Kendall Vs. Twins

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Kendall Vs. Twins Page 4

by Mona Cox

  Her eyes reach up to mine from under those long lashes and are now all dreamy. Like she's just been fucked better than she's ever been fucked in her life. And that's what's next on the menu for her adventure weekend and I guess she knows it. But just in case…

  “That's only the beginning,” I tell her.

  Fuck, she sucks her lower lip into her mouth and I can see those full perfect lips wrapped around the root of my cock as she slides them up and down the length.

  “It is?” she mewls, provocative as fuck.

  I better act professional. I can't be a douche when she's in this hyper ramped up state. Plenty of time for the flirting later.

  “Yeah. You get to do it alone next time.”

  “I don't want to be alone,” she murmurs, still in that limp and dreamy state that comes with a pleasure high. One I'm burning up to give her directly with my body on hers. “I want to do it with you.”

  Fuck, if only those words were coming out of that delectable mouth not in relation to jumping out of a plane. That's all I want to hear. I want to hear her say that to me as a man. As her man. I don't know what it is about this girl in particular. It's not as though it isn't exactly as she suspects, that I can have any cute single girl in my bed the instant I land her back on safe ground.

  Over the years I've fucked a ton of women. Many of them in the back of a hut straight after we leave the drop zone. Something about facing death and surviving makes them hungry as she-wolves. But there isn't one that's ever got her pretty little claws into me like Kendall, without even trying. Maybe that's the sweet spot. She's one of the few beautiful and smart girls in this city that hasn't got game.

  She allows me to take her hand to lead her to the waiting jeep and when she half stumbles, those gazelle legs giving out on her, I sweep her up into my arms like a groom carrying his bride, for fucks sake. Or maybe a well-mannered caveman.

  I load her carefully into the vehicle and climb in beside, tossing my arm protectively around her shoulders as Chas turns the vehicle around to head back to base. My brother's there front and center almost like he was waiting for us to get back. Like he suspected I might swing Kendall by one of the huts and bend her over a 'chute packing bench to pummel her from behind.

  I guess he knows me too well. Although with Kendall I'd take my sweet fucking time. Making her stretch her arms up above her head to cling to the sides of the table. Knowing her breasts were crushed into the surface. I'd tell her to open her legs while I stood behind her. I'm sure I'd never get enough of gazing down on her sweet holes. But the desire, the fucking need to be inside her, to taste her, to stroke my fingerpads over her glistening slit. It's burning a hole in my fucking balls.

  Hunter is staring me down through slitted eyes, as I lift Kendall out of the back of the jeep and set her down on the ground.

  “What a gentleman,” he grits out, like I'm usually some kind of ass hat doesn't treat a woman right.

  Just because I'm not moping around dreaming of hearts and flowers doesn't mean I'm not caring. The sooner he hooks up with whoever this girl is he's pining over, the better. I don't even know who my normally macho brother is right now.

  “Good time?” he asks Kendall, softer at least when he speaks to her.

  “Ya,” she mewls like my little kitten.

  I laugh, in the knowledge that her lips are still numb from her experience with me. Hunter throws me a glare of total shade. Kendall takes a step to head for the training hut and her legs must be jello because she crumples. Only my brother's swift step forward to catch her, prevents her from piling up on the ground.

  “Sorry,” she murmurs.

  “No need to be,” Hunter husks. “You'll be fine in a minute.”

  “Thank you.”

  Er, he's still got her wrapped up tightly in his embrace. Her small hand resting on his broad chest while she looks up at him from under those devastating lashes. He's gazing down on her like he can't decide whether to devour her or kiss her tenderly on that pouty mouth.

  Holy shit, looks like my little brother's completely forgotten that girl he was moping over all last night. He helps Kendall walk back to Sarge's camp, tossing me a look that says he's got this and to stay back.

  I shrug and head back to the crew, knowing I've got Kendall wrapped up for this evening. She's all mine and if she thinks she can't walk now, just wait until later after I'm done with her delicious curves.

  “Another Rookie. How many's that now?” Tyler asks. The latest member of our squad, he's currently taking his license.

  “Too many to count,” I josh him and notice Justine throw me a glare.

  Shit, I'm going to have to deal with that tonight. For sure she's expecting to pick it up where we left off and I'm expecting more than a few fireworks when I have to let her down.

  “Got the kitten safely back to base?” I ask Hunter, when he strides into the area to join us.

  “Fuck you,” he grits out at me, gathering surprised glances between our crew.

  I get up and join his ass at the coffee table.

  “What the fuck's your problem now?”

  “You know. I told you all about her and you just couldn't wait to get between us.”

  “Whoa, what is up with you. We've never fought for a girl.”

  “That was before Kendall. And you know damn well how I feel about her.”

  “Her? That girl is the one you're all girly over?” I ask, genuine shock filtering through me.

  I had no idea. How could I? He never named names. I didn't even know her name until she stuck out her hand to introduce herself before I tied her up – to me.

  “Yes, she's the one. I set up this entire fucking weekend so as I could get the chance to hang out with her. Until you had to put your arrogant ass in the way.”

