauled down enough glasses and placed them next to the plates.

  Aaron entered the kitchen and lifted his nose, testing the air. “Something sure smells good.”

  “There’s plenty, too. Could you get that bottle of syrup from the pantry for me?”

  “Sure.” He crossed to the room and opened the pantry door. She moved to grab the salt and pepper from beside the stove, and they both turned at the same time. Her nose bumped his hard bicep, and she lost her balance. His free arm came around her waist and kept her from bouncing back into the stove. “You okay?”

  His musky scent wafted over her. The strength of his arms gave her security. His nearness made her yearn for things she’d been trying to put from her mind. And now it was all back and she had to ignore it all again. She swallowed. “I’m fine.” He let her go. Reluctantly, she thought. “Let’s dig in.” She moved away from Aaron and stepped to the window to wave to Ginny who still sat in the cruiser watching the area.

  Ginny came inside, and Zoe started moving the platters of food to the table. She was reaching for the pitcher of orange juice when Aaron’s hand brushed hers. She froze for a slight second and let the sensation wash through her. When she looked up, he gave her a faint smile. “I’ll get it.”

  She gave a little nod. He’d done that on purpose. He knew he unsettled her and was having a little fun with it. She couldn’t say she minded. “Okay. Thank you.”

  Sophia came into the kitchen rubbing her eyes and yawning. She stopped mid-yawn when she saw everyone at the table. Zoe walked over and smoothed her child’s bed hair. “We’ve got company.”

  Sophia shrugged. “Hi.”

  Aaron slid out of the chair beside him. “Wanna sit with me?”

  “Sure.” Sophia climbed into the chair next to him and studied him. “How’s the baby calf?”

  “She’s doing just fine. Her mama is taking good care of her.”

  Sophia scratched her nose and looked at Zoe. “Just like my mama takes care of me.”


  “And you do, too.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes. You protected us from the men shooting at us so I think that qualifies as taking care of us.” Zoe choked on a laugh and turned away to hide her grin. Then she heard Sophia again. “Did you stay outside of my house all night?” She shifted her gaze slightly and saw that Sophia was talking to Ginny and Lance.

  “All night,” Ginny said as she dumped a helping of eggs onto her plate. She licked her lips. “And it was worth it. I’d take this in place of my regular paycheck any day.”

  “I’ll be sure to pass that on to Clay,” Lance said.

  Ginny snickered. “I’ll deny it.”

  Lance grinned. “Too late. I’ve got witnesses. Right, Sophia?”

  Sophia’s gaze darted back and forth between the two. “I’ll take the fifth.”

  Lance, Ginny and Aaron cracked up and Aaron tweaked Sophia’s nose. “Where did you hear that?”

  “My daddy said it one time when mama asked him if he liked the new dish she’d fixed for dinner one night.”

  “Smart man,” Lance murmured.

  “He’d have been smarter if he’d just said he liked it if you ask me.” More laughter, and Sophia beamed at being the center of attention.

  Zoe heard their banter and even smiled at Sophia’s precociousness. But she couldn’t help the shudder that ripped through her at the memory of why the deputies were needed at her home. It was all well and good to be friends with them, but friendship wasn’t why they were here.

  Zoe sat at the table and stared at the people who surrounded her. Good people. People who didn’t even really know her, but had fought to keep her and Sophia safe. A lump of gratitude wanted to form in her throat, but she forced it back and took a bite of the eggs.

  “Mmm, this is amazing,” Ginny said. “My sister would love this.”

  “Who’s your sister?” Sophia ask

  “Her name is Tracy.”

  “Where is she?”

  Sadness flickered in Ginny’s eyes, making Zoe curious. Ginny finally said, “She’s at a special home in Nashville.”

  “What kind of special home?” Sophia asked.

  “It’s for people who have special needs.”

  “Like what?” Sophia asked.

  “Honey—” Zoe tried to stop the line of questioning, but Ginny shook her head.

  “It’s okay. I don’t get a chance to talk about her much. Tracy is mentally disabled, which just means her brain works in different ways than yours and mine.”

