Heir of Shadows (The Shadowborne Legacy Book 1)

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Heir of Shadows (The Shadowborne Legacy Book 1) Page 36

by Emma Harley

  Raina didn’t respond. Part of her wanted nothing more than to have a family again, but she would forever miss her own mother and wonder what she would have thought of it all.

  “You have said a war is inevitable once the barrier falls,” she breathed heavily, “I have already lost the only mother I have known. You want me to accept you both and bond with you, and risk having my heart ripped open once again if I lose either of you. You are willing to build a relationship with me and then have me ripped away from you again if I die against Erebus. I am not the one being ridiculous.”

  Ryver noticed the tension building between Raina and his father and strode over.

  “What’s going on?” he asked warily.

  “Nothing,” Raina jumped to answer before the king could say anything, “minor disagreement.”

  Alexei muttered about checking on Aija as he excused himself, leaving Raina with an unimpressed Ryver.

  “You could at least give them a chance. He wouldn’t even bond with me as a child because he felt guilty in case you came back and felt replaced. Like it or not he is your father…”

  “I don’t care Ryver. I am not having this discussion again and I didn’t ask for your opinion,” she interrupted. Alicia pulled her away gently, flashing an apologetic glance at the prince as JJ explained - rather crudely – that Raina was a stubborn ass and had emotional issues that she didn’t work on.

  The sudden reappearance of Alexei – with Aija in tow – dropped the room into tense silence. The monarch’s face was lined with concern, prompting Raina’s impatience as he looked hesitantly around the room.

  “For the love of the goddess Dad, spit it out,” Ryver groaned. Raina’s chest clenched tightly and she swallowed hard. Aija sighed heavily.

  “A large chunk of the magical barrier has fallen off. A swarm of demons pushed their way through into our land and ravaged a village south of the Shadow Walker territory. The council has finally made a move and are attempting to repair the hole as best they can, but even they cannot hold it off for much longer,” she choked out, her eyes watering as she spoke. Raina’s heart leapt as the queen wept openly. She fingered the cuffs thoughtfully as Alexei soothed his wife.

  “What of the beasts that escaped?” Ryver asked warily. The king ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his neck.

  “One was cut down, but reports say at least ten more got away. We have sent out alerts and have mobilised some of our airborne units.”

  Raina paced quietly, the whirring cogs in her mind quite evident upon her face as she pieced together a plan.

  “I can’t hold off going to Mordoire. I understand this breaking is difficult, but the longer it takes to find information, the less time we have to make a decent strategy,” she forced through gritted teeth. Ryver eyed her as she started pacing, calling her squad to attention.

  “We’ll bring some of the potions along with us so I won’t be distracted by the pains. Izak, I need you to check with the armoury and make them hustle. Pull rank if you have to, tell them the princess has sent her orders. JJ, Davin, get our gear together and start packing bags.” Raina turned to Nick, her demeanour softening considerably.

  “You know I would never ask this of you unless it was necessary, but I need you to remain here,” she sighed. Nick’s face turned to confusion, but he didn’t question her, instead nodding slowly. “You’ll be set up in the tech room. You’re the only one who knows how to use the computers in this world, so when we need information we’ll call back to you. We need you to be tracking down any information you can find about how to kill Erebus and keeping us updated on the wall.” Alexei coughed slightly.

  “Raina what are you planning? You can’t walk into Mordoire armed for war. Albior needs to believe you’re an imbecile,” he pointed out. She smirked and nodded.

  “I’ll have the bare minimum of weapons hidden under my clothes. Kade will be with us at all times, so we’ll just have to keep up the charade for a bit longer. Once we check the halls, I don’t care what they find out,” she breathed nonchalantly. She paused hesitantly, her breath catching in her throat as a thought crossed her mind. “How many people could accompany me as merely royal guards? I assume taking everyone would be suspicious,” she wondered, directing the question to the room. Alexei shrugged, stroking the stubbled growth on his chin.

