Saved By Her Dragon

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Saved By Her Dragon Page 16

by Julia Mills

  “WHAT THE HELL?” Rian and Aaron bellowed as the ground shook and a sharp, quick heaviness tore through the air in waves, building pressure within Devon’s head until he thought his eardrums might pop. The sound that followed was one he had heard many times when deployed overseas but had hoped to never hear again, especially with his brethren in such close quarters.

  Devon ran as hard and fast as he could towards the back of the mansion that was now unrecognizable as flames from an explosion ate away at the structure. Amidst the chaos, Rian yelled, Lennox cussed, and every dragon and panther scrambled to regroup while still trying to stick to some semblance of the plan they had worked so hard to perfect to achieve their ultimate goal…capturing the fucking traitor.


  Andrew felt the floor beneath his feet tremble only seconds before a sound unlike any he had heard before tore through the structure. His heightened senses picked up the sweet smell of almonds, closely followed by the bitter smell of burning rubber, triggering memories of a past he had hoped long forgotten. Realizing almost too late what was happening, he shouted to John and shoved aside the access panel to the hidden tunnels. Running ahead, yelling directions over his shoulder so that his second would make it to the safety of his hidden room through the dense darkness, Andrew caught a fleeting sense of dragons. Sure they had been the cause of the explosion he ran to escape. No matter how fleeting and unwelcomed, it was the first time in nearly eight years that he had been able to ‘feel’ the men he had once called brethren. One in particular he had hoped never to have to deal with again rang loud and clear for a few seconds. Rian O’Reilly was the eldest of the mighty O’Reilly brothers and a real pain in the ass.

  Andrew was pissed that the dragon assholes had been able to get so close and inflict such damage right under his nose, but he also took comfort in the fact that more of his inherent dragon power was returning. Even as he fled for his life, his devious mind was concocting a way out of his present dilemma and how to use all he was regaining to his advantage.

  Rounding the corner, he felt the tremble of an aftershock right before the breeze from falling stone and debris reached his back. Turning to be sure John was still following, Andrew saw his second taken down by a large misshapen piece of the tunnel ceiling. Indecision stilled his feet for only a few seconds before he spun around and ran to save the only person he had been able to trust since his brother’s betrayal.

  Lifting the enormous piece of rubble like it was little more than cardboard and throwing it aside, he saw John unconscious, blood running from the huge gash on the side of his head. Carefully tossing the injured man over his shoulder, Andrew ran full speed through an avalanche of stone and dirt, barely reaching his inner sanctum before hearing the passage they had just run through completely collapse.

  The chamber was awash with toppled and demolished exercise equipment; the long punching bag once hanging perfectly in the center of the room was askew with the heavy metal brace hanging from only one of its thick metal bolts. Andrew made his way to the far corner where several practice mats were strewn about. Kicking them into place, he laid John down, grabbed the towels that had once been stacked neatly in the corner, and rolled them into a pillow to elevate his head.

  Ripping one of the remaining towels into strips, Andrew applied pressure to the man’s head wound, trying to remember if he had any first aid supplies stowed in the cabinets. John remained unconscious and unmoving for hours even when Andrew returned with antiseptic and bandages from his search and did the best he could to stop the bleeding and prevent infection.

  Waiting for his assistant to regain consciousness and thinking of the ruin he was sure his lair had become fuelled his ever-growing hatred for the dragons–the same pieces of shit that had abandoned and betrayed him all those years ago. He took a small bit of comfort in the fact that it was almost certain Mr. A and his useless band of simple thugs had been killed in the blast. It then occurred to him that the humans they had been magically training may have suffered the same fate, and for just a second, he was filled with remorse.

  Trying to use some of his newly returned dragon senses, Andrew opened his mind and reached out but only heard the roar of an open connection. Waiting was not something he had ever done well, especially after his years bound and held captive by the dark wizards; so after checking John’s dressing and making sure the man still lived, Andrew ventured through what was left of the doorway to access the damage and search for a way out. He had traveled less than a hundred yards when he came upon a wall of rock and rubble. After almost an hour of digging, it became clear that it was deeper than he could plow through on his own and he headed back to check on his second.