  “If you want her that badly then take her. I'm not going to fight my own brother for a girl.”

  “See, she doesn't even mean anything to you. You just gotta prove you can get what I want.”

  Fuck, I don't know where this is coming from. Hunter and I have never had this kind of issue crop up between us until now. Not ever.

  “I said take her, what else do you fucking want from me?”

  “It's too late. I see the way she looks at you now. All doe-eyes and quivering. The great Rhino does it again. Makes a woman weak at the knees without even touching her.”

  I turn and walk away. He's not wrong but he has the exact same effect on women and he knows it. For some reason Kendall Ross has set off a firestorm between us without even trying.



  To say I'm weak at the knees doesn't even begin to describe it. First not one, but two, gorgeous toned hunks are bartering for who can take me up in the clouds and bring me back down again. And then, I have the most amazing experience of flying through the air like a shot from a cannon. Except it's amazing, almost like floating except of course I'm moving at lightning speed.

  But I don't think it would have been so breathtaking had I not been strapped to Rhino. His solid chest wrapped around my back, the straps caging me into him, set off all sorts of wild ideas about being tied up, helpless and vulnerable, while he was free to touch me and suck me and do whatever he wanted with my body.

  I just know a man like Rhino has a wealth of experience and would give me the kind of pleasure I've only ever imagined.

  Is it lame to admit I rarely cum? First off, not that many men are good at getting me off. They think a briefest twiddle around a clit before shoving their dick in should be sufficient. I used to feel like something was wrong that I wasn't having the kind of orgasms I read about. Then I had too many cosmos at PJs one night and Carla set me straight.

  “Most women have a hard time coming just from penetration. Do you play with yourself wile he's fucking you?”

  “Not much. Doesn't that imply they aren't doing enough?”

  “Nooo. But who cares if it does? If they can't make you squirt, then why would you bother stroking up their man ego?

  “Good point.”

  “A man that knows a woman should play with her body like a rock star's guitar. Every string stroked and pressed and plucked.”

  “I guess not many rock stars work over their guitars with their mouth as well,” I joked.

  “Find the guitarist as expert as Hendrix, then a sax player with an agile pair of lips. Like um – I don't know anything about jazz.”

  We cracked up at our silly musician analogies and attracted attention from a group of ass-hat bankers, who sent over another round before swooping right in, demanding to know what was so amusing.

  Rhino is like no other man I've ever met and the pull toward him is inextricable. Would he be the guitarist or saxophonist? - maybe both. Like he already has me held mesmerized in his grip. And I find I don't want to extract myself. His attentions tonight will be more fun than I've had in forever – the perfect rounding off of the day.

  “Hey, Movie Star, are you with us?” Sarge interrupts my daydream. He's good at that. “You still have to learn how to land without the pretty boy strapped on your back.”

  A round of sniggers passes through the group, especially the weekend girls who were all Valley girl crushing on me during the break.

  “What was he like?

  “Did he ask you out?

  “He's so freaking sexy

  “Fo sho, I'd do him behind the packing shed

  I felt like a real supermodel with them all questioning me. The cool girl in school that scored the quarterback.

  Sarge goes on and on about the way to land the chute, how to direct yourself toward the drop zone without crashing into any telephone towers and such. I know I ought to be focusing like my life depends on it, but it's hard.

  Because I keep thinking about Hunter as well. Rhino is exciting and glamorous, tinged with danger. A real bad boy I'd love to sample. But Hunter's gorgeous and ripped and kind. A guy you could take home to mother. Although I know my parents would be less than thrilled with his choice of profession.

  Still, I'm not here to meet a husband. I've got Alicia's wedding coming up for that, if I make it without splatting myself today. Isn't a wedding meant to be the best place to meet your future husband?

  That's so far in the future there's no harm in a little fun while I'm out of the city. Gossip free zone. I guess I'll just wait for this evening and see where the winds blows me. Let's hope it's at the safety zone, not slam bang into an electric pylon.

  I'm on edge for the remainder of the afternoon. The skydive team are going up to do another practice run and Rhino grabs me as they're heading out.

  “I'll stop by your hotel later,” he says, with a strange air of coolness toward me, all of a sudden. “We need to talk.”

  What? I'm getting the need to talk line before we've even had a date.

  “Wait. What is it? Tell me now or I'll be all edgy in the wrong way,” I say, all guile leaving me, wondering what he wants to say to me.

  “It's just that Hunter, my brother, he really likes you,” he says, looking behind over his shoulder.

  “He does? He hardly knows me.”

  “Yeah apparently he does and he set up this weekend so he could get you out here and get to know you. I like you too but I would never do anything to hurt my kid brother.”

  “Oh. Wow.”

  I'm so shocked I don't know what to say. And Rhino's gaze is on my lips, and on my breasts which I notice are heaving up and down just from proximity to him. I do not want to spend my Saturday night sitting alone in my hotel room. Not after the massive high of today. Not the way my body fills with pressure every tie I'm close to these two guys. I'm ready to live even more dangerously.

  “So why don't we all three go out tonight,” I murmur.