  “As a princess, you would normally have four guards with you. But you already requested if you could bring friends so you could easily bring your squad with you and it wouldn’t be suspicious,” he explained.

  Raina strode over to her dresser and downed a bottle of pink liquid before grabbing the dress she had discarded earlier. Before anyone could question her, she slipped into the bathroom to change and emerged in the creamy white gown. She began fixing her makeup and twisting her hair into a thick braid.

  “Ryver, how friendly are you with Prince Kade?” The query threw him off, he stammered as he turned to her.

  “We speak on occasion when we see each other. I’m a bastard, so I’d say he treats me better than most royals.”

  “Good. How are you with a sword?” Even the squad stared at her with a mixture of confusion and concern. They knew her too well to assume she was genuinely interested in his life.

  “Been training since I could walk. I’ve been through the military too.”

  “Well that’s a start. Now you need to pretend that you’re deeply concerned with your big sister going to Mordoire when the wall is breaking and you’re going to insist you accompany me. Make it clear that you don’t need permission to visit the Halls of Ogma, you just want to make sure I’m safe,” she ordered. Ryver was so shocked by the authority in her voice and the immediate shift into an experienced general that he didn’t even question her.

  “Yes sir,” he stammered. Alicia chuckled and cleared her throat.

  “What are my orders Phoenix?” Raina didn’t turn as she carefully applied mascara.

  “I think it would be considered suspicious if I have my handmaiden accompany me to the halls would it not?” she mumbled. Aija groaned slightly.

  “Yes. Even I don’t travel with handmaidens. When you visit another monarchy, they will provide you with everything you need. Guards are understandable, but it’s quite uncommon to travel with your servants,” she confirmed. Alicia’s shoulders drooped slightly as she looked to Raina’s back.

  “So I’m supposed to stay here and do nothing?” Raina held in her sigh and eyed her in the mirror.

  “You’ll be on retainer until we get back. Help Nick out and keep your ear to the ground. I know you want to be in on the action but until we get to those Halls we need to keep up the ruse. Unfortunately Albior and Kade know you are my handmaid, so we can’t just stick you into armour and make you a guard.” Alicia frowned and remained silent. Friends or not, when Raina gave orders to her team they followed them. Even if the orders were to sit out.

  “I’m sorry Mullins, I wish I could bring you along. But just think of it as recon. It’s not like we’re going to be getting much action while we’re away.” Raina stood and smoothed down her dress.

  Once she had gotten out of the halls she didn’t have to act like a dumb princess any longer, and it filled her with a warm glimmer of hope. She had worked too hard to have her attributes overlooked in favour of her bloodline and a piece of jewellery on her head. Although once Albior realised he had been tricked, she had no doubt that would be an unpleasant conversation.

  “I’ll be back shortly,” she mumbled to her squad, fixing her tiara around the loose braid, “Ryver, move your ass.”

  She swept out of the room with her head held high, leaving the male stumbling after her bewildered.

  “Where are we going?” he muttered, eyeing a number of servants milling around the halls. Raina sighed.

  “Did you listen to anything I said? We’re going to find Kade and you’re going to act like a concerned brother so you have to come with us. If you screw this up I swear I’ll kick you up and down this palace,” she hi
ssed back. Her Fae ears perked up at the loud marbling of voices that flowed from the dining hall. A familiar scent hit her nostrils and she made her way through the crowd before being intercepted by the very person she was looking for.

  “Princess Raina,” Kade bowed slightly, “I thought you had retired for the evening?”

  Raina pouted her lips and tipped her head to Ryver.

  “I was enjoying my rest until my brother decided to ruin that. So I thought I would come down and enjoy the company of some new friends,” she crooned, linking her arm through the prince's. His smile deepened as he looked down to her.

  “Well how could I possibly turn down such an appealing offer?” he grinned. He grabbed some wine from a passing server and handed one to her.

  “So have you thought more about your visit?” he asked, clinking his glass softly to hers. Raina sipped and nodded her head.