  Clearing away the debris from his makeshift kitchen, Andrew found the prepackaged food and bottled water he had always been sure to replenish, just in case of an emergency. Laughing to himself that he was indeed in the middle of an emergency, he ate and paced, trying to formulate a plan of escape until he grew tired and made a pallet for himself on the cold stone floor.

  John’s breathing was slow and labored, making Andrew wonder if he had also sustained internal injuries. Many years ago, he would have been able to sense the true extent of his assistant’s condition, but those long hidden abilities had not returned. Staring at the ceiling, he remembered the ancient volume John had carefully stowed under the oversized coat he seemed to always wear.

  Andrew retrieved the book and settled back on his mat, deciding if he was going to be stuck in a hole in the ground, he could at least translate more of the Heavens damned Prophecy that he knew held weight for his own future. He was thankful for the return of his enhanced vision, because he had yet to unearth the flashlight he knew was in the large steel chest still buried by the rubble. The more he read, the more frustrated he became, as he realized the piece they had translated just a few days ago was incomplete and what he was looking at in that moment was yet another passage.

  Hours later he had translated the first two sentences. A calling to heal, a hidden nature, a history long forgotten…all protected in the heart of a woman destined to complete a warrior and his beast. The revelation of all she is brought forth from the joining with her mate.

  Andrew had at first been sure the text referred to Samantha, but she and the asshole had been together for quite some time and Andrew knew from all his well-placed spies that she was a brilliant doctor, but still simply human. His eyes burned and his vision blurred as he tried to complete the last sentence, but when he nodded off and the book landed on his chest, he knew it was time to grab a few hours rest.

  Changing John’s bandage and looking for any improvement in the man’s condition, Andrew drew solace from the fact that at least his second’s heart beat and he still drew breath. Once again settling onto his makeshift bed, staring at the cracked ceiling of his decimated abode, he added the loss of his home and the souls he had been training for his cause, John’s injury, and the death of the man that provided him financial support to the list of atrocities the useless, good for nothing, piece of shit dragons had committed against him. The rage he had held at bay from the first rumble of the explosion filled him with a new level of hate that only the blood of his enemies would cool. Andrew renewed his vow that he would not rest until he watched the life drain from each and every one of them…especially the brother that had left him for dead and the other brother that protected the coward.


  Anya had paced the floor for countless hours trying desperately to reach Devon through their mating bond after a flash that resembled an explosion had torn through her mind. Awakened from where she had fallen asleep on the couch, her heart beat hard and fast and her cheeks were wet with tears. In that instant she had felt a fear and anger she knew was not her own, but belonged to Devon. When she had called directly into his mind to make sure he was okay, everything had gone blank. It was almost as if the black fog had returned, but this time she could feel the tether between she and her mate holding strong. It
was all that kept her from falling victim to the despair that stood on the outskirts of her thoughts, ready to pounce should she lose hope…at least she knew he was alive.

  Siobhan also assured her that Devon was well and attributed his ‘radio silence’ to the explosion she had witnessed. At first, Anya hadn’t contacted Kyra or the other girls, but as time went on worry got the best of her and she called the tiny witch. Kyra answered her cell phone on the first ring and answered the question Anya had yet to ask, “I can’t reach Royce either, but I can tell he’s okay. Any ideas what the hell is going on with the big lugs?”

  Loving the fact that Kyra never lost her sense of humor, Anya answered, “I had a horrible dream complete with an explosion, then woke up scared and pissed. It took a second but I realized I was seeing and feeling what Dev was seeing and feeling, then everything on his end went dark. Like you said, I can still feel him.”

  “Well shit! That explains a lot. I was up reading, got a creepy feeling, and then Royce’s thoughts just disappeared. Wonder if Kyndel, Grace, and Sam felt the same thing?” Kyra asked.