  I'm a little shocked at my forwardness but Rhino seems to being out the naughty in me.

  “If that's okay with you guys.”

  He smiles and for a second I think he's going to kiss me. Oh god, I wish he would. I want to feel his mouth all over me more than anything. But I guess he has to be professional and one of his crew is waiting on him, not at all patiently.

  “Come on, Rhino,” she calls across the grass.

  “Okay, gotta go. We'll catch you later.”

  Before I can get a firmer commitment out of him, he's gone. Hunter is nowhere to be seen, having headed out in the first jeep, that lifts the guys to the Cessna.

  I head to my rental and drive back to the hotel. Once there, I swim in the pool to relax my enervated muscles then go straight to the sauna to lose whatever excess fluid weight I can manage in an hour. Back in my room, I shower and tidy every part of my body before slathering it with the hyacinth smelling cream the hotel has thoughtfully provided.

  Then I dig out the La Perla I had planned to leave in the room. Well tonight, it's coming out in full force. I'm glad I bought my newest set of black lace push up and thong. The quality is worth every penny and I'm certain it won't go unappreciated.



  The second practice dive doesn't go nearly as well as the first. The squad come together like before and find the connection. But when Rhino dives for us, Justine let's go of my hand too soon and the circle comes undone, meaning the gap is too large for him to latch onto and complete. The team come apart and quickly reform for another attempt but it's too late for the stunt.

  Nothing bad happens of course. We're all fucking experts at this dangerous sport. We pull our chutes at the right moment and steer for the DZ. Rhino lands first and takes off without waiting, pissed as hell. More pissed than the mistake warrants.

  “What the fuck was that?” he shouts at Justine once we're all back at base and getting ready to take off for the evening.

  “Oh I don't know, maybe an error, maybe not. Don't fuck with me,” she replies, her message loaded.

  And this is why I told him not to shit where he eats.

  I saw Justine watching Rhino and Kendall all day. Noticing them, same as I did, getting close. And she's not as chill about it as me, or doesn't possess such good quality whiskey. She's letting her irritation take over and throwing a tantrum. It always surprises me how women do that. She's hardly likely to get what she wants by bitching at him and ruining his spotlight stunt.

  If someone isn't interested in you, why try to bully them into it? Let them be free to discover you're the one.

  By the time they've finished going at it hammer and nails, the rest of the team have split.

  “It'll all be sorted by tomorrow,” they say.

  “You go,” Rhino grits at me under his breath while Justine goes into the washroom to take off her suit, suddenly discovering her modesty when both of us have seen everything she has to offer on numerous occasions. That's like closing up the sale goods after the thief's taken the best.

  “Kendall's waiting at the hotel.”

  “For you,” I grit out.

  “No, I talked to her before the jump. She knows how you feel. She wants to go out with you.”

  “Don't fuck with me, man.”

  “Serious. Go. You'll see. She'll be happy you came.”

  “What about you? You're not sticking with this witch?”

  “Maybe I'll catch up with you later. Have fun.”

  I feel bad leaving Rhino to put up with Justine's bitch fit, but he got himself into that hot water, I guess only he can climb out. Just hope he doesn't get burned.

  Me, I'm over the moon about getting to spend some time with Kendall at long last. I get through a shit shower and shave routine faster than normal while still taking care to groom correctly. I want her to be thrilled with the package and not be making comparisons with my twin.

  When I arrive a the hotel, my dick pitches at the sight of her. She looks so fucking hot in a sexy short and swingy little dress and towering heels.

  She looks surprised that it's me and I'm sure she's looking over my shoulder expecting to see Rhino right behind me.

  “We had a problem with the stunt,” I tell her
and her face falls in fear. “Nothing bad, Rhino had to take care of something.”

  “Oh. Is he going to be joining us?” she asks.

  Great. It is him she wants after all. He was either being kind or jerking me around.

  “Maybe later. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  I settle her in the car and we're enroute to the bar, the convo slightly stilted as we talk about the people we mutually know in the city.

  “Kendall, let me come clean,” I say, when I come around to open her door and help her out, then toss the keys to the valet. “I wanted to meet you ever since Derek's party.”

  “Oh, you were there?”

  “Yeah and I should have just called you but I don't know, I guess I wanted to do something different than just hit you up for happy hour.”

  “That's so sweet,” she says.



  Relegated to that location.

  With the 'nice' guys that never get laid.

  But then she twines both hands into the crook of my arm and we enter the bar together.

  I order the drinks and down mine fast. I'm actually a little nervous, facing this stunning girl that I've been lusting after for so long. So long. Really only a couple of weeks but that's an age in New York dating terms. She could have been through three relationships in that time.

  The place is jam packed and I know I'm going to have to slip the hostess at least a c-note to score us a table.

  “Can't we just stay at the bar?” Kendall says, her hand on my arm, her fingers curling into me.

  I order some appetizers from the bartender and another whiskey along with a bottle of champagne. I don't want her drinking cocktails and getting drunk from the lethal mixology. She pops a scallop into my mouth and runs her fingers along my lower lip.

  “I feel like dancing,” she says, her voice all kittenish.


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