  “I was considering leaving quite soon. I get bored around the castle, and I’m too impatient to hold off much longer. Your father made it sound so wonderful it took all my energy not to pack up and leave tonight,” she giggled. Raina could have sworn the prince’s face dropped for a split second, but he scanned the room quickly with a wide smile.

  “Oh you seem quite eager,” he gulped, ignoring Ryver’s scowl.

  “That is something I wish to discuss with you Prince Kade,” Ryver interjected, “My sister is practically brand new to this world, and that also makes her quite naïve. I want to accompany on her journey. I will not need permission to visit the Halls of Ogma or anything special, but I do want to be there with her.” Kade’s eyes went wide.

  “Of course, that is no issue at all. I assumed the princess would have an entourage with her anyway,” he offered, a little too hastily. Raina fanned herself softly and looked up at Kade.

  “Would you like to take a walk in the gardens? I didn’t realise it would be so warm in here,” she huffed.

  Raina led him through the hall, the familiar scent catching her once again amongst the symphony of heavy perfumes and sweat of the guests. The cooler evening air was welcoming as it sent a wave of goosebumps down her arms. She walked along plucking a bloomed rose, she sniffed it gently and ran a finger along the plush petals.

  “I heard your father is eager to arrange a marriage alliance between us,” she probed, twirling the flower in her hand. Kade stiffened slightly, but smiled down at her.

  “My father has been trying to secure your marriage to me since you were born. I would be honoured to be your husband,” he replied softly. Raina noted the slightly strained tone and smirked.

  “Won’t your mate be disappointed?” Kade stopped dead and stared at her.

  “I- I don’t have a mate,” he whispered, his voice catching in his throat. Raina almost laughed at the badly covered lie as she sniffed the rose once again.

  “Well you see Prince, I’m currently going through my breaking. I’ve been getting an inordinate amount of male attention, but you aren’t even phased in the slightest. I’m going to assume that your father’s invitation comes with strings attached?” she asked, his gaping mouth barely able to form words. She smiled and continued.

  “Going off your reactions, your father wants you to propose once I visit the halls. That’s why he wants you to be my escort. You haven’t told him you found your mate, or he doesn’t approve of them, so you’re hoping that I hold off as long as possible so you don’t have to propose. Am I wrong?”

  Kade stared at her, completely dumbfounded. He sat down on a marble bench and took a deep breath.

  “He doesn’t know I found my mate,” he whispered finally. Raina nodded and sat herself down on the bench beside him.

  “If I am forced into a marriage alliance because of this war, I will not keep you from your mate,” she mumbled quietly. Kade froze before staring at her.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked, not daring to breathe. Raina shrugged.

  “I know it is important to have allies and armies if we are to fight in a war. But it is also important that we have something worth fighting for. Should we be forced to wed, I will expect nothing but your alliance, and once the war is over, you will be free to live with your mate as your partner. I couldn’t bear the thought of keeping soulmates apart.”

  Kade blinked heavily, straining to keep back his tears.

  “Why would you do that? I am a stranger to you. Don’t you want to be married and have children?” he asked softly.

  “Maybe one day,” Raina lied, “but I would want to be married to someone who will only love me and who I love in return. I have heard my parents talking about securing a marriage for me eventually so I would prefer to do this on my own terms. I will keep your mate a secret, and in return you will aid my country when we go to war.”

  Kade was silent, mulling over her offer. She plucked the petals off the rose and let them drift softly to the ground as she waited for him to speak.

  “Are you offering this because you have found your own mate?” he asked warily. Raina couldn’t hold back her laughter.

  “Not at all, I have no interest in finding a mate right now. I know I have a duty to my kingdom and with the war looming I will find myself either inundated with proposals or forced into one with someone who expects me to act like a wife and give him an heir. You have a mate, so once this war is over you can marry them and rule Mordoire as King and I will be Queen of Avellia.”

  Kade puffed out his cheeks and gripped the bench tightly.

  “I must say Your Highness, most royals would attempt to blackmail me with this knowledge. Not offer to make my life easier,” he sighed. Raina placed her hand over his own.