  “No clue. I didn’t want to call and wake the kids, and Grace looked so tired when you guys were over here earlier, I decided to try you first,” Anya answered.

  “Good call, but if it goes on much longer I think we should at least check in, ya know?”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right. I just wish I knew what was going on before making that call,” Anya grumbled.

  “You and me both. Wanna wait together?” The little witch sounded like she needed the company as much as Anya, who readily agreed.

  It wasn’t long before Anya heard a knock at the door and was surprised when she found not only Kyra, but also Grace at the front door.

  “Look who I found on the way over?” Kyra chuckled as she walked in carrying a basket that Anya could tell from the delicious aroma contained oatmeal cookies. At this rate, if she didn’t start working out her butt was going to be the size of Texas. These ladies knew how to cook and it seemed like the guys were always hungry.

  “Oh Grace, I’m so glad you’re here. I wanted to call but didn’t want to disturb your rest.”

  “That’s what Kyra said. I appreciate the thought, but I couldn’t sleep. I was up working when I heard a blast in my head and then nothing. I can feel Aidan but no communication…at all.” Worry was written all over the attorney’s face driving Anya to hug her before she was through the door. “Kyndel felt the same thing,” Grace said against Anya’s shoulder and then pulled back. “Hope you don’t mind, but I called her when I ran into Kyra. She and Jay are on their way. Apparently, the little guy is up and cranky. Guess he can tell something is wrong too.”

  Grace made her way into the kitchen, filled the tea kettle, and took the tin of Kyndel’s special tea from the cabinet while turning on the stove. “Anyone talk to Sam?”

  A knock at the door stopped all conversation. Before Anya could get there, the door opened and Sydney came running in, Sam close behind. “Anya, Daddy and the other guys were in a ‘splosion, but they’re okay, just can’t talk in their heads.” A quick hug to Anya’s leg and the little girl was on her way to the kitchen, still talking over her shoulder. “Mom’s kinda freaked out, but I told her everybody’s okay. I can still hear them, especially Rian. He’s really loud and sounds really mad.”

  Anya couldn’t help but laugh. Sydney was absolutely one of the coolest kids she’d ever met and so intelligent it bordered on scary, but the best thing was that she accepted her gifts without question. Catching up and kissing the child on the top of the head, Anya looked to Sam who was shaking her head and smiling, before asking, “Wanna glass of milk or juice, Sweetheart?”

  “Milk, please,” Sydney answered absently while inspecting the contents of Kyra’s basket.

  When Anya returned, Samantha was sitting next to her daughter trying to convince her to have one cookie and a banana. Anya didn’t have the heart to tell Sam that her money was on Sydney winning that discussion. Her thoughts were interrupted when Siobhan appeared, a welcoming smile and words of welcome for all. The healer stopped next to the little girl. “Those cookies look really good, Sydney.”

  “They are, Miss Siobhan,” she said around a mouthful. “You should try one.”

  “I think I just might. Thank you, dear.” And then turning to Anya, Siobhan asked, “Any change?”

  “Not at all. I never thought I would miss someone else being in my head, but I have to admit it’s kinda lonely without him.”

  “Don’t ever let him hear you say that. You’ll never live it down,” Siobhan joked and everyone laughed along.

  Soon, cups of tea had been made for all, Sydney was coloring, and Jay had fallen back to sleep on his mother’s shoulder. The tension in the room seemed to have calmed a bit, but the wait still dragged on. Anya looked around the table, amazed at how comfortable she felt with people who only a few days prior she hadn’t known existed. It wasn’t like she’d never had friends. Goddess knew people always talked to her, no matter where she was. All of her life, perfect strangers had gone out of their way to say hello or ask how she was. Over time she had gotten used to it, but with these people it just seemed natural, like she was where she was supposed to be for the first time in her life.

  It wasn’t that she hadn’t loved her adoptive parents. She had been thankful every day for all they had given her; it was just that she had always felt different, like she didn’t quite fit. But since waking up and meeting these incredible people all of that had changed. Kyra’s voice drew her from her thoughts, “Hey, do you mind if I grab the amulet from the Detection Ritual? Might as well make myself useful while we wait. Maybe it’ll tell us something.”