  “I know what you mean.” Sophia nodded. “There’s a boy like that in my class. My teacher says he’s special needs. His name is Todd and he’s got Down Syndrome plus he stutters. But I like him cuz he’s nice and he picked up my paper for me when Jordan pushed it off my desk.” Sophia stabbed her eggs. “I like Todd a lot better than Jordan.”

  Ginny’s eyes softened. “Then you understand. Tracy’s a great girl. You’d like her.”

  “How old is she?”

  “She’s twenty. She’ll be twenty-one next month.”

  “Maybe you can take me to meet her some day. We can take her some of my mom’s cooking. She’d probably like that.”

  Ginny let out a small laugh. “You’re right about that.”

  Sophia turned her attention back to her food, and Ginny continued to express her pleasure at the breakfast treat.

  But Zoe couldn’t seem to relax and enjoy the food. In fact, if she were eating sawdust she might not recognize the difference. Indecision and uncertainty swarmed within her. What should she do now? She looked up and found Aaron watching her.

  He gave her a small frown. “You okay?”

  She nodded but couldn’t answer. She looked away then back up. Glanced between him and Lance and Ginny. “So what happens now? I mean you can’t stay outside my house all night every night. What are my options?”

  Lance put his fork down and wiped his mouth with the napkin. “Clay’s asked me to head the investigation. His wife is due any day now so he’s sticking close to home. We need to look at your background, any enemies you might have formed. Is there anyone who’d come looking for revenge for any reason?”

  Zoe swallowed hard. Her background. How she didn’t want to have to go there. “I had a few pretty wild teenage years,” she said softly, “but nothing that would send someone after me after all this time. I haven’t been in touch with anyone from high school in years.”

  “What about college?”

  She shrugged and shook her head. “No, by the time I got to college, I’d cleaned up my act and had my head on straight. My parents’ divorce was ugly. I was messed up and confused about a lot of things. And then I met Nan Livingston. She saw something in me that she decided was worth investing in. Because of her, I was able to dream, develop goals and plans and I knew that if I wanted to achieve those then I had to focus. So I did.” That was the simple version, but all truth. Thinking about Nan brought a pang of grief, sharp and fast. It pained Zoe to think of what Nan would say about her current spiritual state.

  “What about your husband?” Aaron asked. “He was killed in a wreck a year ago, right?”


  “Was he involved in anything that he shouldn’t have been a part of?”

  She was shaking her head before he finished the question. “No way. Trevor was as straight as they come. A rule follower to the nth degree. There was only black and white for him, and he never deviated from doing the right thing.” She knew now that was why she’d been so drawn to him. She’d craved the stability she saw in him. “I met him in college, and we hit it right off. We got married six months after we met and then had Sophia. He was a good man.” She looked at Sophia who was listening with wide eyes. “And a great dad.”

  “I miss him,” Sophia said with a sigh. “I miss going with him and Grandpop to see Thunderbolt race.”

  “I know, baby.”

  “Thunderbolt?” Aaron asked.

  “Our horse,” Zoe said. “Or rather, Trevor’s. He enjoyed owning a racehorse. Trevor and Alexander, Trevor’s father, would take Sophia to the racetrack to cheer on Thunderbolt. It was something they all did together.” She smiled. “There was no gambling involved, Trevor didn’t believe in it. But he loved to watch the horses race.”

  “Grandpop told Daddy he should sell Thunderbolt and get his money while he had a winner, but I’m glad he didn’t.”

  “I am, too.” Zoe ran a finger down her little girl’s cheek. “Trevor took a lot of pleasure in that horse. The fact that he got to spend time with his father and Sophia doing something he loved just made it that much sweeter.” She gave a little shrug. “So, no. This has nothing to do with Trevor. I don’t know what it has to do with, but it’s not him.”


  Aaron couldn’t help but wonder if she was right. She sounded so positive, but could Trevor have been involved in something without Zoe knowing about it? Probably. Most spouses could manage to hide things from the other one if they truly wanted to. But had Trevor been one of those? That was the question.

  Aaron downed the last of his coffee then set the cup in front of him. He looked at Lance. “So, until we figure out what all of this is about, what’s the plan to keep Zoe and Sophia safe?”