  “I will be placing my trust in you to help my kingdom, just as you are trusting me to help yours and keep your mate a secret. This is our alliance. Not being forced into a marriage and producing an heir, but by mutual benefit. You will be able to stay with your mate, and I will not be forced to marry and have children with someone else,” she said soothingly. Kade nodded and gripped her hand between his.

  “You are giving me more than I could have ever expected of a stranger. I only met you yesterday and yet you are as kind to me as a childhood friend. I will never expect anything off you as my wife, all I will ask is that you keep my mate a secret from my father until I am crowned King. We don’t even have to wait until after the war, my marriage will start the tradition of passing. My father will hand over the crown within a year of my being wed and a year after that is when I can annul our nuptials without losing the crown.” Raina smiled and patted his shoulder.

  “Even better. But I will make one addendum to our contract. Should either of us pass during the war before our annulment is complete, the crown does not pass to the other country. We will name our own heirs.” Kade nodded swiftly.

  “Of course, it would cause civil war in our countries. But should you pass, I promise I will still honour our alliance and send aid when it is called.” Raina voiced her agreement and stood up.

  “After my visit we will announce our engagement to our parents. You should assure your mate that it’s all a farce or they will be heart broken,” she said.

  Patting down her gown, she linked her arm in Kade's as they began walking back towards the castle.

  “I will go with you when you leave,” Raina offered, “I do wish to visit as soon as possible. And the sooner we secure our alliance, the sooner our parents will stop trying to marry us off to whoever they can find.” Kade chuckled and kissed the top of her head affectionately.

  “I just can’t believe you’re doing this for me. Normally wives aren’t too happy about their husbands having a lover.”

  “Well I’m not like most others. And I’m very new to being a princess so I haven’t had time to be poisoned by court life,” she chuckled, stepping back into the smothering heat of the dining hall. As though summoned by the thought of them together, King Albior almost leaped in front of them, his mossy green eyes glimmering with excitement.

  “Princess Raina,”
he greeted, eyeing their linked arms, “I hope my son hasn’t been boring you.” Raina grinned but didn’t take her eyes off Kade.

  “Not at all, we were just walking through the garden and he was telling me where I should visit on my trip to your homeland,” she beamed, patting his arm. Albior was nearly beside himself with glee as Kade took her hand and brought it to his lips.

  “I am sorry for keeping you so long Your Highness, but I will let you retire for your rest,” he offered, giving her a well-needed excuse to leave. She curtseyed with a grin.

  “Send word to my room whenever you are leaving, I will ensure I am ready to join you,” she grinned, bidding the king farewell as she eyed Ryver to leave.

  Chapter 17

  "You did WHAT?” Raina didn’t wince, but the men were almost cowering at Alicia’s tone.

  She hadn’t said a word about her plans last night, instead waiting until breakfast to break the news that Kade planned to propose, and she was going to accept. After a screeching chorus of questions asking if she was crazy, blaming her decision on her breaking and a heavy implication that her hormones were pushing her to find a male, Raina had begun ignoring them. JJ jogged out of the room, seemingly running to get the king and queen in case they could talk some sense into her.

  She had gotten tired of the squad and had hidden herself away in the library, comfortably squeezed between a shelf and a windowsill as she pored over various books and scrolls. She had deliberately left out the reason for her agreement to the marriage, omitting anything she had agreed to in the garden. She scoured the scrolls on the shelves until she found what she was looking for and began writing the runes carefully, hissing occasionally as the ink in her pen stopped running and left random spaces in the letters.

  Once finished, she folded the parchment carefully and shoved it into her pocket before heading to join the others for breakfast. The dining hall was packed, the visiting royals still rather glamorously dressed despite it being so early. She suddenly felt self-conscious in her long-sleeved baseball shirt and jeans. Spying the king and queen sitting surrounded by other guests, she decided to find Kade, who was thankfully sitting alone devouring his food. She slipped into the chair beside him and he did a double-take as he noticed her.


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