  “Sure. It’s under my pillow.” The words were barely out of her mouth before the witch was heading out of the room, nervous energy filling the air in her wake.

  “I don’t know about y’all but my ass is falling asleep in these wooden chairs. Since it looks like we’re gonna be here a while, how about we go in the living room where the furniture is cushioned,” Kyndel stood, not waiting for an answer and left the room, Jay peacefully sleeping in her arms.

  Sydney jumped down and followed, with the rest not far behind. Kyra returned, amulet in hand, smiling from ear to ear. “Look at this.” She pointed to the markings across the top that were glowing a soft red color. “We got something.”

  Turning to Siobhan, she asked, “Do you mind if I use your study to see what it is?”

  “Not at all, dear. I’ll come along to help.”

  Anya watched as the two women walked out, Kyra explaining how she was going to extract the information from the glowing talisman. Sydney had gone from coloring to playing with Jay’s blocks, singing while she built. Anya recognized the tune as one her mom used to sing when she was a child and began to sing along. The sweet child smiled up at her and then, without warning, stood and ran the few steps and jumped into her lap.

  “Oomph…hey Syd,” Anya wheezed.

  “Sydney!” Sam scolded from across the room.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Anya said over the child’s head.

  Sydney snuggled into Anya’s lap still humming the song. They cuddled for a few minutes before the little girl turned her head and spoke to her mom. “I can hear Daddy. He’s saying a bunch of bad words and talking about Andrew. He said he’s gonna kick his…butt.”

  Sam laughed, “Thank you for not repeating your father’s bad language.”

  Sydney continued, “Aidan and Aaron are there, and so are Royce and Dev. Sounds like they’re throwing rocks around. Everybody’s mad and Rian is still yelling.” She turned completely around and looked at Kyndel, “Rayne’s growling, but not like when he plays with us, more like the mean bears we saw in that movie the other night.” The ladies all laughed, a layer of the tension lifting from the group.

  Anya hugged the girl. “Thank you, Sweetheart. I’m so glad you can hear them. We are all really worried.”

  Sydney nodded, “I
could feel it.” She touched her chest over her heart and then stretched until her mouth was next to Anya’s ear and whispered, “Devon’s talking to you in his head even though he knows you can’t hear him. I didn’t listen on purpose, promise, but he said he loves you.”

  Anya hugged her tight and whispered back, “It’s okay, Baby. Thank you for telling me.”

  Sometime during her conversation with the little girl, Sam had come to stand beside them. “Hey, Syd, how about we go grab a nap in one of Miss Siobhan’s extra rooms? I have a feeling tomorrow…well, later today, is going to be crazy.”

  “But Mom…” Sydney whined and Anya bit the inside of her lips to keep from smiling.

  “No ‘but moms’ kiddo,” Sam scolded as she lifted Sydney from Anya’s lap. “I know you’re tired and I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m sure Daddy will be here before you know it with all the other guys, and you’re going to want to see everybody.”

  “Okay, fine,” Sydney grumbled.

  “Tell everyone goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” she parroted over her mother’s shoulder, still not happy with her situation.

  “Night y’all,” Sam said as she disappeared down the hall.

  “Has Dev told you anything about his plans for your mating ceremony?” Kyndel asked almost immediately.

  “No. I just figured we would plan it when this mess with Andrew was over.”

  It was Grace that answered, “You won’t be planning anything. In dragon culture, it’s the male that plans the mating ceremony. He takes care of every detail, even picking out your gown.”

  The dreamy look on the faces of her friends told Anya all she needed to know…these men knew what they were doing when it came to making their mating official. It was then that she realized that even though her parents had told her much about other species and cultures, there was still so many things she didn’t know. She opened her mouth to ask about the mating ceremony when Kyra burst into the room. Barely able to contain her excitement, the tiny witch spoke so quickly it took Anya’s brain a second to catch up.


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