  Lance sipped his orange juice and shook his head. “I’ll talk to Clay, and we’ll come up with something. I definitely don’t think they should be alone.”

  A knock on the door sounded, and Aaron saw Zoe jump. She settled a hand over her heart, took a deep breath and started to rise. Aaron placed a hand on her arm. “I’ll get it.”

  He pulled his weapon, and Lance stood, too. “If it was one of the bad guys from yesterday, I don’t think he’d be knocking,” Lance said.

  “I know, but I’m just being careful.”

  Lance and Ginny both pulled their guns and held them ready. “Good idea, but while there are cops in the house, let us handle it. Put your gun away.”

  Aaron did so and Lance walked to the door, staying to the side and not moving in front of the windows. He peered out and relaxed, shoving his weapon back in his holster. “It’s Clay.” He opened the door.

  Clay stepped inside and nodded. “Morning.”

  “Morning,” Aaron said. “What brings you out here this early?”

  “I’d thought I’d drop in and check on Zoe and Sophia, but I’m glad you’re here.”

  “You need something to do while waiting for that baby to be born?”

  Clay scowled at him and Aaron couldn’t help the small smile that lifted his lips. Clay was always the one in control. “You find me amusing right now, don’t you?”

  “A bit.”



  Clay’s features morphed into concern. “I wanted to let you know that there won’t be any charges brought against you on the shooting yesterday.”

  Aaron let out a slow breath. “Thanks. I wasn’t really worried, but you never know.”

  “Yeah, well, with all the testimony from Lance and Zoe as to what happened, it’s an open-and-shut deal.”

  “How is he?” Aaron asked. “The man I shot.”

  “He’s still alive, but unconscious. I’ve got a deputy on him and orders to be notified as soon as he wakes up so I can question him.”

  “Do you know who he is?” Zoe asked.

  “Peter Garrett. A guy with a rap sheet as long as your arm. Robbery, assault—”

  “Murder?” Aaron asked.

  “No, everything but that.”

  “Well, he was willing to add it to the list yesterday,” Lance muttered.

  “Yeah. Fortunately, he failed. We did manage to take into custody a man by the name of Cody Jansen.”

  “Blond hair, blue eyes and mean as a snake?” Aaron asked.

  “Sounds like one and the same.” Clay tapped the screen of his phone and brought up the mug shot. He turned i
t around so Aaron could see. Zoe moved closer to look over his shoulder. She gave a small gasp. “That’s him.”

  “Yep,” Aaron agreed.

  “He’s got a bullet in his shoulder. He showed up in a Knoxville hospital, and officers there nabbed him. He’s under arrest, but so far is refusing to talk.” Clay rubbed his eyes, and Aaron thought he looked tired.

  “I might have shot him, too.” He blinked as he remembered pulling the trigger as the man came through the small hallway. “There was so much chaos, bullets were flying and all I could think of was to make sure I got Zoe and Sophia out of there before one of them got shot.”

  Clay clapped him on the back. “Not to worry. We’ll get it all figured out. You won’t be held responsible for defending yourself and them, but when all this goes to court, you’ll have to testify.”

  “I’m ready.”

  “I figured you would be. I’ve already got your gun from yesterday so we’ll have ballistics run tests to see what bullets came from what gun. I hope to return the weapon to you before too long.”

  Aaron nodded. “It’s fine. I have another one at home I can carry until then. How’s Sabrina?” Aaron asked.

  Clay swallowed. “She’s fine. Just fine. Really good. Yeah. She’s…fine.”

  “Okay,” Aaron said with a raised brow, “maybe that was the wrong question. How are you?”

  Clay scowled at him. “I’m fine, too. Or I will be as soon as the baby gets here.” He huffed out a breath and shook his head. “Can’t stand all this waiting.”

  Aaron clapped him on the shoulder. “Well, that’s no surprise, you’ve never been good at being patient. Hang in there, big brother.”

  “Yeah.” Clay settled his Stetson back on his head. “All right, I’m out of here then. Ginny, you want to head on over to the hospital to relieve Ronnie? I’m sure he’s ready to get home.”


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